Naughty Boys

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Naughty Boys Page 1

by Ashley Ladd

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  Copyright ©

  First published in 2008, 2008

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

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  A Total-E-Bound Publication

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  Naughty Boys

  ISBN # 978-1-906811-40-2

  ©Copyright Ashley Ladd 2008

  Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright November 2008

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author's imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2008 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Ashley Ladd

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  To the spirit of Christmas, to peace on earth, goodwill to men.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Bambi—Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Grinch—Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. Geisel-Seuss Enterprises, Inc.

  Google—Google Inc.


  Maxwell Smart—Warner Bros. Pictures

  Pradas—PRADA S.A.

  Thriller—Michael Jackson

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  Ryan Holt fished around in the Santa cap his co-worker Angie held out and pulled out a name. He wondered if he would throw away good money again this Christmas. Last year, his secret Santa had given him a box of envelopes. Not fancy stationery. Just envelopes.

  He scrunched his brows.

  What a cheap bastard!

  And he'd spent a lot of time and effort getting a good gift last year, and he'd dropped a wad of cash.

  He hoped he'd picked his own name as he had his eye on Josh Groban's Christmas CD. He could hear Josh's golden tones caressing his ears now. He could feel them vibrating in his soul.

  In holiday heaven, he rocked back in his chair and unfolded the slip of paper as he hummed the tune tickling his mind.

  His jaw dropped when he stared at the name written in bold, sexy scroll and his heart skipped several beats before racing full speed ahead.

  Drew Mason.

  God, Drew was what he really longed for Santa to leave in his stocking, all six feet three of gorgeous, delectable man. Forget Josh Groban.

  Drew's blond vision flashed in his mind, and Ryan drooled. His cock flexed, as he longed to take his fantasy man into his arms, drink deeply of his lips, and strip him of his clothes. He yearned to see every naked, mouth watering inch of him. He lusted for carnal knowledge in the worst way. His two-year old bed was still a virgin, and it was high time it got worn in.

  A grin tilted his lips as he envisioned wrapping his fully aroused body around Drew's and pulling him into the cradle of his thighs. He could almost feel Drew's cock rubbing against his, could feel his powerful thighs fitting against him as if they were made for each other. Their musk overpowered the scent of Christmas pine and peppermint. Already, their sweet juices oozed from their cocks which were so ready to fuck one another.

  Their gazes glazed over with passion as they caught and held. Ryan grew hotter still when Drew's tongue darted out, moistening his suddenly dry lips. Then slowly, sensually, Drew lowered his lips and his breath coasted over Ryan before plundering his lips with a hot, fevered kiss and rubbing his groin against his.

  Ryan's blood was on fire, he couldn't wait a moment longer to make Drew his. Savouring his closeness, the feel of his hard body, he let his ragged voice whisper over his lover's warm flesh, “Love me. Let me love you. Fate brought us together."

  Drew huskily drawled, “Stop talking so much and kiss me again."

  Oh, he wanted a whole lot more than a mere kiss, but he laid a big wet one on the man as he reverently laid him on the bed. When he came up for air, he lubed his cock then he rocked back and hoisted his lover onto his lap.

  "Fuck me now,” Drew implored, his beautiful eyes adoring him, his hand pumping his cock. “Before I come without you."

  From the hazy edges of his peripheral vision, Angie snapped her fingers in front of Ryan's face. “Earth to Ryan. Come in, Ryan."

  Embarrassed, aware of the humongous bulge in his pants, he rolled his chair beneath his desk to hide his obvious erection. Not that Drew worked in his end of the building. It was unlikely the man would walk by and see him, but Angie would blab to anybody who would listen. Worse, she might think him hot for her.

  "Uh, I was just thinking about my, uh, work project..."

  Damn! He cursed himself for how raspy his voice came out.

  Christmas bells jingling from her ears, Angie nodded and perched on the edge of his desk. She let her skirt hike up her thighs as she swung her feet. Her emerald green eyes sparkled with mischief. “Did you hear? Are you going?"

  Puzzled, his mind still on Drew's luscious, tight ass, Ryan blinked and pushed his long hair away from his face as he tried to push away his impossible yearnings. Did the annoying woman always have to talk in riddles? “Hear what? Where am I supposed to go?"

  "To the masquerade Christmas party, silly. We're supposed to mask our faces so we have to guess who's who. We have to dress up as a Christmas character."

  Not a party animal, Ryan wrinkled his nose. “I think I'm busy that day."

  Angie rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the shoulder. “I didn't tell you when it is."

  Caught, he screwed up his face. “Then I'll go as Scrooge."

  "You're not supposed to tell anyone. That'll spoil the fun.” She slid off the desk and sashayed away. She stopped and twisted around. “You'll never guess what I'm going to be. I'll win first prize."

  His palms itched. The company gave good prizes. Sometimes an extra week's paid vacation or three-day weekends to Disney. “Prize? What prize?"

  Angie retraced her steps and put her hands on her hips. “Five hundred to the fi
rst place winner. Two hundred fifty dollars for second and one hundred for third."

  His mouth watered as he brainstormed for ideas, determined to win first place. He could really use that five hundred dollars. Thanks to Hurricane Wilma he still needed a new front door. His upstairs plumbing was getting old and rusty, too. He had his eye on a new shower stall, a new vanity, and new tile. The five hundred would be a good start.

  Angie smirked. “No one can beat my costume. That five hundred's mine, bucko."

  Ryan drew himself up to his full height and quirked his brows. “Don't be so sure, sweetheart. It's mine."

  "Ha! No one beats me."

  He'd show the mail vixen. This was war!

  * * * *

  Eager as a schoolboy, Drew Mason unwrapped the gift someone had left on his desk. He loved Christmas, always had, and always would. It was the holiday his family went all out. They decorated their yard the day after Halloween, and people came from all over for the next three months to gape in wonder.

  He so wished to visit home this year for Christmas, but he couldn't afford the trip. He'd have to put his Christmas bonus into a new transmission job for his car. Since his dad had cancer, he didn't know how many more Christmastimes they'd have together, so tears came to his eyes thinking about it. He considered saying “fuck it” to the car repairs, but he needed it to get to work, and he couldn't afford to lose his job. Life could be such a bitch.

  His only hope was to win the Christmas costume contest so he had to come up with something dynamite. Unfortunately, the competition was always stiff with so many creative types in the company. Still, he wouldn't give up without a good try.

  After a few moments, he wrestled his emotions back into order and opened his gift. Charmed to find his favourite imported chocolate, he popped one into his mouth. In ecstasy, he closed his eyes and let it melt on his tongue.

  It reminded him of being home with his folks and his brother, and he got all choked up for a moment. He couldn't afford the trip home this year and besides, had used the last of his allotted vacation time being out for bronchitis a month before.

  Curious to see who'd given him such an exquisite gift, he opened the accompanying card. To his delight and disappointment, it merely said, Enjoy! Love, your Secret Santa.

  He studied the handwriting, wondering who it could belong to. It wasn't familiar. Of course, the company boasted over two-hundred-fifty employees. He didn't know half.

  Unable to resist, he plucked another chocolate from the box and plopped it in his mouth. He hadn't been so spoiled since Lonnie...

  Lonnie ... His ex-lover...

  Shudders coursed through him, and his joy faded. Blindly, he stared ahead. It had been three years since their break-up, and he still hadn't been able to bring himself to date. He wasn't one to give his heart easily. He wasn't into the ‘gay scene’ or gay bars. He was a homebody who craved a soul mate. He'd been happiest staying home and snuggling up with Lonnie in bed while dining on takeout pizza and watching rented movies.

  But Lonnie couldn't stand to stay home. He'd grown bored easily and loved the night life. He'd gone out more and more until he'd admitted he'd fallen in love with someone who was more exciting, and he'd left. Just like that.

  Drew massaged his forehead and drew in a ragged breath. He knew Lonnie was poison. He knew the guy wasn't for him. Yet, he wouldn't stop haunting him.

  Angie flounced into his office and winked. The woman was dressed in a tight, short skirt to show off her long, shapely legs and tight rear. She wore her blouse too low cut and he was amazed HR hadn't gotten on her case for inappropriate attire at the office. Her shiny mahogany hair hung loose and silky today, splayed across her shoulders. She kept bringing him flowers and inviting him out. Either she had no gaydar or she was a fag hag. He did his best to avoid her so he didn't know which. Unfortunately, she wasn't taking the hint.

  She thrust a Santa hat under his nose. “Draw, Drew.” She snickered at her joke. “It's Secret Santa time."

  Anxious to rid himself of maudlin thoughts, he focused on the Christmas cheer. Getting into the spirit he dug around in the hat and withdrew a name.

  Angie shook her finger at him. “Don't tell a soul and put the Christmas party on your calendar. It's December twenty-third at seven pm. You have to wear a masked Christmas costume to get in. Reindeer ears don't count.” She handed him a flier then wiggled her fingers. “Arrividerci."

  He glanced at the flier, and the mention of prizes caught his eye. He salivated. If he won that five hundred dollars he could visit the family in January, still in time to partake of some Christmas merriment.

  His mind flew off in a hundred tangents, thinking of costumes. In search of ideas, he logged onto Google and surfed for Christmas movies.

  * * * *

  Ryan loved shopping for Drew. This year he no longer cared what he received from his Secret Santa. He loved pleasing Drew. How he wished he could spoil the man all the time. He hadn't had so much fun in years.

  He rather thought Drew was gay, and he longed to find out. But he wasn't an in-your-face kinda guy nor did he want to come out to the whole office. He wasn't sure how his boss or co-workers would react. He loved his job and didn't want to jeopardise it.

  Anger welled up that his sexuality might be an issue, and his fists clenched. Then he calmed himself as he didn't know for a fact what their reaction would be, and decided it wasn't fair to blame them for anything when they'd given no reason.

  With an evil grin, he fingered today's gift for Drew and when no one was in the room, he filled out another card and signed it, Love, Your Secret Santa. Then he hid the gift in his pocket and the card inside a folder and moseyed to Drew's department. He had a story made up in case anyone questioned his presence, but he covertly cased the joint. When empty, he snuck the gift onto Drew's desk and stole away. Giddiness flooded him and he almost forgot he was on a top secret mission and began whistling. He bit his tongue and mentally slapped his wrist. “Do you want to get caught?” he murmured under his breath.

  The little devil in his head whispered back, maybe...

  * * * *

  Drew caught a glimpse of Ryan Holt in the hallway near his office and wondered why someone from the Creative Department would be in his area. It wasn't a thoroughfare, and the two departments never worked together. In fact, the Creative team usually remained aloof, high and mighty in their ivory tower.

  When he sauntered into his office, he spied another festively wrapped gift on his desk, and he stopped dead, his mouth watering. His mind clicked away as visions of Ryan's cute derriere disappeared down the hall.

  Could Ryan be his Secret Santa?

  His pulse raced, and he tingled all over for the first time since Lonnie had dumped him.

  Ryan was awfully cute. Drew adored his roguish grin and sexy swagger. How he wanted to scoop him up, carry him home and have his wicked way with him. He wanted to tie him to his bed and keep him there forever, naked.

  Come to think of it, he'd never heard of the man being paired with a woman. The more he thought about it, the louder his gaydar bleeped.

  Revelation struck him square between the eyes. Ryan Holt had to be gay.

  He'd also bet Ryan was his Secret Santa. Why else was he in this part of the building so early in the morning? Drew would be so very disappointed if he wasn't.

  Every time he saw Ryan Holt, he grew hard and was in a bad way like he was now. Aching for relief, he snuck into the men's room and jacked himself off trying not to moan and groan. He was grateful no one else entered because several moans slipped out.

  Closing his eyes he imagined that it was Ryan's hands pumping his cock, that Ryan was the one who worshipped his body and that his big, long dick was getting ready to penetrate him from behind. Drew could feel Ryan's soft lips caressing his neck. He could feel his lover's warm breath whispering across his heated flesh as his temperature rose to fever pitch.

  He pumped harder, faster, and couldn't believe he was doing this at work.
God, but he was in desperate need of a good old-fashioned fuck. He'd been having an affair with his hands far too long. How he craved the real thing.

  Finally, his balls tightened, and his thighs corded, and his cum spurted out in long ropes into the water. Even as ecstasy whirled through him, and he slumped against the wall, panting, he promised himself that he would find a real lover.

  * * * *

  Ryan wondered and worried what Angie's costume would be this year. She'd won more often than not at the company's Halloween costume party parades. One year, she'd been a shower, flashing people with her faux nude body.

  "Stop worrying, dude,” he told himself aloud. He had a dynamite costume. It wasn't Scrooge. It was better. He was the Ghost of Christmas Future complete with scary animated heads that would pop out screaming from his robes. He dared anyone, even Angie, to top him.

  He chewed his lip. One part of him wanted to go as something romantic so he could woo Drew. The longer he played Secret Santa, the more he thought about the man, the more he longed to be with him.

  It had been far too long since he'd cuddled up to anybody, since he'd had someone else in his bed. All he wanted for Christmas was a boyfriend.

  The only man in his scope was Drew. He'd be crushed if the guy wasn't gay.

  He cursed the lack of scary masks at this time of year and so he perused the craft store for items to make his own. The scent of cinnamon, pine, and bayberry threatened to overwhelm him, but finally, his brain kicked into gear and he filled his basket and checked out. On his way back to the car, he passed an erotic toy shop which gave him pause.

  Thoughts of Drew, naked in his bed, dreamy-eyed and come hither, tormented him. His cock swelled and using the store's window as a mirror, he made sure no one was looking, and he held his shopping bag in front of his groin. He cursed himself for getting turned on so easily and knew it was because he'd been without a man far too long.

  He crept into the shop and was awed by the array of kinky toys and fetish items. The store had everything he'd ever heard of and more.


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