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Kara Page 20

by Scott J. Kramer

  Dante’s eyes grew wide as he recognized the helpless figure of Grace.

  Euphoria drew up a foot. “Sorry sprite, but thanks for the magic.”

  He lunged forward off the carriage. The fox quickly bit into Euphoria’s ankle throwing the princess off balance. She fell over kicking out at Dante, but he hung on with his teeth.

  Snow took this moment to run to rescue Grace. Kara a step behind, grabbed for the pendant. Neither heeded Ynob’s command to stay behind the shield.

  The wraith shrieked. It was beyond anything the natural world could produce, a grating, high-pitched, piercing wail that caused all to cover their ears—humans, dwarc, and were clan members. All were disoriented after the sharp burst, but the weres recovered first.

  Snow picked Grace up with her teeth and darted off in the opposite direction. Kara stumbled within an arm’s reach of the pendant. Euphoria, quickly reacting, grasped the fox by the neck. Pain and unbelievable fatigue washed over Dante and his jaws went slack.

  Kara grabbed the pendant, but saw the fate of her friend in the process.


  The wraith then kicked the limp fox away. She began to stand.

  A loud boom shook everyone. The carriage exploded, a fiery mass threw shrapnel in all directions.

  Euphoria, her hands inches away from Kara’s knotted fist, looked in outrage—and for the first time, horror—at the burning remains of the carriage.

  This hesitation gave Kara enough time to pull the pendant away and roll in the opposite direction.

  The blast threw Taylon to the ground. Kreitan had had his sword drawn, ready to slay the fox man when he stumbled forward, missing the creature and stabbing his own soldier in the foot. The force pushed him so hard that his blade sank halfway into the ground, pinning his guard there.

  Screaming—human screaming. Kara looked around. The remaining soldier with the crossbow now clutched a large charred fragment from the carriage that protruded from his chest. It had skewered him all the way through. As he dropped to his knees, his shriek tapered off.

  “Enough!” Euphoria regained her stance and shouted in the wraith’s biting tone. All froze feeling a bitter coldness pump momentarily through their veins. The princess breathed heavily. Her dress was torn and filthy.

  Kara sat up. Snow was a good distance off, still holding Grace in her teeth. Hambone still stood looking bewildered. Jesset tended to Ynob, whose left shoulder was drenched in blood. The wizard appeared dazed and exhausted.

  Taylon stood up, assessing the situation, while Kreitan struggled with his implanted sword. Euphoria, after a quick stare at the enemy, took two long strides, grabbed the pinned soldier by the throat. His eyes went wide, then went black, and closed forever. She threw him backward, while with the other hand pulled Kreitan’s sword free. She threw it to him, and he caught it.

  “Take better care of your weapons.” She then pointed at Taylon who was the only member of the guard left standing. “You, go check my mirror.”

  She turned back, eyes only for the wizard. “Let’s end this.”

  The princess raised both hands, closed her eyes, and took two steps forward. Strain and concentration showed in her features and shortly there was the sound of ice breaking. Ynob froze and shock came over his face.

  “Your precious protection is gone. I should have done that first thing, but I tend to like these games you humans play.”

  “It…can’t be…he sealed you….”

  A soft laugh escaped Euphoria, a human chuckle that still sounded cruel and unyielding. “You know your history well, Wizard. I wasn’t aware that Guillaud had left anything behind, other than his tomb.”

  At mention of the name, Kara remembered. She looked down at the bat pendant her fist held. Its glow radiated outward. Tearing a strip of fabric from her dress, Kara looped it through the pendant and tied it around her neck. Euphoria’s head instantly turned in her direction.

  “I see, dear human, that you know some of the history as well.” She took a step in Kara’s direction, a small, but deliberate one. Kara hardly noticed.

  “Kara…” Ynob coughed, his pain worsening.

  “All I want is that necklace.” The princess’s true voice coerced as she took another step closer.

  Kara stood slowly, still looking at the necklace. It pulsed as if talking to her.


  Euphoria reared back as though someone slapped her. “Foul, foolish human! Do you not think that I won’t take it from you?”

  Kara looked up, straight at Euphoria. “That’s exactly what I think.”

  Another look of disgust crossed Euphoria’s face, yet this time a small hint of fear followed it.

  “Rose has told me you can’t take it. It has to be given to you.” Kara spoke with certainty. Her eyes were not one of a frightened child anymore. She stared intently at the creature before her waiting for a reaction from it. No one else moved.

  After a moment, a smile came across the royal face. “You may be protected…but your friends are not!” Euphoria’s head swiveled to Kreitan, her gaze commanded all. He raised his sword and sliced downward into the fallen fox man.


  Snow’s mouth fell open and Grace tumbled to the ground. The rabbit ran blindly at Kreitan. She changed mid jump, schunk, knocking the captain to the ground.

  Snow only disabled Kreitan for a moment before being tossed aside. The captain quickly returned to his feet.

  The wraith moved to get into the scuffle, but found herself frozen, unable to move. Snow darted away.

  “Very good, wizard. But you are tiring.” She closed her eyes for only a brief blink, and then her whole body shivered as if it were shaking off a wet cloth.

  Kara flicked her gaze towards Ynob, who looked seriously drained. Hambone stood by his side, offering support. Her heart went out to the wizard.

  “So I ask you one last time. Give me….”

  “No.” Kara said speaking over the cold words. She began to walk across the field, but kept her eyes on Euphoria.

  “Kreitan, get me that necklace.”

  Kara ran, not toward the wizard and her friends, not toward the house or the forest beyond. She ran toward Taylon, who guarded the mirror. It lay face up, scuffed, but not broken.

  During her run, she whipped the necklace off, Rose having told her what to do. She only needed to be close to the mirror. Kreitan ran too, but changed direction when his quarry headed for his second-in-command.

  Taylon, under the wraith’s spell still, took a moment to react to the girl running toward him. He drew his sword, and then thought better and reached for his throwing dagger.

  And that was when Hambone clubbed him. The piece of lumber came spinning through the air, thrown expertly, and struck Taylon in the forehead. He collapsed immediately.

  Kreitan closed in on Kara, but took a moment to look back. Snow was coming in for another blindside. He held his stance, sword out ready to strike. The rabbit slowed her attack and retreated. Kreitan continued his pursuit.

  Once at the mirror, Kara knelt beside it. It pulsed, like the necklace. Her eyes darted to the princess. Panic, anger, fear all melded into a complex expression as Euphoria opened her mouth.

  Kara raised the necklace high wanting to savor the moment, but to her horror she saw the captain of the Witch Guard three steps away, sword raised high. She slammed the necklace down against the mirror just as Kreitan took a final step and arched his sword downward. A huge crack formed in the looking glass. Kara closed her eyes and felt the pain.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  A bird song awoke her, a simple tune that eased Kara from a deep sleep. Her eyes peeked open, adjusting to the sunlight. Jesset sat next to her bed, keeping vigil.

  “What happened?”

  “No questions. Just stay still. Your shoulder and arm are pretty torn up.”

  Those words triggered a flood of memories, with all the pieces not quite put together.

  “Where’s—” But aga
in Jesset shushed her.

  “I’ll tell you everything, or at least what I can. Let me get the others.” He stood, his smile warming her heart. “But don’t move.”

  Kara gave a small nod, starting now to feel the numbness of her left shoulder and arm. Prickles of pain fluttered through her, as the rest of her body came awake.

  Jesset had only been gone a moment before the whole house shook with the joyful sound of her name.

  “Kara!” Snow smothered her in a hug that came in quick but was entirely gentle. She went to return it and a sharp pain pulsed through her injured shoulder.

  Snow sat where Jesset had been. Kara could tell she had been crying, a lot. That memory piece locked into place and she remembered Dante’s fate. “I’m sorry.”

  Snow gave a nod of thanks, but she barely held back her grief.

  Hambone came in, smiling. He didn’t hug Kara for fear of hurting her. He stood behind Snow, a reassuring hand resting on the were’s shoulder.

  “I’m glad to see you smiling.” The dwarc said, and instantly brought a smile to Kara’s face. Jesset came in and stood at the foot of the bed. Kara looked around at all her friends, as if waiting.


  Snow’s and Hambone’s gaze jumped to Jesset, who looked at them in uncomfortable surprise. “I haven’t told her anything.”

  All looked back at Kara, and she could tell it wasn’t good news.

  “What do you remember?” Hambone asked and sat next to her.

  Her eyes became wide, unsure of what was going on. Confusion danced in her head making any memories blurred. “I think I remember Grace losing her glow.”

  Knowing looks passed between Snow and Hambone.

  “Sprites can’t survive long without their glow, their magic. We did our best, but….”

  Kara’s mouth dropped; the calm that filled her when she awoke quickly drained out of her. “But…but surely the wizard…?” Her words trailed off as she saw Snow’s expression go from sad to mourning.

  “The wizard…” Jesset began.

  “Is he dead too?” She moved to sit up, but the pain spike halted that movement.

  Hambone reached out a hand to motion for her to stay put.

  “He’s alive, but…sleeping.” Jesset said, and quickly continued. “It’s a deep, deep sleep. Almost like hibernation. His body is repairing itself.”

  Her mind tried to take in all the information. “But he was fine during the fight.”

  Snow laid her hand on Kara now. Her grey-brown eyes were watery yet a true friend spoke from behind the veil of tears. “His last spell saved your life. The captain’s sword was headed for your neck.”

  Kara was speechless. Ynob, the rude magician who really didn’t want anything to do with her, had used one last spell to partially block her attacker.

  Tears for Grace came, which brought forth the memory of Dante. More tears for her fallen friend trickled from her eyes, and her body shook with slow mournful sobs. Snow’s emotions broke also, and they both cried together. Snow’s head lay on Kara’s chest. Jesset and Hambone watched, their grief wrestling inside a hard exterior. They remained strong for the others.

  It was a nice cry, and when enough tears and sadness had poured forth, both clasped hands, smiled and then laughed. Kara wanted to sit up, and with help from Hambone and Jesset, she managed. Jesset ran off to fix food, and a moment later Hambone went to help.

  Snow sat next to Kara, her arm around Kara’s waist. A few more tears came, and a few little laughs before anyone spoke again.

  “I really don’t remember much.”

  “Well, you defeated the evil.”

  “Hooray for me…ow.” Kara went to lift her arms in mock cheer, but the pain reminded her she was one of the wounded. Snow squeezed her tighter, and let out a small laugh.

  “So the princess, the evil is dead?” Kara asked, looking directly at Snow. Their foreheads touched.

  “The princess…she’s alive…but the thing that was inside her…is gone.”

  Kara pulled a bit apart from Snow to try to read her expression. “You don’t sound sure.”

  Snow looked right back at Kara. “I’m not. When you cracked the mirror with the necklace—”

  “I cracked the mirror with the necklace? I sort of remember that.”

  “Don’t interrupt. It’s confusing enough without you asking questions…at least right now. When you cracked the mirror, a pulse of dark blue light rippled out.” Snow looked to Kara to see if she understood.

  “The princess creature, whatever, fell as the light hit her. She crumpled as if her legs and arms gave out on her.”

  “And the captain, his sword hit you, but then he also collapsed. You were out cold. I thought you were dead too. There was so much blood.” Snow paused and smiled. She drew Kara in for a hug.

  “Okay, but what happened next?”

  Jesset appeared suddenly. “Food is on. Do you want it here or at the table?” He looked at Kara and then at Snow when they both didn’t respond. “Or do you want it later after she finishes telling—”

  “No…I need to eat…I think.”

  Snow stood and helped Kara to her feet. It felt as if she hadn’t walked in weeks, but soon her legs were getting the hang of it. Hambone was finishing setting the table.

  Bark! Bark! Bark!

  Paws scampered quickly toward her and she felt the familiar hello lick from Birch. She leaned down gently to ruffle the dog’s fur. “Birch!”

  “I told him he could come see you now that you were up. I don’t think he slept much all night. He wanted to be in bed with you, but I didn’t think you needed that yet.” Jesset said, helping guide Kara to her chair.


  At the table sat Kirt. He smiled weakly. Kara made her way over and hugged him. They both shivered from their own pain, but endured it.

  Once all found a seat around the table, they dug into the fresh bread and vegetables. There were eggs and huge flapjacks that exuded a hint of cinnamon. All ate as if they were hungry farm animals, stuffing it in and not caring if they caused a mess.

  After an intense food war, all sat back satisfied. Kara tossed scraps to Birch and laughed as he tried unsuccessfully to catch them midair. Hambone was last to finish, making sure there were no leftovers to worry about.

  “So, how far did you get with the tale?” Jesset asked, nodding at Snow.

  “Not very far. But the food was worth the interruption.”

  Jesset was about to speak again, when his eyes caught sight of Birch. The dog had gone stiff, listening intently toward the door. He growled a low ruff. Kara looked down at Birch and then at Jesset who held almost a similar expression.


  Panic rose in Kara as her eyes stared at the door. The horses were now right outside. They came to a halt.

  “Have they come back?” Kara said in a panicked whisper.

  She looked to her friends, but all had a look of shock on their faces. Kara looked back at the door. Taylon came first through the door.

  Kara stood up, ready to run, but her heart instantly froze when she saw the next intruder. Euphoria glided through the door. She stopped a few feet in, and looked at the small group seated there.

  The bat pendant hung around the princess’s neck. It was softly glowing.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Instinct told her to run, and that is what she did. Even amid the shouts and spikes of pain, Kara ran out the door. She was only a few strides past the threshold when she realized they were calling after her. Hambone and Snow were first out the doorway, followed by Hambone.

  Euphoria appeared in the entry last. Kara stopped and turned around, her eyes growing wide. “You got what you came for. Why are you still after me?” Kara shouted, still not understanding why her friends just stood next to the princess.

  “You didn’t tell her yet, I assume.” Euphoria directed the comment at Hambone. He shook his head slightly looking embarrassed.

eave. Let me do it.”

  Had this statement been made less than a day ago, her friends, her family would have stayed and protected her. Now they all obeyed the order. They did not move as if they were mindless minions under a spell, but their actions did not help explain anything for Kara. Euphoria stepped aside to let them re-enter the cottage. Kara watched her intently, still suspicious this woman.

  “I don’t blame you for not trusting this form.” She stepped away from the house, looking around at the forest. “But don’t use your eyes to trust. Use this and this.” The princess pointed to her head first, and then to her heart.

  Kara tensed her body and most of what the princess said went unheard. Somehow this lady had fooled her friends, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight. She was ready to lash out, to run away, even to fight back if need be. But when Euphoria made the motion indicating to trust with one’s head, something clicked, and then when she pointed to her heart, another piece fell into place.

  Last night, with the necklace in her hand, the pulsing light inside her mind, she heard a voice speak. Trust what I say. Heart and mind over what you see. Believe.

  “Rose?” Kara’s eyes opened wide.

  Euphoria only smiled.

  “But…how?” Kara hesitated before relaxing her stiff body. Was this a trick?

  No words were said, only a simple action. The princess pointed to the necklace. Kara still looked confused. “My husband was Guillaud. That you know from the dream. Over a century ago, he was a great wizard. The best, but he could not save me. This necklace, a gift, trapped my soul. With my soul imprisoned, a wraith, a very powerful dark spirit found its home in my empty body. It made me kill.”

  Kara breathed a sigh of relief inside. As Euphoria spoke, the words rang true. Slowly, Kara’s defenses dropped. She knew that whatever creature had once possessed this woman was gone. “I saw some of it in my dream.”

  “After the murder, the wraith obtained full control of my physical body. Guillaud, my protector, had no clue at first, but he was strong with magic. He imprisoned my physical self in a cage while he learned all he could. My essence, me, was trapped in this necklace. In the actual stone itself. A rock called midnight core.


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