Scoring at Love (Men of the Ice Book 4)

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Scoring at Love (Men of the Ice Book 4) Page 6

by Michele Shriver

  “I hope it’s okay...” Kendall said, “that I, well...”

  “Almost killed me?” Becker smiled. “Yeah, if I go like that, at least I go happy. So it’s definitely okay.” He pulled the condom off and deposited in the wastebasket beside the bed.

  “I’m not usually so... aggressive.”

  “Tell me something. Did you like it?” Becker asked.

  “I loved it,” Kendall admitted.

  “Then be as aggressive as you want. I’ll never complain,” he said. “Now, come here and let me hold you for a while.”

  Kendall wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, or if she might have even fallen asleep for a while. If she had, it wouldn’t surprise her. Running after the kids could be exhausting. “Are you hungry?” she finally asked. “I can probably find something for us to eat, and we can open the wine you brought.”

  “I could eat,” Becker said. “I can always eat.” He got up and pulled his boxers back on while, Kendall put on a kimono-style robe.

  When they got downstairs, Kendall put Beck to work opening wine while she rummaged through the kitchen—and realized Friday was grocery day, so things were pretty bleak. “This will sound pathetic, and you’ll probably think I’m a horrible mother, but, um, our choices are pizza rolls, hot dogs, or macaroni and cheese.” She glanced at the label of the wine he’d just opened and recognized it as a Chardonnay she’d seen on the top shelf at the grocery store, meaning it was a lot more expensive than anything she ever bought. It undoubtedly deserved a better pairing than Kendall could offer.

  “I’ve seen you with your kids, and you’re definitely not a horrible mother.” He found wine glasses in the cabinet and began to pour. “I also happen to love pizza rolls.”

  Kendall laughed. “Okay. Then pizza rolls it is.” She piled them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven, and then they sat on stools at her kitchen island and sipped wine.

  “Pizza rolls and Chardonnay. My favorite combination,” Becker said.

  “You’re crazy,” Kendall remarked.

  “Maybe,” he answered, “but it’s food, and I need to build my energy back for round two,” Becker added with a wink.

  Round two. Kendall glanced down and noticed she hadn’t cinched the robe very tightly and one of her breasts peaked out. She knew she should probably adjust it, but didn’t. If Becker got distracted, so be it. Maybe they’d get an earlier start on that second round. Kendall already looked forward to it. Hurry up, pizza rolls.

  Chapter Nine

  Becker awoke to the sound of the shower running, and a major hard on. It didn’t surprise him, since he’d been dreaming about going down on Kendall right there in her kitchen, and her returning the favor and going down on him. Except it wasn’t really a dream, it had actually happened. Yeah, no wonder he was rock hard. It was morning, and Beck knew they’d have to return to reality soon enough, but he wasn’t quite ready.

  He grabbed a fresh condom from the box and made his way to the bathroom, where he heard her singing. She sang in the shower. And was that Adele? Yes, it was, and Becker just got harder. He pulled the shower curtain back, and Kendall shrieked.

  Great. Now she thought he was Anthony Perkins. Not quite the romantic gesture he’d been going for. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s okay. I...” Her eyes cast downward and her voice trailed off, leaving no doubt as to why. “Wow.”

  Yeah, it’s impressive, I agree. “Mind if I join you?” Becker asked, holding up his hand so she could see he came prepared.

  She smiled. “Please do, sir.”

  Sir? Was she kidding? He didn’t care. Either way, she was smoking hot, and she wanted him. Becker ripped open the condom and pulled it over his engorged cock before stepping into the shower. “Turn around,” he instructed. “Face the wall.”

  He’d been more than willing to let Kendall take charge the night before, but now it was his turn. Since she did as he asked, Becker assumed she didn’t mind. “Bend over just a little bit, but keep your hands on the wall. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  She did as he asked, but he wanted to make sure she was ready before he entered her. He reached around and cupped one of her breasts in his hand, gently massaging it. With his other hand, be probed lower, between her legs, where his fingers found her clit. “Does that feel good?” Beck asked, applying pressure. When Kendall responded with a moan, he inserted one finger inside her opening, making sure she was wet. “Do you want me, honey?” Becker asked, his finger still inside her. “Do you want me to make you come?”

  “Yes, please!” Judging from the urgency of her plea, it wouldn’t be long before she did just that. Kendall bent over further, allowing him easy access, and Becker thrust his dick into her slick opening. “Oh, yes,” she cried.

  Was it his imagination, or did he fit perfectly? “God, you’re incredible, honey,” Becker said. “You feel so good.” He continued to move inside her, picking up the rhythm, until he couldn’t hold back anymore, and surrendered to his release as he screamed her name.


  What a way to wake up. Kendall didn’t want Beck to leave, but she knew he had to get to the rink for camp, and she had to pick up the kids from Carter’s as well. They parted with a kiss in the driveway and a promise to talk more after the day’s camp session. And hopefully make another date for the weekend, when they would have even more time together.

  Great. Now I’m looking forward to the next time my kids visit their dad, so I can schedule another intense sex session with my son’s hockey coach. Was that what she was becoming? Apparently so, but it had been a long time since Kendall experienced had experienced pleasure anything close to what she’d enjoyed with Beck. Didn’t she deserve some passion and excitement in her life?

  She was about to leave to pick up the kids when Carter called.

  “What’s up?” she asked. “I’m on my way.”

  “Change of plans,” Carter said. “You don’t have to come over here. I’ll bring Tristan to the rink for his camp. Ali, too, if that’s okay. Tristan says she enjoys watching the practices.”

  “Yes, she does,” Kendall said. “That’s fine, I guess. It’ll save me the trip by your place. I can meet you at the rink.” What’s this? Is Carter taking an interest in his kids again? Okay, that wasn’t entirely fair. He’d always been interested in Tristan. Alison was the one he typically ignored. Still, it would save her time, so she was happy to acquiesce.

  When she arrived at the rink, Kendall took her customary seat next to Lori, who wasted no time in peppering her with questions.

  “How did it go? Was it incredible? And by the way, where’s Tristan? I didn’t see him come in with you.”

  “Nope, Carter’s bringing him. Ali, too, if you can believe that,” Kendall said. “Oh, and yes. It was beyond incredible.” She couldn’t keep the satisfied smile from forming on her face as she recalled the events of the night before. And that morning in the shower. Oh my, the shower. “He’s so...” Kendall searched for the right word.

  “Sexy?” Lori supplied. “Hot? Hard? Huge?”

  Even as long as she’d known Lori, Kendall sometimes didn’t believe the things that came out of her friend’s mouth. She looked around, embarrassed, hoping no one nearby had heard it. Fortunately, no one seemed to be staring at them, mouths agape. “Yes, he’s all of those,” she admitted. “And then some. He’s also very sweet and gentle.” Even when he’d taken her from behind in the shower, Beck had been certain to make sure she was aroused and ready for him first. And what an incredible sensation that had been, her hands pressed hard against the tile, bracing herself, as he thrust inside her. Just thinking about it was enough to turn her on again. Easy there, Kendall. “Do we have to talk about this now, though? Because I’m not sure this is the time or the place.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Lori gave an exaggerated sigh. “I do want details, and lots of them, but I can wait a little bit. It looks like the asshole is here, anyway, and headed in ou
r direction.”

  Kendall didn’t have to ask who Lori referred to, and knew before she glanced to the rink’s east entrance. Sure enough, Tristan had joined the other boys and girls on the ice, and Carter was indeed approaching them, Ali in tow. At least he’d made good on his promise to bring her along.

  “Hi, Princess Ali.” Kendall greeted her with a hug before glancing up at Carter. “Thanks for driving them here.”

  “No problem,” he said. “It’s nice to get a little extra time with them. We had fun together last night.”

  Did they, or was he simply saying that for her benefit? Kendall hated being skeptical, especially when Carter seemed to finally be making an effort, not only with their son, but with their daughter as well. “I’m glad. Alison needs to know her dad loves her, too.”

  Maybe it was a jab, but a necessary one, and Carter nodded. “I get that,” he said, “And I’m trying to do better. I took the morning off from work, and thought I’d stay and watch our future hockey superstar in action, if you don’t mind.” Without waiting for an answer, he sat down beside her.

  Mind? Kendall wasn’t thrilled, but she couldn’t exactly say no. After all, she’d been wanting Carter to be less selfish and more involved with the kids. “It’s fine,” she said, “but we should move somewhere else, so we have more room for Ali.” One of the other Generals players who coached in the hockey camp had a daughter who was wheelchair-bound while she recovered from leukemia treatments, and they sat by her and her mother the last time Ali had been at the rink. Kendall glanced over at Lori. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Lori shook her head. “Nope, and I think I’ll join you. I can probably see better from over there, anyway.”

  It might have only been an excuse for Lori to keep an eye on Carter, but Kendall didn’t object. She didn’t want to spend the morning alone with her ex-husband, anyway.


  Even though he left her house only an hour before, but Becker watched the rink entrance anxiously waiting for Kendall to arrive with Tristan. When she showed up alone and took her usual seat by her friend, he wondered what was up. His question was answered—sort of—a few minutes later when Tristan arrived at the rink, apparently brought by his dad.

  As Tristan joined the other goalies and laced up his skates, Becker kept his eyes on the bleachers. He’d expected, hoped, that Carter would simply drop off Tristan and leave. No, instead Becker was forced to look on as Kendall sat with her daughter and her ex-husband, forming a perfect, happy family image as they settled in to watch the camp session together. What the hell was that about?

  He tried to put it out of his mind and concentrate on working with the kids on more movement drills, followed by some two one scenarios with the forward and defense groups. Again, Tristan showed good instincts and an eye for the puck, as he made a glove save off a point blank shot.

  “Good job, buddy,” he praised after they wrapped up the session. “You’re really looking good out there.”

  “Thanks, Beck.” Tristan grinned. “My dad’s watching today.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. It’s nice of him to come.” Not nice for Becker, but it apparently meant a lot to Tristan.

  “He usually works a lot.”

  Sure, or pawns you off on your grandparents so he can go on a date. “Then it’s great he could get time off today.”

  “Do you want to go meet him?” Tristan asked. “And say hi to my mom?”

  Becker definitely wanted to say hi to Kendall. Okay, he wanted to do a lot more than just say hi to her. But not when she was sitting there with her ex-husband. And he didn’t want to tell Tristan he’d already met Carter Myers once before and not been too impressed. “No, I don’t think so,” he said, shaking his head. “Maybe some other time.” I’m not intruding on this happy family moment.

  Chapter Ten

  Leave it to Carter to ruin things. Or maybe it was a case of being careful what she wished for. Kendall wanted him to show more interest in his kids’ lives, and actually spend time with Ali, so in that regard it was great that he drove them to the rink and stayed to watch practice. She could tell that it meant a great deal to both Tristan and Ali to have him there. Unfortunately, it also meant Kendall had to endure his presence, and as a result, she didn’t get to see Beck after the day’s camp session.

  No, instead of coming over to talk to her, like he had every day since the camp opened, this time he barely glanced her way before skating off to the locker room without a word. Kendall could only figure it was because he’d seen her sitting with her ex-husband. Hopefully, his avoidance had more to do with not wanting to have a run-in with Carter than any jealousy, and he would call her later. When she hadn’t heard from him by the following day, in which camp wasn’t in session, Kendall took it upon herself to call him.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Becker said when he answered. “It’s good to hear from you.”

  She could definitely get used to greetings like that. “I guess that means you’re not avoiding me?”

  “You, no. Just your ex-husband.”

  So it was exactly as she expected. He’d noticed Carter sitting with her, and that was why he hadn’t come over to talk. “I can explain that,” Kendall said. “Out of the blue, Carter called and said he’d drop off the kids at the rink, rather than me picking them up at his house. I agreed, because it saved me some time. I had no idea he planned on staying to watch the practice, but when he asked, I couldn’t exactly say no. He is Tristan and Ali’s father.” Surely, Beck would understand that.

  “Yes, and he should spend more time with them,” Becker said. “That doesn’t mean he should also spend more time with you.”

  Kendall stifled a sigh. Lori had expressed the same thing. “So you’re jealous,” she concluded.

  “No, I’m not jealous,” Becker insisted.

  “Sure.” Kendall rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see her. “What would you call it then, if not jealousy?”

  “Not wanting to have to see you with your ex,” he said.

  “Because you want me for yourself?”

  A sexy laugh sounded over the line. “Yes, I thought that much was obvious after the other night. I like you, Kendall. A lot. I want to spend more time with you, getting to know you better. All of you.”

  The way he said ‘all of you’ gave Kendall a little tingle. She was more than willing to let him have all of her, and the sooner the better. “That can be arranged,” she said, hoping she sounded more flirtatious and less like a woman in heat.

  “When?” Becker asked. “Please say soon.”

  So he was anxious, too. Kendall smiled. “Tonight?” she suggested. “It’s Carter’s weekend with the kids, so I’m free anytime after six.”

  “For the whole weekend?”


  “I’ll be there,” Becker said. “Say six fifteen?”

  Kendall thought for a minute. “Can we make it six thirty?” Not that fifteen minutes was a lot more time to get ready, but it would mean less rushing. A little.

  Becker laughed. “Oh, you drive a hard bargain, making a man wait so long, but I’ll see you then. Bye, beautiful.”

  “Goodbye, Beck.” Kendall glanced at her watch. Six hours. A little more than six hours and she’d see him again. She had little doubt she’d be distracted the entire time. Like it or not, she was falling fast for Becker Lawson.


  Becker pledged that this time, they’d take their time getting to get to the bedroom. Maybe they’d enjoy a glass of wine first, or perhaps even dinner. They could watch a movie, or listen to some music. Or perhaps they’d simply talk and be together. The last thing he wanted was for Kendall to think he was only interested in the sex, especially since he suspected her confidence had taken a hit in the wake of her divorce.

  He quickly learned that the best-laid plans often went astray, because the bedroom was exactly where they ended up, and less than fifteen minutes after Becker arrived at Kendall’s house. He justified it by telling him
self that she made the first move, which she did. And just like before, she seized control of their lovemaking, wanting to be on top.

  “You’re quite the firecracker in bed,” Becker commented after she rode him to another mind-blowing orgasm. “Does it have something to do with the red hair?” he teased.

  “Maybe. I don’t know.” Kendall jerked away from him and wrapped the sheet around herself.

  “Whoa, wait a minute.” Becker frowned. “Did I say something wrong here? Because I thought we were connecting really well.”

  “We were. I just... you liked it, right?”

  “Um, yeah, wasn’t that obvious?” Becker rolled over on his side and propped up on his elbow, facing her. “Want to tell me what’s going on? It seems like we’ve already had a similar conversation.” The last time, she’d all but apologized for being aggressive in bed.

  “We have, yes.” Kendall let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. You must think I’m neurotic or something.”

  Becker shook his head. “Not neurotic, no. But I do want to know what’s troubling you.”

  Kendall sat up in the bed, facing him, the sheet still wrapped around her. “Carter. He hated when I tried to be a little bold, and take charge. He told me it wasn’t ladylike.”

  “Not ladylike?” Becker repeated, having a hard time believing he’d heard correctly. “That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. Your ex-husband is officially an idiot. And just because he was stupid enough to let you go.” What kind of man didn’t like his partner to be adventurous in bed? Was it a control thing? Either way, Carter was an idiot. It was the kindest word Becker could come up with to describe him.

  “He wanted quiet. Demure. The perfect wife and mother,” Kendall said. “I didn’t fit the bill, so he found someone who did.”

  Is that really what she believed? If so, the man had messed with Kendall’s self-esteem more than he’d originally thought, because having met Carter’s date at the seafood restaurant a few weeks ago, Becker was pretty certain Kendall’s ex hadn’t traded up. Which was all the better for Becker.


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