Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 8)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 8) Page 11

by Kylie Parker

  I felt the bottled anger that I had been harboring for him begin to boil over inside me. I wanted to punch him in the face after decorating it with my yoghurt but a part of me did not want to waste it.

  “You have never liked any of the men I dated”, I protested.

  “It’s not my fault that you have shitty taste Sarah”, he said defensively, a comment that did not seat very well on me.

  “Because you always get the home making lovely women”, I snapped back.

  I knew I had hit below the belt with David but so had he. He had a history of dating women who had daddy issues and were in simple terms “train wrecks”. I raised an eye brown and waited for his reaction but none came. This confused me the more and I returned the blank stare that he gave me instead.

  “Sarah, you know how much I love you?” he asked.

  “Yes I do”, I answered even though I knew it was a rhetorical question.

  “You need to stay away from Robbie; he is not good for you”.

  “But I am carrying his baby David”.

  “We can always figure something out Sarah, that guy is not good for you”.

  “What do you know? I asked confused and hurt at the same time.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You are hiding something David”, I went on “What is it?”

  David’s eyes fell to the ground, he was just about to tell me something but his phone called out for his attention. I wanted to grab it from his hand and throw it away so that we could finish our conversation. I listened to him as he made a few promises to the recipient and pocketed the phone back into his pocket.

  “I have to go”, he announced before getting to his feet and avoiding eye contact.


  “When will you get back to work?”

  “I have no idea”, I answered honestly and smiled as he planted a warm kiss on my left cheek.

  “Take care sis”, he said before turning on his heel and making it to the exit of the restaurant. I was left with my unfrozen yoghurt, a weird gut feeling and a mirage of unanswered questions. Something was terribly wrong and I was going to get to the bottom of it before getting hitched to Robbie.



  Dickmatized is the phrase I would loosely use on my sister, Robbie had hypnotized her. I walked out of the smoothie factory with a murderous rage. I wanted to kill that son of a bitch! He did not deserve my sister and watching her glowing eyes and loved filled words was annoying. Robbie had gotten her fooled making it harder for me to tell her who he really was. From the look on her face however, I read her curiosity and knowing Sarah, she would do anything to get the truth.

  I got into my car and looked at the details that had just come through via text in my phone. I had asked a few people to keep track of Robbie and his whereabouts which had all of a sudden gotten very peculiar. He had been to visit a few people around the city and figuring out what he wanted from them was going to be the hardest part. A call came through for me just as I was about to start my car, the number was hidden and I hoped it was not Marisol. I had been avoiding her calls for some time now in order to remain focused on work.

  “Hello”, I spoke into the receiver after picking up the call.

  “I need to see you”.


  “About fifteen minutes”, he answered “Where are you?”

  His voice was stained with fear and he sounded agitated, a quality that I least expected from Brad.

  “Is everything ok?” I asked trying to hide the fear he had all of a sudden infected in me as well.

  “Let’s meet at the usual place in fifteen minutes”.

  “Alright”. The urgency in his voice was evident; I pulled out of the driveway and drove towards the main road. All the while my head was wrapped around different possibilities of what could be wrong.

  I was in luck, there was no heavy traffic on the highway and I got to the bar in the required duration. I spotted Brad’s old and rusty Cadillac parked in the parking lot as I walked towards the bar. That car had seen very rough days, the scraped out paint was testament.

  I spotted Brad seated at the far end of the bar in the usual corner, it was a bit too early to be visiting a bar but Brad somehow gelled in and did not look at all conspicuous. He still had the macho look going on for him but had decided to let a toothpick hang from the left side of his mouth to complement the whole image.

  “Hey”, I greeted lightly as I pulled out a seat opposite him and let my hands rest on the table.

  “Hey”. He answered. He didn’t look as scared as he had sounded on phone but I knew it was important.

  “What is so life threatening”, I probed on.

  He looked me straight in the eye before picking up the frothy beer he had ordered and gurgling it down like a glass of water. After which he wiped the beer froth from his mouth with the back of his hand and leaned back in his seat.

  “I am in trouble”, he announced.

  “You don’t look like you are”.

  I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth and knew it sounded insensitive. But he replied with a sly smile and went on to play with the tooth pick from the side of his mouth.

  “I am making a run for it”, he went on “I thought you should know”.

  “Who are you running from?”

  “Turns out your boy has got deeper connections than I had expected”, he went on “He is really pissed that I set him up and has placed a ransom on my head”.

  “You know I can easily place you under witness protection”.

  He let out a roaring sarcastic laughter as his head was thrown back by the intensity of it. I felt insulted but decided not to dwell on my feelings.

  “What is so funny?”

  “I know how this works”.

  “How what works?”

  “The whole system”, he answered “I will have to give up a lot more to be placed under witness protection”.

  “I don’t see anything wrong with that”.

  “I ain no snitch”, he sneered acidly.

  I wanted to point out how hypocritical that sounded after he had helped me to trap Robbie but chose to be wise.

  “What makes you so sure that he is after you?”

  “Because my sources told me he knows I have been talking to the police”, he answered.

  I bit my lower lip, out of a mixture of both fear and frustration, if Robbie knew Brad and I had been communicating that would only mean he knew I too was onto his ass.

  Brad got to his feet without warning before looking at me and giving me a slight wave.

  “Goodbye”, he said “You take care of yourself and watch your back”.

  From these words I knew he was telling me to be careful and gave him a slight nod. He walked out of the bar and this gave me an opportunity to order a stiff drink. I downed a few shots of tequila to calm my nerves. This was not the first time I was receiving a threat over my life in my line of work. The difference however was the simple fact that whoever was threatening me was the father of my unborn niece/nephew.

  After downing a few more shots I headed to my car, I knew my phone would start going crazy anytime and my ass was needed back at the office. Traffic seemed to be on my side that day as I made it back to the office in time. Once in, I relaxed in my seat and called in my assistant.

  “Hey, I need you to pull up some addresses for me”, I said.

  I took out the cell phone from my pocket and handed the details to her. I watched as she skillfully forwarded the text to her own cell phone and got straight to work. I thought back to recent events and wondered how my sister’s life had gotten so dramatic.

  She had gone from being focused, driven and a bitch on heels to soft, careless and fool hardy. She had never been in love this deep with anyone she had ever dated. Robbie had placed a wicked love spell on her, as I went on to imagine the different concoctions Robbie had stirred up for my small sister as a love potion, a knock on my door startled me.
  “Sir, I got the locations”, my assistant announced. She worked really fast something I greatly admired about her.

  “Give it to me”.

  She sat opposite me and placed a file with handwritten details on it.

  “This right here”, she started as she pointed to one of the addresses “Is a neighborhood known for the purchases of fake passports”.

  “Ok”, I said and encouraged her to go on.

  “This is an address known for the purchases of illegal guns”, she went on with a tone of excitement “And this here, is known for the purchases of burner phones”.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Positive”, she went on “We have an inside man located in all three places, if I am not wrong a raid has been planned for these locations by the FBI very soon”.

  “Thank you”.

  I was deeply grateful to her for the fast and accurate information she had delivered to me. What I hadn’t disclosed to her was who had been seen visiting these places and from the look of things, Robbie was planning to make a run for it. Brad was right, he knew I had been on to him and I hoped he was not going to convince my sister to run off with him.

  The palms of my hands intertwined as I thought of my next course of action, I had to stop him and I had to do it very soon. I got to my feet and headed back to my car, it was time for a face to face conversation with this fool. It was long overdue and so was his felon ass, he belonged behind bars and that was where I intended to take him, as soon as I could.



  I sat in my car and rolled down the window as I watched Brad walk out of the bar. He was shortly after followed by David who looked alert as he took in his environment; he seemed to have a lot in his mind as he got into his car. He took a minute to drive away and I automatically assumed he was making a phone call. After five minutes, I saw the car come to life and pull out of the bar’s parking lot before driving away.

  I needed to hatch up a new plan; I had driven myself to the bar as I trailed Brad. I didn’t need anyone knowing my whereabouts that day. I had been quiet busy making the best escape plan but something weighed heavily on my mind. I didn’t know if Sarah would want to come with me if I told her what my plan was. That was why my plan included disappearing in the middle of the night when she least suspected. I wasn’t sure when I would get back but I knew I would.

  I knew she would hate me for pulling this stunt on her but I had no choice, I simply did not want to get her life in danger by associating with me.

  A call came through from her and I picked it up with a smile on my face.

  “Hello”, I said “How you doing my love”.

  “I am well, just missing you,” she answered “When are you going to get home?”

  Sarah had taken to being a totally different person ever since she agreed to my marriage proposal. She had dropped the tough girl act and replaced it with a deep kindness and affection. Part of me knew it had something to do with the pregnancy hormones but I was not complaining.

  “I should be there in well under fifteen minutes”, I answered.

  “Hurry up”.

  “I will”.

  “Love you”.

  “Love you more”, I answered before hanging up the phone. I had also missed her and after going through the things I needed for my escape, I started the car and headed back to the mansion.

  Sebastian waited on me at the front porch; he had his hands pinned behind his back and waited for the next instruction I was going to give him. I didn’t need anything and I let him know that before heading to my bedroom. I walked into the most glorious sight of Sarah stretched across the bed covers and hugging a few bridal magazines to her chest.

  She must have heard me walk in as her eyes flickered and a warm smile spread over her mouth as soon as soon as she saw me.

  “Hey stranger”.

  “Hey yourself”, I answered and placed a warm kiss on her cheek “How are you doing?”

  “I am ok, better than yesterday”.

  “How is Robbie junior fairing on?” I asked as I placed a hand over her tummy.

  She let out a naughty smile and sat up in bed “He is doing well”.

  Staring into her eyes was nothing short of epic and the thought of what I had planned made me feel guilty beyond words.

  “Are you okay?”

  She must have noticed the guilty look that hovered over my face for her to ask me that. I took her hands in mine and pulled her closer before placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “I am”, I assured her.

  “Make love to me”, she pleaded.

  I cupped her cheeks in my hands and placed an affectionate kiss on her thin lips. It was well received and returned with a longing intensity that I had not anticipated. I went on to kiss her as my hands ran up and down her back and loved the fact that she had no bar on.

  I then cupped her breasts in my hands and loved how firm and a cup size bigger they felt. She moaned and encouraged e to keep going, the whole of her being wanted me and within a few seconds we were both naked.

  I took my time with her; her body was radiant and warm. Her longing was so intense I could almost touch it. From the look in her eyes, I knew what she wanted, what she needed and gladly gave it to her.

  I spread apart her legs with my own and teased her wetness with the tip of my arousal. I wanted to pummel into her, thrust deep and hard but I held back. Vulnerable Sarah was a sight I would die for and as she wriggled and twisted in my arms I knew she was the missing piece to my puzzle, my soul mate, my rib.

  “Make love to me Robbie”, she begged again.

  I kissed her again and loved how she played with my tongue, then without warning, I slid into her. She gasped for a second and gripped me harder, her hand travelled to my bare ass where she encouraged me to pump harder and I did.

  We were in rhythm, our bodies intertwined and became one and so did our whole beings. Neither of us held back and the fact that I did not know when next I would see her propelled my spirit.

  “I love you”, I let out. It was sincere and honest; here I was in the arms of the woman I loved most naked both physically and emotionally.

  “I love you too”, she answered.

  And with these words, I held her closer. I wanted to explode into her but held it back. I could feel her on the verge of orgasm and timed it. Yes, I timed it, that is how well I had known Sarah over the last few weeks. I placed my hand at the small of her back as I prepared for our climax which took place in the next few seconds.

  “Oh my God, Sarah”, I shouted.

  I held her closer after exploding into her and kissed her forehead.

  “I love you”.

  “I love you too baby daddy”, she replied.

  The sex gave me mixed reaction, it made me want to abort my plan but at the same time the thought of being away from my love was unbearable but I had to do it, for the sake of both our lives.



  I have always been a light sleeper but the pregnancy had turned me into something else. I would sleep like a log and not hear a single thing that was going on around me and that was why I didn’t see or hear Robbie leave. I sat up in bed and tried to register what was going on, the cold night air bit hard into my skin. I was in the nude and had not bothered to dress up after the love making session we had had. I took in my surroundings, something didn’t feel right.

  I dialed Robbie’s number in my cell phone and was beyond shocked that it went straight to voicemail. Robbie never switched off his phone, something was definitely wrong I could feel it in my gut. I threw back the covers and got to my feet, I then tried his number one more time, still off.

  Clad in pajamas and a baggy tea shirt, I went through my phone again but this time tracked David’s whereabouts. He was hiding something from me and was going to tell me what. I had placed a tracking device in his phone without his knowledge. He wasn’t so familiar with the city and I did not want him to get lo
st the idea felt silly at the time as though I was babysitting a grown up man. But the odds seemed to have turned in my favor and working to my advantage.

  My screen lit up and gave me the search results that I so desired. I knew following my brother was wrong but I also knew I would have to twist his arm for him to tell me what was going on. I looked for my car keys that had been stacked away in a bedside drawer before pocketing them and walking out. The mansion felt lonely and almost scary at night, it was like I was walking through a haunted house. Getting out of the house was not as easy as getting in, I learned that when the alarms went off as soon as I placed my hand on the door knob.

  I crossed my hands over my chest and cursed under my breath, Sebastian was in front of me in a minute giving me a questioning look.

  “I need to step out for a minute”, I said and pointed at the door “Do you mind?”

  He threw a quick glance at his wrist watch before looking up at me again quizzically.

  “At this time of the night?” he asked “its 1:00 am”.

  The alarms were still sounding off making it hard for me to hear him but I could still see his judgmental look.

  “Would you turn that off please?” I shouted as I referred to the very annoying alarm.

  “I can’t”.

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  “Only the nearest local police can turn them off after they ensure that everything is alright”.

  I stared at him blankly, as much as I appreciated the security measures put in place. I also thought of how much time he was wasting for me, I took a look at my phone again; David was still at the same place.

  The landline phone sounded through the alarms and I watched as Sebastian walked over to pick it.

  “Yes sir, it was all a false alarm”, he said.

  “Yes, yes there is a new mistress in the mansion who does not know the inns and out of this place”, he went on to say.


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