Mason: The Lost Billionaires, Book 1

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Mason: The Lost Billionaires, Book 1 Page 17

by Allison LaFleur

  “Go. Shower. You stink.” Mark scowled. “I don’t know how Mary puts up with you. I’ll wait right here until you’re ready. Then you’re riding with me to the party. You aren’t getting out of this one.”

  Dragging my feet, I petulantly did as Mark ordered. I knew he was right that I needed to snap out of it, but I was almost enjoying my reclusiveness. I wasn’t ready to stop licking my wounds.

  “I mean it, Mason. It’s been almost six months. Christmas is in just a few weeks. You will come, and you will have fun.” Mark called after me from the living room. “If I don’t hear the shower running in five minutes, I’ll come stuff you in it myself!”

  “Fine!” I shouted back. “I heard you. Now mind your own business. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” There were times when I could do without an older brother. This was one of them.

  “Mason!” My tiny mother swooped down upon me as soon as I walked in the door. “You came!” Trapping me in a hug, her perfume took me back to my childhood when she would patch up my cuts and scrapes, always ending each emergency with her healing embrace.

  Moving further into Mark’s house, I stopped mid-stride when I spotted the twins. They were walking and babbling! Toddling back and forth on unsteady legs, one then the other would sit suddenly, crawl and few feet and then stand back up to toddle off again. Grabbing and bracing themselves on the many available adult legs surrounding them, they ran laps around the room. Squeezing my eyes shut, I shook my head. They couldn’t possibly be walking already! Just six months ago they were babies asleep in Mark’s arms in a hotel in Nicaragua.

  Have I lost six months of my life?

  Chapter 27


  Slicing open the light blue envelope, I pulled free the cream colored card.

  “Please join us as we celebrate the graduation of Kinsey Bryce Hendrix from Columbia University on December 22nd at 5:00 in the afternoon.”

  Slipping through my fingers, the card fell to the floor. I couldn’t breathe. It took all my focus to calm myself and suck in air.

  There was no return address, no indication that the invitation was from Kinsey. I’d worked hard to relegate her to a part of my life that was over. She needed to be her own person, to grow into who I knew she could be without me holding her back.

  I’d been so afraid that claiming her as mine would keep her from her dreams.

  Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this meant something. Maybe she sent it to me for a reason.

  Maybe this is a sign.

  Sitting in back of the auditorium, I opened my program and found her name. I was thrilled to see she was graduating with honors, magna cum laude in the top 3% of her class. She had done well, worked hard, and I was proud of her.

  The problem was I missed her. I missed her smile and the way her bright blue eyes lit up when she was excited. I missed the way the bright blue turned indigo with desire. The curve of her back, the arch of her feet, the way the weight of her breasts in my hands—I wanted it back. I wanted her back more than I wanted anything.

  “Kinsey Bryce Hendrix,” the announcer read.

  Watching her walk across the stage and accept her diploma, my chest filled with pride. She was finally getting the recognition for her brains that she’d craved for years. I leaned forward, my smile slowly growing wider as I watched the fluid way she moved. I sensed my heart beating in my chest, and the hair on my arms stood up straight.

  She was so close and yet so far. I wanted to feel her, touch her skin, smell that uniquely Kinsey scent.

  Jasmine. She smelled like Jasmine.

  Interrupting my reverie, Noah was suddenly looming over me.

  “Why are you here?” he spat out. “Haven’t you done enough?”

  I guess those invitations to play racquetball were an excuse to get me out and give me a piece of his mind. That would have been something he needed to do face to face.

  Fumbling with my words, I didn’t know what to say. Why am I here?

  “You need to leave. Now,” he said. “It’s taken her months to get over whatever happened in the jungle. She won’t talk about it, but I know you were part of the problem. Seeing you will set her back.”

  “I don’t want to upset her,” I said, deflating. I hung my head, my excitement for her achievements evaporating. “I’ll go.”

  I could feel Noah’s eyes boring into the back of my head as I walked up the aisle, away from Kinsey and any future we might have had together.

  Chapter 28


  I saw Mason leaving, and my father watching him go. I was so excited he’d come. I’d debated sending that invitation. I had to sneak it out in the mail so my father wouldn’t see. He had become so protective, overbearing since the crash.

  He’d made a complete 180 since that scene in his office so long ago. I guess the thought of losing me changed his priorities. He had moved me back into the mansion until I put my foot down and demanded my own space back in my own apartment. I had my degree. I had a job with his company if I wanted it. He finally agreed to let me leave the mansion after I threatened to join a rival company if he didn’t.

  Honestly, though, my accomplishments weren’t enough. I would give up my dream job if Mason would just come back to me. Working in biotech meant nothing without him.

  “Dad, can you drop me off at my apartment? We can do dinner another night.” In the passenger’s seat, I forced a yawn. “I’m really tired.”

  “Sure,” he said. “If that’s what you want.” He narrowed an eye on me. “Are you feeling well, Kinsey?”

  I smiled, but it still felt weird having him worry about my feelings. “Thanks, Dad.” I leaned over the gearshift of his Bentley and gave him a one armed hug before hopping out and dragging myself up the stairs to my apartment.

  I needed time to figure out how I’d get Mason back. I couldn’t survive this separation any longer. Seeing him across the auditorium brought back all those feelings I tried so hard to bury. The hurt and want I’d pushed to the back of my mind was front and center once again. I couldn’t celebrate my achievement. I couldn’t think about anything but him.

  I wanted his arms around me. I needed to feel desired. I loved having dad be the dad I always wanted, but he was smothering me. I wanted to be treated like a woman, not a child. I wanted to be loved like a woman. I wanted to feel Mason’s arms around me again, his hardness inside me again. I needed to feel that wave of emotion crash over me as we sank deeper and deeper into each other again. I wanted to be loved by Mason.


  Idling outside Kinsey’s apartment, I tried to work up the courage to go in. I regretted my decision to let Noah chase me away from Kinsey’s graduation. That celebration was about her, not me and not Noah. If she sent me that invitation, that meant she wanted me there. And I wanted to be there.

  Without Kinsey, I was nothing.

  I would give it all up to have her. If I had to sell Phantomfire Media I would. If I had to leave my mentor, I would. Kinsey was my everything.

  That’s it! I’m getting her back.

  I stepped out of the car and strode up the stairs to her apartment. Along the way, I sent a quick text to Mark. I had a plan.

  Chapter 29



  “Kinsey?! Open up, Kinsey!”


  The door flew open. “What? Mason, what is it?”

  She wrinkled her nose, confused by wild eyed man standing at her door. My hair standing on end where I’d nervously run my fingers through it for the last few hours. Tie askew, shirt wrinkled, I knew I wasn’t the Mason she’d first met. I wasn’t perfectly put together with every thread and hair in place. I wasn’t perfect at all. She was, though.

  “Kinsey,” I couldn’t speak. I stared into her sparkling eyes, suddenly choking on everything I wanted to say.

  She just looked at me, the minutes ticking by.

  “Kinsey,” I tried again, fighting to find the right words, but they wouldn
’t come.

  Instead of speaking, I just grabbed her, pulled her close, and brought my lips to hers. They were impossibly soft. My tongue slipped in between them to tease and play, fighting and sparring, dancing with hers in perfect time. Our chemistry was instant, our attraction irresistible.

  Sweeping her off her feet, I carried her into her apartment and kicked the door shut. I cradled her in my arms all the way to the bedroom. There, we collapsed together on her bed, our lips never parting. Suddenly, we exploded in a frenzy of hands and flying clothes as we shed every stitch from our bodies. Skin on skin, I worshiped her, kissing every inch as her head fell back in ecstasy. There was nothing more beautiful than Kinsey lost in the sensation.

  “Mason,” she said on a breathless sigh. “Mason, I can’t believe you’re really here. I’ve dreamed of this.”

  Our first time in six months was frantic. Our bodies came together, fusing as one, sliding on sweaty skin and bumping as we found our rhythm. My fingers found her center. She was dripping, ready for me.

  Sliding between her legs, I stroked her wet opening with my cock, teasing her for just a moment until she begged me. “Mason! Mason, please!” Then I slid home. We fit perfectly, her tunnel warm and tight as I began to move.

  We danced like the music had never stopped.


  Opening the door and finding Mason on the other side was a dream come true. My mouth grew dry. I had no idea what to say. All the speeches I’d rehearsed fled my mind.

  “Kinsey,” he said as he stood there gaping.

  I wanted to tell him I would give it all up if only he would take me back. I wasn’t the same woman he ran into outside my dad’s office; I had grown up. With everything I had been through, all we had experienced together, there was no longer any doubt in my mind—I could stand on my own two feet.

  But while I could do it all, I no longer wanted to. I wanted to walk hand in hand through life with Mason. Together.

  “Kinsey,” he said again, reaching for me. He pulled me close and lowered his lips to mine.

  It was a magical fusing of two souls coming together as one.


  After, lying blissfully replete, I snuggled into Mason’s side.

  “Come away with me,” he whispered. “Let’s get married and leave all this behind. I’ll sell Phantomfire and join you in your dad’s company. You can run it, and I’ll support you.”

  “Mason, no.” I was flattered, but it was too much. “You can’t give up your company. You’ve put your heart and soul into it.”

  “I’ll give it all up if it means I can have you.” He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer.

  Rolling on to my belly, I propped myself up on his chest and looked into his eyes. “Mason, I would never ask you to give up Phantomfire. I have my degree. I know I can do it, but that’s not important to me anymore. What’s important is being with you.”

  “But your father—”

  “I don’t care.” I interrupted his protests with a kiss. “If my father wants me in his life, he will accept you too.” I kissed him again. I would never get tired of kissing him, feeling our lips connect and the zing of electricity that accompanied our every touch.

  “Then I’m taking you away from here for a while,” he said.

  “Where are we going?”

  He smiled. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see.” He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me again before rolling me over and taking me once more. I had two more orgasms before we were done and he finally let me out of bed.

  This time we traveled over the gulf in first class like when my father and I left Managua. Mason hadn’t contracted with a new Gulfstream and crew, and I can’t say I was sorry. I was numb when we left Bilwi, and I still wasn’t really ready for more small planes.

  “Where are we going?” I asked again. I hadn’t really paid attention at the airport, still basking in the post coital glow of our reunion.

  “I got us a villa on the Emerald Coast. Private pool, beachfront views, spa time for you.”

  “That sounds amazing!” I snuggled up to his side as best I could in our roomy seats and closed my eyes, letting my mind float away.

  Mason had booked us the Casona don Carlos suite at the Mukul resort in Guacalito, Nicaragua. It was an amazing private space—the height of luxury. He had really outdone himself. We even had a butler!

  “How was your spa day?” he asked when I wandered back in from my massage, mask scrub, and some primping. My hair bounced around my shoulders, shiny and full of life, and my nails gleamed with perfect polish.

  “I feel so relaxed. It was a fabulous idea to come back here. I had forgotten how beautiful Nicaragua was. Let’s go sit on the beach!”

  “I have a better idea,” he said. “Why don’t you put this on?” He opened the bedroom closet door to reveal an intricate white lace gown with mother of pearl beadwork. “Let’s go get married on the beach.”

  I stood there, slack-jawed in my bare feet. I was speechless.

  Kneeling in front of me, Mason held up a blue Tiffany’s box. He opened the lid to reveal a Tiffany legacy engagement ring. It must have been at least a 2.5 carat center stone. It was beautifully framed by a full circle of bead-set diamonds.

  “Mason!” I squealed, bringing my hands to my face, “Oh Mason! Yes, YES!” Jumping up and down I flung my arms around him, raining kisses across his face.

  Laughing, we fell backward until I straddled him and our kisses turned passionate.

  “Woah,” he said, setting me to the side and adjusting his growing hardness, “I would like nothing better than the strip you down and worship your body until you cum for hours, but I meant it when I suggested we go get married on the beach. What do you say? Shall we make this official?”

  Crossing my legs, I retrieved the blue box that had fallen to the side as we’d tumbled to the floor. I opened the lid again and marveled at how he knew me so well. He had picked my dream ring. The one I surreptitiously googled and dreamt about. I’d sketched that very ring in the margins of my notebooks. I’d drooled over it when I ran across similar styles in stores.

  “I would love nothing better than to become your wife,” I whispered, looking deep into Mason’s eyes. “Let’s go get married!”

  Chapter 30


  Holding Mason’s hand, we stepped out of the Casona and walked barefoot through the sand to a white wedding arch. Beneath its wind-blown chiffon, we stood to avow our love and commitment by the pristine turquoise waters.

  A barefoot priest, his pant legs rolled up, met us, bible in hand.

  “Do you, Mason Andrew Alexander, take Kinsey Bryce Hendrix to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do,” Mason replied. “Kinsey, in the beginning, I needed a secretary and you needed a job. My thoughts didn’t travel much beyond that. And then I discovered your quirky personality, your joy for life, your passion for learning, and somewhere in the jungles of Nicaragua, I fell in love with you. I love you Kinsey—all of you—the good and the bad. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Lost in each other’s eyes, he held my hands as the priest turned to face me.

  “Do you, Kinsey Bryce Hendrix, take Mason Andrew Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do,” I answered. “Mason, we got off to a rocky start. I was attracted to you and didn’t know how to react. I needed a job, and was at loose ends in my personal life. I accepted thinking you would take care of me, but needing to learn to take care of myself. You supported me, and somewhere in the jungle I not only learned how to take care of myself, but I found who I wanted to be. You made that happen, Mason, and I fell in love with you during that journey. Those six months apart were the hardest months of my life. Having you with me is more important than anything else. I love you Mason.”

  I don’t remember much else. There was a whirlwind of wedding stuff, but I was lost in Mason. We shared an electric connection that swept me away on
a river of emotion.

  It wasn’t until the ceremony was almost over that I realized our family and friends had looked on as we cemented our devotion to one another. My dad had sat to one side with several of his boys. I was surprised to see Damon had come. To his left, a scary military guy I heard him call Liam sat watching, and on his other side, two young men I had only met a few times, Owen and Ryder.

  Mark, Laurie, and Mason’s mom were there, holding the wiggling twins. Even Dr. Brovinski, my biochemistry professor, had come. My life was perfect.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.” I heard the words as they floated to me on the wind, and then Mason kissed me. My joy couldn’t be contained. It was the first day of the rest of my life with Mason.

  Chapter 31


  “Mom wants to know where you are.” Mark’s voice barked over the phone line.

  “We’re on our way. Kinsey had to pee three times before we could leave, and then she forgot her back pillow. And then she got hungry, and only an In ’n Out burger would work, so that detour took us 15 miles out of the way. We’ll be there soon unless she gets hungry again.” I let it all out in a rush.

  “Hah! It’s your turn, bro!” Mark chuckled, “Laurie was just like that, but worse. We couldn’t go anywhere without her suitcase, a packed cooler with snacks, and a map of every clean bathroom on whatever route we were traveling”

  “I know every bathroom within a ten mile radius of my house and office!” I exclaimed, laughing into the phone. “We’ll be there soon, Mark. Bye.” I closed the phone and set it in the console between the seats.


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