Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 8)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 8) Page 7

by Kylie Parker

  “Hey there,” she looked busy, and I didn’t want to take much of her time.

  “Hey David,” she replied and took a sip from her coffee mug.

  “Still not a morning person I see.”

  “Never changed,” she answered, “What’ sup?”

  I took the seat opposite her and thought again about the words that I had practiced all night.

  “About last night.”

  “Stop,” she said this and raised her hand in mid air to stop me from saying anything “You don’t have to apologize.”

  “I was not going to apologize,” I corrected her.


  There was an awkward silence in the room before I leaned closer and asked: “Say that I was going to apologize, why would you stop me?”

  “Because I do not want him getting too comfortable,” she answered.

  She had a point even though I had a history of threatening her boyfriends. I looked at my sister and felt a wave of pride going through me; I was proud of her. I was proud of what she had made of herself, and I was proud of her miss independent attitude.

  “Why are you looking at me like that,” she asked out of the blue.

  “Like how?”

  “Like you want to give me a trophy or something?”

  I don’t know”, I answered for lack of a better word, “I thought that this Robin situation. I am sorry I thought this Robbie situation was not good for you. But now I have second thoughts”.

  “How so?”

  “I think you have things under control.”

  A smile spread across her face at the reaction of my compliment.

  “You bet your ass I do.”

  A different look wore on her face soon after that which got me worried. I sat up and braced myself for the worst as she was about to speak.

  “So how is marriage life taking you?”

  “Oh, it’s taking me,” I confessed before shrugging my shoulders.

  “That bad?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Why don’t you just leave?”

  “It’s never that easy my dear,” I answered, “When you think about the kids your tolerance level increases.”

  “I hope I never get caught up in such a situation in my life,” she said.

  “Does that mean you will never get married?”

  I watched as she took in a deep breath and I could tell there was a confession oozing out of her soon enough.

  “I woke up in the same bed with Robbie today, and I was certain that was not what I wanted for the rest of my life.

  “Do you think Robbie may want more?”

  “I fear he might,” she answered.

  Just when the conversation was getting more interesting, a phone call came through for me. My boss was on the other side of the receiver; I listened to him bark instructions at me before hanging up and looking into Sarah’s direction.

  “Duty calls?”

  “Yes,” I answered as I got to my feet and straightened my suit “This is a conversation is not over.”

  “I know that.”

  “Same place tonight without Mr. Fancy pants?”

  “Yes, sure,” she answered.

  I headed to my own department and thought of what Sarah had just said as I walked on. I couldn’t picture her being in a long term relationship, I never had. But one thing was for certain; I wanted the best for my sister. Something about Robbie still didn’t feel right, and I had decided to run a background check on him.

  I didn’t know much about him, but I had taken his phone number from Sarah’s phone the previous night when she had visited the John before her rich ass boyfriend showed up.

  “David,” the old boss called out to me just as I was about to go to his office.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want you to take a look at this,” there was a file on his desk with photos of a crime scene. The kind of work that I had avoided for the longest time but I had to listen to him. There were eager interns around the table who were eager to please and ready to learn. I thought back to how it was to be that young and determined. I wanted that young man back, all I was now was a bitter man who took pleasure in between the thighs of cheap whores.

  The case study took shorter than I had expected, I walked over to my office after saying a polite morning to my temporary secretary. She was way prettier than Judith.

  “Judith,” I muttered to myself as I thought about her panties in my car. Marisol was going to use that to get me to bend to her rules. I would have to bust her ass doing something equally cunning to get out of it.

  It was twisted, but that was how our marriage worked, it was full of lies and deceit, but we were still together.

  The workload on my desk was amazing, and I only got to take a breather after working for three hours straight. That was when an idea came to my mind.

  “Anna,” I buzzed my secretary.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Could you please come in here for a minute?”

  The line went dead, but she appeared in my doorway almost immediately. Her scent rested on my nostrils; it was a blend of vanilla and something manly.

  “I would like you to run this number for me please,” I said and wrote down Robbie’s contact.

  “How soon do you want it, sir?”

  “How soon can I get it?”

  “By the end of the day,” she answered.

  “Alright, get to it.”

  I then turned my attention to my computer screen once she left my office. I had stolen a glance at her ass as she walked out the door, it was not bad, but I had seen better.

  The FBI search software was the best in the state; it could sniff out any bustard in the city and give me all the information I need. I knew this all too well as I typed Robbie’s name into it. I sat back and let the software do its thing as I waited patiently.

  Five minutes went by, and it was still searching, this was odd, it never took this long. After another five agonizing minutes, the search tool gave me the result.

  “No matches found.”

  I keyed in his name again, this time, I checked the spelling a few more times before sitting back and was amazed at the result. I knew I could not trust this guy; the son of a bitch was not in the system. He was not in any system, and it was my job to find out why.



  I rolled over my side of the bed, stretched out my hand only to be greeted by emptiness. She was not there; I took a quick glance ay my crotch and wondered if I had dreamt her there. There was no trace of her and without any further ado, I stretched out my arms and let out a lazy yawn.

  “Good morning,” the sound of her voice warmed my heart. She really did spend the night at my place, and a smile spread evenly across my face when I saw her.

  “Good morning,” I answered. She was already dressed in a red pantsuit that made her look dangerously hot.

  “What do you think?” she asked and twirled around for me to have a better look at the choice4 of her dress.

  “You look beautiful.” I replied, “But I like the plain white on you better.”

  “Well, I like this one better.”

  Typical Sarah, she always had an answer for everything.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  “Yes, I have to get some work done at the office,” she answered. She was now clipping on a pair of gold earrings as she answered me.

  “You work a lot,” I commented.

  “I know, I love my job.”

  “You know you do not have to work at all.”

  She threw back her head slightly and let out a sarcastic laugh when I mentioned this to her.

  “What is this Robbie? The fifties?”

  “You know I am serious,” I said and stepped out of bed. I walked towards her in my nude and circled my hands around her waist from behind. Her scent played well on my nostrils as I nibbled slightly on her neck. One hand traveled up her chest and cupped her left breast before kneading it gently.

p; “I am going to run late if you keep this up,” she answered, and I could tell from the tone in her voice that she liked it but did not want to admit to it. My hard on was poking her ass wanting to tear off the fabric that had come between us.

  “One for the road love,” I said and went on to nibble on her neck.

  “You said the same thing yesterday, and I ended up being ten minutes late.”

  “But you still made it to work.”

  “But I was not on time.”

  “It was only ten minutes.”

  She pushed me gently off her with her behind before redoing her makeup and reaching for her purse.

  “I have to go, Robbie, is the car ready?”

  “Yes, it is,” I answered, “I had asked Edward to bring the car up front last night.”

  A smile played on her thin red lips as she pecked me on the left cheek and hurried out of the house.

  “Have a lovely day,” I shouted after her.

  “You too,” she responded.

  I walked to the window and looked down through it to the driveway. She got into the backseat of the car as Edward held the door for her and I watched the car was driven away.

  Other than very petty and almost useless arguments, Sarah and I had been doing well. I already had a feeling that her big brother did not like me but chose not to dwell on it.

  Sebastian walked in at the same time my phone rang, and I wondered which of the two needed my attention first.

  “One minute Sebastian,” I said and held up my index finger before walking over to where I had placed my phone.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Hello Robbie, I need to see you today.”

  I hadn’t saved the contact in my phone, but the deep husky voice gave me the caller’s identity and it sounded serious.

  “What time and where?” I asked.

  “3:00 o’clock, huggie’s bar,” he replied and hung up the phone even before I could agree to his proposal.

  I then turned my attention to Sebastian, who stood by the door with his hands held behind his back almost looking like a school boy.

  “Good morning sir,” he started “Shall I send for your breakfast?”

  “Yes please.”

  With that response, Sebastian walked out of my room and left me to my thoughts. I would have to push a few things around on my schedule to attend my 3:00 o’clock meeting. I strutted around the room again in the nude thinking to myself before I placed a call to my assistant. She agreed to call me back after rescheduling and canceling some of my day’s appointments.

  Sebastian was prompt, a virtue that I greatly admired about him. He had the breakfast trolley in my room in well under five minutes. I always loved indulging in a heavy breakfast; this was simply because it would be hard for me to get time for any other meal during the day.

  Sarah and I fucked like porn stars who were high on narcotics; that was why my appetite that morning could be compared to a bear’s. I chewed down on my food with gusto and made sure Sebastian got my coffee to go before hoping into the bathroom where I had a cold shower.

  A well-pressed suit and tie with perfectly polished shoes waited on me as soon as I got out of the bathroom. I slid them on, knowing that I had an early meeting with some investors. As I searched the room for my cell phone, I came across Sarah’s thong. With a naughty smile, I pocketed them and went on with my search.

  Everything I needed to start my day with was aligned for me and before I knew I was seated in the backseat of my car and looking out of the window.

  “Did you drop her at work Edward?” I asked as I straightened my tie.

  Edward had dropped Sarah at work and had made it in time to take me to work.

  “Yes sir, I did.” He answered.

  “Thank you, Edward.”

  My mind raced back to the early phone call I had received again, I hadn’t been in touch with Brad for the longest time and wondered why on earth he would be looking for me now?



  I had never been in a relationship before Robbie came along, well if you count the high school flings and crushes that I had on my math teachers then I had been several. But a relationship that was serious and felt like it was actually heading down the marital road was almost alien to me. I sat on my office table that day after Edward had dropped me off and wondered where we were heading with him. He had not mentioned marriage, but it was getting serious, sleeping at his house three nights a week and sharing toothbrush kind of serious.

  I had to admit, the first time I woke up next to him in my own bed was weird. But after repeatedly waking up beside him thereafter was kind of charming. It was actually better than waking up alone in bed. I looked at the numerous files that were sprawled over my desk carelessly waiting for my attention. But all I could think about was Robbie; the previous night had been epic between us. We didn't fuck; we made love; we made sweet heavenly love. I had never let any man have so much power over me but surrendering my whole being to him yielded remarkable results. The connection was priceless, and I felt like I was literally on cloud nine during the session.

  “Knock on wood,” the voice that pulled me out of my fantasies was familiar but almost not welcomed.

  “Hey David,” I said as I looked at the doorway.

  “Hey little sis,” he said.

  He carried two mugs of coffee in his hands and sat opposite me after handing me my cup.

  “Thank you, David,” I said before sipping on the hot steaming coffee.

  “Are you ok?”

  “If there was a person in this world who knew me all too well, it was my big brother David. He sipped from his cup, leaned back in his seat and gave me a scrutinizing eye.

  “Yes I am fine,” I lied “Why do you ask?”

  “You look distracted.”

  He was right; I was distracted thinking about the focus less life that I had been leading of late. This was not me; I never thought about a man, not this much anyway. I wanted to stop thinking about Robbie but could not.

  “You are lying to me,” he pointed out “It must be something serious to make you lie to me.”

  I smiled; I did not want to discuss Robbie with my brother not when I knew he was only tolerating him for my sake.

  “I don’t want to bore you, David.”

  “You never have my dear even when you wanted to.”

  I giggled and sipped again from my mug, the coffee from the office was of low quality when compared to the perfect blend I had been downing from Robbie’s house. But it did the job; it made alert and awake, and that was what mattered.

  “How is your case going on?” I asked.

  “And now you are evasive.”

  “Fuck David,” I shouted in a frustrated voice “Why do you know me this well?”

  “Because I am your big brother love, it is my job to know you this well.”

  “Okay, promise you will not laugh at me,” I warned and said this with one eye shut.

  “I promise.”

  “I think I am in love,” I announced.

  I fixed my eyes on the carpeted floor of my office before looking up and staring into his searching eyes.

  “I am going to ask you one simple Question Sarah bear, and you had better answer it honestly.”


  “How good is the sex?”

  David was being blunt with me; it was in his nature to be blunt I relay did not mind. I sat up and shifted in my seat both at the same time so that I could answer his question.

  “The sex is pretty good, almost amazing.”

  David laughed at my answer, a reaction I had not expected from him. I looked at him and for the first time since he had walked into my office scrutinized his outfit. He looked handsome in his navy blue suit; I never liked men who wore suspenders, but David somehow pulled it off. He had kept his dirty blonde hair short, and a few locks played on his forehead not wanting to yield to the stylish gel he had generously smeared over his hair.

you sure you are not dick whipped?” he asked

  It was a valid question, a question I had been asking myself all the time.

  “Please do not take any offense in my words but the guy is a billionaire and gives you amazing sex,” he explained, “I just want you to be sure that when these two factors are scraped out, will you still feel the same way?”

  I had no words for him, which was quite rare when it came to me. I hated the fact that David could be right and just as I was about to give him my answer a call came through for him when he was still seated in my office.

  “I have to go,” he announced after hanging up the phone and promising the caller that he would be at his office in five minutes “But I want you to really think about it.”

  “I will,” I said reluctantly.

  He got to his feet and made it to the door but stopped and looked back at me “I might be heading back home next week”.

  “What? Already? Why?”

  “We might close in on the case then,” he answered, “Meet you later for drinks?”


  I did not mention the fact that I already had plans with Robbie that night, but I was sure he wouldn’t mind me canceling. The two men did not like each other, but they kept it civil for my sake. I waved him away and slummed back in my chair; I had a lot of work to get done; I would try not to think about Robbie as I got through it.



  That son of a bitch had gotten my little sister whipped, and I did not like it one bit. I walked out of her office feeling sad and a bit disappointed in her; I had wanted to relay my findings to her but knew that she would not take it well. After all I needed more evidence before I accuse him of anything but the mere fact that his name was not on record was highly suspicious. You need to be connected to very powerful people to be invisible. I had my suspicions about him my gut feeling was right, but I needed more evidence before acting on anything.


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