Bound By Grace

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Bound By Grace Page 13

by Amber Stockton

  “But, Father, it isn’t like that at all.” She unclasped her hands and extended them in a placating gesture. “I already said he is only a friend.” At the moment, that much was true in reality. “Are you saying I can no longer spend any time with him or his niece?”

  Father pressed his lips into a thin line. “What I am saying is prolonged interactions with him on a social level might prevent you from seeing possibilities with the other gentlemen you meet.”

  He hadn’t set Richard apart from the class of a gentleman. That had to be something. Perhaps she could discover more about why he was facing such difficulty with his business and if he knew when it would all be resolved.

  Mother nodded and pursed her lips. “I do not see any cause to end your associations with Mr. Baxton, Charlotte, dear. But I agree with your father. There are more than enough young men right here in the Brandywine area who I’m sure will provide a suitable distraction.”

  Mother didn’t come right out and say it, but Charlotte could read between the lines. It wasn’t that Richard might distract her from the other men. It was where he lived and his unknown financial status. Well, at least they hadn’t forbiddin any association with him. They were only expressing their desire for her to be careful. That she could do.

  “Thank you, Mother. Father.” She regarded them each in turn and dipped her head in acknowledgment, maintaining a polite exterior. “I promise as soon as Grace’s operation is over next week, I will devote appropriate attention to the potential suitor you have mentioned. We can discuss this further then, and you can arrange an introduction.”

  Her parents both stood, seeming pleased with Charlotte’s promise.

  “That is all we ask, dear,” Mother said.

  “Now let’s adjourn to the dining room where I’m sure Laura has an appetizing meal ready.”

  Charlotte allowed her parents to precede her from the sitting room. That conversation hadn’t gone as she preferred. It could have been much worse though. At least she was still permitted to spend time with Richard. But she only had a little more than a week. If anything more was to happen with Richard, God would have to work a miracle. She had to trust Him and leave it at that.


  “Charlotte!” Richard’s anxious voice greeted her as soon as she stepped through the swinging double doors. “I’m glad you are here.” He took a firm hold of her arm and started to pull her in the opposite direction.

  She resisted, and he paused. “Wait a moment. Why is there such a sense of urgency?” Her right hand went to her chest. “Has something happened to Grace? Is she all right?”

  “Grace is fine. But the surgeon arrived early this morning, and he wants to begin right now. I told him he couldn’t until you arrived. Grace wants to see you before they wheel her into the other room.” Richard resumed his tug on her arm. “Now, come with me.”

  They entered a stark white room almost identical to the rest of the hospital, except this room was furnished with two rose-hued chairs and a colorful patchwork quilt on the bed. Someone had thought ahead. A splash of color always brightened the spirit.

  “Miss Pringle, you’re here!” Grace’s smile lit up the room. She tried to sit up, but the exertion took too much effort.

  Charlotte rushed forward. “No, no. Please, Grace. Rest.”

  A nurse in starched uniform stood on the other side of the bed. “We have only just sedated her with chloroform, but it should be taking effect any minute. If you have something you wish to say to her, you should do it quickly. Otherwise, she will not be able to respond.”

  Grace extended a hand toward Charlotte. “Miss Pringle, will you pray with me?”

  Tears welled in Charlotte’s eyes. “Of course I will, dear.” She looked over her shoulder at Richard, and he nodded, stepping with her to Grace’s bedside.

  The young girl reached first for her uncle’s hand and then for Charlotte’s. She waited and looked back and forth between them both. Before Charlotte could figure out why Grace hesitated, Richard’s fingers brushed hers in a silent request to take her hand. Ah, so that was it. Grace wanted their prayer circle to be complete. How could she deny the precious girl such an honest request?

  As soon as Charlotte moved her fingers, Richard’s hand enveloped hers, the warmth of his grasp traveling up her arm and straight to her heart. They all bowed their heads.

  “Dear Jesus, thank You for bringing Miss Pringle here today, and thank You for the doctor who will be working to help me walk again. Thank You for the nurse to help the doctor and for Your blessing on us. Be with all of us, Lord, through everything that will happen today, and keep us safe. No matter what happens, we love You, and we know You love us. Amen.”

  Grace’s words softened as her prayer drew to a close, and her grip loosened. She managed to open her eyes, though, and look right at Charlotte.

  “I am happy you came,” she said, sounding sluggish.

  The nurse stepped forward as another attendant entered the room. “We need to take her now.”

  As the bed on wheels passed by Charlotte, Grace reached out again and touched her hand.

  “I love you,” she murmured.

  Charlotte’s eyes widened. Had she heard correctly? She looked at Grace, at the soft smile on the girl’s lips. Yes, she must have. A warm hand touched her right shoulder, and Charlotte turned to see Richard with affection reflecting in his gaze. Quick. She had to do or say something in response to Grace. She touched two fingers to her lips and touched them to Grace’s forehead.

  “I love you, too, Grace.”

  The girl didn’t respond, but her smile remained. At least Charlotte could send Grace into surgery knowing her love was returned. Now they just had to wait.


  Charlotte stood to stretch. Four hours. And in all that time, they had spoken only twice—when a nurse came to provide updates on the procedure. Other than that, they had been left alone in an alcove outfitted with two sets of benches opposite each other. There had been plenty of time for Charlotte to tell Richard about her recent conversation with her parents. She wanted him to know she knew about his visit to her father as well. But the moment wasn’t right. Several times she started to open her mouth only to close it and remain silent.

  Richard paced from one end of the benches to the other. In between paces, he cast a worried glance down the hall toward the operating room.

  “Richard,” Charlotte said, keeping her voice soft and free of chastisement. “The nurse was here only twenty minutes ago, and she reported everything being good. I know this isn’t easy, but we have to have faith and trust God to be with Grace and the doctor now.”

  He halted his pacing and stared at her. Then his eyes closed, and a deep sigh escaped his lips. “You are right. My walking back and forth or looking down the hall isn’t going to make the doctor finish any faster.” He sat on the bench again, and Charlotte joined him. Running his fingers through his hair, he slumped and rested his forearms on his thighs. “I just feel so incredibly helpless. I wish I could do something.”

  Compassion filled Charlotte. She started to reach out and touch his hand but retracted. What would he think of her? Would he consider her too forward? He had always initiated the gestures of physical touch. But he was in no frame of mind right now to do so. Charlotte swallowed and tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. What could it hurt?

  Slowly, she shifted the few inches to her right to close the distance between them. Then she eased her hand toward him and covered his folded hands hanging at his knees. He didn’t react.

  “There is something we can do,” she said. “We can continue to pray. That is the best help we can give to the doctor, to ourselves, and to Grace.”

  Richard looked up, his face bearing evidence of the strain. But as he gazed into her eyes, his expression changed. His mouth relaxed, his eyebrows smoothed, and a light entered his eyes. He withdrew one of his hands and clasped hers between his.

  “You are absolutely right. Thank you. I could use the remi

  “Sometimes we all can.”

  Together, they bowed their heads and prayed silently. Charlotte had no idea how long they remained that way, but she didn’t care. She was there for Richard when he needed her most.


  Charlotte and Richard both looked up at the sound of a man clearing his throat. The doctor! Could that mean. . . ? Richard squeezed her hands.

  “Mr. Baxton, I have finished with your niece’s procedure. I believe the operation was a success.” He held up his hands as if to stop someone from rushing forward. “Now obviously we won’t know for certain until she wakes, and there will be a substantial amount of time for recovery. She has been without the use of her legs for several months. Her muscles are going to need to be strengthened, and she is going to have to learn how to use them all over again. It is going to be a difficult road for her. . .and you. And there remains a possibility the operation won’t create a permanent cure. But we will be certain Grace receives the highest level of care for the duration of time she is with us.”

  Charlotte appreciated the doctor speaking to them in terms they could understand. At least she could follow this report.

  Richard stood and extended a hand to the doctor. “Thank you, Doctor,” Richard said. “We owe you a lot, regardless of the results.”

  The doctor shook his hand and offered a weary smile. “It was my pleasure. If I can help young Grace recover even part of the sensation in her limbs, I will consider this operation a success. But we are hoping for much more.” The man looked back down the hall. “Now, if you will excuse me, I need to return to the operating room and tidy up a few things. We will speak with you soon about the next steps.”

  As soon as the doctor departed, Richard turned to face Charlotte, excitement spread across his entire face. Charlotte shared his enthusiasm. She wanted to shout out and rejoice. But Richard beat her to it.

  He smiled and spread his arms wide. “He did it!”

  “Yes. The operation was a success!” Without thinking, Charlotte threw her arms around Richard’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her back and swung her in a circle then set her down. Almost immediately, Charlotte realized what they had done. Heat warmed her face, and she attempted to step away. But Richard held fast. She looked up at him, and his eyes darkened with an emotion that both compelled her and frightened her. He wanted to kiss her. And she wanted him to do it.

  His hands tightened around her waist, and he lowered his head. Charlotte held her breath as his lips touched hers, lightly at first, then with more pressure. She slid her hands to his shoulders and moved the fingers of her right hand up to touch his stubbly cheek. Several moments later, Richard pulled back and inhaled a deep, shuddering breath. Charlotte pressed her lips together, savoring the kiss.

  “I. . .uh. . .” Richard was the first to attempt to speak.

  “Mr. Baxton?”

  Charlotte and Richard stepped apart and turned to face a courier who held a message. Would there be no end to the interruptions this afternoon? And if a courier came all the way to the hospital to find Richard, it must be important. Charlotte silently prayed it wasn’t bad news.

  “Yes?” Richard replied.

  “I have a message from the lawyer who serves your father’s business, sir.” The man handed over the note.

  From a lawyer? This was serious.

  Richard unfolded the single piece of paper and read it. Concern immediately creased his brow. A moment later, he reached into his vest pocket and handed a coin to the courier. “Thank you,” he said. The courier left without a word.

  Charlotte waited. What had the note said? And why did Richard appear so distraught?

  Richard withdrew his pocket watch and flipped it open, then snapped it shut in haste and shoved it into his pocket. “Charlotte, I am sorry.” He turned to face her, remorse reflecting in his eyes. “But I must leave on a trip to take care of an urgent family business matter. There is a train scheduled to depart immediately, and I must be on it. I do not know how long I will be gone, but I must see to this straightaway.”

  Charlotte nodded, even though she wanted to protest. “I understand. And I hope the matter is resolved quickly.”

  The ghost of a smile appeared on his face. “As do I. There is still so much here that needs to be done.”

  Did he mean in regard to Grace and her recovery or something pertaining to their relationship? He didn’t elaborate. Instead, he took her hands in his.

  “I do not wish to impose, but Mother should be here in about two hours. Until then, would you mind remaining here until Grace awakens from the anesthetic? I will be certain to leave instructions stating you are permitted to be with Grace. It isn’t the ideal situation, but when she realizes I am not here, she will want to see a familiar face.”

  “Of course.” How could she not stay? “I would be happy to see to it that Grace is both reassured and notified of your departure. You have no worries here.”

  “Thank you.” Raising both her hands to his lips, he placed a kiss on each. “I promise to contact you as soon as I return.”

  With that, he was gone.

  Charlotte watched as Richard stopped a nurse in the hall and spoke to her for a moment or two. The woman glanced at Charlotte then returned her attention to Richard, nodded, and appeared to reassure him. After responding to her, he gave Charlotte a final wave and disappeared through the double doors. The nurse went back to her work, and Charlotte stood in the alcove. What should she do now? The doctor or another staff member would get her once Grace awakened, or at least when they felt it was safe to move her to a bed in the children’s ward where she’d reside until she was deemed healed enough to make the arduous journey home. Charlotte wanted to sit by the girl’s bedside and hold her hand. At least that would give her something to occupy her time and mind.

  The ending of this day had not gone how she planned. Of course the kiss wasn’t in her plan either. But she hadn’t minded that at all. Now she had two things she needed to discuss with Richard. But he was gone, and she had no idea when he’d return. Left with no alternative, Charlotte again sat down on the bench. If she remembered correctly from her father’s surgery a few years back, it shouldn’t be long before the chloroform wore off and an attendant came to get her.

  At least she had a few moments to herself to relax…if she could avoid dwelling on the memory of Richard’s lips and the warmth of his embrace. That wouldn’t be easy. She reached up and touched her fingers to her mouth, still feeling the tingle of his touch. His kiss had changed many things. Charlotte only prayed the change would be for the better.


  Charlotte stood in the front hall as their butler closed the door behind her. Thomas Frederick Lyndhurst had just escorted her home after their sixth outing together in three weeks. As had been true of all their other outings, he’d been charming, engaging, and humorous. Charlotte managed a smile. Thomas certainly had his appealing characteristics. And his compelling cerulean eyes only enhanced his otherwise handsome features. But try as she might, she couldn’t get Richard out of her thoughts.

  She missed Grace as well. It had been three days since she’d penned a letter to the young girl, inquiring after her health and recovery status. A reply should be forthcoming any day.

  “Oh good. You have returned.” Bethany stood in the doorway of the parlor, stitching in hand. “Come, join Anastasia and me in here. We wish to hear all the details.”

  Sharing about her latest day out with Thomas didn’t exactly occupy the top spot on Charlotte’s list of things she would like to do, but talking with her sisters might help put her mind at ease. When she entered the room behind Bethany, she perched on the arm of the settee closest to the door. Picking up her needlework didn’t appeal to her in the least, and she had no desire to remain in the parlor any longer than necessary.

  “All right, tell us everything. And do not attempt to leave out any details.” Anastasia pointed her long needle in Charlotte’s direction, trying t
o appear stern but failing miserably.

  Yes, Charlotte definitely needed this.

  “Very well.” She sighed. “I know you two will not give me a moment’s rest until I appease your curiosity, so I may as well surrender now.”

  “Good.” Bethany spoke up from her seat opposite Charlotte. “It would be futile to resist anyway. Anastasia and I always get what we want.”

  “Yes, I know.” Charlotte pursed her lips. “And I am reminded of that nearly every time I hear Mother speak of her daughters.”

  Bethany waved off her defense. “Oh, that is only because Mother is more focused on seeing you happily married with a secure future. Once you are, her efforts will turn to me.” She cast a glance at her other sister. “Then Anastasia will be the favorite.”

  “What do you mean ‘will be’?” Anastasia narrowed her eyes at Bethany. “I already am. And as I am the youngest, I likely always will.”

  Bethany dropped her stitching to her lap and held up her hands in mock surrender. “All right. All right. You win. You are Mother and Father’s favorite. And no one can take that away from you.” She gave Anastasia a pointed glance. “Now, shall we return to the reason for this conversation?”

  “There truly isn’t much to tell,” Charlotte replied. “It was a day much like the others I’ve spent with him. We took a walk along the creek, and he asked me how the bookshop was faring. Then he explained some about his work in textile manufacturing. He made a point to tell me he was poised to assume control in less than three years.”

  “And he will likely want to have his family already established before that occurs.” Bethany raised one eyebrow in her sister’s direction. “A point, I am certain, not lost on either Mr. Lyndhurst or Mother and Father.”

  Bethany had that right. From the moment Mother and Father mentioned Thomas to her a month ago, she knew how pleased they would be to see a successful match made. And as promised, she had been giving him a fair chance. But that might not be enough.

  “Yes,” Charlotte replied. “While Mr. Lyndhurst has not been so forward as to intimate that point, it is clear in the selected topics of conversation and in his mannerisms that he sees our time together as pursuing a purpose.” She looked up at the floral pattern of the wallpaper opposite her. It reminded her of the room where Grace had received her presents at her birthday party. “However, try as I might,” she continued, bringing her focus back to the subject at hand, “I am not certain I am being fair to him.”


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