The F-Word

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by Jesse Sheidlower

  fuck (someone’s) mind, to astonish, intimidate, or befuddle (someone). Compare MIND-FUCK, noun & verb.

  1966 R. Goldstein 1 in 7 113: Mind-fucking is taking advantage of a student who is high on pot—and thus susceptible to suggestion. For instance: “You tell someone who’s inhaled pot for a while that he’s been holding his breath for twenty minutes, and he’s liable to believe you. It really fucks his mind!” 1968 R. Gover JC 137: Hey that sure would fuck some minds, huh. 1970 E. E. Landy Underground Dictionary 84: Fuck someone’s mind…v. To persuade forcefully without regard for the feelings of those being persuaded. a1974 in Adolescence XIII (1978) 467: [Solitary confinement] fucks your mind, you keep saying you want to go home. 1994 R. Flanagan Death of River Guide 128: They want to fuck your mind, that’s what she said. 1998 New Times (Los Angeles) (Oct. 29): You can fuck my body, baby, but please don’t fuck my mind. 2001 D. Brenna Altar of the Body 238: She knows how to bust your buns, how to fuck your mind. Well, I say fuck her!

  fuck the deck, see under DECK.

  fuck the dog, see under DOG.

  fuck the duck, see under DUCK.

  fuck this shit (used to dismiss a situation); “to hell with this.”

  1968 L. Yablonsky Hippie Trip 206: I said fuck this shit and moved over here. 1973 J. P. Donleavy Fairy Tale of N.Y. 74: I said fuck this shit I’m getting out of here and going there. 1983 D. Mamet Glengarry Glen Ross 62: What the fuck am I wasting my time, fuck this shit. 1990 G. Lee China Boy 92: Le’s fuck dis shit an leave da sucka be. 1995 C. Sorrentino Sound on Sound 131: Who cares, fuck this shit. 2006 C. Messud Emperor’s Children 270: Fuck this shit, man. Fuck this shit.

  fuck wise, to act or speak like a know-it-all.

  1979 D. Gram Boulevard Nights 49: “Don’t fuck wise!” shot back Chuco.

  fuck you, (used to express hostility or contempt); “go to hell!” See also sense 4.b., above, fuck you and the horse you rode in on, and fuck you very much, below.

  [1905 Independent (Mar. 2) 486: “D—n you, Jack, I’m all right,” is being gradually adopted by the lords of the forecastle and quarter deck alike in place of the old time motto of generous consideration that was world famous, “Remember Your Shipmates.”] ca1915 in J. Brophy & Partridge Long Trail 229: Dieu et mon droit./F— you, Jack, I’m all right. 1916 A. Tiveychoc Diary (June 16) in B. Gammage Broken Years (1974) 126: Goodbye and — you! 1916–18 in Notes & Queries (Nov. 19, 1921) 417: — you, Jack, I’m in the lifeboat. 1931 J. Dos Passos Nineteen Nineteen 249 [refers to WWI]: Hey sojer your tunic’s unbuttoned (f—k you buddy). 1934 H. Roth Call It Sleep 420 [refers to ca1910]: Yu crummy bastard.… Fuck yiz! 1935 H. McCoy They Shoot Horses 37: “F— you,” Gloria said. 1942 R. Tregaskis Guadalcanal Diary (Sept. 1): “F— you, Mac,” he said, indulging in the marines’ favorite word. 1951 J. D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye 201: Somebody’d written “Fuck you” on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and how they’d wonder what the hell it meant.… I kept wanting to kill whoever’d written it. 1962 E. Albee Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 13: George…Alright, love…whatever love wants. Isn’t it nice the way some people have manners, though, even in this day and age? Isn’t it nice that some people won’t just come breaking into other people’s houses even if they do hear some subhuman monster yowling at ’em from inside…? Martha. FUCK YOU! 1969 M. Puzo Godfather 187: “You can’t fire me?” Nino said with drunken cunning. “No,” Johnny said. “Then fuck you.” 1978 L. K. Truscott Dress Gray 291: Fuck you and all you “know” about that war.… So fuck you and your uppity crap about me and West Point and the army and Vietnam. 1983 D. Mamet Glengarry Glen Ross 42: And fuck you. Fuck the lot of you. Fuck you all. 1976–84 A. M. Ettinger & A. C. Ettinger Doughboy with Fighting 69th 8 [refers to 1918]: Fuck you. If you got any sisters, fuck them too. 1990 in N. George Buppies, B-Boys 143: Robin made saying “Fuck you” an art form. 1997 A. Nersesian Fuck-Up 74: “Fuck you!” I shouted unconcerned that we were the center of attention in the place…“Well fuck you too!” she yelled back and vanished back into the masses. 2006 in L. McNeil & G. McCain Please Kill Me 418: I was like, “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Oh, sorry, Mom.” 2007 J. Hayes Precious Blood 273: Fuck you! Fuck you, you fucking coward!

  fuck you and the horse you rode in on (an elaborated and intensified form of) fuck you, above.

  1967 A. Dubus Lieutenant 6: Use[d] disrespectful language to Corporal Bradley…to wit, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Mac” or words to that effect. 1971 G. V. Higgins Friends of Eddie Coyle 92: Fuck you, lady,…and the horse you rode in on. 1972–76 C. Durden No Bugles, No Drums 78: Fuck you…’n’ the horse you rode in on. 1992 M. Crichton Rising Sun 111: “Senator Rowe…I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to —” “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.” 2004 New York Magazine (Aug. 9) 44/2: In the elevator, a bunch of…attorneys rode down together. A message flashed on all their BlackBerries. It was from London: “Fuck [assistant district attorney] Moscow and the horse he rode in on.” 2008 S. Paretsky Bleeding Kansas 391: “Beelzebub, Demon Alcohol, Demon Gluttony, in the Holy Name of Jesus I cast you out! Leave this woman and leave this place!” “Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on, too!” Elaine yelled.

  fuck you very much (used as a sarcastic or blatantly insincere expression of undeserved thanks).

  a1976 T. McNally Ritz & Other Plays 159: Fuck you, ducky, fuck you very much. Nice place you got here. 1978 A. Maupin Tales of the City 70: Fuck you very much. 1981 J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome 41: Good luck to the first team and fuck you very much. 1985 T. Kidder House 256: We Sincerely Appreciate Your Criticism[/]Fuck You Very Much. 1991 D. Gates Jernigan 77: Absolutely nothing to lose at this point. “Well, fuck you very much,” I said. 1991 M. Lackey Jinx High 143: “And fuck you very much, sir,” she said mockingly to the handset as she put it down on the tray. 1998 E. J. Dickey Milk in My Coffee 42: “Kim, why—” “ Kimberly. My damn name is Kimberly, fuck you very much.” 2007 G. Kaplan Evil, Inc. lx. 164: “Sure,” Ken said, pulling his arm away from the goon’s grip, “fuck you very much.”

  get fucked! (used to express hostility or contempt); go to hell!

  a1950 E. Partridge Dictionary of Slang & Unconventional English (ed. 3) 1054: F*cked!, go and get.… mid C.19-20. 1966 E. Shepard Doom Pussy 151: We told him to go ahead and ask. And he did. And we say, “Get f—.” 1968 L. J. Davis Whence All Had Fled 218: “Get fucked,” he said. 1986 D. Dye & O. Stone Platoon 16: Tell that dipshit to get fucked. a1990 C. T. Westcott Half a Klick from Home 125: Tell him ta get fucked with a mule’s dick, I don’t care.

  go fuck [yourself] (used to express hostility or contempt); go to hell! get out! be damned! Also variants with other objects, especially go fuck your mother. [Go fuck your mother is generally perceived as the most offensive and provocative curse in English; cf. MOTHERFUCKER.]

  [1879 Pearl 210: He’d been told,/To bloody well bugger himself.] 1895 Report of the Senate Committee on the Police Dept. of N.Y. III. 3158: By Senator Bradley: Q. Repeat what he said to you? A. He said, “Go on, fuck yourself, you son-of-a-bitch; I will give you a hundred dollars”; he tried to punch me, and I went out. [1905 W. S. Kelly Lariats 273: If yer don’t like ’em, go and puke yourselfs.] 1920 in J. Dos Passos 14th Chronicle 306: As for an intellectual class it can go f— itself. 1922 T. E. Lawrence The Mint (1955) 99: “Go and fuck rattlesnakes,” retorted Garner. 1926 F. Wray trans. H. Barbusse Under Fire 243: Go and f— yourself. 1929 D. Marquis in G. Legman No Laughing Matter (1975) 149: Go fuck thy suffering self. 1931 J. Dos Passos Nineteen Nineteen 150 [refers to WWI]: Joe got sore and told him to go f— himself. 1932 E. Hemingway Winner 152: F— yourself. F— your mother. F— your sister. 1933 in H. Miller Letters to Emil (1989) 126: Tell her to go fuck herself. 1938 R. Chandler Big Sleep 60: Go — yourself. 1942 in D. Schwartz Journals 88: “Then go fuck yourself!” said May, hanging up, enraged. 1948 N. Mailer Naked & Dead 12: Go fug yourself. [1951 African Studies X 32: “Copulate with your mother!” Nor
mally no insult could be more frightful.] 1955 J. Sack Here to Shimbashi 92: Sometimes they toss cigarettes to the MP’s on patrol, and sometimes they have been known to shout, “Hey, GI — your mother!” in English. 1959 New York City schoolboy, age 13: Aw, go fuck your mother in bed, you little prick! 1961 J. Baldwin Another Country 34: Drop dead, get lost, go fuck yourself. 1961 R. Granat Important Thing 80 [refers to WWII]: You just go f—. 1967 N. Mailer Why We Are in Vietnam 94: Go fuck, D.J.’s got his purchase on the big thing. 1969 in M. Girodias New Olympia Reader 68: She [was] screaming, “Go fuck your mother.” [1976 C. Amuzie in Journal of Black Studies VI 416: Among the Igbos, one could hear male and very old female adults cursing [in Igbo] as follows: “fuck your mother,” “fuck your sister,” “may a dog fuck your mother.” These curses are perceived by the Igbos as among the worst.] 1976 J. Harrison Farmer 28: Oh go fuck yourself. 1973–77 J. Jones Whistle 320 [refers to WWII]: “Appreciate it.” “Go fuck.” 1977 Maledicta (Summer) 12: Go fuck yourself with a rubber weenie. 1980 E. Morgan Surgeon 195: “Leah,” screamed the little girl. “Go fuck your cat, fuck your mother.” [1985 J.M.G. Brown Rice Paddy Grunt 122: The gook tells him, “ Du Mau, Du Mau” (to fuck his mother, in Vietnamese).] 2004 Washington Post (June 25) A4: A chance meeting with Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, became an argument about Cheney’s ties to Halliburton Co., an international energy services corporation, and President Bush’s judicial nominees. The exchange ended when Cheney offered some crass advice. “Fuck yourself,” said the man who is a heartbeat from the presidency.

  I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick and variants, (used to describe a sexually unappealing woman).

  1968 G. Legman Rationale of Dirty Joke 367: Compare the folk-phrase, “I wouldn’t fuck her with your prick.” 1979 L. Gonzales Jambeaux 15: “I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick,” Link said. “You’d fuck anything that’s warm.” Page laughed. 1996 E. Leonard Out of Sight 219: Man, I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick. 1998 J. Collins Power 63: “You gotta be kidding? I wouldn’t fuck her with somebody else’s dick.” Trust Max to say exactly what everyone else was thinking. Angela looked like a heroin addict on the run. 2001 “L. Burana” Strip City 132: A man is loudly mocking a dancer.… “I wouldn’t fuck her with somebody else’s dick!” he howls to his friends. 2003 W. Heffernan Time Gone By 198: The broad’s a lush. I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick.

  who do I (or you) have to fuck? [in allusion to the alleged requirement of actresses to sleep with directors to get film roles] “what unpleasant thing do I have to do?”

  1968 M. Crowley Boys in the Band 48: Who do you have to fuck to get a drink around here? 1971 T. Southern Blue Movie 13: Listen, who do I have to fuck to get off this picture? 1979 L. Gonzales Jambeaux 14: Who do you have to fuck to get a transfer outta this chickenshit outfit? 1986 T. McNally It’s Only a Play 34: Who do you have to fuck to get something to eat around here? 1993 S. Corbin Fragments that Remain 264: Now I got plenty of cash money, and it’s all about, Who do I have to fuck to spend my money with them? 2004 N. Munk Fools Rush In v. 99: I leave a message that says, “Who do I have to fuck to get you people to do your job?”

  fuck interjection

  1. (used as an interjection to express dismay, disbelief, resignation, surprise, etc.); “shit”; “hell.” Compare FUCK, verb, definition 4.a.

  1929 F. Manning Middle Parts of Fortune II. 161 [refers to WWI]: A man…uttered under his breath a monosyllabic curse. “Fuck.” 1934 “J.M. Hall” Anecdota Americana (Second series) 146: “Oh, fuck!” he cried in disgust. 1943 in M. Morriss & R. Day South Pacific Diary (1996) 196: I welcome the day when people say “fuck!” in polite and mixed company. 1945 in T. Shibutani Derelicts of Company K 301: Fuck, we’re gonna be in the army for another year anyway. 1958 I. Fleming Dr. No (1960) xx. 148: “—,” said Bond, once. He got painfully out on to the side of the track. 1962 in B. Jackson In the Life 157: I’m no gambler because if I tried to gamble, fuck, I’d lose my goddamned drawers. 1964–66 R. Stone Hall of Mirrors 51: Fuck no, I ain’t stoppin’ you. 1973 P. Benchley Jaws 194: “Fuck!” he said, and he threw the full can into the wastebasket. 1981 J. H. Stiehm Bring Men & Women 263: One woman officer…told of stopping an activity because a frustrated woman had said, “Oh, fuck.” 1985 E. Leonard Glitz 207: I thought, fuck, the guy’s a natural. 1987 P. D. Chinnery Life on the Line 208: Brian…said, “Oh, f***.” Then he died. 1998 M. Waites Little Triggers iii. 23: She lit her cigarette and pulled a deep drag.… After holding on for a few seconds she let go. Her tension ebbed along with the smoke. “Fuck, I needed that.” 2002 M. Crichton Prey 144: “I’m not sure we can just deny—” “Fuck yes, deny.”

  2. [reduction of fucked, past participle of FUCK, verb, definition 4] damned [if].

  1967 N. Mailer Why Are We In Vietnam? x. 178: “Well, you ain’t no I.Q. competitor.” “Fuck, I ain’t. I compete you in anything.” 1978 A. Maupin Tales of the City 18: Fuck if I know. 1983 W. D. Ehrhart Vietnam to Perkasie 143: Fuck if I’m stickin’ around. 1984 W. D. Ehrhart Marking Time 123: Fuck if I know. 1998 Daily Variety (Apr. 23) A45: When was the moment we broke out? Fuck if I know, even I have a hard time dissecting that one. 2003 D. Lehane Shutter Island iii. 50: “Fuck if I know.”… “Quite similar to our clinical conclusion.”

  3. = the fuck, definition 2, under FUCK, noun. Also: (elliptical for) “what the fuck,” “who the fuck,” etc.

  1983 S. King Christine 147: “Turn out your pockets, Buddy.”…“Fuck I will.” 1989 B. M. Cooper & T. L. Wright New Jack City (film script) 30: Fuck is wrong with you? 1996 D. McCumber Playing off Rail 272: “I don’t do that to you.” “Fuck you don’t.” 1999 J. Williams Five Pubs, Two Bars & Nightclub 156: “Who you been talking to, Tone?” he asked now. “Kenny.” “Fuck you talking to Kenny for?” 2003 J. Lethem Fortress of Solitude i. iv. 60: Fuck you know about it, anyway?

  fuckability noun

  ability to be copulated with; (specifically) sexual attractiveness.

  1969 Screw (Sept. 1) 6/3: The SCREW sex laboratory must find the vibrating dildo limited in functionality and fuckability. 1992 M. Leyner Et Tu, Babe v. 126: I don’t think that those folks wrote to enhance their fuckability. 1999 Empire (Nov.) 150/3: But the book is at its best when Figgis coaxes anecdotal material to back up the theories:…Ally Sheedy revealing she was told to “up her fuckability quotient” if she wanted to work. 2005 J. MacGregor Sunday Money iv. 118: For Cup drivers with talent and a good work ethic but a low mojo quotient (“deficient fuckability,” per Hollywood), there is applause but no hysteria.

  fuckable adjective

  1. sexually desirable.

  1889 Capt. C. Devereaux Venus in India 110: The poor man had at last outwitted his careful wife and obtained the much-longed-for fuckable cunt. a1890–93 J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley Slang & Its Analogues III 80: Fuckable…Desirable. 1938 “Justinian” Americana Sexualis 23: Fuckable, sexually desirable (of a female). 1971 J. F. Hunter Gay Insider xvii. 217: Youth is the sine qua non of desirability: males under twenty-five, butch and fuckable. 1974 J. Lahr Hot to Trot 15: “I’d like to dip my wick into that.” “Fuckable.” 1973–77 J. Jones Whistle 233: She was…eminently fuckable. 1978 L. Kramer Faggots 28: If clothes make the man, what were they making?… And why was the same guy Hot and fuckable in a Pendleton and not in a Polo? 1986 R. Campbell In La-La Land 3: Showing how brave, how manly, how fuckable he was. 1997 GQ (Sept.) 258: Anne-Marie…is a blow-up doll—highly fuckable for her lack of will and personality. 2001 C. Whitehead John Henry Days iv. 323: They were all there, from the eminently fuckable to the differently attractive, the not conventionally handsome and the walking airbrushed in complimentary [sic] pairs. 2004 H. Walsh Brass i. 21: A simple course of lazer treatment would kill the problem forever and thus transform her from an unfuckable attractive lady to a fuckable stunner.

  2. sexually available.

  1889 Capt. C. Devereaux Venus in India 142: I should never at any time object to so great a pleasure as having my prick a
nd my balls handled by a very pretty girl, whom I knew to be fuckable. 1972 B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 25: Available open for sexual consideration.… Syn[onyms]: catchable; fuckable; [etc.]. 1977 College student: What you do is, you just come right out and ask her, “How fuckable are you?” 1994 Guardian (Sept. 17) (Weekend Suppl.) 5/3: Where are all the fuckable younger men for the older woman? 1995 Independent (Jan. 28) 27/2: Because there is only one reason for women to exist in Updike’s world: to be fucked, or at least fuckable. 2004 S. Kandel I Dreamed I Married Perry Mason xxvi. 184: Thick wool legs at cocktail hour! What an affront!… Silk stockings mean you’re fuckable.

  fuck-a-doodle-doo interjection

  (used to express ironic delight); “oh, wonderful”; “big deal.”

  1976 J. F. Daly (book title): Fuck-a-doodle-doo. 1980 C. Garrison Snakedoctor 186: Well, fuck-a-doodle-doo! 1990 N. Simon Rumors 86: ERNIE.… (Covering the phone.) It’s a woman. For Glenn. CLAIRE. So? ERNIE. It sounds like Myrna. COOKIE. Oh, fuck-a-doodle-doo. 1994 Four Weddings & a Funeral (film): Fuck-a-doodle-doo. 2004 Shaun of the Dead (film): “I like having him around, he’s a laugh.” “Because he can impersonate an orangutan? Fuck-a-doodle-doo.”


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