by Gary Rivlin
Home Depot and, 338–39
layoffs and, 68, 153, 160, 163–64, 184, 214–15, 260, 387–88
Liberty and, 21, 23, 27, 63–66, 68, 149–50, 153, 155, 227, 278–79
Lower Ninth Ward and, 119–20
employment (cont.)
McDonalds and, 142–43, 145–48, 405
Nagin and, 74, 80, 83, 86, 132, 163–64, 339
New Orleans East and, 93–94, 98
rebuilding and, 160, 168, 171, 191, 201–2, 214–15, 218, 229, 283–84
and returning to New Orleans, 181–82, 233–34, 262–63, 284–85, 404
RTA and, 1–2, 5, 11, 58
unemployment and, xv, 58–59, 164, 340, 405
Walls and, 282, 347
Entergy, 20, 115, 173, 181, 228
bankruptcy of, 127, 168, 193, 289–90
Nagin and, 72–73, 86, 114
rebuilding and, 159, 168, 193
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 42, 65, 112, 122, 126, 230, 242, 258, 337, 380
alleged violence in, 70–71, 128–29
Community Congresses and, 319–20
evacuations and, xiv, 16, 70, 120, 196
and food and water, 40, 48, 54–55, 129
people stranded in, 13, 17, 40, 43
Farrakhan, Louis, 101–2, 240–42
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 32–34, 36–41, 43, 45–46, 103, 111n, 112, 120, 173, 181, 189, 217, 244, 258, 315, 346
Blanco and, 108–9
cash disbursed by, 199, 201, 219–20
Charity and, 190–91, 365
emergency housing and, 186–88, 196, 198–99, 220, 251, 253, 257, 299–300, 309, 326, 330–32, 341, 354, 380, 386
evacuations and, 13, 41
finances of, 37–39
flood maps of, 230–31
Grant and, 384–85
Landrieu and, 385–86, 390, 410–11
Pam exercises and, 38–39, 41
rebuilding and, 160, 168, 186–88, 191–92, 201–4, 214, 219–20, 230–31, 235–36, 322, 369, 396, 398, 402
removing the dead and, 126–27
repopulation and, 122, 124
Feinman, Jay M., 302n
Felton, Albert, 378
Fernandez, Kevin, 16
Fielkow, Arnie, 330
First Bank and Trust, 207
Fischer housing projects, 277
Fischetti, Mark, 93
flood insurance, 182, 206, 230n, 302–3, 311, 405
Liberty and, 63, 144, 228
rebuilding and, 219–21, 231, 253, 322
floodwalls, 26, 33, 43, 47–48, 259, 387
Florida, 30, 32, 36, 50, 323
Folse, Artie, 162
food, xiv, 12, 16–18, 22, 34, 43, 124–26, 173, 180, 183, 197, 263, 279, 308, 319, 368, 405
alleged violence and, 129–30
Canal Street barn and, 1–3
Convention Center and, 40, 48, 54–55, 129
in Gretna, 9, 11, 14, 16
Lower Ninth Ward and, 271–72, 351–52
New Orleans East and, 371–72, 403
rebuilding and, 200, 202, 205, 271–72, 277
Foreman, Pam, 77
Forman, Ron:
mayoral campaign of, 31, 245–48, 252–54, 287
Nagin and, 130–31, 136, 171, 245–47, 250, 287–89, 414
rebuilding and, 131, 136, 185
Forman, Sally, 15, 44, 48, 58, 75, 82–85, 87, 113, 123, 130–31, 171, 200, 220, 246–47, 254, 319
Bush and, 31–32, 43, 45–46
Nagin’s chocolate city remark and, 243, 246
Nagin’s mayoral campaigns and, 83–85, 241, 246
Foti, Charles, Jr., 295
Fox, Fox News, 118, 245, 391
Fradella, Frank, 414
Francis, Norman, 135, 144, 147–49, 151, 282, 346
Frank, Barney, 236–37
French Quarter, xvi, 17, 40, 57, 65, 68, 75, 90–91, 99, 112, 115, 118, 121, 123, 134, 167, 170, 176, 182, 230, 252, 293, 300, 332, 337, 340, 382, 388, 394
Gadbois, Karen, 353–54
Gambit, 81, 244, 376
gambling industry, 171, 187
garbage, 105, 183, 229, 232–33, 279, 316, 364–65, 392n
rebuilding and, 186, 188, 202, 237, 290
Garden District, xvi, 65, 68, 90, 95, 137, 154–55, 254, 395
gas, gas system, xiv, 186, 198, 289
rebuilding and, 115, 159–60, 193
Gentilly, 27, 61–63, 68, 162, 233, 254, 260, 300
destruction in, 372, 380
flooding in, 62–63, 381
housing in, 225, 267, 303, 372–73, 378–81, 402
Liberty in, 150, 228, 372
McDonald and, 344, 372–73, 402
rebuilding and, 144, 175–76, 213, 239, 329, 334, 343–44, 378–81
Road Home and, 329, 379
Uddo and, 343–44, 378–81, 409
Gilmore, David, 361
Giuliani, Rudy, 185, 223, 247
Gladney, Greta, 116–17, 203
Glapion, Gail, 418
Glassman, Sallie Ann, 395–96
Gleason, Steve, 298
Good Neighbor Plan, 310
Good News Camp, 265, 309
Grace, Stephanie, 395
Grant, Cedric, 383–85
Grant, Maggie, 31–32, 45–46
Great Deluge, The (Brinkley), 35
Green, Robert, Sr., 54
Gretna, La., 242, 252
blacks and, 194, 272, 274
evacuations and, 6, 8–17, 197, 295, 365–66
Gretna, La. (cont.)
food and water in, 9, 11, 14, 16
police of, 7–19, 366
Gulf Coast Bank, 235, 268–69, 342
Gusman, Marlin, 307, 416
Gustav, Hurricane, 355
Hale, Kate, 36
Hammer, David, 389
Hanover Insurance Group, 303
Harrah’s, 14, 18, 88, 122, 160
Harris, Ronnie, 11, 13
Harrison, Mary, 315
Harrison Avenue, 202, 267, 342, 408
Hastert, Dennis, 68–69
Hatfield, Brenda, 289
Haygood, Wil, 129n
Head, Stacy, 330–31, 353
garbage pickups and, 364–65
Home Depot and, 338–39
Landrieu and, 390–91
Healing Center, 396–97
health care, 34, 55, 107, 121, 145, 184, 190, 226, 315, 320, 325–26, 341, 344, 347, 365, 392, 394–97, 418
Algiers and, 275–76
Blakely and, 334–36
Lower Ninth Ward and, 272, 375
mental, 259–60, 291, 367–68
New Orleans East and, 142, 363, 403
and rebirth of New Orleans, 397, 402
rebuilding and, 229, 275–77, 280, 334–36, 403
and returning to New Orleans, 182, 263, 326
Hebert, Jeff, 361, 384, 408–9
Hecht, Michael, 397
Hedge-Morrell, Cynthia, 176
Heldman, Caroline, 196–97
Helmstetter, Michael, 14
Henry, Ruston, 270
Henry, Troy, 320, 334n, 382–83, 385, 391
Hicks, Doris, 306–8, 325, 375, 388
High Rise Bridge, 91, 139
Hill, Eileen Sanjuan, 49, 52, 56
Hill, Lance, 49–57, 59, 245, 291, 397
Hines, Bill, 53, 183, 401
Landrieu and, 361, 396
Nagin and, 74, 86, 168, 288, 337, 396
and rebirth of New Orleans, 396–97
Holder, Eric, 362, 391
Holm, Rasmus, 274
Holy Cross, 118, 235–36, 332, 350, 376
Home Again, Project, 333–34
Home Depot, 143, 231, 292, 338–39
Homeland Security Department, U.S., 32, 37, 39, 313
Home Solutions of America, 414
Home Stretch, 380
Honoré, Russel, 112, 235
Hood, Will, 342–44
Gentilly and, 343–44
Lakeview and, 295–96, 308
–9, 311
rebuilding and, 311, 343–44
Horne, Jed, 56, 82, 128n, 259
Hotel Monteleone, 17–18
housing, homes, 79–80, 127, 165, 192, 246, 404
in Algiers, 273–75
apartments and, 54, 56, 63, 95, 139, 170, 188–89, 191, 198, 261, 280–81, 285, 291, 326, 346, 375, 398, 402–3
Canizaro and, 134–36, 172
damage and destruction of, xiii, xv–xvi, 3, 6, 8, 22, 26, 54, 66, 102, 107, 118–19, 127, 129, 133, 139–42, 155, 158, 162–63, 173, 177, 186, 202–4, 212, 218–20, 225, 229, 231, 267, 281, 290, 311, 314–15, 325, 334, 353, 356, 366–67, 371–72, 375, 380, 402
demand for, 367, 398
demolition of, 137, 237–38, 276, 291, 299, 305, 315, 324, 330–31, 336, 353, 361, 363–64, 375, 395, 407
doubles and, 266, 268, 270
emergency, 109, 186–88, 191, 196–99, 205, 220, 232, 251, 253, 257, 269, 271–72, 293, 299–301, 305, 309, 322, 326, 330–32, 341, 348, 354, 360, 380, 386, 388
evacuations and, 261, 293
foreclosures on, 410, 415, 418
in Gentilly, 225, 267, 303, 372–73, 378–81, 402
in Holy Cross, 235–36
homelessness and, 102n, 103, 107, 164, 197, 204, 301, 326, 337
hotels and, 198, 201, 205, 233–34, 240, 346, 354, 375, 405
insurance company disputes and, 302–3
of Lagarde, 172–73
in Lakeview, 91, 93, 178, 249, 261–68, 270–71, 309–11, 343, 407–9
in Lakewood, 264–65, 271
Landrieu and, 363–64, 386, 395
lawsuits and, 302–3, 357–58, 366, 379n
Liberty and, 93, 147–49, 151–52, 155–56, 226–28, 280, 371–72
in Lower Ninth Ward, 118–19, 202–3, 210, 225, 237–38, 270–72, 276–77, 286, 303–5, 315, 326, 332–33, 348–53, 366, 372–77, 412, 417
McClendon and, 303–5, 348–49, 351–53, 374–77, 410–11, 417–18
McDonald and, 20–21, 23, 27, 62, 66, 93–94, 139–42, 144–45, 152–56, 173, 202, 224–28, 280, 282, 302, 344–45, 371, 373–74, 378, 401–2, 405
Major and, 137–38, 173, 191
motels and, 303, 305, 371
Nagin and, 24, 71, 73–74, 103, 121, 170, 185–88, 220, 238, 287, 291, 330–31, 337, 345, 355, 378, 389, 415
in New Orleans East, 93–97, 139–40, 155, 173, 225, 280, 283–85, 344, 363–64, 403
in Ninth Ward, 102, 276
number grades of, 218–20
in Park Island, 344–45
in Pontchartrain Park, 383, 402
public, 8, 163, 188, 191, 193, 251, 253, 272–73, 276–77, 281–82, 291, 330–31, 361, 367, 395, 398, 401
housing, homes (cont.)
Rahim and, 272–77
raising of, 213, 219, 253
rebuilding and, 140, 158, 160–63, 171, 175, 177–78, 184, 186–88, 191, 193, 200–202, 205–6, 210–14, 216, 218–19, 222, 225–26, 230–31, 236–38, 253, 263–65, 268, 271, 276, 280–83, 290, 309–11, 315, 320, 324, 332–34, 336, 340, 348–49, 371, 378–81, 389, 396, 401–2
renting and, 50, 95, 134, 173, 181–82, 188, 191, 198–99, 212, 262–64, 266, 270, 280–83, 302, 320, 348, 367, 373, 397–98, 403, 405
repopulation and, 121–22
and returning to New Orleans, 183, 187, 233, 251
Road Home and, 222–23, 281, 282n, 311–14, 329, 343, 348, 351–52, 371, 379n, 380–81, 387
in St. Bernard Parish, 301–2
trailers and, 186–88, 191, 196, 198–99, 220, 232, 251, 253, 257, 271, 281, 285, 289, 299–300, 305, 309, 330–32, 341, 348, 354, 360, 380, 386, 388
Walls and, 96–97, 179–82, 202, 230–32, 282–83, 346–48, 403, 406
Housing and Urban Development Department, U.S. (HUD), 119, 281, 291, 321–22, 335–36, 346, 396
Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), 191, 361, 398
Houston, Tex., 64, 83, 116, 120, 132, 142, 153, 165, 173, 189, 192, 234, 258, 299, 310, 315, 346, 348, 352, 363–64, 395, 404
Community Congresses and, 319–20
evacuations and, 50, 196–98, 235, 261, 293–94, 341
Nagin’s mayoral campaign and, 251, 255
Howard, Janet, 215
Howard, Sheila, 155
Hutchinson, Don, 233–34
Hyatt Regency, 88, 173
McDonald and, 20, 23–24
Nagin and, 6, 31, 42–44, 72, 110, 120, 132
ICF International, 312–14
InCourage, 347
Industrial Canal, 26, 91, 117–18, 139, 203, 350, 376, 417
insurance, insurance companies, 142–45, 165, 186, 190, 204, 213, 229, 290, 304, 369, 373, 411
disputes with, 67, 191, 214, 302–3, 347
homeowner’s, 144, 231, 302–3, 347, 405
Landrieus and, 269, 365
McDonalds and, 67–68, 144–45, 224–28, 302, 344, 371–72
Major and, 173, 191
Road Home and, 222, 281, 284, 303, 311–13, 333, 347, 371–72, 379, 387
Walls and, 182, 230–31, 347
see also flood insurance
International City Bank and Trust (ICB), 147–48
Iraq, 33–35, 38, 103, 107–8, 206, 214, 219, 242, 251–52, 295, 300, 308–9
Irvin, Henry, Jr., 374–75
Jackson, Alphonso, 119
Jackson, Jesse, 156, 252
Jackson, Miss., 23, 28, 98, 134, 152, 193, 270, 297, 346
Jackson, Stacie, 354n
Jackson Square, 112, 166, 170, 256, 294, 403, 409
James, Joe, 60–62, 66
Jefferson, Bill, 46
Jefferson Parish, La., 14–15, 33, 78, 129n, 302, 365
Jindal, Piyush “Bobby,” 367
gubernatorial campaigns of, 46, 105–6, 108, 205, 223, 314, 328
John Paul II, Pope, 141–42
Johnson, Arthur, 66
Johnson, Laurie A., 167n
Johnson, Lyndon, 23, 35, 314
Jones, Henry, 281
Jones, Levon, 84–85
Jones, Patricia, 350–51, 376
Jones, Van, 130
Jordan, Eddie, 295, 327–28, 330
Joshua, IdaBelle, 315
Kabacoff, Pres, 137, 190, 211, 394–98, 401
Kallenborn, John, 215
Kaste, Martin, 300
Katrina, Hurricane:
anniversaries of, 153, 279, 281, 283, 286–87, 289, 291, 294–95, 305, 310, 325, 342, 351, 354–55, 360, 368–69, 375, 379n, 387, 398–99, 409–10, 416–18
bearing down on New Orleans, 1–2, 20–22, 24, 29, 33, 37, 40, 42, 47, 58, 103, 123
casualties due to, 103, 118, 294, 390
categorizing of, 20–21, 24–26, 32, 37–38, 103, 194
cost of, 115, 164, 186, 199, 390
preparing for, 103–4
size of, 29, 32, 116
storm surge of, 21, 26, 195
winds of, 2, 21, 25–26, 42–43, 154
Katrina Investment Deposits (KIDs), 156, 227
Katrina’s Secrets (Nagin), 388–89
Kegel, Martha, 301
King, Danatus, 362
King, Larry, 170, 333
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 156, 242, 252
Knutson, Kent, 338
Kobe, 132–33
Kopplin, Andy, 109
Kroloff, Reed, 211–12, 217
Krupa, Michelle, 289
Ku Klux Klan, 52–53, 76
Labbe, Russell, 60–63
Liberty and, 27–28, 30, 60–62, 228, 278–79
McDonald and, 27–28, 30, 228, 278
water journey of, 61–62, 66
Lagarde, Maurice L., III “Mel”:
home of, 172–73
rebuilding and, 136–37, 199, 209, 213
Lake Forest Estates, 21, 62, 344–45, 371
Lake Pontchartrain, 26–27, 43, 78, 90–91, 266, 284
Lakeview, 213n, 254, 261–71, 358, 366, 368, 378, 384, 390–91
cleanups in, 202, 235, 265, 311
comparisons between New Orleans Eas
t and, 117, 267, 408–9
crime in, 263–64, 266
destruction in, 308–9, 311
flooding in, 27, 43, 99, 116, 125n, 249, 252, 261–62, 264, 268–69
housing in, 91, 93, 178, 249, 261–68, 270–71, 309–11, 343, 407–9
rebirth of, 407–8
rebuilding and, 160, 162–63, 168, 175–78, 187–88, 202, 214, 235, 264, 268, 271, 295–96, 298, 309, 311–12, 323, 329, 342–43, 407
returning to, 261–65, 267–68, 310, 343
secessionism of, 266, 268
Uddo and, 261–65, 271, 308–9, 379–80, 409, 416–17
UNOP and, 269–70
Lakewood, 264–65, 271
Lambert, Paul, 280, 285, 321
Lambert Advisory, 268–69
land banks, 212, 225–26
Landrieu, Martin, 264n, 407–8
Lakeview and, 176–77, 235, 266, 268–69, 298, 343
UNOP and, 269–70
Landrieu, Mary, 34, 46–48, 122, 241, 248, 256, 264n, 265, 314, 361, 407
Landrieu, Mitch, xvi, 122, 359–65, 382–86, 388, 395–96, 402, 408
blacks and, 248, 255–56, 359–62, 364–65, 369, 382–83, 390–93, 416
community meetings of, 363–64
FEMA and, 385–86, 390, 410–11
Grant and, 383–84
Henry and, 382–83, 385
Lower Ninth Ward and, 374, 383, 410, 418
mayoral campaigns of, 241, 245–49, 252–56, 288, 330, 359–61, 416
Nagin and, 241, 256, 360–61, 384
NOPD and, 362–63, 385, 391–93, 416
rebuilding and, 249, 369, 384–85, 390–91
Landrieu, Moon, 78–79, 122, 149, 176–77, 246–48, 360, 407
Lapeyre, Jay, 234
Latinos, 136, 171, 202, 283, 366
Lawson, Arthur, 14, 194, 295
Lee, Robert E., 76
Lee, Silas, xv, 248
Legrand, Rita, 310, 368, 384
Lemmon, Mary Ann Vial, 365
levees, 92, 117, 119, 325, 375, 396, 400
breaching of, xiv, 3–4, 26–27, 33, 35, 39–40, 42–43, 47–48, 48n, 73, 102, 108, 110, 116, 124–25, 129, 162, 194–95, 203, 206, 237, 254, 258–59, 271, 287, 294, 303, 306, 332–33
lawsuits and, 194–95, 358
Nagin and, 43, 101–2, 110, 116
rebuilding and, 161, 204–6, 229, 236, 387
repairing of, 38, 124–25, 258–59, 284, 387
Lewis, Peirce F., 89–93
Lewis, Ronald, 119
Liberty Bank and Trust, 20–24, 27–30, 129, 134–35, 373
in Baton Rouge, 23, 28–29, 60, 62–64, 68, 143, 152, 154–55, 279
blacks and, 20–22, 61, 68–69, 93, 143, 147–52, 157, 228, 346, 404
businesses and, 149, 151–52, 156
cleanup of, 227–29
computers of, 22–23, 29, 60, 62, 66, 229, 279
creation of, 147–49, 151