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dakota_trace_his_christmas_gift_myrnas Page 13

by Dakota Trace

  “So were either of you gentlemen going to tell me?”

  Amery and Caelan exchanged guilty glances before Amery leveled his gaze on Myrna. “I’ll protect you, slave. You gave your body into my keeping last night, remember?” His hand flexed on her thigh. She swallowed deeply, her thoughts now on the passion they had shared the night before, instead of her righteous anger. So much for staying mad at him.

  Caelan stood. “Let Amery take care of you, Mum. He’s loves you too much to let anyone hurt you again.” He leaned down and brushed her cheek with a kiss. “In fact, I do believe if Dad dared to show his face anywhere near you, Amery would commit murder.”

  “Thanks for trying to cheer me up, mac.” She gave him a kiss. “But that’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”

  * * * *

  Amery sighed as he opened the door to his country home before ushering in his drooping slave. It’d been a rather sweet but tiring trip back to Killarney. Thinking about how he’d fucked his little slave in their private car on the return trip had his cock trying to stiffen in his pants. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this excessive with sex, but he justified his appetite for Myrna. She made him crazy with lust without trying. Now all he wanted to do was tuck his little love into his big bed and sleep the next twelve hours away.

  Shutting the door behind them, he threw the bolt.

  “Are you hungry, m’gnogag?”

  She shook her head. “But I should probably eat something light before bed, Master.”

  He nodded. If she went to bed having skipped dinner, she’d wake up tomorrow feeling like death warmed over because her sugar levels would be out of whack.

  “No problem. Why don’t you go up to our room, slave? I’ll throw together something light for us to nibble on before we turn in for the night. Didn’t you say something about wanting to watch Ace of Cakes?”

  She nodded with a smile. He knew she was addicted to the American reality cooking show featuring a custom cake shop. “That’s right, Master.”

  “Go. I’ll be up shortly with our snack. Irish coffee or cocoa?

  She gave him a tired smile. “Cocoa sounds wonderful, Master.” She turned and disappeared up the steps. Smiling, he turned to the kitchen. Inside he flicked on the lights. He was in the process of preparing a light snack of cheese, crackers and meats when the sharp retort of a gun had him dropping the tray.

  “Myrna!” He rushed up the stairs, his heart pounding furiously. He broke into his room and slid to a stop in the open doorway to his walk-in closet. He stared, then he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

  Standing in the center of racks of his clothing was a steaming-mad Myrna. She was hovering over Grant Doherty, reading him the riot act while he bled all over Amery’s Persian carpet.

  “You shot me, you bitch!” Grant’s voice was hoarse and broken with pain. Amery could see his hand pressed up high on his shoulder trying to staunch the flow of blood. His slave must have caught him in the walk-in closet trying to access the gun safe Amery kept there. And she wasn’t above using it on her husband. How the hell did I get so lucky?

  Myrna scoffed. “You’re lucky I don’t shoot your arse again, you rotten, lying, cheating son of a bitch. What the hell are you doing in my Master’s closet? Stealing his money and jewelry…planning on stealing his clothing too? Speaking of stealing, I can’t believe you took advantage of that girl at the bank to take my money!” She kicked him in the stomach, causing Grant to yelp then moan in agony. “Always wanting the easy way out. Never wanting to take responsibility for your actions. Hell, you aren’t even a Master in the truest sense of the word. You’re nothing more than a wannabe jack-wagon dressing up and playing a role he can’t ever hope to fill. You’re a pitiful excuse for a …”

  On the floor Grant sputtered and tried to grab the hem of Myrna’s skirt with his free hand. She jerked away.

  “Hell no! You aren’t allowed to touch me anymore. I have a Master, and unlike you, he loves my body and its responses just the way they are.”

  “Who? Amery?” Grant spat out the blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth. He must’ve busted his lip on one of the shoe boxes littering the floor around him. “He’ll just leave you like every other sub he’s ever had once the newness wears off.”

  “The hell I will.” Myrna jumped at his voice. Amery lifted his hands as she swung around and leveled the gun at his chest. Her eyes were furious and had a fanatical gleam in them. She was in mother-protective mode. “Shh, it’s me, slave – your Master. He can’t hurt you anymore.” Her eyes went from wild and angry to loving and submissive as his words sank in.

  “Of course you are, Master.” Handing him the gun, she gave him a triumphant smile. He gave a sigh of relief. By facing – even defeating – Grant all her demons were now gone. Amery opened his arms and she rushed into them.


  Christmas Eve Night

  “So that’s when Master says to me,” Myrna gave a deep gravelly impression of Amery’s voice. “‘Don’t think because you shot him, it’s gonna get you out of your punishment for forgetting to mention he left a threatening message on your machine, slave.’” Myrna ruefully rubbed her hip as if remembering the resulting punishment, before she opened the stove to check on the spiced beef in the oven. The yeasty smell of Guinness tickled her nose along with the smell of pepper, pimento, cinnamon, ground cloves and ginger. Behind her, Nisey, her son’s submissive, moved closer with a giggle.

  “I’ve heard the same tone of voice more than once. Perhaps Master Alastar is where he learned it from.” Nisey commiserated. “How did Amery find out anyway?”

  “I forgot he had the remote access code to my answering machine. I forgot to erase the second message. When we were in Dublin, he called to check and heard it.” Myrna gave a sheepish grin. “Once he confronted me about the second call, I was a good slave and confessed to the first.”

  “Trying to get out of more punishment would be my guess.” Nisey wiggled her eyebrows.

  Myrna nodded, using the baster to trickle the savory juices over the meat. “Of course. I’m not stupid.”

  Leaning in, the slender redhead gave an appreciative sniff. “That smells wonderful, Mom.”

  “Why thank you, Nisey.” Myrna gave her a smile. It hadn’t taken her long to fall in love with Nisey after she’d met the young woman who’d managed to steal her son’s heart. Especially while the young submissive had offered her condolences about Grant’s death, she’d told Myrna she was better off without the bastard. Then she’d asked if it was okay to call her Mom. Her son’s little American sub was so full of spit and vinegar, Myrna found it hard to believe she’d once been an abused sub. But the idea Nisey had conquered her fears, a bastard Dom from her past, and still fallen in love with Caelan made Myrna love her all the more.

  “This is all Maíster has talked about since he made the arrangements. He loves your spiced beef.” Nisey edged closer. “Perhaps you’ll give me your recipe? So next year when you and Master Alastar come to Chicago, I can make it for you?”

  Olivia’s voice broke into their conversation. “You’d better be inviting me too, young lady. I love Mom’s spiced beef.” The older Domme had also been invited to the Christmas meal. Myrna sighed happily. Her adoptive daughter had even brought along her own sub, a hulk of a man named Jude, who was currently in the other room, talking with the rest of the men. Even though her house was full of Masters and slaves, the titles weren’t being observed. Just like any other Irish household, the women had somehow all navigated towards the kitchen, while the men were around the set in Myrna’s living room watching an American football game. Along with Nisey and Olivia, Kalinda - Caelan’s very pregnant half-sister was sitting at the table peeling potatoes.

  “Quit being so bossy, Olivia.” Kalinda looked up from the potatoes she was peeling. “Besides I’ll get the first invitation. After all I am Nisey’s best friend and the mother of her future niece and nephew.”

  “That’s Mistress Olivia
to you, brat!” With a big smile, Olivia picked up the bowl of peeled potatoes and walked them over to the stove.

  Myrna smiled before taking the bowl. Then she focused her attention on Kalinda. Her relationship with two Doms intrigued Myrna. While she wasn’t terribly sure if she could handle the idea of having two Doms herself, from what she’d witnessed, Kalinda was extremely happy. And the two men seemed just as happy as their sub. She remembered the stern but loving looks Kalinda’s Doms had given her before depositing her in the high-back chair at the long oak table. The taller of the men, Joshuah, had grabbed a bowl of unpeeled but washed potatoes from the counter, along with a paring knife. He’d warned her to keep her feet up before bending his fair head to brush a kiss across Kalinda’s brow. The other man, Dominic, who was a few inches shorter than Joshuah with dark hair and swarthy skin, had reiterated his friend’s words before pressing a kiss to her knuckles. There seemed to be no jealousies between the two Doms. After getting her assurances she’d stay put, they’d joined the rest of the men in the living room.

  Olivia and Kalinda continued to pretend-bicker while Myrna set the potatoes to boiling. When she finally turned back around, Myrna placed her hands on her hips. “Enough, girls!” Both women fell silent and averted their eyes. “So tell me, Kalinda, my dear. Exactly where is your Dominic from? I can’t help but wonder. He’s got a very naughty accent.” Unfamiliar with the different areas of the States, Myrna couldn’t help but be intrigued.

  “And he knows it.” Kalinda muttered what sounded like, “damn Cajun” under breath. “He’s from New Orleans.”

  Myrna cocked her head as she slid a tray of Irish soda bread into the oven. “Dear, isn’t that were that horrible hurricane hit?”

  “Yes. He lost his mother and sister in it.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Myrna wasn’t sure what else to say, but was saved by the sound of masculine voices coming towards the kitchen.

  “…so the asshole died in the hospital from a staph infection as a result of the wound he got escaping the Garda and not the bullet wound? Talk about irony.” Jude’s deep laughter had Myrna smiling. She’d thought it was rather poetic justice. She and Amery had gone to the hospital to serve Grant with divorce papers, but when they’d arrived, they’d been greeted by a doctor who’d told them Grant had expired. The man had done things right at the end. He’d saved me a ton of money by not having to divorce his ass.

  “That’s what I thought too.” Amery’s voice was jovial. She shivered with awareness when he entered the kitchen with Jude . They were closely followed Dominic, Josh and Caelan. Each of the men headed towards their mates the moment they all filed through the wide doorway.

  “There’s my beautiful, slave, working over a hot stove.” Amery pulled her against his body. He nuzzled her hair. “I love your wonderful smell.”

  “And I love you, Master, even if you’re just saying that hoping you’re going to get lucky after Midnight Mass.” She couldn’t help but tease him.

  He pressed a kiss against her temple. “You bet your sweet ass, slave.” His hand squeezed her bottom. She giggled, smacking his arm playfully before scolding her son out of the corner of her eye. “Caelan, get out of the pie!”

  “Aw, Mum!” Caelan jerked his hand away from his favorite mince pie. He stuck his icing-sugared finger into his mouth.

  * * * *

  They were just clearing off the table after supper when Kalinda, who’d been quiet most of the evening, gave a soft moan. Myrna was placing the leftover food in the fridge, thoroughly content from the large meal, when she turned to see fluid running down the inside of Kalinda’s legs. The girl had a desperate look of fear on her face. “Oh my God.” Kalinda wrapped her arms around her swollen body. Rushing to her side, Myrna helped a grimacing Kalinda into the chair. “I think my water just broke.” Her words were barely above a whisper and her frightened eyes found Myrna’s. “I need Master and Sir.”


  Nisey and Olivia, who’d had their backs to Kalinda while washing the dishes, swung around at the urgent tone in Myrna’s voice. When they saw the look on Myrna’s face and the desperation on Kalinda’s, they both froze.

  “You, Olivia, go get Josh and Dominic. Kalinda’s water broke. Nisey have Caelan go and unbury Amery’s car and your rental.” A light snow has started falling during the early afternoon and now the cars were completely covered. “Tell the men there’s been a change of plans. We’re going to the hospital instead of Midnight Mass. Olivia and Jude can ride with Amery and me, while Dominic, Josh and Kalinda will ride with you and Caelan.”

  The women rushed out of the kitchen. Moments later there was a thundering of heavy male feet as the living room emptied. Josh and Dominic came storming into the kitchen. They both rushed to Kalinda’s side, looks of concern – even a touch of terror – on their faces.

  Dropping to his knees next to the chair, Dominic took her hands. “You just had to go and disobey the doctor didn’t you, cheríe?” He looked up at Josh. “Why the hell did that quack tell us we had at least six more weeks until we had to worry about this?”

  Kalinda scowled at them. “Oh shut up, Master. The doctor said he didn’t think we had anything to worry about. It’s not his fault the babies decided they wanted to see Ireland firsthand.”

  Josh’s hand squeezed Kalinda’s shoulder before glaring at Dominic.

  “Dominic, since our little spitfire rarely does what’s expected of her, how can we expect our kids to be any different? Just calm down before I kick your ass for upsetting our slave.”

  Dominic blushed. “I’m sorry, cheríe.”

  “Don’t be. I love the idea I still can occasionally rattle my Master’s control.” She ran her hand through his dark hair.

  Josh rubbed her tense shoulders, then leaned down to press a kiss against her head. “Then consider my control rattled too, Spitfire.” He looked up at Olivia who just came rushing back into the kitchen with an armful of towels and Kalinda’s coat. “What the hell is taking Caelan so long? If he doesn’t hurry up and these kids are born in the backseat of a rental car, I’m gonna kick his Irish ass.”

  Myrna could only smile and shake her head when Dominic told Josh he’d have to stand in line behind him. Some things never change. Women will continue to give birth and their men will continue to freak out.

  * * * *

  At eight minutes after two on Christmas morning, Rosemarie Valentia Redding-LaFontane was born with sapphire blue eyes and her father’s dark hair. Two minutes later, her brother, William Kerry Redding-LaFontane came squalling into the world with his father’s blond hair and dark blue eyes. Leaning against Amery, Myrna stared misty eyed at the two small bundles – one wrapped in pink and the other in blue who were being held in their fathers’ arms. Kalinda was lying in the hospital bed, quietly talking to Nisey, who’d coached her while Caelan was standing between Josh and Dom making funny faces at the babies. Olivia and Jude had slipped out to the all night gift store to buy some needed essentials and flowers for the tired new mother.

  “Are you happy, slave?” Amery nuzzled her.

  “Yes, Master,” she answered as Olivia and Jude entered the room their arms full of stuffed animals, balloons and flowers. Well okay, Jude’s arms were full. “Without you I wouldn’t be here. I’d still be hiding from the very thing I wanted. Thank you for giving me my family back. I don’t think you could’ve asked for a better present than this.”

  He licked her ear. “Oh yes, I could.” His tongue delved inside.

  “Really?” She shivered in his arms.

  He chuckled against her ear. “Your submission is the best gift of all.”

  The End


  Dakota is a simple Midwest girl, who has found her passion in storytelling at a young age. Her father was always saying she was making up the craziest stories. Most remained unwritten though as writing wasn’t Dakota’s strong suit. That all changed in junior high when she took her first typing class.
Problem solved for the dyslexic Dakota. There was no stopping her after that. She wrote her first novel her freshman year about a girl who could speak to animals on an old electric IBM typewriter and never looked back. Writing in several different genres, she is now a published author with multiple books under belt. When Dakota isn’t writing she’s a crazy mom of three wild Indians who are posing as children, a loving wife to the man of her dreams and a full time student.

  To find out more about Dakota visit her at dakotatrace.com.


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