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Dark Souls

Page 5

by May Gordon

  “I can’t wait, Cleo. I’ve been away for hours.” He growls against my skin.

  “Yes, Lawson,” I moan.

  He enters me in one powerful thrust. Our lovemaking is wild and uncontrolled. It doesn’t take long to get me off, and his release quickly follows. He still holds me in his arms, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Now I’ve really worked up an appetite,” I say with a giggle.

  He laughs as well. “Well, let’s get you cleaned up so we can go eat.” He kisses me before letting me down.

  We wash each other, its slow and sensual as we share leisurely kisses along the way. It’s times like this that make me think he must love me. But he still hasn’t said it. Once we’re finally done we get dressed for dinner. I pull out a beautiful red dress that’s been hanging in my closet since Beth and I got it on one of our many shopping trips together. I put it on and match it with a pair of black stilettos. I walk out of the closet and see Lawson looking like a million bucks in a beautiful gray suit. He’s putting on his cuff links, the ones that belonged to his father, when he sees me. His eyes partially pop out of his head.

  “You look absolutely stunning.” His voice is deep and heavy with lust.

  “You don’t look too bad either.” I smile and walk closer. “Zip me?” I ask and turn my back toward him. I feel his hands stroke my skin before he slowly pulls it up.

  “After dinner, I’m bringing you home and eating you for dessert,” he growls in my ear from behind.

  I turn and wrap my arms around him, my body flush with his. “Looking forward to it.” My accent is deeper now. “I’ll meet you downstairs, I’m just doing to do my makeup and hair.”

  “All right. But don’t take too long,” he calls out before he leaves.

  I quickly take care of it before grabbing a clutch and going downstairs. In the kitchen I see Liam, Owen, Andrew, and Levi at the table munching on some baked goods I made earlier today. It’s been a habit with them since I moved in. They’re always close by to sample anything I make. I enjoy their company, they feel like brothers to me, like family.

  “Wow. Mrs. Boss you look beautiful,” Levi pipes up. The glance up from their food.

  “Very stunning,” Liam smiles at me.

  I feel Lawson come up behind me and lay his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. “Are you fools done snacking on Cleo’s treats? Don’t you have work to do?” He grunts out.

  “Oh, hush Lawson. They worked hard today, they need those treats.” I say, patting his chest.

  “You all better be gone when we come back,” Lawson says and turns to the key rack grabbing a set.

  “There’s homemade ice cream in the freezer,” I whisper. “Goodnight gentlemen,” I wave and say a little louder.

  “Night, boss,” they all call out. I walk towards Lawson and he just shakes his head at me.

  “You spoil them,” he grumbles.

  “They are very good men, and deserve to be.” We exit the front door and Nick is waiting by the car.

  “Mrs. Boss, you look absolutely stunning.” He bows his head to me.

  “Thank you, Nick.” I smile at him brightly. The SUV behind us already has John and Sammy inside, two of the bodyguards. Lawson helps me in then walks to the other side. We drive to an upscale restaurant downtown. I’ve never been so pampered in my whole life. The place is intimate and cozy. I see the maître d, an older male’s, eyes widen when he sees us.

  “Mr. Westworth. I have your table ready for you,” he stammers, clearly nervous by Lawson’s presence.

  He leads us to the private dining room and I look behind us and see two more of Lawson’s men guarding the door. We’re seated near a window and it overlooks the park. I can see a beautiful fountain with string lights around it. It’s breathtaking, like a fairy tale. I just hope it stays that way and doesn’t turn into a Brothers Grimm novel. Later I realize how stupid that wish was.

  Chapter 11


  I love her.

  Head over heels, down the rabbit hole, lost in love with her. And I never want to be found. Over these last two months, I’ve gotten a sense, a real one, of how our lives would be. And its fucking perfect. Cleo is a true partner in every sense of the word. She’s absolutely brilliant with everything I pass her way. Illegal or legal businesses, she knows her shit. When she walked out wearing that red dress, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. She looked like royalty and I wasn’t even worthy of looking at her. Staring at her now across the table I don’t understand why I haven’t even told her how much I love her yet. I’m a fucking idiot. So, to make it up to her, I decided to use this evening, make the first time I say it special.

  “Can I offer you some wine?” Our waiter breaks me out of my thoughts. I was just about the ask for the best bottle when Cleo speaks first.

  “Just water with some lemon would be great.” She smiles at him.

  “I’ll have the same,” I tell him.

  Cleo gives me a smile and picks up her menu. “Didn’t want any wine?” I ask, doing the same.

  “It would only slow down my eating,” she jokes and I chuckle with her.

  One of the many things I adore about Cleo is her eating habits. She loves food and isn’t afraid to show it. “I’m thinking steak, prawns, a baked potato, and broccoli.” I can practically see her drool.

  “I’ll have the same.” I close my menu and we give the waiter our order. Throughout dinner we talk a little business, laugh, and discuss the future.

  “I was thinking we could do a makeover to the house,” she says shyly.

  I’m a little surprised by her lack of confidence about it. “Of course. It’s your house to.” I reach out and grab her hand.

  “It’s yours, and I wanted to check before your mom and I change anything.”

  “Oh god, you have my mother in on this too?” I groan out.

  She giggles. “For creative input, yes. Your house is sparse, all white, cold. Not really a home,” she tells me.

  Again, I’m shocked and a little pissed she hasn’t said something before. She should enjoy the place she lives in. “You can do whatever you want with it Cleo, and there’s no need to ask in the future,” I tell her.

  She gives me a bright smile then goes on to tell me some of her plans, including the paint color, adding a garden, and new furniture. It all sounds great. I’ve never put much thought in decorating, luckily Cleo can take that off my hands.

  “What did you wish for when you were younger?” I ask out of the blue. I want to know, I want to give it to her.

  She looks surprised by my question, then seems to think on it. When she finally answers, it damn near breaks my heart. “A family.”

  “That’s exactly what you’ll have,” I tell her in a husky voice.

  “I already do.” She replies, gracing me with another smile.

  She’s making it hard for me to wait until next week to propose to her. With the help of my mother we’re arranging a big proposal, and a custom ring as well, but the wait is killing me.

  We have a wonderful night, and after dinner we take a walk in the park, around the fountain, and just stand there watching the water.

  “It’s beautiful here.” Cleo cuddles into me.

  “You’re beautiful.” I turn her in my arms to stare at her.

  She smiles up at me and strokes my face. “You’re not so bad yourself.” I chuckle at her.

  I look deep in her eyes and feel an inner peace take over inside me. It’s all her, all because of her. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she says back to me without hesitation then throws her arms around me, giving me a deep passionate kiss. “I was so worried you didn’t feel the same.” Her eyes are wet from unshed tears.

  “How could you ever think that?” I demand.

  “You never told me.”

  I’m pissed at myself that she even doubted the love I have for her, that she didn’t know all this time. “You’ll never question my love again. I’ll sho
w you every day and night how much you mean to me.” I pull her into another passionate kiss and she molds herself to me, making me growl. “Let’s get home so I can have you for dessert.” I take her hand and we head back to the car where Nick and the guards are waiting.

  Suddenly a masked man steps in front of us and turns toward my men. Before I can react, he starts shooting at them. I dive towards the fountain and bring Cleo with me shielding her. Then I stand on the other side, planning to run to the trees to get her to safety when three men appear, their guns aimed at us. I reach for mine when Cleo gasps and step behind me. I hear a gun go off and turn just as Cleo falls to the ground clutching her shoulder. Dammit! She took a bullet for me.

  “No!” I roar, dropping to my knees.

  “Mamka mu, that hurts.” She curses. I want to laugh knowing she’s all right, but I’m too fucking mad.

  I hear more shots and begin to take aim when I’m suddenly dragged from the ground by men I don’t know.

  “No!” I say again.

  Then I fight, head-butting one of them and elbowing another. I’m in an all-out fist fight as I try to disarming them. It’s three against one, but I can take them. I hear Cleo scream and turn to her, thinking she was still on the ground, but four more men are picking her up and trying to carry her away. She’s fighting like a wild cat, blood pouring from her shoulder. I go for her, but I’m tackled to the ground.

  I hear Nick and my guards yelling, and more gunfire. It’s fucking chaotic. I’m trying to fight this guy off but he’s a huge fucker. I hear Cleo again and try with all my might to get to her. I can’t see her, and her scream seems farther away now. The big guy I’ve been wrestling with knocks me hard in the jaw, causing my vision to blur and my ears to ring. It clears just as I see the bastard pick up a rock and smash my head. And everything goes black.

  Chapter 12


  It’s been hours since I was pulled from Lawson at the garden fountain. My shoulder hurts like a bitch, but luckily it was a through and through shot. These assholes were nice enough to duct tape some gauze to me. I have a pretty good idea who they are, The Cracked Canaries. We still have Blade in our custody, alive, and have slowly and painfully gained information from him. We haven’t heard much from Smith besides the initial threat against me, but I guess he’s finally struck. He probably wants a trade, me for his son, or at least I hope that’s all he wants.

  I hear the door to the shit room I’m staying in jiggle, then open. An older man with brown hair and noticeable white streaks steps in. He has evil eyes and a gross smile.

  “Why my dear, I’m so glad you’ve been well behaved so far.” He shuts the door and comes in, leaning against it. I don’t answer, just watch him carefully. “I see you still don’t want to talk. That’s fine, I will,” he pauses for effect I’m assuming. “I will be selling you to the highest bidder.” He looks damn happy about it.

  “What about your son? Don’t you want him back? Lawson would give him up in exchange for me,” I tell him.

  “I don’t give two shits about that boy. He caused all this, selling on turf that’s not his, stealing the King’s Queen. He’s a dumb shit and got what he deserves. But still, I can’t show weakness and let what Lawson did pass. So, I’d say kidnapping and selling his woman is a strong statement, don’t you think? He will never be able to find you.” He laughs.

  I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know Lawson and the others are probably trying like hell to find me, but will they before I’m sold to god knows who? I need to stall. “You think I’m worth much with a busted shoulder? Shouldn’t you clean me up?” I ask him.

  “No time, besides you’ll live. Bidding starts soon and a lot of men with beef with Lawson are just dying to get their hands on you.” He opens the door and leaves on that note. I sit back down and take a deep breath trying to calm myself. I place my hands on my belly, knowing I must do whatever it takes to protect my child, even comply with their orders, whatever it takes.

  Lawson- Two weeks later

  “How can you have nothing new?” I roar and bang my hand on my desk.

  Two weeks and we are nowhere. We know the Canaries took her, and have tracked down as many members as we could find, torturing them for information. Smith has gone off the radar, though I’ve reached out every day, promising him his son returned alive, money, his drugs, anything I have to offer to get Cleo back and he never responded. Now I’m on a rampage. I’ve lost my mind. She was shot, and god knows what else is happening to her. I can’t even think about it or I see red and want to destroy everything in sight.

  “Boss, we cleaned the Canaries’ house. They had no information, and Blade has given up five possible locations for his dad, but he’s not at any of them,” Liam tells me, gritting his teeth, obviously as pissed.

  “Andrew?” I snap out.

  “Sorry, boss. I’ve been searching all levels of the dark web, sex trades, auctions, everything. I even put out multiply bounties on Smith or any information on him. Nothing,” Andrew replies.

  I slam my fist down again. “I don’t want apologies! I want answers! I want her found! Get me information, torture, kill anyone who gets in the way. Do it!” I yell at everyone.

  Liam, Andrew, Owen, and Levi don’t even flinch with my outburst. It’s become the norm. The table remains silent and I turn to stare out my office window which looks into the backyard. I can’t help but think about the garden Cleo was talking about, she said it would bring some light to my day every time I saw it.

  What she didn’t realize is that she did that with her presence, her smile. I remember one night her telling me how she was too dark and tainted to be wanted, to have a family, but she was wrong. I need her.

  “Novak and Quinn have checked in. They’re also exhausting all their men to help us find her,” I hear Liam remind me again, like he does every day thinking it will calm me down somehow.

  “Do we actually think she left the state?” I growl out, turning back to them.

  Owen rubs his hands over his face, clearly tired like all of us. “I don’t know, boss. We’ve turned this whole city, this whole damned state, over looking for her, and nothing has come up.”

  I hear my phone ring and pull it out of my pocket. It’s my mother. She’s just as messed up over this as I am. I really can’t deal with another night of her crying, so I press ignore.

  I look around the table and see men who are broken just like I am. Cleo is family, and we’ll do anything in our power to get her back, but right now that power seems limited.


  The last two weeks have been hell. I’ve barely eaten or slept the whole time. Luckily, my morning sickness has been minimal, and they haven’t discovered my pregnancy yet. From what I can estimate I’m only about ten weeks. Smith has finally found a buyer for me and apparently the sale goes down tonight. We hit another bump and I try everything I can not to puke. I’m tied up in the back of a van on our way to the meet. Its felt like hours that we’ve been driving until we finally stop and the back doors open. Smith and his men are waiting as I slowly climb out and one pushes me forward. I try to look around, but don’t recognize anything. I don’t even know if I’m still in Washington. We enter a warehouse and Smith’s men cock their weapons as I notice eight other men inside.

  “Smith, you’re late.” The one leaning against a crate says, sounding bored.

  He’s an older man, older than Smith. He must be fifty but looks great for his age. Definitely what you would call a silver fox.

  “Precious cargo and all,” Smith chuckles, waving to me.

  “This her?” The other man asks.

  “It is. The Queen of Washington as they call her. Lawson Westworth’s woman,” Smith confirms.

  “Excellent.” The man nods, showing no emotion whatsoever.

  He snaps his fingers faster than I can follow as his men lift their guns and take out Smith and his four men. I’m shocked. I have no idea who this is but he’s obviously someone high
on the food chain if he had no second thoughts about killing them.

  “Load her up. Remember, we need her alive,” he says then walks.

  Two men come to my side and grab my arm, leading me outside and to an SUV. I have no idea where we are going or who this man is, but I know the drill, remain quiet and keep my eyes open, learn everything. These guys aren’t as rough as Smith’s men. I get inside, men on either side of me, Mr. Silver Fox in the passenger seat. Then we’re on the move and I see the man looking at me through the mirror. I maintain eye contact with him, showing I’m not afraid, that I’m not some tool to be played with. I don’t know what the fuck is happening here, but I’m going to survive. No matter what. And before I know it I’ll be back in Lawson’s arms.

  “Cleo isn’t it?” Mr. Silver Fox asks me.

  “You know it is,” I say in an even voice.

  “Are you Russian? You don’t look Russian,” he muses out loud.


  “Ah. I see. Well Cleo, we will be spending some time together.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “From you, nothing. Now ruling Washington would be nice. Lawson is an unbreakable force, but I think by stealing his Queen his empire will slowly crumble. All I have to do is sit back, watch, and bide my time.”

  “That will never happen,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice even.

  “We’ll see,” he says cryptically.


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