Thirteen Days By Sunset Beach

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Thirteen Days By Sunset Beach Page 5

by Ramsey Campbell

  "Well, that's the first time I've ever heard about a soggy knock," Sandra said. "Are we all finishing our breakfasts? We don't want to miss the pickup."


  As everybody crossed the courtyard a coach slowed to a halt beyond the arch, and a chubby young man with a shock of unmistakably bleached hair pranced down the steps. His badge named him Jamie, and his gestures were graceful enough for a dancer. "Good morning, all you lively people," he cried, waving extravagantly as well.

  William giggled before Natalie could hush him. Ray helped Sandra up the steps and kissed her hand. They and their party were the first passengers on the coach. "You have the front seat, William," Sandra said.

  "Just you thank grandma," Natalie said as he made to do so. They took the seat while Julian sat opposite, and she murmured "Don't be rude again, William."

  "I said thank you."

  "You know perfectly well what your mother means," Julian said, and Ray wondered if he was annoyed because Jonquil hadn't sat with him. "We don't laugh at anyone. We've told you, other people make different choices about the kind of life they live."

  Though he wasn't looking at Jamie the guide said "That's if you think everybody has a choice."

  "I do, yes. Otherwise we'd have no morals."

  "Some of the folk here might give you an argument."

  "We're aware the economy has problems. That doesn't mean they can't choose how to solve them."

  "They have," Jamie said, picking up a clipboard to plant crosses next to names. "Elysian Apartments next, Alexandras."

  The bus was speeding along the deserted dusty road to Sunset Beach when Pris said "What's with the musical chairs, you two?"

  Ray glanced back to see Tim and Jonquil moving to his side of the aisle. Although like their grandmother they were wearing hats and sunglasses, Tim said "Too sunny over there."

  "You aren't still determined not to get a tan," Doug protested.

  "That's how some people like to look these days," Natalie said. "Remember when we used to fight over who had the best one?"

  "I'm glad you've calmed down, then," Julian said. "All the same, it's a pity to spend money on the sun if it won't be put to use."

  The road through Sunset Beach looked as dead as all the signs. The electric jester was arrested with one bent leg in the air, while the neon cat would be poised all day at the start of a leap. A few of the locals were cleaning or tidying bars and tavernas at a sleepy pace that struck Ray as typically Greek. The coach halted in front of an apartment complex, outside which a young couple sat in the shade of a trellis so laden with vines that the tendrils appeared not just to be growing on the grey wood but feeding on it. "Good morning, lively folk," Jamie cried, and they blinked at him.

  Two of the accommodations where the coach stopped didn't yield up any customers. "You'd wonder why anyone would bother booking," Sandra commented, "If they aren't going to put in an appearance."

  "They should have got someone to give them a knock," Doug said.

  "Do you have to keep talking about that?" Jonquil complained.

  "No need for impoliteness," Julian said, "even if you're trying to protect William."

  "Can't I do anything right?"

  "A great many things," Sandra told her. "And we like how you look after your brother. Our two did for each other."

  Ray wondered if she meant they'd stopped, because he didn't think they entirely had. As Jamie returned to the coach by himself again Pris said "Why would anyone come all this way to your island and then miss a day like today?"

  "Something brings them," Jamie said. "They keep coming back."

  Once the coach left Sunset Beach behind, the hills that formed the spine of Vasilema rose on the inland horizon. More passengers boarded in resorts that Ray had previously slept through—fishing villages colonised by apartments and hotels—and then the port appeared, its bony buildings swarming uphill while the bay brandished masts at the increasingly overcast sky. "Everybody follow me when we leave the bus," Jamie said. "If I lost anyone it'd break my heart."

  When William made a small anxious sound Natalie said "I'm sure you never have."

  "I'm sad to say we lost a visitor just last week."

  "How did you manage that?" Doug said.

  "Not on any excursion of ours. The gentleman went off by himself," Jamie said, waving to mime carelessness. "He had a room not far from where you're staying."

  "I take it you'll have tracked him down," Julian said.

  "I wish I could tell you that. He disappeared last week and nobody's found him." As Natalie began to interrupt, Jamie raised his voice. "He was talking to the lady at his digs about visiting the mainland," he said. "Somebody here at the harbour said they thought they saw him take the ferry, so we think that's where he must have wandered off to."

  Sandra was speaking at the very least for Ray as she said "How long has he left of his holiday?"

  "That's what has people worried. He should have gone home days ago, but he couldn't have without his passport." Jamie moved to the top of the steps as the coach reached the harbour. "The police have that," he said and gazed at William. "What do you think is the moral of the story, sunbeam?"

  William giggled at the nickname before saying gravely "Don't lose your passport?"

  "That's wise advice, but I'll tell you what I meant—never go anywhere by yourself without letting somebody know where you'll be. Best of all," Jamie said and raised his eyes to include every passenger, "just don't go anywhere by yourself."


  "Won't that be too spicy for you, William?" his mother said. "We don't want you wandering about in the night."

  "Nobody was," Jonquil said.

  "I wasn't saying you were, Jonquil. We don't want him being kept awake, that's all."

  "I didn't wake him." More urgently than Ray would have thought was called for, the girl said "Did I, William?"

  "This isn't about you, Jonquil," Julian said. "Quite a few things aren't, young lady."

  "You don't need to tell me."

  Ray suspected Pris meant to head off any further confrontation by saying "I don't think anything's too spicy here."

  They were in Chloe's Garden, where Doug had suggested everybody at the table share their dinner. "Just have a little taste of anything you like the look of, William," Natalie said as if she were doing someone else a favour.

  Ray was more concerned to see Sandra sample everything, which she more than did. She appreciated it aloud as well, though he wasn't sure how much this was designed to encourage William. The boy set about competing with her expressions of pleasure, to nearly everyone's amusement. "So do you like the taverna, Will?" Tim said.

  The boy giggled so vigorously that he had to wipe his mouth. "Use your serviette, William," Julian said.

  Before he'd finished dabbing with the paper napkin William said "That isn't what it's called."

  "It's the polite name for it, William," Natalie said.

  As Ray saw Sandra reflect that they'd never used the word, William giggled again. "Not what you said, daddy. What Tim did."

  "See what the sign says, William," Jonquil said and grinned at her cousin.

  "Could you refrain from trying to confuse your brother," Julian said with no hint of a question. "If you want to be involved with him, please set your standards higher."

  As Jonquil's grin collapsed, Tim sent her a wink. Ray saw Pris and Doug exchange a glance, but it was William who spoke. "It does say that, daddy, look."

  "You know perfectly well this is a taverna, William," Julian said and glared at Jonquil. "Greek people use a different alphabet, that's all."

  "I can't see why they don't get rid of it," Natalie said, "if they're so eager for tourists."

  "Maybe Greeks come here for a holiday as well," Doug said.

  "That isn't how the driver from the airport made it sound. He was saying people here aren't like other Greeks."

  "That's what Greeks say about Crete," Pris said. "Doug and I thought we all might like som
ewhere tourists hadn't taken over."

  Natalie looked stubbornly unpersuaded, an attitude Ray recalled from her teens. "Can I just say something to everyone?" Sandra said.

  Perhaps she meant to quell any argument, but Ray felt as if her words had pierced his guts. Had she thought better of keeping the secret? "Why," Natalie said, "what's wrong?"

  "Nothing whatsoever with my holiday. I was only wondering if anyone would mind if I had a different day."

  For a shaky breath Ray was furious that she'd made him panic. In a bid to leave his shameful reaction behind he said "Different how?"

  "I wouldn't mind finding that little beach with the cave. I don't think it's too far from a bus stop."

  He knew where she was thinking of—a secluded sandy beach the cruise had passed, at the foot of a cliff about halfway between Sunset Beach and Vasilema Town. A grassy section of the cliff sloped down to one end, while at the other an inlet vanished into a cave where the light from ripples lapped the walls and the equally spiky roof. She'd wakened just in time to see all this, having dozed beneath the awning of the boat throughout much of Jamie's commentary, which Ray had found somewhat relentless and bereft of detail. "You can have my day if you like, gran," Tim said. "I don't mind going there."

  He and Jonquil had roused themselves at the sight of the beach or the cave. They'd been almost as sleepy in the shade as their grandmother. "We can put your day and mine together, Tim," Pris said. "The monastery is off the road. I'd still love to do your saint's day, Sandra."

  "Are there any more changes of plan?" Julian said without encouraging.

  "Don't let it throw you, Jules," Doug said. "Let's just all have a good time."

  Julian let everybody see him taking out his phone. "The way to make sure of that is to be organised."

  "Then let's organise the beach tomorrow," Ray said and was aware of a disagreement in the kitchen. Whatever Chloe and her daughter were murmuring about, the mother won. As Ray watched her approach, asking other diners on the way how their meals were, he had an odd sense that she was readying herself. She reached the table at last and gave the depleted dishes an approving nod. "How is all?" she said.

  "Delicious," Sandra said with sufficient gusto for the whole party.

  "That is good," Chloe said and met her eyes. "Bitten," she said, touching her own unmarked neck.

  "I was the other night. I've been more careful since."

  Chloe shook her head. "Never once."

  "Some people seem to attract them, don't they?" Pris said. "They aren't bothered about us."

  "We've put repellent in the room," Ray said.

  "No good," Chloe told him.

  "It's worked wherever else we've found mosquitoes. If there's a local secret I hope you'll share it with us."

  Chloe was pursing her lips when Natalie said "Could I just ask if we really need to have cats around the table while we're eating?"

  "You'll have noticed we're English," Julian said. "It wouldn't be allowed in any restaurant at home."

  "I don't think they're doing any harm, are they?" Doug said. "Now dad was asking—"

  "It's a question of cleanliness, Douglas. I believe you'll agree we've already lowered our standards to save trouble."

  As Doug visibly withheld a response Chloe said "That is life here. All feed."

  "Well, they won't be feeding from us," Julian said and held up a hand to fend off any rejoinder.

  Chloe stared at the hand before closing her eyes as a preamble to stalking away. "Do pardon me," Julian called after her, but she didn't turn. "I'd forgotten we aren't allowed to do that. As I say, we're English."

  "There goes mum's chance of not getting bitten," Doug said.

  "I don't think she was going to tell us," Sandra said. "And I don't even notice it's there any more."

  Perhaps she'd forgotten how a twinge had wakened her on the cruise, where she'd fingered her neck as the boat came abreast of the cave. As Ray peered at the mark—the dimness left him unsure whether it had faded—William said "Jonquil got bitten too."

  "Where?" Natalie said. "Let me see."

  The bite on her forearm was very like Sandra's but redder. "Is that on the vein?" Natalie cried. "Why didn't you ask for some ointment?"

  "I'm afraid someone needs to be more open with us," Julian said.

  "I forgot about it," Jonquil told her mother. "That's how much it hurts."

  Natalie was looking not just unconvinced but rejected when Tim said "I've got one as well."

  "There's another secretive teen for you," Doug said as Tim displayed his upturned arm. "Any more casualties? Just mum and the young ones, then."

  "I haven't got one," William protested.

  "Well, don't invite it," Pris said. "Not that I'm saying anyone else did."

  Ray didn't know why he should feel that her words were loitering in the dark beyond the streetlamps, but they seemed to hover in the air until Sandra said "So long as we've an adventure tomorrow I think I'm off to bed."

  Jonquil nodded and then Tim did, so that Ray could have fancied they were miming slumber. "You said I could stay up late on holiday," William objected to his parents.

  "You already have, William," Natalie said. "Really quite late. You can't mind going to bed when your big sister is."

  Ray thought the boy was about to disagree, though he couldn't see why William should, until Julian waved before beckoning Daphne over. How much was being left unsaid around the table? As Julian took out his phone and brought up the calculator Ray saw Pris put a quick finger to her lips, hushing Doug in advance, and felt as if a clutch of unaddressed subjects had gathered in the sultry windless dark. Then Daphne brought the bill along with glasses of liqueur, and he lost whatever thoughts he might have been close to grasping. That was how his mind worked now, or rather didn't work. That was growing old.

  The Fourth Day: 23 August

  "I had my dream again last night."

  "Which one was that, Sandra?" Pris said.

  "It was dark." As though she had to find her words in it Sandra added "It was the darkest place I've ever seen."

  Ray didn't know why he felt prompted to grope for a joke. "You could see that, anyway."

  "There was some kind of light far away."

  "Well then," Ray said with more relief than he could have explained, "it wasn't really dark."

  "I don't think I saw it, just knew it was there. I felt—"

  They were in the Superber supermarket, where Tim and Jonquil were trying to find hats wide enough to suit them. While they'd each brought one to the island, perhaps this was the latest fashion or, Ray thought, envy of Sandra's broad Mexican headgear. As a frown found more wrinkles on her brow Sandra said "I felt as if it would take me all my life to reach it."

  Ray was searching for a safe response when Tim said "I had a dream like that last night as well."

  "Must be in the blood," Doug said. "What's your version, Tim?"

  "I was in this huge place with no light and I didn't want to see. Something sounded..." Tim might have been suppressing a word before he said "Huge."

  Jonquil tugged her latest hat down as if she wouldn't mind hiding beneath the brim. "That's like my dream."

  "All right, Jonquil, no need to compete," Julian said. "Or least make sure the competition's worthwhile."

  As Ray saw Pris and Doug refrain from taking this as an insult to their son, Jonquil said "I'm just telling them. I was in a dark place too, and there was something living in it that was that big."

  Ray wasn't sure if Tim was reluctant to ask "What was, Jonk?"

  "I only heard it. Maybe William made me. It sounded like he said the knock he heard did."

  "Soggy," William was delighted to contribute.

  "Kindly don't bring William into it."

  "Yes, don't start giving him your dreams," Natalie said. "Have you finished shopping?"

  "I just want to get some more water."

  "I will too," said Tim.

  "Then three of us are thirsty," Sandra s
aid. "Anybody else? I'll buy."

  As Ray took three plastic bottles to the desk the moustached old woman in black stared past him. "Never dream dark."

  "Jonquil, will you take William to find the bus stop," Julian said. "I'll pay for your hat and you can settle with me later."

  When Jonquil closed her hand around his the boy seemed about to demur, presumably feeling too old to be led. As soon as the two of them had left the shop, Julian rounded on the shopkeeper. "Pardon me, what were you saying?"

  "Never dream dark." Ignoring Julian, she stared at Tim. "You bring it here," she said.

  "I don't think anyone can do that just by dreaming," Pris said.

  This time she responded, but in Greek. "Did anybody understand that?" Natalie said, more a protest than a question.

  "Something like—" Pris tapped her forehead with a fingertip, which put Ray in mind of touching an onscreen icon to summon information. "People who want the sunset," she suggested, "invite the dark."

  The old woman gave that a single vigorous nod. "Friends of dark."

  Ray was trying to decide whether this was agreement or a correction when Julian said "Speaking of nonsense, may we ask you all to keep it away from William."

  "What sort of thing would that be, Jules?"

  "Bad dreams. Unpleasant legends. You've already had him imagining knocks in the night with that tale of yours, Douglas."

  Before Ray could take responsibility Tim said "My dream didn't feel exactly bad."

  "I think it's time to move on," Julian said at once.

  As he and the Thorntons left the supermarket they heard a bus approaching. Ray took Sandra's hand as they jogged after long-legged Tim, subsiding to a trot when they reached a bend in the road. Tim was already with Jonquil and William by the bus at the stop, and dabbing at his forehead while he sucked on a bottle of water. The first few rows of seats were occupied by local folk, and as the Thornton party made their way along the aisle several women in black gave them a sign of the cross, pointing with the finger. "Thank you," Sandra said more than once, an example Tim and Jonquil followed.

  Nobody boarded the bus at Sunset Beach. When it passed a loiterer in a shady side road blinking at the sunlight, the women in black covered their eyes with a hand. "Is that another tradition?" Natalie murmured.


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