Deï'phobos: Son of Priam, one of the more powerful Trojan fighters, 13.156, 13.402; impersonated by Athene in order to swindle Hektor, 22.227-95.
Deï'pylos: Companion of Sthenelos, 5.325.
Deï'pyros: Achaian killed by Helenos, 13.576.
Deise'nor: Trojan captain, 17.217.
Deme'ter: Sister of Zeus, goddess of the earth as giver of food, 5.500, etc.
Demo'koön: Bastard son of Priam, killed by Odysseus, 4.499.
Demo'leon: Son of Antenor, killed by Achilleus, 20.395.
Demou'chos: Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.457.
Deuka'lion: (1) Hero of Krete, father of Idomeneus, 12.117, 13.451. (2) Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.477.
Dexa'menē: A Nereïd, 18.44.
Dex'ios: Father of Iphinoös, 7.15.
Dio'kles: Father of Orsilochos (1) and Krethon, 5.542.
Diome'de: Captive mistress of Achilleus, 9.665.
Diome'des: Son of Tydeus, lord, with Sthenelos and Euryalos, of Argos proper, one of the greatest of the Achaian fighters, prominent in battle until wounded by Paris, 11.368-400.
Di'on: City in Euboia, 2.538.
Dio'ne: Mother of Aphrodite, 5.370-417.
Diony'sos: Son of Zeus and Semele, driven into the sea by Lykourgos, 6.132-37.
Dio'res: (1) A leader of the Epeians, 2.622; killed by Peiros, 4.517. (2) Father of Automedon, 17.429.
Di'os: Son of Priam, 24.251.
Dodo'na: Place in Epeiros in extreme northwest Greece, site of an oracle of Zeus, 2.750, 16.233.
Do'lon: Trojan scout, killed by Diomedes and Odysseus, 10.313-464.
Dol'opes: People “in remotest Phthia” ruled over by Phoinix, 9.484.
Dolopi'on: Priest of Skamandros in Troy, father of Hypsenor (1), 5.77.
Dol'ops: (1) Achaian killed by Hektor, 11.302. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaos, 15.525-43.
Doris: A Nereïd, 18.45.
Dory'klos: Son of Priam, killed by Aias, 11.489.
Doto: A Nereïd, 18.43.
Douli'chion: Island in the domain of Meges, 2.625.
Dra'kios: A leader of the Epeians, 13.692.
Dry'as: (1) Hero of the generation of Nestor, 1.263. (2) Father of Lykourgos (1), 6.130.
Dry'ops: Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.455.
Dy'mas: Father of Hekabē and of Asios (2), 16.718.
Dyna'menē: A Nereïd, 18.43.
Eche'kles: Myrmidon, son of Aktor (4), husband of Polymele, 16.189.
Eche'klos: (1) Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.694. (2) Trojan, son of Agenor, killed by Achilleus, 20.474.
Echem'mon: Son of Priam, killed by Diomedes, 5.160.
Echepo'los: (1) Trojan killed by Antilochos, 4.458. (2) Son of Anchises, 23.296.
Echi'nai: Islands in the domain of Meges, 2.625.
E'chios: (1) Father of Mekisteus, 8.332. (2) Achaian killed by Polites, 15.339. (3) Lykian killed by Patroklos, 16.416.
Eëriboi'a: Stepmother of Ephialtes and Otos, 5.389.
Eë'tion: (1) King of Thebe, father of Andromache, killed by Achilleus, 6.414-20. (2) Father of Podes, 17.575 (perhaps identical with the aforementioned). (3) A lord of Imbros, 21.43.
Eileithy'ia: Goddess of childbirth, 16.187.
Eile'sion: City in Boiotia, 2.499.
Eï'ones: City near Argos, 2.561.
Eï'oneus: (1) Achaian killed by Hektor, 7.11. (2) Father of Rhesos, 10.435.
El'asos: Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.696.
El'atos: Trojan ally killed by Agamemnon, 6.33.
Elei'ans: The people of Elis, 11.673.
El'eon: City in Boiotia, 2.500.
Elephe'nor: Leader of the Abantes, 2.540; killed by Agenor, 4.463-69.
Elis: City and district of the western Peloponnese, adjoining the domain of Nestor, 2.615, etc.
Elo'ne: City in Thessaly, in the domain of Polypoites, 2.739.
Ema'thia: District to the northwest of the Aegean, later part of Macedonia, 14.226.
En'etoi: A Paphlagonian tribe, 2.852.
Enie'nes: People from the extreme northwest of Thessaly, 2.749.
Eni'opeus: Charioteer of Hektor, killed by Diomedes, 8.120.
Enis'pe: Town in Arkadia, 2.606.
En'nomos: (1) Leader of the Mysians and augur, killed by Achilleus, 2.858-61. (2) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.422.
En'opē: Town near Pylos, 9.150.
En'ops: (1) Father of Satnios, 14.444. (2) Father of Thestor, 16.402 (perhaps identical with the aforementioned). (3) Father of Klytomedes, 23.634.
Eny'eus: King of Skyros, 9.668.
Eny'o: War goddess, 5.333.
Epal'tes: Lykian killed by Patroklos, 16.415.
Epei'ans: People of Elis, 2.619.
Epei'geus: Myrmidon killed by Hektor, 16.570-80.
Epei'os: Achaian, a great boxer and winner of this event in the games for Patroklos, 23.664-99 (in the Odyssey, 8.493, builder of the Trojan Horse).
Ephial'tes: Giant who with his brother Otos imprisoned Ares, 5.385.
Eph'yra or Eph'yrē: (1) A place on the river Selleëis, exact location unknown, 2.659. (2) Homeric name for Korinth, 6.152.
Eph'yroi: A northern people visited by Ares, 13.301.
Epidau'ros: City in the domain of Diomedes, 2.561.
Epi'kles: Lykian killed by Aias, 12.379.
Epis'tor: Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.695.
Epis'trophos: (1) Leader of the men of Phokis, 2.517. (2) Prince of Lyrnessos, killed by Achilleus, 2.692. (3) Leader of the Halizones, 2.856.
Ep'ytos: Father of Periphas, 17.324.
Erech'theus: Hero of Athens, 2.547.
Ereutha'lion: Arkadian hero killed by Nestor, 7.136.
Erichthon'ios: Son of Dardanos, ancestor of the kings of Troy, 20.219.
Erin'ys: Spirit of vengeance, 9.571.
Erio'pis: Wife of Oïleus (1) and stepmother of Medon (1), 13.697.
Eryla'os: Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.411.
Er'ymas: (1) Trojan killed by Idomeneus, 16.345. (2) Trojan killed by Patroklos, 16.415.
Erythi'noi: Place in Paphlagonia, 2.855.
Ery'thrai: City in Boiotia, 2.499.
Eteo'kles: Son of Oidipous, defender of Thebes against the Argives, 4.386.
Eteo'nos: City in Boiotia, 2.497.
Euai'mon: Father of Eurypylos (1), 2.736.
Euboi'a: Island lying close off east-central Greece, 2.536.
Euche'nor: Achaian killed by Paris, 13.663-72.
Eudor'os: Son of Hermes and Polymele, a Myrmidon captain, 16.179.
Eue'nos: (1) Father of Epistrophos (2) and Mynes, 2.693. (2) Father of Marpessa, 9.557.
Euip'pos: Lykian killed by Patroklos, 16.417.
Eume'des: Herald in Troy, father of Dolon, 10.314.
Eume'los: Son of Admetos and Alkestis, lord of the Thessalians from Pherai, 2.713. Prominent in the chariot race in the games for Patroklos, 23.288-565.
Eune'os: Son of Jason and Hypsipyle, lord in Lemnos, 7.468.
Euphe'mos: Trojan ally, leader of the Kikonians, 2.846.
Euphe'tes: Lord of Ephyra (1), 15.532.
Euphor'bos: Dardanian, son of Panthoös, who struck down Patroklos, 16.806-15; killed by Menelaos, 17.43-60.
Euro'pa: Daughter of Phoinix, mother of Minos and Rhadamanthys, 14.321.
Eury'alos: Leader, with Diomedes and Sthenelos, of the men of Argos proper, 2.565.
Eury'bates: (1) Herald for Agamemnon, 1.320. (2) Herald for Odysseus, 2.184. (The two are probably the same person.)
Eury'damas: A dream-interpreter, father of Abas and Polyidos (1), 5.149.
Eury'medon: (1) Charioteer of Agamemnon, 4.228. (2) Charioteer of Nestor, 8.114.
Eury'nomē: Daughter of Ocean, 18.398.
Eury'pylos: (1) Son of Euaimon, lord of a district in Thessaly which has not been certainly located, 2.736; wounded and put out of action by Paris, 11.575-95, etc. (2) Hero of Kos, 2.677.
Eurys'theus: Taskmaster of Herakles, 8.363, 19.107-25.
Eu'rytos: (1) Hero of Oichalia, 2.596. (2) Father
of Thalpios, brother of Kteatos, 2.621; he and his brother called Moliones, 11.709, 11.750.
Eusso'ros: Father of Akamas (2), 6.8.
Eutre'sis: City in Boiotia, 2.502.
Exa'dios: Hero of the generation of Nestor, 1.264.
Galatei'a: A Nereïd, 18.45.
Ganyme'des: Son of Tros (1), caught up among the gods and made immortal, 20.232-35.
Gar'garon or Gar'garos: The peak of Ida, 8.48.
Gere'nian: Epithet of Nestor, 2.336, etc.
Gla'phyrai: Thessalian city in the domain of Eumelos, 2.712.
Glau'ke: A Nereïd, 18.39.
Glau'kos: (1) Companion of Sarpedon, second in command of the Lykians, 2.876; wounded by Teukros, 12.387-89. (2) Father of Bellerophontes, great-grandfather of Glaukos (1), 6.154-55.
Glisas: City in Boiotia, 2.504.
Gonoës'sa: Achaian city in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.573.
Gor'gon: A staring monster, 5.741.
Gorgy'thion: Son of Priam and Kastianeira, killed by Teukros, 8.302-8.
Gor'tyna: City in Krete, 2.646.
Gou'neus: Lord of the peoples around Dodona, 2.748.
Grai'a: City in Boiotia, 2.498.
Greni'kos: River of the Troad, 12.21.
Gygai'an: Of a lake in Mysia, 2.865.
Gy'ge: The same lake, 20.391.
Gyr'tios: Father of Hyrtios, 14.512.
Gyrto'ne: Thessalian city in the domain of Polypoites, 2.738.
Ha'des: Properly Aï'des. Son of Kronos and Rhea, full brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter, 15.187-92. Lord over the dead, loc. cit.; 1.3, etc. (n.b. A person, not a place.)
Hai'mon: (1) Companion of Nestor, 4.296. (2) Father of Maion, 4.394. (3) Father of Laërkes, 17.467.
Ha'lia: A Nereïd, 18.40.
Haliar'tos: City in Boiotia, 2.503.
Ha'lios: Lykian killed by Odysseus, 5.678.
Halizo'nes: A tribe from the Black Sea district, led by Odios (1) and Epistrophos (3), 2.856.
Harma: City in Boiotia, 2.499.
Harmon'ides: Smith in Troy, father of Phereklos, 5.60.
Harpal'ion: Paphlagonian ally of Troy killed by Meriones, 13.643-59.
He'be: Or Youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera, ministrant to other Olympians, 4.2, 5.722, etc.
Hek'abē: Daughter of Dymas, Priam’s queen, 6.251, 22.79, etc.
Hekame'de: Captive mistress of Nestor, 11.624.
Hektor: Son of Priam, field commander of the Trojans and their greatest fighter, killer of Patroklos, 16.816-42; killed by Achilleus, 22.273-363.
Helen: Wife of Menelaos who ran away with Paris, the cause of the war, 3.121, etc.
Hel'enos: (1) Achaian killed by Hektor, 5.707. (2) Son of Priam, augur and fighter, 6.76, 6.576, etc.
Helika'on: Son of Antenor, husband of Laodike, 3.123.
Hel'ikē: Place in the domain of Agamemnon, on the Corinthian Gulf, 2.575.
Hellas: The domain, or part of the domain, of Peleus, 2.683, etc.
Hellenes: The people of Hellas, 2.684.
Hel'lespont: Strait between the Troad and Thrace, now Dardanelles, 2.845, etc.
Helos: (1) City in Lakedaimon, 2.584. (2) City near Pylos, 2.594.
Hephais'tos: Son of Hera, 1.571; artificer, 1.607, etc.; fire god, 21.330-81, etc.
Hepta'poros: River in the Troad, 12.20.
Hera: Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, full sister and wife of Zeus, protector of the Achaians, 1.55, etc.
Her'akles: Son of Alkmene and Zeus, 14.324; father of Tlepolemos (1), 2.658; of Thessalos, 2.679.
Her'mes: Son of Zeus, called guide and Argeïphontes, 2.104, etc.
Hermi'onē: City in the domain of Diomedes, 2.560.
Hermos: River in Phrygia, 20.392.
Hesper: The evening star, 22.318.
Hiketa'on: Son of Laomedon, 20.238; father of Melanippos (2), 15.546.
Hippo'damas: Trojan killed by Achilleus, 20.401.
Hippodamei'a: (1) Wife of Peirithoös, mother of Polypoites, 2.472. (2) Daughter of Anchises, wife of Alkathoös, 13.429.
Hippo'damos: Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.335.
Hippo'koön: Cousin of Rhesos, 10.518.
Hippo'lochos: (1) Father of Glaukos (1), 6.119. (2) Trojan killed by Agamemnon, 11.122-47.
Hippo'machos: Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.189.
Hippomol'goi: A northern tribe, “horse-milkers,” presumably nomads, 13.5.
Hippo'noös: Achaian killed by Hektor, 11.303.
Hippo'thoös: (1) Trojan ally, leader of the Pelasgians, 2.840; killed by Aias, 17.293. (2) Son of Priam, 24.251.
Hippo'tion: Chief from Askania, 13.793; killed by Meriones, 14.514.
Hi're: Town near Pylos, 9.150.
Histiai'a: City in Euboia, 2.537.
Hy'adēs: The stars still so called, 18.486.
Hyam'polis: City in Phokis, 2.521.
Hy'de: District around Mount Tmolos, 20.385.
Hy'le: City in Boiotia, 2.500.
Hyl'los: River in Mysia, 20.392.
Hypei'rochos: (1) Trojan killed by Odysseus, 11.335. (2) Father of Itymoneus, 11.673.
Hypei'ron: Trojan killed by Diomedes, 5.144.
Hyperei'a: A spring in the domain of Eurypylos, 2.734.
Hypere'nor: Son of Panthoös, killed by Menelaos, 14.516, 17.24.
Hypere'sia: Achaian city in the domain of Agamemnon, 2.573.
Hyper'ion: Epithet of Helios, the Sun, 8.480.
Hypse'nor: (1) Trojan killed by Eurypylos, 5.76-83. (2) Achaian killed by Deïphobos, 13.411.
Hypsi'pyle: Mother, by Jason, of Euneos, 7.469.
Hy'ria: City in Boiotia, 2.496.
Hyrmi'ne: City in Elis, 2.616.
Hyr'takos: Father of Asios (1), 2.837.
Hyr'tios: Mysian killed by Aias, 14.511.
Iai'ra: A Nereïd, 18.42.
Ial'menos: A leader of the Minyai from Orchomenos, 2.512.
Ialy'sos: City in Rhodes, 2.656.
Ia'menos: Trojan killed by Leonteus, 12.194.
Ianas'sa: A Nereïd, 18.47.
Ianei'ra: A Nereïd, 18.47.
Ia'petos: One of the Titans, 8.479.
Iar'danos: River apparently on the borders of Pylos and Arkadia, 7.135.
I'asos: Athenian killed by Aineias, 15.332-38.
Ida: Mountain and range in the Troad, 2.821, etc.
Idai'os: (1) Herald of Priam, 3.248, 7.381-97. (2) Trojan, son of Dares and brother of Phegeus, rescued from Diomedes by Hephaistos, 5.11-24.
Idas: Husband of Marpessa and father of Kleopatra, who contended against Apollo for the sake of Marpessa, 9.556-60.
Ido'meneus: Son of Deukalion, lord of Krete, one of the great princes and fighters of the Achaians, 2.645, etc.
Ika'ria: Island off the coast of Asia Minor, 2.145.
Ilion: Or Ilios; Troy, the city of Ilos.
Ili'oneus: Trojan killed by Peneleos, 14.489-99.
Ilos: Eldest son of Tros, father of Laomedon, grandfather of Priam, 20.232.
Im'brasos: Thracian, father of Peiros, 4.520.
Im'brios: Trojan ally from Pedaios, killed by Teukros, 13.170.
Im'bros: Island northwest of Troy, 13.33.
Iol'kos: Thessalian town in the domain of Eumelos, 2.712.
Io'nians: A people closely associated with, perhaps identified with, the Athenians, 13.685.
Iph'eus: Lykian killed by Patroklos, 16.417.
Iphianas'sa: Daughter of Agamemnon, 9.145.
Iphi'damas: Son of Antenor, killed by Agamemnon, 11.221-47.
Iphi'klos: Runner defeated by Nestor, 23.636.
Iphi'noös: Achaian killed by Glaukos, 7.14.
Iphis: Captive mistress of Patroklos, 9.667.
Iphi'tion: Lydian killed by Achilleus, 20.382.
Iph'itos: (1) Father of Schedios (1) and Epistrophos (1), 2.518. (2) Father of Archeptolemos, 8.128.
Iris: The messenger of the gods, 2.786, etc.
Isan'dros: Son of Bellerophontes, 6.197.
Isos: Son of Priam, killed by Agamemnon, 11.111-21.
Ithai'menes: Father of Sthenelaos, 16.586.
Ith'aka: Island off west-central Greece, the home of Odysseus, 2.632, etc.
Itho'me: Thessalian city in the domain of Podaleirios and Machaon, 2.729.
Iton: Thessalian city in the domain of Protesilaos, 2.696.
Ity'moneus: Eleian killed by Nestor in his youth, 11.672.
Ixi'on: Putative father of Peirithoös, 14.317.
Jason: The Argonaut, father of Euneos, 7.468.
Kabe'sos: City, location unknown, on the Trojan side, 13.363.
Kadmei'ans: Thebans, 4.388, etc.
Kai'neus: Hero of the generation of Nestor, 1.264.
Kal'chas: Augur for the Achaians, 1.68-100, 2.300-332. Impersonated by Poseidon, 13.45.
Kale'sios: Charioteer of Axylos, killed by Diomedes, 6.18.
Kale'tor: (1) Father of Aphareus, 13.541. (2) Trojan killed by Aias, 15.419.
Kallianas'sa: A Nereïd, 18.46.
Kallianei'ra: A Nereïd, 18.44.
Kalli'aros: City in Lokris, 2.531.
Kalyd'nai: Islands in the southeast Aegean, 2.677.
Kal'ydon: City of Aitolia, its men led by Thoas, 2.640. For a part of the Kalydonian Saga, see 9.529-99.
Kamei'ros: City of Rhodes, 2.656.
Kap'aneus: Father of Sthenelos, 2.564.
Kap'ys: Son of Assarakos, father of Anchises, so grandfather of Aineias, 20.239.
Karda'mylē: Town near Pylos, 9.150.
Kare'sos: River in the Troad, 12.20.
Kar'ians: People of Asia Minor who held the city of Miletos, 2.867.
Karys'tos: City of Euboia, 2.539.
Ka'sos: Island near Kos, 2.676.
Kassan'dra: Daughter of Priam, 13.366, 24.699.
Kastianei'ra: Mother, by Priam, of Gorgythion, 8.304.
Kastor: Brother of Helen, 3.327.
Kaukon'ians: People of Asia Minor allied to the Trojans, 10.429.
Kaÿst'rian: Of the river Kaÿstros in Asia Minor, 2.461.
Ke'as: Father of Troizenos, 2.847.
Kebri'ones: Brother of Hektor, 8.318; killed by Patroklos, 16.737-76.
Kel'adon: River apparently on the borders of Pylos and Arkadia, 7.134.
Kephalle'nia: Island off west-central Greece, in the domain of Odysseus, 2.631.
Kephisian mere: A lake, more commonly called Kopa'is, in Boiotia, 5.709.
Kephi'sos: River in Phokis (and Boiotia), 2.522.
Kerin'thos: City in Euboia, 2.538.
Kikonian: Of a Thracian people, also called Kiko'nes, 2.846.
Kili'kians: In Homer, only of the people in Asian Thebe, 6.397, 6.415.
Kil'la: Town in the Troad, 1.38.
Kin'yras: King of Cyprus who gave a corselet to Agamemnon, 11.20.
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