Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series) Page 33

by A. m Madden

  My priorities have most definitely shifted. My future ambitions are now altered to include domestication, something that was not on my radar less than a year ago. No one could have predicted the path my life has taken, myself included. While sitting in said Hummer, I glance from face to face, watching my band mates all animatedly reminiscing the highlights of our tour. Besides us, Dylan, Will, Oscar, Mandi, Patti and Krista are here. Krista and Dylan have been having a quiet conversation in the corner as they flirt shamelessly. When they migrated towards each other, my eyes collided with Leila’s in shock. Watching them from the opposite corner of the Hummer, I’m secretly hoping something comes of this. Besides their looks mimicking a Barbie and Ken doll, their personalities and careers are perfect for each other. Not that I ever worry anything would come from Dylan still harboring feelings towards Leila, but still.

  “Hey, baby. Are you ok?” Leila asks while nestled against my side.

  It’s hard to verbalize what I’m feeling. How do I convey in one word the feeling of complete and utter contentment and happiness like I’ve never felt before, excitement for our future, terror of something ever happening to her, anticipation of the children we will have some day, and gratefulness for my absolutely fucking perfect life?

  “I am more than ok, baby. I’m…complete.”

  She runs a fingertip over my bottom lip. “I love you.” She lifts her face until our lips touch. Our kiss progresses, each trying to consume the other, each trying to infuse our irrefutable desires into the other.

  This woman rocks me to my core.

  “You two gonna screw in the Hummer?” Hunter asks annoyingly. “I call dibs second.” Mandi elbows him as she blushes.

  “What? Why should they have all the fun?”

  “You’re such as jackass,” I announce.

  We are just pulling up to Granite. The label is throwing us an End-of-Tour bash. Our friends and families will be here tonight, as well as some select reporters that Jen personally invited. The normal line of club hoppers wraps around the building. Their noise level increases when we pull up. They have no idea who’s inside, but the presence of a Hummer elicits their curiosity.

  “You guys ready to party?” Hunter asks as he literally bounces in his seat like a five year old.

  “I can’t wait to have Jell-O shots.” Leila announces.

  I raise an eyebrow and ask, “Jell-O shots, huh?”

  “Yep, many. I love them.” She leans in and whispers directly into my ear, “Plus, they make me really horny.”


  When Oscar opens our door, Hunter is the first one out.

  One loud female on the line screams his name, drawing attention to the occupants of the Hummer. He raises his arms, soaking up every ounce of attention. As we each exit, the screams recommence.

  “Do you think they truly know who we are?” Leila asks, gripping my waist tightly.

  “Some. Some are just copying the motions.” She becomes understandably uneasy in public lately. I can’t blame her. It’s hard to get used to. My instinct is to turn around to see who they are actually screaming for, not quite believing it’s for us.

  Once inside the door, Leila visibly relaxes at my side. I’ve missed Granite. This place was our go-to place for fun. It’s also the place I first realized I was falling in love with Leila. My cock twitches thinking of our heated kiss on the overhang. I’ll have to re-enact that tonight.

  “You look so fucking hot.” I rasp in her ear as we walk into the bar. Her legs, her fucking beautiful legs go on forever. “Don’t bend over, this skirt is way too short. I don’t want anyone looking at what’s mine.”

  She quirks one side of her mouth up and rolls her eyes. “Killjoy.”

  “Hey, smartass.”

  On the elevator ride up to the roof, I position her directly in front of me. I slowly skim my hand up the back of her thigh feeling nothing but smooth skin.

  I press my lips to her ear and whisper, “Commando?”



  Her response is to push back against me, moving her hips slowly from side to side, spurring an instant erection.

  “Fuck.” I mutter again, taking hold of the hem of her dress and pulling it down in an attempt to cover her more.

  She giggles at my frustration, beating me at my own game.

  I don’t have time to retaliate. The doors open to applause and cheers. I experience a brief moment of déjà vu from the night of my birthday party.

  Charles from the label greets us at the door. “Congratulations on all your success. Louis sends his regrets, but wants you all as guests on his yacht this summer.”

  “We are there.” Hunter speaks for all of us.

  Jen opens the night by making her usual speech. Charles follows with a speech of his own. A video montage is played, some photos from our performance, some candid silly shots from life on the buses and backstage. Krista tells our guests of future appearances, cover stories on schedule, and an honorable mention of our upcoming feature article in Rolling Stone this coming May. Once the pleasantries and plugs are out of the way, our party truly begins.

  Our parents are here, as well as Cliffhangers and their significant others. Leila and I are working the room, side by side when Trini comes over.

  “I have missed you!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around me. I’ve missed her too, as a friend. So much has changed since the last time I saw her. I tactfully remove her arms from around my neck, and she thankfully understands my discomfort.

  “Sorry, Jack.”

  “No worries.” I smile shyly. She returns my smile. I’ve been in some compromising positions with this little pixie and there is a strange dynamic between us now.

  “Um…Trin, you remember Leila?”

  “Hey, Leila. Congratulations on your success and your engagement.” She graces Leila with the same hug she just gave me. “You take good care of him, he’s a catch.”

  Leila laughs and accepts Trini’s embrace.

  “Thank you, Trini. I intend to.” She looks up at me amused.

  Trey walks over to join us. “Hey, Trin.”

  “Hey, handsome. How are you?”

  “Good. Real good. You off tonight?”

  “Yes, can you imagine?” Trini is not sporting the signature Granite uniform of tight black shorts and matching vest.

  “I requested the night off. I wanted to party with you guys, celebrate your success properly.”

  Trey nods with a small smirk on his lips and commands, “Walk me to the bar.”

  A slow, sexy smile spreads across Trini’s face. “I thought you’d never ask.” She quips and takes his hand, dragging him across the room.

  “Huh.” I mutter out loud.

  “Are you jealous?” Leila teases.

  “No. I’m stunned. Didn’t know they had a thing for each other.”

  “Trey probably kept it to himself out of respect for you.” She watches them from across the room. “They are a pretty good match.”

  I follow her gaze and stare at Trey and Trini standing close, flirting openly. “They kind of are. Who knew?”

  Lori saunters over and nods towards Trey. “Who’s she?”

  “An ex-fuck of Jack’s.” Leila blurts out.

  “How many Jell-O shots have you had?” I scowl.

  She giggles adorably. “A few.” I continue to frown when she adds, “Why are you mad? You are most definitely going to get lucky tonight.”

  Before I can respond, Lori impatiently says, “Yeah, yeah…Jack is going to get lucky. Woo hoo. So, why is Trey flirting with Jack’s ex-fuck?” Lori folds her arms over her ample chest and glares at me.

  “Hey. You are in a relationship now. Knock it off.” Leila shoots back, in my defense.

  “I miss him.” Lori remembers her current dating situation. “Fuck. You’re right, but that man is good in bed.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Matt says, as he moves behind Lori and wraps his arms around her.

Lori’s eyes bulge a bit when she realizes Matt heard her last comment. She shoots me an evil eye look when she sees that I’m trying to contain my laugh.

  “I can’t get used to you two together.” Leila mutters before downing another shot. I raise my brow in question and she sees my annoyance. “Oh, please. I am so over him.” She smacks Matt on the arm forcibly.

  “Yeah, feeling’s mutual.” Matt responds.

  Lori turns in his arms planting a kiss on his lips. “I’m it for you. I’m your forever after. Even if we break up, I’ll wreck you for anyone else.”

  Matt swallows audibly and simply nods in response.

  “Aw, that’s hot Lor.” Leila slurs. She comes closer, wrapping her arms around my waist. As she nibbles on my neck, I first notice how buzzed she really is. “You want to get some air?”

  “Are we gonna make out?”


  “Then, yes please.” She turns to Lori and Matt and brags, “I’m gonna get some too.”

  “Good for you, Lei Lei.” Lori smiles at her tipsy friend.

  I take Leila by the hand, leading her towards our special place. Visions of my surprise party fill my head. She was so drunk that night and so sexy. I become aroused from the memory of her surrendering to my advances on this very balcony.

  “God, that night I wanted you so bad.” She admits, reading my thoughts.

  “Me too. You have no idea how much.” I turn her body to mimic the position we were in that fateful night of my birthday party. She tilts her head, staring straight into my eyes, into my soul. She literally turns me inside out. I’m completely exposed from just one look.

  “You are so beautiful.” I voice my thoughts. I trace the shape of her lips with the pad of my thumb. Her lips part just as her eyes darken with desire. A flush appears on her cheeks, and her chest is rising with each breath she takes. She grips my shirt between her fingers, pulling me even closer. Our bodies pressed against each other are like two perfect puzzle pieces. Our lips are just an inch apart.

  “Jack, kiss me.” She pants breathily.

  I lower my head, closing the distance. I swear I felt a tingle from the connection. So strong is my draw to her. So powerful, that after all the kisses we’ve shared, and all the caresses I’ve bestowed, and all the times I’ve sunk deep into her proclaiming my love, it still always feels like the first time.

  I duplicate the kiss she claims she loves. The one she said she uses as a bench mark for all kisses. She duplicates her response by sliding a leg in between mine, lacing her fingers in my hair, and opening her mouth to allow me access. It’s perfection. This woman is perfection, and she’s mine.


  Since we got home from our tour a week ago, life hasn’t stopped to take a breather for one minute. Leila and I have bounced back and forth between her place and mine, still living out of a suitcase. The good news is today I official move into her apartment in Hoboken. Seems fitting that it’s also Valentine’s Day, and our first one together. Initially I wanted to take her away for a few days, just the two of us. But I hate inflicting more travel and suitcase living on her. So after much thought, I decided the best way to celebrate this day would be to give her a romantic night at home…our home.

  Last night was our end-of-tour bash at Granite. We had a really nice time, in spite of all the publicity and marketing crap Jen inundated the night with. I get it was necessary, and she constantly needs to work us. This is how it is now, and we all may as well get used to it. We aren’t complaining by any means.

  Cliffhangers and MACE played an impromptu short set for our guests. The night was the perfect ending to our tour and the perfect segue to our futures. My band got rip roaring drunk. Hunter needed to be carried out, but not before a very public twerking display. The highlight of his night was seeing Trey and Trini hitting it off. You would think the man had invested his life savings in waiting for the day that Trey finally finds love, and not just a measly hundred bucks. I have to give Trey tons of credit though. He laughed and ignored Hunter’s antics, not letting it spoil his getting acquainted with Trin.

  The whole Trey and Trini thing blew me away. I have no ill feelings towards them hitting it off and getting together. Trini and I were nothing more than friends with benefits. However, I sat and wondered all those times I was hooking up with her, what was Trey thinking in his head.

  My gorgeous Leila was also very tipsy. She just loves those Jell-O shots. Our rendezvous on the back patio brought us as close to public sex as we’ve ever gotten. We almost needed a firehouse to break us apart. I had to fight the overwhelming desire to drag her into the restroom to take her. Instead, I suffered through an unbearable hard-on for the rest of the night, appeased only by thoughts of getting her naked and fucking her senseless. The irony was, once I got her back to my apartment, she passed out fully clothed on my bed.

  Her hangover could have hampered our morning romp and our packing and moving day, but it did no such thing. After screwing for a solid hour, she jumped up and started the day. She plastered a smile on her face, excited as all hell to get me to Hoboken. Hunter and Amanda helped pack my stuff. Scott and Trey offered to help as well, but since all my belongings were able to fit into a half dozen boxes, and they both wanted nightly solo’s on our next two tours, I told them to take a hike.

  We caravanned to Leila’s place, her little Honda and Hunter’s piece of shit on wheels loaded up with my stuff. We had me settled and unpacked in a few hours time. Hunter and Amanda stayed for a bit, relaxing with us as we reminisced on the tour highlights, filling Amanda in on Trey’s antics. They left a little while ago, having Valentine’s plans they needed to get ready for.

  Having my own scheme that I hatched up in my head, I had Lori insist Leila come to her place to approve her outfit choice for her date with Matt tonight. Leila, being difficult, asked her to text pictures of the choices to her, exasperated with her demands. Lori, being Lori, ranted and yelled on her end of the line loud enough for me to hear the gist. I listened quietly to their conversation. When Leila hung up, she huffed with little explanation and flew out the door. I owe Lori, big time. I’m guessing I have about an hour to get things ready.

  Leila thinks we are relaxing quietly…and we are. But I also have a few surprises for her that I know she will love. Mr. Romance is here tonight, and I don’t want to disappoint her. I watch from the window as she walks to her car, gets in and drives off.

  Like a man possessed, I bolt out of the apartment, needing to pick up some last minute things. As I zip line across four Hoboken blocks, I load up with flowers, a card, champagne, chocolates, and a box of cannoli. Lori’s text of warning is my only line of defense that she is on her way back. The text comes just as I’m lighting the candles.

  I’m no cook, so take-out will have to do. It should be arriving shortly after Leila does. I’ve dressed up for her, wearing my blue button-down that she loves so much. I have my playlist ready and waiting on the mp3 player. When I hear the key in the door, I hit play.

  Her smile spreads slow and sexy on her gorgeous face. “What’s all this?” She scans the apartment, the candles flickering giving off all the light needed in the room. The music is playing softly in the background. The table is set for two, displaying her flowers, waiting for our meal to arrive.

  “Happy first Valentine’s Day, baby.”

  She drops her bag and melts into my arms. “Jack, this is so sweet. It’s just perfect.”

  “You’re not disappointed that we didn’t go away somewhere?”

  “No…this is where I want to be.”

  “Good…me too.” I kiss the top of her head gently and ask, “Did you help Lori choose a dress?”

  “How did you know that’s what she…” she narrows her eyes suspiciously at me and asks, “wait, you did that?”

  My response is to shrug.

  “God, I wanted to kill her. Seven…seven dresses she made me sit through and three sets of lingerie.”

  “I’m sorry, baby
. I had things to do.”

  She relaxes in my arms, and smiles warmly. “I forgive you.”

  When I skim her lips with my thumbs, they part automatically just as her head tilts up towards mine. Her response to me is immediate, my response to her as well. It’s an automatic, involuntary reflex.

  When I bend to connect our lips, the current runs right to my cock. I will never tire from the feel of her lips against mine. I’ve kissed this woman thousands and thousands of times. I can’t explain how the touch of her lips can still send jolts through me as if it’s the first time all over again.

  Still standing in the same locked embrace, the kiss quickly builds as we grip each other with clenched fingers in an attempt to eliminate the space between us. The door buzzer loudly interrupts.

  She pulls away first, panting audibly. “Holy hell.”

  “I know. It’s insane what you do to me.”

  The door buzzes again. “Who can that be?”

  “Our dinner?” I shrug apologetically. “Sorry, babe, I didn’t want to ruin our night by forcing you to eat my horrible attempt at preparing a meal.”

  She kisses me again before I go to retrieve our Valentine’s takeout.

  When I get back inside, she’s waiting for me on the couch, holding a large box. “What’s that?”

  “Your present.”

  “Baby, you’ve already given me my present. The day you accepted my proposal.”

  She smiles shyly and shakes her head. “You’re so damn perfect. Here, open it.”

  The box is practically as big as she is. As I tear the paper and lift the lid, I’m stunned to see a brand new high-polished Fender acoustic guitar. “Babe.”

  “Do you like it?”

  I run my hand over the shiny wood, it’s dark and striking and gorgeous. “I love it.”

  “Look at the back.”

  When I flip it over, etched into the back of the body is a quote from her song.

  “There isn’t a doubt, my love runs too deep.

  With my blood in my veins, it controls my heartbeat.” LML


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