The Sister Code (D.O.R.K Book 2)

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The Sister Code (D.O.R.K Book 2) Page 9

by Haley Allison

  Gio’s here. He’s headed to the locker directly across from mine.

  I try to avoid glancing in his direction, but I find my eyes drawn to the way his structured blazer wraps around his model physique like a glove. The wild curls of summer are gone and have been replaced by a slightly waved comb-over. Somehow he looks just as hot in this uniform as he did riding the waves in nothing but a pair of swim trunks. He turns to the right and I catch a glimpse of his dimples when he smiles at a friend. My heart melts and breaks all at once. He must not have seen me yet, or I’m sure that smile would be replaced by a glower.

  He turns around and I finally look into his silver eyes for the first time since July. When he sees me across the hall from him, his dark eyebrow raises of its own accord, almost in amusement. I’m surprised to find no pain in his eyes, just an unmistakable air of disdain. He knows I’m the one who got the raw end of our “breakup.” I’m sure he was laughing at me along with the rest of the world for the past two months.

  I turn back around to slam my locker door shut, my cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Chandler and Kiki mercifully block me from other people’s view as I rush down the hallway in the direction of the women’s bathroom. Once inside, I ignore their questions about my well-being and lock myself in a stall. I whip out my phone with tears streaking my cheeks, thanking the glamour gods I thought to wear waterproof mascara today.

  Chapter 14

  September 14, 2015

  Emergency Blog Post

  I saw him. I finally saw Gio, and he didn’t look torn up at all by seeing me. I don’t know what I was expecting. Did I really think Giovanni Abate would be pining over me? Fat chance. Still, it would have been nice to see some reaction besides the obvious amusement in his eyes. He’s been laughing at me. Everyone has. I’m an idiot for coming to this school.

  Maybe it’s not too late to pull out. I haven’t exactly had much training in dealing with high school drama, crushes, and mean girls. I am in way over my head and I just stepped in the door. Bad things are about to happen to me. I just know it.

  What am I saying? Have I completely forgotten who I am? Yeah, things might be hard here, but I am not a person who runs away from a challenge. I can do this. Millions of other high schoolers do it, so why can’t I? I came here to have the high school experience, and dammit, I’m going to, even if I hate every second of it. If I had what it takes to get into this school, I belong here. Quitting is not an option.

  Uh-oh, someone must have called for Raven. She’s here in the bathroom.





  I whip out my pocket mirror from my bag and dab my eyes before responding. Once I’m satisfied with my looks, I flush the toilet and come out of the stall.

  “Oh, hi, Raven. I didn’t expect to run into you here.” I pass by her toward the granite and stainless steel sinks and Hollywood-style mirrors to wash my hands as if I just got done with completely normal bathroom functions.

  Raven glides up beside me and looks into my eyes in the mirror reflection. “Mari thought she heard sniffling in the stall.”

  “Oh, that was nothing. I must be allergic to something in here.” I rinse the suds off my hands and move to the Dyson hand dryer.

  As air blasts my hands on both sides, Raven follows me and faces me head-on. “She said you just ran into Gio in the hallway.”

  I sigh and drop my hands to my sides. Thanks a lot, Mari.

  “Okay, I was a little bothered by seeing him.” I turn to face Raven and plaster a smile on my face. “But I’m fine now.”

  “Madison…” Raven places a hand on my arm and levels her gaze with mine. I spy a flicker of compassion in her eyes. “I understand how hard it can be to see him around. We don’t need him, all right? We have each other. Let’s focus on keeping afloat in this school and not on stupid cheating boys.”

  I search her gaze for sincerity. I can’t tell right now if those words were for show in front of the girls or if she really, truly wants to comfort me. Time will tell if Raven Redinger has a human side or if she has too many tricks up her sleeve to ever be real.

  “I’m glad I found you in here. We need to go over some ground rules for school.” Raven motions me over to sit in one of two plush chairs against the wall. This room is more like an actress’ lounge than a school bathroom. Very luxurious and over the top. I sit opposite her and await my instructions.

  “Rule number one: My girls are my girls. I’ve given you Mari, Chandler, and Kiki, but the rest of the assistants are loyal only to me. If I hear of you trying to capture some for yourself, our deal is done.”

  I purse my lips to suppress a snicker. She really doesn’t know me and my independent spirit at all.

  “Noted,” I reply. “What else?”

  “Rule number two: No fraternizing with the enemy. Giovanni Abate is nothing but a cheating liar and must be avoided at all costs. Clear?”

  “Clear.” I frown at the reminder. Didn’t we establish that at the beginning of all this?

  “Final rule, for now: You must join at least one club with me. We need to present a united front to the school. I’ve drafted up a list of my commitments for you to choose from.” She reaches into her Coach bag and pulls out a typed-up list with at least fifteen clubs on it. My eyes widen at the selection.

  “This is quite a list,” I remark.

  “I like to keep busy,” Raven explains. “That should give you plenty of options to choose from. Please get back to me tomorrow with your choice. As for today, I will see you at lunch on the patio. I don’t want to keep you from getting to homeroom on time.”

  I glance up at the gold clock on the opposite wall and panic when I realize I only have ten minutes to figure out where Mr. Jakowski’s homeroom class meets. I spring up from my seat and my minions follow me.

  “See you later, Raven,” I shoot back over my shoulder.

  Mari, Kiki, and Chandler help me find my homeroom classroom just in the nick of time. They all rush off as soon as I’m settled in a mahogany chair and desk combo in the back. I feel very lucky I was assigned a back seat in at least one class. The last thing I want right now is to be front and center.

  I glance around at the other seniors I’ll be seeing here every day. Most of them are talking amongst themselves and completely ignoring me, but I notice several guys around the classroom are stealing covert glances at my chest. I quickly hunch over to rest my elbows on my desk in front of me. Bunch of perverts…they’ve seen almost everything, and now they’re curious. I’ve had to deal with this everywhere since I broke up with Gio. I thought the curiosity would die down after a while, but I guess I’m never going to live that awful scandal down. Do they really all have to stare at me? I can feel a blush rising up in my cheeks, and my palms are creating clouds on my desk.

  The teacher, Mr. Jakowski, calls out attendance, and I half-expect to hear my name in the D section, but then I remember that my legal name is Landers, so that’s what they’ll be calling me at school. I’ve been called “Madison Daley” so much ever since I got to L.A. that I keep thinking of myself by that name.

  Finally, the teacher calls out “Madison Landers,” and I say, “Present!”

  The other students look back at me like, What the hell?

  “That’s my legal name,” I explain. Some of them respond with whispers and giggles.

  That process is repeated at every single class up until lunch period: sliding into my seat, getting stared at, being called “Landers,” and having to explain myself. By my fourth class of the day, I am so ready to join Raven and her cohorts at lunch. At least they’ll know my story, since I’m sure Raven has filled them in on every last detail.

  Lunch period finally arrives. I enter a spacious café style dining area and join the lunch line, which is pleasantly short. I take a cherry red tray and proceed to the area where we’re being served our choice of chicken Parmesan or chicken nachos. All of the food looks professionally prepar
ed. Our drinks are served to us in little crystal tumblers. I receive my nachos and a tumbler full of mixed fruit juice, and then I look around for Raven and her minions. I eventually spy them through the large windows that line the side of the café. They’re sitting outside on a patio at shaded tables that look really inviting.

  I step out through the back door onto the patio. Raven immediately glances up from her food and invites me to sit in a seat she’s reserved for me.

  “Over here, darling,” she calls. I plop into my cushioned chair between Raven and Chandler.

  I devour my nachos and don’t even bother trying to keep up with the other girls’ conversation. They’re all talking about something called a “StuCo” and I have no clue what that is. After all the things I’ve had my brain stuffed with so far today, I really don’t care to find out. I’m more worried about memorizing the four syllabi I’ve had shoved in my face this morning.

  About halfway through my meal, I feel a buzz in my lap. I check my iPhone, which I grabbed from my locker on the way over here.

  Ana: Hey, Mads! Just got done with my school day. How’s yours going?

  Screw nachos. I haven’t talked to Ana since Saturday. Her parents have this weird “no phones” rule on Sundays because they want a day with just church and the family. Makes sense, I guess, but it sucks for me. I slouch back in my seat in an undignified manner to text her back.

  Me: Hey, girl. My day is kind of blah so far. No disasters yet, but it would be better if you were here.

  Ana: I wish I was :( Wilcox looks like a dream!

  I took pictures of the interior of the school and texted them to her on the way here. I know it’s making her jealous, but somehow that just makes me want to do it even more. I’m a horrible friend. I should lose my BFF badge for sure.

  Me: It looks pretty, but when you strip it down to its foundation, it’s just a school. I have an ass-ton of homework already and it’s only the first day.

  Ana: You can do it! If anyone can handle Wilcox, it’s you. I am so proud of you.

  A smile takes over my face. Having one faithful friend I know I can count on no matter what carries me through. Ana doesn’t even have to be here in the flesh to be my rock.

  Me: You’re the best. Love you!

  Ana: Love you too!

  I lock my phone, turn to the right, and see Raven glaring at me. I shrug and she straightens her back to communicate I need to sit up. I groan and straighten up in my chair. I thought Jess was the one who was supposed to try to be my mom.

  I turn back to the table and salivate over my unfinished lunch. I chow down my nachos in record time, not even acknowledging Raven when she clears her throat repeatedly. As I’m wiping my mouth and gulping down fruit juice, Chandler chuckles beside me.

  “I’ve never seen anyone other than me finish a meal that quick,” she says.

  I laugh with her. “I might look like a stick, but these legs are hollow.” I knock on my legs like I’m expecting a clunking sound to come from them.

  “You’re lucky to be able to eat as much as you want and not gain a pound. I don’t think I’m ever going to be thin.” Pain travels across her features.

  “Hey…” I place my hand on her arm reassuringly. “You’re beautiful, Chandler. Don’t let anyone tell you different.” I meant that. Chandler could easily pass for a plus-size model. Her facial structure would be perfectly highlighted by some makeup.

  Chandler’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas. It’s obvious she hasn’t heard those words around here much, which makes me sad. “You really mean that?”

  “Of course. If I ever have a boyfriend again, I’m going to have to hide him from you.” I wink and both of us bust out laughing.

  After lunch, Chandler and I drop off our trays together and she walks with me as I head to Physics class. Along the way, I tell her how excited I am to actually have a lab partner my age for the first time. Dad was always a great helper back in Kentucky, but I missed the camaraderie from learning alongside someone else. She tells me she met one of her closest friends in a science lab and gives me two thumbs up when she leaves me at the door.

  Things are set up a little differently in the science classroom. Instead of mahogany desks, there are long tables with plain wooden chairs pulled up to them. This was the only class I didn’t get a seating assignment chart for. It’s nice to be able to choose my own seat for a change. I take a seat next to a pretty African-American girl whose hair is still twisted into tight beaded braids from summer. She greets me with a warm smile, and I return it.

  I set my school-issued iPad on the table and look up just in time to see Gio taking the seat directly in front of me. I groan under my breath and roll my eyes. This is the first class I’ve had with him all day. I figured I couldn’t escape without just one. Hopefully he won’t be sitting in front of me all year.

  The teacher, Miss Dawson, comes to the front and calls out attendance. She gives a long, boring introduction speech to herself and the class. It sounds like she’s never done anything else in her life besides teach science. She announces she has our lab partners assigned and will expect us to sit with them for the rest of the year. My heart falls. The sliver of freedom I gripped so tightly a few minutes ago is being taken away.

  A part of me hopes she’ll just say, “Whoever is sitting next to you right now is your lab partner,” but of course I’m not that lucky. The first thing out of her mouth is:

  “Giovanni Abate and Madison Landers.”

  Gio spins around to search the crowd for me, looking every bit as panicked and totally not okay with this as I am. We lock eyes, and he raises his dark eyebrows slightly. I can hear him in my head.

  Say something, dammit!

  I raise my hand, my voice trembling. I’ve never asked a question in a classroom before, unless you count Sunday school back at Ana’s church. “Uh, Miss Dawson?”

  The prim blonde teacher purses her lips at me. “Yes?”

  “Gio and I have sort of a…history. Is it possible for us to be reassigned to someone else?”

  She shakes her head firmly. “These lab partners were assigned weeks ago. I’m not going to shuffle everyone around now. You’re just going to have to endure it.”

  Gio and I eye each other again with dismay. He sighs, grumbles something in Italian, and turns his attention forward again. My head falls into my folded arms on my desk. I moan inwardly about my bad, bad luck until she finishes calling out lab partners. Then I have to get up and take a seat next to Giovanni Abate, who scoots away from me like I’m a poisonous snake.

  It’s official. Between my past, the locker assignment, and the lab partner assignment, I can only assume one thing.

  The universe hates me.

  Chapter 15

  September 14, 2015

  The First is the Worst

  Well, I think it’s safe to say that my first day of high school was a total disaster. My awkwardness was at an all-time high today, and having Gio pop up around every corner just made everything ten times worse. We have lockers across from each other and we were assigned to be Physics lab partners, so there’s no way in hell we’re going to avoid dealing with each other. He was obviously even more upset about it than I was. I have never seen anyone rush out of a classroom so fast. Once he was free, he bolted like a buck during hunting season.

  I talked to Dad about it when I got back, and he comforted me and told me that the first day of school is always the worst. You don’t know what you’re doing, you’re nervous, and you can’t seem to find anything you need. He assured me that things will get better, and I definitely hope he’s right. I’ve got a massive stack of syllabi to read—yes, this high school uses actual syllabi—which seems like an omen for the rest of the year.

  This is going to be hard. Like, a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I picked a doozy for my one and only high school experience. I hope Gio and I can learn to be civil to one another, because I really can’t afford to fail any assignments this year. Maybe t
his will be good for us, who knows? Maybe it will force us to get along and become friends. That would help everyone, because poor Cass and Steph haven’t been hanging out much lately because of us. We just need to find some neutral ground, and everything will be okay.

  The only problem is, I’m not supposed to be “fraternizing” with Gio. That’s one of Raven’s school rules. What am I supposed to do? He’s my lab partner. I have no choice but to break this rule, unless he decides to do all the work himself because he doesn’t want to deal with me.

  At least tomorrow I have a fun class to look forward to—Chorus. I’ve wanted to be in Chorus ever since I was a little girl. I know being in Chorus is a little out of character for me as an aspiring rock star, but singing in a group and harmonizing with others will be great classical training for me that will come in handy in the future if we ever decide to do any creative symphonic songs.

  Dalton and Devon are in Chorus with me, which makes me even more certain it’s going to be my favorite class. I already consider those two family. We haven’t hung out much, but being in a band together makes Dalton an automatic friend for life, and Devon is just a nice girl. I’m glad things aren’t weird between us because of Gio.

  Gotta get started on these syllabi now. I didn’t know I signed up for college instead of high school.




  When Raven drops me off at my locker the next day, my assistants aren’t waiting for me. In a way, I’m relieved. I don’t want them witnessing my reaction to seeing Gio again. I jiggle my combination lock open with only a little difficulty and take out only what I need for the next two classes. The owner of the locker next to me leans against it as I search in the back of my locker for a highlighter and flashes me a flirty smirk. I size him up in a second.


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