Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Jenny May

  “No, Knox. If it’s in her blood she wouldn’t know. Not unless she’d been bitten and was a full-fledged vampire. She isn’t, and won’t ever become one unless changed by her kind.

  Lynna was so confused. “How did this happen? I don’t understand.”

  Myles crossed her arms over her chest. “You wouldn’t believe how tainted humans are. Most strands of the virus are so weak that even if they were bitten, most of them would never change. But then there are others like you who are directly connected. I can feel your power, Lynna. I’m seriously surprised you didn’t change on your own. Logan wouldn’t have detected it because he’s so new to this, but I’m an Alpha and have been raised to hunt your scent.”

  “So was I,” Knox growled. “Why didn’t I pick it up?”

  Myles smiled tenderly. “For the same reason I didn’t smell the wolf in Logan. We were mates. Just as you and Lynna are. If you would have known her to be the enemy the mating would have been impossible.”

  Knox’s leader, Logan walked forward and held up a picture. It took a few moments for her brain to process what she was seeing.

  “Do you know this man?”

  A sob escaped her mouth, and the tears began to flow steadily. In a fog, Lynna reached forward and took the picture. It was too much. Everything she’d gone through in the last twenty-four hours was overwhelming her and she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to handle it all.

  “Derek.” Lynna collapsed to the bed, feeling light headed. Knox was instantly at her side, as was Lewis.

  “Who is Derek?” Knox urged.

  She wiped the tears from her eyes. “He’s my brother. He disappeared at the beginning of his senior year. I was a freshman. We thought he was dead.” A hiccup came from her mouth as the tears returned. “It was the reason I became a cop. I always thought we’d find him.” She paused. “How did you get this? Where is he? Can I see him?”

  Logan rubbed his hand over his mouth. “Lynna, Dag…Derek is not on good terms with us. He runs the wolf pack at Hidden Hills. His men are responsible for a lot of death and terrorism.”

  “No.” Lynna rejected it immediately. “Not Derek. He would never hurt anyone. You have to have him confused with someone else or something. I mean, clearly he’s alive. But he can’t be this Dag person you’re all talking about.

  Knox grabbed her hand and she nearly died of shock. He couldn’t wait to get rid of her touch and now he was the one returning the gesture. She looked deep into his eyes trying to figure out what was going on in his mind.

  “What is Derek’s middle name?”

  “What?” Lynna hadn’t been expecting that question. “Anthony, why?”

  Knox shook his head. “Derek is Dag. Think about it, Lynna. Derek Anthony Gordova. The initials of Dag.

  “No!” She pulled back from him and Lewis, and climbed off the other side of the bed. “I want to see him. I want him to explain to me why he left and why he’s being accused of these crimes.”

  Knox flew up to a standing position. “Absolutely not.”

  She ignored him and turned to Logan. “Let me see him. Maybe I can speak with him and you can get some answers to the questions you have. Please. He’s my brother. He’ll talk to me.”

  The woman turned to the Alpha. “Logan, you can’t tell her no. If it were Jack, you know I’d have to see him.”

  Logan looked from Knox to her, and then to Lewis. “Will you give me time to think about it? You don’t understand the dangers that are associated with your request.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Knox’s eyes looked wild as he stared at Logan. “You saw how crazy they are, first hand. You can’t tell me that she’s going to be safe. Once she hits their territory it’s beyond us. We can’t go with her, or come to her rescue if we need to.” Knox bit on his lip. “I can’t.” He looked to Lynna. “I’m sorry. I just can’t let you.”

  The rage that poured though her left her vision blurry. “You can’t let me? You don’t even like me! What do you care if I go?”

  Knox looked at his leader and calmly addressed him. “Logan, if you could please give us some time to work through this that would be great.”

  A nod was all he did. The three of them left through the restroom and she was once again alone with Knox and Lewis. As soon as she heard a clicking noise Knox was on her. He pinned her to the bed, holding her arms over her head.

  “Lewis, get the rope.” He turned and looked into her face. “You don’t think I like you?”

  Tears ran down the sides of her face. “No. I think I disgust you. You act as though you can’t stand to have me around. You flinch at my touch. Why?”

  Knox swallowed hard. “It’s not you, Lynna.” His voice softened. “You didn’t grow up having to endure things that no kid should have to.” He stopped and closed his eyes, swallowing hard. “I can’t say any more and we can never speak of this again. Just know that what I went through broke things inside of me that may never properly heal. I’m trying with you. But you’re going to have to be patient.”

  Lynna felt her heart ache for the billionth time today. But it wasn’t just her pain for him she was feeling. It was his. “Knox. I’m so sorry.” She turned her head and her face brushed against his forearm. She placed a light kiss on his skin and closed her eyes against the continuing tears.

  Breath caressed against her cheek and she moaned as he began to kiss down the side of her neck.

  “Tell me you’re going to work with me on this, Lynna. I do want you to touch me.” The roughness of Knox’s five o’clock shadow sent delicious shivers down her body. Lynna moved her hips underneath him as he nibbled on her neck and ear. “Say you will.”

  “Yes,” Lynna whispered.

  Knox lifted and pulled her jeans and panties off. She used the opportunity to remove her shirt and bra. The moment his weight settled back over her nude body she wrapped her legs around his waist. He went stiff, but only for a second.

  “Are you going tie me back up?” Lynna wanted so badly to wrap her arms and his neck and pull him down to kiss her. She wanted them both completely undressed and their skin sliding against each other, but she knew it would be a while before they made it that far. If ever.

  Knox closed his eyes and lowered his face to just above her neck. “No. The rope won’t be for either of you this time. It’ll be for me.” He lifted and looked at her. “You both deserve more love than what I can give. But if I’m ever going to be able to provide a fraction of what you’re worthy of, then this needs to happen.”

  Lewis lowered the rope to the edge of the bed. Knox lifted and stood. “Lewis, take care of Lynna. I need to go take a shower before I join.”

  They both watched while he walked from the room and shut the bathroom door. Lewis removed his clothing and lowered himself down next to her. She didn’t hesitate to wrap herself around him.

  “What are we going to do, Lewis? He’s in so much pain. Can you feel it?”

  The warmth of her mate’s skin soaked into her limbs. Lewis held her tightly to his body. “Oh yeah. It’s consuming. He harbors so much. We’ll probably never know everything that he hides, but all we can really do is help him get past this. Baby steps, Lynna. I know how much you want to embrace him completely. So do I. But for now we’re going to have to rely on each other for the physical contact.”

  She nodded and brought her lips to his. As his hands slid down her hip, and moved to her ass, she closed her eyes and threw everything she had into pleasuring Lewis.

  * * * *

  Knox locked the bathroom door and searched around frantically for the exit. He had to get out and talk to Logan. His Alpha needed to know where he stood concerning Lynna. She was not going into Hidden Hills. End of story. He’d die before he let that happen.

  The small room looked like any other restroom he’d seen in his life. There was nothing special about the small space whatsoever. Knox focused on any cracks or levers and after a few seconds he found what he was looking for. A tiny crack in the wall behi
nd the door. He pushed and watched it spring open. As he ducked and headed through the small space he saw his leader and his mates sitting on the sofa. They were still underground, he knew that. He quickly shut the door behind him and stood in what appeared to look like a living room.

  “We’re really going to have to make it harder for people to find that entrance,” Logan groaned.

  Knox took a deep breath and walked forward. “She’s not going.”

  Logan raised one of his eyebrows. “I think the decision is mine to make. I appreciate your input, Knox, I do. But ultimately, I decide. Not you.”

  A million emotions bombarded him. It was overwhelming to feel something so much for someone you didn’t know and then try to put those feelings into words. Especially when you didn’t understand them to begin with.

  “If she goes, and something happens…” Knox rubbed his hand down his buzzed head looking for the words.

  “It’ll hurt you?” Logan tilted his face, and Knox knew he was studying him.

  “Yes. It would.”

  “How much?”

  Knox tried to imagine his life suddenly without Lynna in it. Visions of her her smile and the taste of her skin, engulfed him. It was like he couldn’t breathe. “I’d miss her more than I can make into words. I would fear…for her.” Knox leaned over and put his hands on his knees. Air wouldn’t come to him. “It’s too much to think of her at the hands of our enemy. I can’t bear the thought.”

  “You bonded.” The statement wasn’t a question, but a declaration.

  “Yes.” Knox lowered himself to the ground.

  Logan stood. “What you feel is only going to get stronger, Knox. The love we have for our mates surpasses anything we’ve ever experienced before.” He came forward and kneeled before him. “That includes pain. Let them heal you, and focus on that. I would never risk hurting a member of the pack, or their mates for anything. I promise you we’ll find a way for Lynna to see her brother without her having to go to Hidden Hills.

  The hand that came out before him looked like nothing more than a life preserver amidst a sea of distress. He’d been so worried Logan would let her go because Dag was her brother. Now that he knew Lynna wouldn’t be leaving the territory he felt a million pounds lighter.

  “Thank you.” Knox tried to stop the racing of his heart. “I was so scared…” He stopped himself and placed his hand on his chest. Scared. God, he hadn’t just been scared, he had been beyond petrified. He knew deep down she hadn’t been the enemy, but his mind used that excuse as a last ditch effort to shield himself from what he knew was happening. He was beginning to love Lynna. Somewhere in the darkness of his heart, she and Lewis had turned on a light. And with every second that passed by, the light got brighter. Soon, they would consume his every decision, and he was pretty sure he was okay with that. Maybe they already did.

  Chapter 8

  Lewis moaned against Lynna’s pussy as she took him deeper into her mouth. She was on all fours, straddling over his face. With her sweet taste on his tongue, and her sucking his cock deep into her mouth, he was in heaven.

  The shower stopped, but Lewis hardly noticed. It had taken forever for Knox to even turn it on. They thought at first the guy had somehow left. But just when they were about to check there was the sound of a door shutting and the water came on. They both had looked at each other and shrugged. He’d obviously found a way out and the fact that he came back to them spoke volumes.

  “God, you’re good,” Lynna said, against his length.

  “No. You are. Seriously.” Lewis trailed her slit again with his tongue. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  The door opened and Lewis moved his head over and watched as Knox walked over to the bed. A towel was wrapped around his waist. Lynna eased off of him and they both watched as he sat on the edge of the bed. Something was different about him.

  “Where did you go?” Lynna asked quietly.

  He looked down at the cement floor. “I had to talk with Logan. I—” A ragged breath came from him as he turned to her and slowly reached for her hands. “Lynna, I know things didn’t start off very well between us. For that I’m sorry.” He glanced at Lewis, but turned back to her. “Logan is going to try to get ahold of Dag so he can come to you.”

  “So I will get to see him, then?”

  “Yes. We’ll do everything we can to reunite you two.”

  She smiled and went to throw her arms around his neck but she stopped herself. Knox awkwardly lifted his large arms, giving her permission.

  “Thank you, Knox. You don’t know how much it means to me that you were concerned with what I wanted.”

  He shook his head, and she leaned back. “I can’t take credit for it, Lynna. I went to tell him you weren’t going. That I couldn’t risk losing you.” He paused. “I didn’t want this at first, but now things are different. If anything were to happen to you. Anything at all.” Knox looked at Lewis. “With either of you.” He stood and kneeled next to the bed. They both remained quiet as he grabbed one of each of their hands. “I’m not sure how to put what I’m feeling into words. I’m not used to talking or really feeling, for that matter.

  “Just know that I would kill for you. Die for you.” He lowered his head to rest on their united hands. “You’re the air I breathe. The beating of my heart. If one of you were to perish then you’re taking away my life source. Air no longer flows, and my heart would cease to produce any rhythm.” He lifted his head and looked at them with tears in his eyes. “It would…kill me.”

  Finalization settled over Lewis. He’d accepted his fate with these two from the beginning with barely any questions, and now that he saw the one who’d been fighting their bonding the hardest break down, he knew things were going to be changed forever. Knox admitting what Lewis felt himself was a historic moment. And one he’d always cherish.

  Lynna’s expression was priceless. It was a mix of happiness and shock. “Oh, Knox.” She quickly wiped her eyes, and clutched his hand to her heart. “Thank you. For everything. I know this is hard for you.”

  Lewis brought his and Knox’s joined fingers to his mouth and placed a kiss to the Knox’s palm. “All we have to do is try. The rest should come easy.”

  They all agreed. Knox grabbed the rope and stood. “You both ready? No holding back. I want your hands all over me. And no matter what, don’t stop.”

  Lewis took the rope and traded Knox places. As Knox’s large body covered the bed he separated the two pieces of long rope. With one, he tied Knox’s arms over his head and secured it to the frame underneath. Lynna did as instructed and repeated the action. She wrapped the rope around his ankles multiple times and secured it to the bed.

  Knox was already sweating. Lewis could tell that he couldn’t stand being tied down. He pulled against the binds and shook his head. “I’ll take a cue from you. Tighten the ropes.”

  “Tighter?” Lynna’s eyes got big. “They’re already pulling against your arms and legs to the max.”

  Knox lifted his head and looked down. “Lewis needs to make them tighter or else I’ll be able to break them.”

  He didn’t hesitate. He went to the foot of the bed and gave a hard jerk on the hemp. Knox grunted. “Good, now fasten it that way.”

  “Got it.” As Lewis finished up he noticed how upset Lynna was. He walked to her and grabbed her hand. “It’ll be okay. This is what Knox needs.” He turned and stared into her violet eyes. “We can do this. Think of Knox. It’s what he wants.”

  She nodded and crawled onto the bed. Lewis came up next to her and positioned himself at Knox’s hips. He grabbed her hand and placed it on their mate’s chest. “Touch him, Lynna. Do what your heart longs to do.”

  Knox closed his eyes as Lynna’s hand made its way up his neck. Lewis leaned forward. “Open your eyes and look at who’s touching you, Knox. Look at Lynna. See only us as we please you.”

  His eyes came open and his breathing deepened. Lynna’s small hand cupped his cheek and she lowered her face d
own to his. The first kiss looked like it was only on her part, but she didn’t stop. After the third time, Knox responded. Lewis took the opportunity to move his fingertips over Knox’s hard stomach. His abs were ridiculously cut. Each one was defined perfectly.

  The length of Knox’s cock became longer while they continued to touch him. A moan came from him as he deepened his kiss with Lynna, but it was quickly cut off

  A growl tore from his throat as he jerked his head to the side. “God, I don’t think I can do it.” Knox pulled against the ropes that bound his hands together.

  “You can.” Lewis paused against his skin. “Knox, look at me.”

  The eyes that came to rest on Lewis face reminded him of a child. He was so vulnerable and panicked that Lewis almost raced to the ropes to untie him, but he couldn’t. Not if they wanted to beat this fear he had of being touched.

  “You can do this, Knox. All we want to do is love you. Let us do that. We’re not going to hurt you. We don’t even have to be sexual. Just let us hold you.”

  Lewis moved his body to the other side of Knox’s, and Lynna scooted down and copied his actions. They met hands in the middle and both placed their palms down on Knox’s chest.

  “Is this better?” Lewis looked up at him. He did appear calmer.

  “Yes. Just let me adjust slowly.”

  Warmth from Knox felt so good against the chill from the basement. It was always a bit cold down here. Lewis closed his eyes and before he knew it he was drifting off. It wasn’t until Knox moved underneath him that he jumped awake. He looked over and Lynna was fast asleep, too.

  “I want you to untie me,” Knox whispered. I have to try this without the ropes. I think I’ll be okay.”

  Lewis nodded and quickly undid the knots. He reached down and unwrapped Knox’s feet. Once he got his arms free he watched him sigh in relief.

  “Damn, that hurts after a while.” Knox moved his shoulders in a circular motion. Lynna jumped in her sleep and Lewis watched as Knox gazed into her face. “She so beautiful, isn’t she? It’s almost too much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as breathtaking as her.”


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