Perfect Pairings

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Perfect Pairings Page 6

by J. A. Armstrong

  “Why don’t you bring her here?”


  Jillian had made a brief visit to Carrie’s room to check on everyone. Devon was a nervous wreck. Carrie had been calm, albeit clearly uncomfortable. The only concern she’d raised was about CJ. Everyone was different. Jillian had been in the room with her daughter Madison throughout her labor and Dakota’s birth. Madison had groaned and complained for hours. That was understandable. Jillian knew that as well as anyone. She’d never been one to vocalize her pain when she’d been in labor. She’d wiped a good deal of sweat from her brow, wondered if her teeth had been shortened from all the grinding, and cursed silently. Devon was like her father. Lance had always struggled watching Jillian in labor. In some way, Jillian thought that had helped her cope. She was determined not to upset him more, and so, she endeavored to conceal her pain as much as possible. She noted that same resolve in Carrie.

  Something else drove Carrie’s demeanor. Jillian knew that too. Carrie had once thought she would never be able to have a baby. Discomfort and pain were a small price to pay for the thing a person wanted most in life. For Carrie, that was having a baby with Devon. Carrie was already a mother, and like all mothers, her concerns for her daughter were undaunted by bringing a new baby into the world. She’d asked about CJ before Jillian could ask how she was. Now, was as good a time as any. Carrie might deliver in an hour or in twenty-four. Jillian knew as well as anyone that birth was unpredictable. Babies kept the timetable they chose, not the timetable you desired.

  “It’s as good a time as any. You’re only about ten minutes away. Bring her in, Lance. I’ll take her to see her mom. It might be good for everyone.”

  “You don’t think CJ will get worried?”

  “She’s already worried. Carrie’s okay. I’d worry more about your daughter.”

  “Not handling it well?”

  “Let’s just say I hope they don’t have to pick her up off the floor.”

  “Remind you of anyone?” Lance joked.

  “Hardly noticeable.”

  He laughed. “I’ll be there shortly.”

  “You know where to find me.”

  “I seem to remember,” he said.

  Jillian chuckled as she hung up the call. He certainly ought to know his way by now.


  Devon took Carrie’s hand in hers. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  Carrie sighed through the end of a contraction and offered her wife a strained smile. “It’s okay, Dev.”

  “I wish there was something I could do.”

  “Tell your child to get moving,” Carrie quipped.

  “Why? Think she’ll listen?”

  “Couldn’t hurt.”

  Devon nodded. She put her hand over Carrie’s midsection. “Did you hear your mother? You need to stop playing around and get moving.”

  Carrie laughed. “Why do I think that won’t be the last time I hear you say that?”

  “Yeah, well—probably won’t listen to me then either.”

  “Probably not.” Carrie blew out a long breath.

  “Another one already? Carrie, let them give you something.”

  “I don’t need an epidural, Dev. I swear; I’m okay. It hurts.” She chuckled. “It’s not unbearable.” Close, but not yet. If it’s this bad now, I’d better be prepared for later. “Why don’t you go see your mom? Fill her in.”

  “And, leave you alone? I don’t think so.”

  “Devon, I’m fine. No one is making an appearance in the next five minutes. I can hit the buzzer if I need to. Go on. Take a walk for a minute and fill her in.”

  “I’m driving you crazy.”

  Carrie squeezed Devon’s hand. “Only a little,” she teased.

  Devon sighed.

  “No, honey; you aren’t. I’m not going anywhere,” Carrie joked. “Take a break for five minutes.”

  “Why? You can’t.”

  Carrie’s heart swelled. Oh, Dev. There were many moments when she was reminded why she loved Devon. She was positive this moment was one she’d remember for a lifetime. Devon’s words meant the world to Carrie. “You’ll have plenty of time to give me breaks, Devon. Trust me; I’ll let you.”

  Devon chuckled. “Okay. As long as you’re sure.”


  Devon leaned over and kissed Carrie’s forehead. “I love you so much, Carrie.”

  “I know you do,” Carrie replied. “I love you too. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Devon nodded and headed for the door reluctantly.

  Maybe Jillian can calm her down.


  Devon walked toward the waiting room just as her father was approaching with CJ. CJ sprinted for Devon.

  “Hey, monkey.” Devon accepted CJ’s hug.

  “Where’s Mommy?”

  Devon smiled. CJ was worried. “Mommy’s in another room, kiddo. She’s getting ready to have the baby.”

  CJ bit her lower lip. “Is she scared?”

  “No,” Devon answered honestly. If Carrie was feeling apprehensive, Devon had failed to pick up on it. Carrie was hurting, but Devon continued to be amazed at how Carrie was coping with labor. “She’s doing pretty well,” she said. Better than me, in fact.

  CJ looked skeptical.

  “Why don’t we go say hi to Grandma and then I’ll take you to see Mommy.”

  “Really?” CJ asked.

  Devon winked. She opened the waiting room door and let CJ run through.

  “Grandma! I get to see Mommy!”

  Lance laughed. “Are you hanging in there?”

  Devon shrugged. “I feel helpless. She’s miserable. I can tell she is, but she won’t admit it.”

  “Seeing CJ will help.”

  “Do you think so?” Devon asked.

  “I know so. When your mother was in labor with Madison and you, I brought Kit in to see her. He was big enough. It seemed to calm your mother—not that she ever let on how much pain she was in. I could tell. After she saw Kit, she relaxed a little.”

  “I hope so.”

  Lance patted Devon’s back. “It’ll be worth it.”

  “Yeah, that’s what everyone keeps saying, even Carrie. I know it. It’s kind of hard to believe it watching her go through this.”

  Lance winked. “It will be.”




  “Leigh Matthews is here. She’s asking for Devon.”

  Bruce muttered under his breath. “Shit.” He nodded. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Any word yet?” Stephen asked.

  “Not yet, no. Tell her I’ll be right there.”

  “Will do.”

  Bruce tossed the pen in his hand on the desk. The last thing he was in the mood to deal with today was Leigh Matthews. He wasn’t sure what drove Devon’s dislike of the woman. It was rare for Devon to have a negative reaction to anyone. He’d known Devon most of his life. One thing Bruce did know, if Devon lacked trust in a person, there was a reason. He’d heard a bit about Leigh’s adventures with Carrie’s best friend, Dar. And, he knew that Devon had engaged in a sexual interlude with Leigh once upon a time. Neither seemed to have endeared the woman to his best friend. That left Bruce curious. It also left him cautious. Leigh had scheduled more than one event at D & B’s Steakhouse. Each had been successful. Each had been profitable. He hated to lose her as a client. Matthews and Mack had money to pour into banquets. Leigh never attempted to negotiate prices. In fact, she tended to ask for pricey additions, often saying, “I’m not concerned about the cost.” He’d been delighted by that attitude. Devon met those overtures with a roll of her eyes. Something about Leigh Matthews did not sit right with his best friend. Bruce took a deep breath and readied himself to confront the woman. “Here goes nothing.”


  Devon peeked into Carrie’s room before leading CJ inside. “Hey. Someone wants to say hi,” she said.

  Carrie brightened immediately and nodded.

/>   Devon held the door open, and CJ walked into view. Devon and Carrie exchanged a glance. CJ leaned back into Devon.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Carrie said.

  “Go see Mom,” Devon said.

  CJ gripped her bottom lip with her teeth and edged toward the bed slowly.

  Carrie forced herself to breathe through a particularly strong contraction. You, behave. She silently told her unborn child. Give me a minute with your sister first. “Come here,” Carrie said.

  Devon helped CJ onto the bed.

  “I’m okay, CJ,” Carrie promised.

  “Is she coming now?”

  “Soon,” Carrie replied. “How was your day?” She opened her arms and let CJ fall against her.

  CJ relaxed. “I played with Grandpa.”

  “You did?” Carrie asked.

  “Yep. He’s not so good at da Angwy Birds.”

  Devon laughed. “Did you teach him?”

  CJ nodded. “He don’t listen too good.”

  Carrie giggled. “He doesn’t listen well,” she gently corrected CJ.

  “Nope,” CJ said.

  Carrie rolled her eyes. She took a breath and closed them.

  Devon’s brow furrowed. Uh-oh.


  Carrie realized that her body had stiffened. “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Are you gonna be okay?”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Carrie released a long breath and kissed CJ’s head. “I’m okay, honey. Don’t worry about me; okay? Your little brother or sister is just a little restless waiting to get here.”

  “How come she don’t just comes then?”

  Carrie didn’t bother to correct her daughter. “Oh, I think she’ll be here pretty soon.”

  Devon’s eyes widened. She cleared her throat. “CJ, why don’t we let Mommy take a little rest? Maybe Grandpa can take you down to get a treat in the cafeteria. They have cupcakes sometimes.”

  CJ looked at Carrie.

  “You go on,” Carrie said. “Next time I see you, we’ll have a new baby.”

  CJ put her arms around Carrie’s neck and hung on.

  “Oh, CJ… I love you, sweetheart. Don’t you worry at all, okay? You go have a cupcake with Grandpa.”

  “I can get my sister one too!”

  Carrie grinned. Priceless. “Well, I’m not sure the baby will be able to eat a cupcake right away, but you could get me one,” she joked.

  “Okay!” CJ kissed Carrie’s cheek.

  Devon lifted CJ off the bed and leaned into Carrie’s ear. “Are you okay?”

  “Mm-hum, but if you find a nurse on your way…”

  Devon swallowed hard. “I’ll be right back.”

  Carrie nodded.

  “Come on, monkey,” Devon said, taking CJ’s hand. She looked back. Carrie’s expression was unreadable. Great timing, Dev. “I’ll be right back.”



  “Hello, Bruce. I was hoping to catch Devon.”

  “That might prove difficult,” he said.

  “Oh? Is she away?”

  “Not exactly, no.”

  Leigh’s brow furrowed with confusion. “Is she all right?’

  “She’s about to become a mom,” he said.

  “Carrie,” Leigh said as if to herself. “She must be due soon.”

  Bruce smiled. “What can I do for you?” He changed the subject.

  “I thought Stephen would have shared the details by now.”

  “He has.”

  “Mm. Devon is opposed to helping?”

  Bruce took a deep breath. “I’m not sure I’d call it opposition.” Leigh’s boisterous laughter took him by surprise.

  “I’m sorry,” Leigh said, still laughing. “What would you call it?”

  “She’s concentrating on her family right now,” Bruce said. “It’s bad timing.”

  Leigh smirked. Devon was not her greatest fan; Leigh knew that. Neither was Carrie. She knew that too. “She could have called and declined.”

  “I only told her about your request this morning,” he said, suddenly feeling defensive. He’d never completely understood Devon’s aversion to Leigh Matthews. He was beginning to. Leigh’s tone was smug. He shouldn’t need to explain anything to Leigh. He didn’t need to explain anything.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Leigh apologized. “If the request is too much…”

  “It’s not—not for the restaurant. For, Devon? Devon has other priorities right now.”

  “I see. You mean that her family takes precedence over your business.”

  Bruce bristled. “Devon always reviews the banquet plans,” he said curtly. “I wouldn’t expect her to be hands-on.” Which is what you’re after, isn’t it? That’ll be a cold day in hell.

  “Well, how would you suggest we handle this?” Leigh asked.

  Did she just flirt with me? Bruce was beginning to see Leigh Matthews in a new light. Years ago, he would have welcomed—hell, he would have begged for Leigh’s attention. On the outside she was gorgeous; he suddenly glimpsed what he imagined had turned off his best friend. Leigh was transparent. She’d made a point to chase Devon whenever the opportunity presented itself. Devon had even grumbled about Leigh making not-so-subtle overtures to Carrie at one point. What the woman hoped to gain, Bruce couldn’t imagine. Devon was not only completely in love with Carrie; she was devoted to her family. Leigh had a snowball’s chance in hell of getting anywhere with Devon Brine.

  “As I said,” Bruce began. “I’m sure Devon will take a look at everything. I can assure you we’ll ensure your standards are met.”

  Leigh’s eyes glistened with mischief. She enjoyed a good challenge. In fact, there was nothing she reveled in more than a challenge. It didn’t matter if it was in the bedroom or the boardroom; Leigh thrived on conquest. She’d always regarded Bruce as a bit of a simpleton; the sidekick to Devon’s superhero. Had he changed, or had she misjudged Devon’s best friend? “All right,” she agreed.

  Bruce was stunned. He refused to allow the woman standing before him to witness his surprise. “Good,” he said. “Is there anything else?”

  “I could use a glass of cabernet.”

  Bruce smiled and gestured to the bar. “This one’s on me.”

  “Good, make it the most expensive one you have.”


  Devon opened the door to Carrie’s room to find the nurse standing beside Carrie’s bed.

  “I’ll get Dr. Brandt,” the nurse said. She patted Carrie’s shoulder. “Breathe. You’re almost there.”

  Devon’s alarm was apparent.

  The nurse smiled at Devon. “Not long now,” she said.

  Carrie held out her hand.

  “What happened? I couldn’t have been gone five minutes.”

  “She said it happens. I’m at 11 centimeters,” Carrie explained. “And, this daughter of yours is making her plans known.” She grunted slightly.

  “Oh… Uh… Are you okay?”

  Carrie laughed and groaned at the same time. “Define okay?”

  Just as Devon was about to reply, the door swung open again, and Dr. Brandt strolled in. “I hear it’s baby time.”

  “God, I hope so,” Carrie nearly cried.

  “Let’s take a look.” She examined Carrie and grinned. “Feel like you have to push?”

  “I feel like I’m a stand-in for Free Willy.”

  The doctor laughed. “Can’t say I’ve heard it explained quite like that before.”

  Carrie reached for Devon’s hand and squeezed. “Really? Because I think this might be a whale.”

  Devon chuckled. She couldn’t imagine how Carrie could joke at a time like this. Carrie was in pain. That was evident.

  “Okay,” Dr. Brandt said. “I see someone making an appearance. Deep breath and PUSH!”


  “No, I’m certain,” Tom said.

  “Well, we’ll be glad to have you aboard.”

  Tom shook the hand of his new boss. A persistent buzzing in h
is pocket was making him nervous. It was unusual for his phone to ring repeatedly. “Thank you.” He was relieved when the office door was opened for him. Who the hell keeps calling? “Seven missed calls?” Tom noted Carrie’s number, Devon’s number, and Jillian’s number. “Shit.” He opened Carrie’s voicemail.

  Hi. I know you’re in a meeting. You might want to give Devon a call when you get this—or maybe Jill. I’m on my way to the hospital.

  He heard Carrie giggle.

  I guess someone is ready to join us. So, I won’t be taking calls. See you soon.

  “Shit.” He dialed Devon’s number and was surprised when she answered. “Devon? What?” He smiled. “Congratulations,” he said. “Give them a kiss for me.” Tom hung up the phone. I’m so happy for you, Carrie.


  “Come on, one more.”

  Carrie wondered how many one mores there could be. She held Devon’s hand firmly and followed the doctor’s direction.

  “It’s okay, babe,” Devon whispered in Carrie’s ear. “You’re about to meet her. You’ve got this.”

  Carrie let Devon’s words consume her thoughts. You’re about to meet her. She felt an immense sense of relief. Nothing registered until the sound of a wail rang through the air.

  Carrie looked at Devon, thinking for a moment that she had imagined the sound. Time seemed to have slowed down. Devon’s eyes were riveted to the bottom of the bed.

  “Well, look at that,” Dr. Brandt said. “You were right, Devon. Say hello to your daughter.”

  Carrie’s eyes moved from Devon’s to the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen. Nothing in the world existed for a moment except the small form being placed on her chest.

  “Oh, my God,” Carrie whispered. Her fingertips tenderly brushing over the fine hair on her daughter’s head. “Oh, my God. Devon…”

  Devon found herself rendered speechless. Her hand followed the pattern that Carrie’s fingertips had traced on the baby’s head. “Welcome to our family,” Devon whispered.

  Carrie had to close her eyes to control her emotions. She took a deep breath and opened them again. “What’s your name, little one?” Carrie looked at Devon for the answer.


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