Adams, Ansel
Adler, Rabbi
Akhmadulina, Bella
Akhmatova, Anna
Albee, Edward
Aleichem, Sholem
Algren, Nelson
Allen, A. A.
Allen, Woody
Ammons, A. R.
Anthony, Carol
Antonioni, Michelangelo
Archer, Elise
Arendt, Hannah
Arlen, Michael
Ashbery, John
Atkinson, Colin
Atkinson, Jo
Auden, W. H.
Augustine, Saint
Aurelius, Marcus
Austen, Jane
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Baker, Carlos
Balakian, Nona
Baldwin, James
Banks, Russell
Barth, John
Barth, Shelley
Barthelme, Donald
Barthelme, Marion
Barthes, Roland
Baskin, Leonard
Bauer, Jerry
Beckett, Samuel
Beckhl, Sherry
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bell, Quentin
Bellamy, Joe David
Bellow, Saul
Bennett, Arnold
Bergstein, Eleanor
Berlioz, Hector
Bernhardt, Martha
Berryman, John
Bettelheim, Bruno
Bixby, George
Blackmur, R. P.
Blake, William
Bloom, Harold
Blotner, Joseph
Bly, Robert
Bogard, Herb
Boland, Eavan
Borden, Lizzie
Borges, Jorge Luis
Bosch, Hieronymus
Boswell, James
Braque, Georges
Braziller, Karen
Braziller, Michael
Breslin, Jimmy
Britten, Benjamin
Brodsky, Joseph
Brombert, Victor
Brontë, Anne
Brontë, Branwell
Brontë, Charlotte
Brontë, Emily
Brown, Deming
Browning, Robert
Brustein, Robert
Buckley William
Budgen, Frank
Burchfield, Charles
Burgess, Anthony
Burhman, Madge
Burke, Kenneth
Burnett, Patricia
Burroughs, William S.
Cage, John
Calisher, Hortense
Callaghan, Barry
Camus, Albert
Capote, Truman
Carroll, Lewis
Carter, Billy
Casnoff, Philip
Cattaneo, Ann
Cavafy, Mike
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
C. (friend)
Charyn, Jerry
Chase, Calvin
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Cheever, John
Chopin, Frédéric
Churchill, Charles
Ciardi, John
Clark, Kenneth
Clemons, Walter
Coles, Robert
Collier, John
Cone, Ed
Conrad, Joseph
Consagra, Sophie
Coover, Pili
Coover, Robert
Copeland, Anne
Copland, Aaron
Cortázar, Julio
Cousins, Norman
Crane, Stephen
Cromie, Bob
Davidson, Peter
Debussy, Claude
de Kooning, Willem
Deleuze, Gilles
Descartes, René
DeVries, Peter
Dickens, Charles
Dickey, James
Dickinson, Emily
Didion, Joan
Dietz, Paula
Dike, Donald
Ditsky, John
Doctorow, Ed
Doctorow, Helen
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Doutine, Heike
Drabble, Margaret
Dreiser, Theodore
Duchamp, Marcel
Dürer, Albert
Edel, Leon
Edwards, Thomas R.
Einstein, Albert
Eliade, Mircea
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans)
Eliot, T. S.
Elkin, Stanley
Ellison, Ralph
Ellmann, Richard
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emmanuel, Pierre
Engel, Marian
Erdman, Nikolai
Ernst, Max
Evans, Donald
Evans, Walker
Ewert, William
Fagles, Lynn
Fagles, Robert
Faulkner, William
Fauré, Gabriel
Fedorenko, Nikolai
Fiedler, Leslie
Field, Andrew
Field, John
Fielding, Henry
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flaubert, Gustave
Flier, Yakov
F. (near-fiancé)
Ford, Kristina
Ford, Richard
Fowles, John
Frank, Joe
Franks, Lucinda
Fraser, Phil
Frazer, Russ
Freud, Sigmund
Freudenberger, Daniel
Frost, Robert
Frye, Northrop
Fuentes, Carlos
Fussell, Betty
Fussell, Paul
Gallagher, Tess
Gallant, Mavis
Gardner, Joan
Gardner, John
Gass, William
Gibbons, Reginald
Giroux, Bob
Gleasner, Gail
Godwin, Gail
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goldman, Eleanor. See Bergstein
Goldman, Michael
Gordimer, Nadine
Gordon, Mary
Goreau, Angeline
Goreau, Stephen
Goyen, William
Graham, Jim
Graham, Liz
Green, Ashbel
Gregory, Blanche
Grumbach, Doris
Guston, Philip
Guttfreund, Andre
Hammett, Dashiell
Hansell, Betsey
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Harnack, Curt
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayman, Geoff
Hazzard, Shirley
Heaney, Seamus
Hecht, Anthony
Heidegger, Martin
Heller, Joseph
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Heyen, William
Hilberry, Conrad
Hilberry, Suzanne
Hippus, Zinaida
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffman, Dan
Hollander, John
Holmes, David
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Howard, Maureen
Howard, Richard
Howe, Irving
Howells, William Dean
Hughes, Ted
Hujar, Peter
Hume, David
Humphrey, Bill
Humphrey, Dorothy
Hunt, Chantal
Hunt, John
Huxley, Aldous
Huysmans, Georges
Ibsen, Henrik
Irving, John
Ivanov, Vyacheslav
Iverson, Brad
Ives, Charles
Jaffe, Anielea
Jaffee, Annette
James, Alice
James, Henry
James, William, xiv
Janeway, Eliot
Janeway, Elizabeth
Jarrell, Randall
Jaynes, Julian
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Diane
Johnson, Greg, xii
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Howard Mumford
Jong, Erica
Joyce, James
Joyce, Lucia
Jung, Carl
Kafka, Franz
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Justin
Kaufmann, Hazel
Kaufmann, Stanley
Kaufmann, Walter
Kavan, Anna
Kawabata, Yasunari
Kayatev, Valentin
Kazin, Alfred
Keeley, Bob
Keeley, Edmund “Mike,”
Keeley, Mary
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, X. J.
Khodasevich, Vladislaw
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kierkegaard, Søren
King, Stephen
Klebnikov, George
Kline, George
Koch, Stephen
Kollwitz, Käthe
Krementz, Jill
Kumin, Maxine
Kunitz, Stanley
Kusnetsov, Felix
Kyriakou, Rena
Laing, R. D.
Langdon, Helen
Lardner, Susan
Laurence, Margaret
Lawford, Pat Kennedy
Lawrence, D. H.
Lebowitz, Fran
Legler, Philip
Lem, Stanislaw
Leonard, John
Levin, Herb
Levin, Marjorie “Marge,”
Levine, George
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindberg, Stanley
Lish, Gordon
Liszt, Franz
Litz, Marion
Litz, Walt
Lodge, David
Lodge, Mary
Lowell, Robert
MacLeod, Alistair
Macrae, Jack, III
Magaloff, Nikita
Magritte, René
Mahler, Gustav
Mailer, Betsey
Mailer, Norman
Mailer, Norris
Malamud, Ann
Malamud, Bernard
Mandelstam, Osip
Mann, Thomas
Manson, Charles
Márquez, Gabriel García
Martin, John
Marx, Karl
Marx, Sue
Matisse, Henri
Matthiessen, Peter
Mattiuzzio, Marian
Max (teaching assistant)
Mayakowsky, Vladimir
Mazzaro, Jerry
McCarthy, Mary
McGovern, George
McNamara, Gene
McNear, Suzanne
Melville, Herman
Mendelssohn, Felix
Merwin, W. S.
Miller, Arthur
Minaux, André
Mishima, Yukio
Moller, Hans
Molly (Plimpton’s editor)
Monet, Claude
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
Moore, Brian
Moore, Marianne
Moore, Richard
Morgan, Fred
Morgenthau, Bob
Morgenthau, Lucinda. See Franks, Lucinda
Morris, Donald
Moss, Howard
Mountain, Kathryn
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muer, Joe
Munch, Edvard
Murdoch, Iris
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nemerov, Howard
Neumann, Erich
Nevler, Leona
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nin, Anaïs
Nixon, Richard M.
Norris, Joan
Oates, Carolina (mother)
Oates, Fred (brother)
Oates, Frederic (father)
Oates, Lynn (sister)
Oates, Nancy
O’Connell, George
O’Connor, Flannery
Ogren, Linnea
O’Hara, John
O’Keeffe, Georgia
Olivier, Sir Laurence
O’Neill, Eugene
Palmer, Dottie
Pascal, Blaise
Pater, Walter
Patton, Bob
Paz, Octavio
Pearl, Marilyn
Percy, Walker
Phillips, Judy
Phillips, Matt
Phillips, Robert
Picasso, Pablo
Pickering, Samuel F., Jr.
Pirsig, Robert
Pirsig, Wendy
Pissaro, Jean-Paul
Pitcher, George
Plath, Sylvia
Plimpton, George
Poe, Edgar Allan
Porter, Fairfield
Porter, Katherine Anne
Poulenc, Francis
Pound, Ezra
Pratt, Christopher
Proust, Marcel
Pynn, Nelia
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Rader, Dotson
Rauschenberg, Robert
Ravel, Maurice
Reagan, Ronald
Reed, John
Rich, Adrienne
Richardson, Dorothy
Richard W. See Wishnetsky, Richard
Rieff, David
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Robbins, Henry
Roberts, Oral
Robertson, Bill
Rodriguez, Miguel
Roethke, Theodore
Rorem, Ned
Rosen, Carol
Rosenblatt, Roger
Roth, Philip
Rourke, Byron
Rourke, Carolyn
R. Q.
Rubinstein, Arthur
Rudenstine, Angelica
Sale, Roger
Salisbury, Harrison
Sand, George
Saroyan, William
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Schoenberg, Arnold
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schumann, Robert
Schwartz, Delmore
Schwartz, Lynne Sharon
Sexton, Anne
Shahn, Ben
Shakespeare, William
Shapiro, Lois
Sheed, Wilfrid
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Showalter, Elaine
Showalter, English
Showalter, Vinca
Shrifte, Evelyn
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
Shriver, Sargent
Siegal, Clancy
Simon, Abbey
Simon, John
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Sissman, L. E.
Sjoberg, Leif
Sluckis, Mykolas
Smedick, Lois
Smith, Kay
Smith, Mike
Smith, Raymond J. (husband)
Smith, Stevie
Smith, William Jay
Sontag, Susan
Southworth, Mrs.
Spinoza, Baruch
Stackpole, Willa
Stalin, Joseph
Starer, Robert
Stearns, Philip
Steegmuller, Francis
Steinberg, Saul
Stern, Dan
Stern, Jess
Sterne, Wesley
Stevens, Wallace
Stevenson, Adlai
Stone, Irving
Stone, Robert
Straus, Roger
Streep, Meryl
Styron, William
Sullivan, Edward
Sullilvan, John
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Swenson, May
Swift, Jonathan
Tanner, Tony
Taylor, Peter
Terkel, Studs
Tertz, Abram (Andrei Sinyavsky)
Thomas, Dylan
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurber, James
Tinguely, Jean
Tolstoy, Leo
Trenner, Richard
Tuttleton, James
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens)
Tyler, Anne
Updike, John
Updike, Martha
Valéry, Paul
van Dyke, Henry
Van Gogh, Vincent
Vendler, Helen
Vickery, Nathan
Victor, Tom
Vidal, Gore
Vonnegut, Kurt
Voznesensky, Andrey
Walton, William
Warhol, Andy
Warner, Susan
Watson, Ed
Waugh, Evelyn
Wayman, Tom
Weil, Simone
Weiss, Renee
Weiss, Theodore
Weldon, Fay
Wells, H. G.
Welty, Eudora
Werner, Peter
West, Jim
West, Nathanael
Weston, Edward
Whitman, Walt
Wieland, Christoph Martin
Wierzynski, Casimir
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, Tennessee
Williams, William Carlos
Wills, Garry
Wilson, Ellen
Wilson, Woodrow
Windnagle, Jean
Wiseman, Michael
Wishnetsky, Richard
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolcott, James
Wolfe, Tom
Woll, Betsy
Woodside, Blanche Morgenstern
Woodside, Robert
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia
Wordsworth, William
Wright, Charles
Wright, Holly
Yeats, William Butler
Yellin, Herb
Zassoursky, Yassen
Zeiler, Matt
Zeiler, Michelle
Zimmerman, Charlotte
Zinn, John Quincy
The Gravedigger’s Daughter (2007)
Black Girl/White Girl (2006)
Blood Mask (2006)
Missing Mom (2005)
The Stolen Heart (2005)
The Falls (2004)
Take Me, Take Me With You (2004)
The Tattooed Girl (2003)
I’ll Take You There (2002)
Middle Age: A Romance (2001)
Blonde (2000)
High Lonesome: New & Selected Stories, 1966–2006 (2006)
I Am No One You Know: Stories (2004)
Faithless: Tales of Transgression (2001)
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?: Selected Early Stories (1993)
Where Is Here?: Stories (1992)
The Assignation: Stories (1989)
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates: 1973–1982 (2007)
Uncensored: Views & (Re)views (2005)
The Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art (2003)
On Boxing (1987)
THE JOURNAL OF JOYCE CAROL OATES. Copyright © 2007 by The Ontario Review, Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates Page 58