Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 19

by Amanda Clover

With a sound like distorted trumpets and a blurt of incomprehensible speech, the golem disengaged its dripping serpents and the whirring cylinder of its cock. They squelched as they slipped from the pulverized princess and she let out a moan of emptiness. The golem dropped her gently to the ground and the glow died behind its visor.

  It took Yvette some time to recover. She steamed to come out of a stupor of pleasure and she blushed with embarrassment at how readily she had given in to the golem and demanded more of the pleasure it was giving to her. She stood unsteadily, like a newborn colt, and limped back down into the tower.

  "Where is the golem?" demanded the wizard. "The portal has closed and I'll have to reopen it."

  "I'm sorry, Master Varminster," said Yvette, dropping her head with dismay. "I activated the golem and said Imperitus Supalpor exactly as you--"

  "Imperitus Supalpor?" Varminster cackled with laughter. "No wonder you were gone so long! You commanded the golem to pleasure you. My mistake, apprentice. The proper phrase is Imperitus Sequitur."

  "You're certain, Master Varminster?"

  "Yes! Don't question me!" He turned back to the formation of magic stones. "I'll reopen the portal to the plane of elemental fire. You bring me my golem."

  Fortunately for Princess Yvette, the old wizard had given her the correct command word. She kept a wary eye on the golem as it followed her swaying hips and bare bottom, but it dutifully clomped along behind her and never even revealed its piston cock or its metal snakes.

  "There you are, you clanking pervert!" Varminster waved at the portal. "Alright, in you go, and bring me back a bouquet of fire flowers."

  The golem dutifully clanked into the portal. Flames burst from its surface as dust and debris and oil burned up in the intense heat. The metal was scoured clean and the flames died away. The denizens of the fire realm looked curiously at the golem as it walked into the field and plucked a handful of smoldering flowers.

  "Fetch me the preservation jar, quickly!"

  Yvette scurried to retrieve the glass vessel down from one of the shelves in the laboratory. The golem was glowing with heat as it returned through the portal. The air shimmered around it and it smelled terribly of smoke.

  "Seal up the flowers in the jar now, apprentice," ordered Varminster.

  Yvette felt the heat radiating off the smoldering flower. It was beautiful and perfumed the air around it with a sweet, cinnamon smell. She resisted the urge to inhale too deeply - she had learned that things that were lovely tended to be dangerous in the Black Tower - and she quickly closed the jar around the flower and sealed it tight. The flames quickly died and the flower became a plain, brittle flower of red.

  "Good," said Varminster. "We have much work to do! And by the order, apprentice, find yourself a robe. You are a lovely sight, but a distraction from my work."

  She found a plain linen robe that was not too filthy and a length of golden cord to serve as a belt. Varminster was not exaggerating when he said "much work" as he put Yvette to measuring vials of liquid, boiling concoctions, transcribing books to scrolls and rearranging furniture. He worked her until she was ink stained, singed and useless from back pain. The old wizard needed no rest.

  "Get some rest," said Varminster.

  She fell immediately asleep on her cot and dreamed of the golem's tireless cock, of Varminster and his four bollocks and Uvana and her invisible hands. She imagined that she was drowning in pleasure in the steamy land of the fire elementals. She awoke with her hand between her thighs and her fingers slick with her cum.

  "I am sick," she whispered to herself. "The longer I am here, the more I lust I feel."

  She cleaned herself and sought out Varminster. He and the golem were in the library. She could not determine how the golem had climbed the ladder to the upper tiers where Varminster perched atop a stool reading a massive text.

  "Ah, apprentice, I am making excellent progress," he said. "I think I almost have it."

  He scratched as his beard and plucked a tangled bit of food out. He wrinkled his nose at the morsel and tossed it aside.

  "Hmmmm, perhaps a bath first," he said, hopping down from the stool. "Fetch a basin of warm water and the washcloth and meet me in my bedroom."

  Yvette heater a large copper kettle's worth of water in the laboratory and poured the steaming water into a wash basin. She dunked in a soft cloth and a sliver of blue soap that smelled of lavender. As she carried the sloshing basin to Varminster's bedroom she found herself looking forward to bathing him. She desired to see the tattooed length of his cock and fondle his strange quartet of heavy bollocks.

  The knobby-kneed old wizard was sat up in his four-poster bed completely naked. His robe was washed and hung to dry by magic outside the window that looked in on the bedroom. Varminster swung his long, white beard to one side and exposed his skinny chest.

  The ancient wziard's pale flesh was freckled with red age spots and various scars and magical tattoos. He was not a pretty sight, but the young princess did not care. Her eyes were fixed on the fat fleshy hose that dangled between his scrawny thighs and rested on the bed. Nestled beneath his tattooed cock, Varminster's overstuffed bag looked to be full of hen's eggs.

  "Hello, my lovely apprentice. Come and give me a wash."

  The sight of the ugly old wizard should have been revolting to Yvette. She was a gorgeous woman, destined once to marry the most handsome and brave prince in the ten kingdoms. The heat between her legs and the ached of lust in her belly could not be denied. She wanted the old wizard. She wanted him badly.

  It was this lust that drove her to join him at the bed and smile as she settled the basin beside him. She untied her robe and lifted it over her head, revealing her golden cunt and the perfect, cream-white orbs of her breasts with her fat pink nipples. After spending so much time nude in the company of the wizard she still felt a thrill of excitement exposing herself in his bedroom.

  She climbed onto the bed beside Varminster and squeezed the soapy washcloth over his chest. She washed his body, her hand moving ever lower until she began to soap his thatch of white hair and the fat hose of his cock. She wrapped her hand and the warm washcloth around his shaft and she began to stroke him.

  "Mmmmmm, come closer so I might feel your breasts on my face," said the old wizard.

  She stretched out beside him, one hand working his swelling cock as she leaned her breasts into his face. Varminster loudly smacked his lips into Yvette's breasts and began kissing and licking them. He found a fat nipple and began to suck. His cock grew hard as iron and she worked it with both hands, squeezing and stroking from the root to the swollen crimson cap.

  "That's it, apprentice, work the staff," groaned Varminster into Yvette's breasts. His hand squirmed between her thighs and he rubbed against her groove and the swelling bud of her clit. She could hardly stand the pleasure of his mouth on her nipple and his hand sawing between her creamy thighs. She thrust her juicy cunt against him and ground her clit into his fingers.

  "My dear apprentice," groaned the old wizard, "do you think you can control your urges?"

  Panting with lust, Yvette very much doubted it. She managed to stop the wanton motion of her hips at least.

  "I...think so..."

  "No," said Varminster, looking at her flushed face and the sparkle in her eyes. "You'll swallow every drop again if I let your mouth near my old root. I need my seed for the ritual. Quickly, climb atop my cock, you'll have to take it that way."

  "Y-yes, Master Varminster," moaned Yvette as she eagerly climbed atop the wizard.

  She straddled him with her shapely thighs and gripped his shaft with one hand. She played the fat head of his cock against her juicy slit. Her folds opened with ease and she moaned and wriggled against the bell of his cock. The old wizard caressed the firm heart of her bottom and pulled her down, impaling her onto his huge cock and driving in until she was sitting atop him.

  "Ohhhhh, Master Varminster! It's so big!"

  "It is, my dear, and you are so very tight,
" he said, caressing her hips and pushing his cock deeper into her hot channel.

  Although Varminster's cock could not compare in size to the golem's, it was flesh and blood and her body reacted to the connection. She squeezed him tightly inside her and began to move atop him. It was pure instinct. She rested her hands on either side of his head and rolled her hips, popping her pink slit up and down his cock. She swung her hips and his fat cockhead nearly popped out on each backwards roll and then she rolled forward and plunged her cunt down onto him.

  The old wizard was content to let the young princess do all the work. She was glad to accommodate him. She rode him harder and harder, her breasts heaving until he caught them in his bony hands and pulled her down against his face. His tongue roamed over her titflesh as she continued to bounce her firm bottom and fuck down onto his cock.

  "Here it comes," he moaned into her breasts. "Milk out every drop and hold it deep inside my dear."

  "Yes! Yes!" she cried.

  She was breathless, head thrown back as she rode wildly atop him and squeezed with her inner muscles. Her orgasm broke through her only an instant before she felt his hard cock go stiff as steel and begin to throb. The old wizard suddenly gripped her hips tightly and thrust up and into her with a single mighty stroke. His cum blasted into her clutching cunt, drowning her cervix in a wave of thick spunk. His four testicles, squeezed tight against his root, unleashed a massive load that flooded the young princess's tender cunt. Her orgasmic contractions only further milked the spurting seed from her wizened master.

  "Ohhhh yes, so good," groaned Varminster. He shuddered as the last pumps of his cum boiled into Yvette's flooded fuckhole. "Yes, very good. Now, carefully, squeeze tight and hold it for me. I'll fetch the jar."


  He rolled her onto her back with surprising strength and slipped his fat cock from her creamed cunt with a lewd slurp. The old wizard hopped off the bed and hobbled into the laboratory, his glistening cock flopping from side to side as he went. He disappeared around a shelf and returned holding one of the glass jars like the sort that held the fire flowers.

  "Now, easy as you can, squat over this. Hold your hand to your quim so you don't lose a drop."

  Yvette cupped her hand to her gooey slit and rolled onto her knees. She pushed up onto her feet and walked awkwardly over the jar. She squatted over the glass and pressed her cunt to the hard rim.

  "Good, just like that," said Varminster. "Now push. Don't be shy. Push it all out into the jar."

  "Nnnnnnaaaa!" Yvette pushed as hard as she could and a fat glob of the wizard's spunk plopped into the jar. She pushed again and more bubbled out.

  "Scoop it out with your fingers," urged Varminster.

  Yvette's cheeks burned with shame. She could not believe what she was doing and yet she compelled, by her subservient position, to do exactly as the old wizard commanded. She pushed her fingers into her slick hole and hooked them into the deepest spot she could reach. When she dragged her fingers out another glob of the white spunk dropped from her tender flower and splattered into the jar. She ran her finger around her sensitive lips and cleaned off a bit more. She wiped this last bit into the jar as well.

  "Excellent!" said Varminster, examining the sloshing contents of the jar. "More than enough for my purposes."

  "Master Varminster, why do you need me to, um, produce this stuff?"

  "Ah, my dear, seed cannot be harvested by me. It loses all its potency. Nor could I control you with a spell and command you to do it. For my purposes, my seed must be drawn out by a willing assistant and one so comely as you surely enhances the process."

  He smacked her bottom and left a stinging red mark.

  "Now, I must prepare for the spell. Busy yourself with tidying up my laboratory. We will need it when I am ready."

  "What are you doing with the, um, the seed?" ask Yvette as she began cleaning between her legs with the damp cloth.

  "Oh, you'll see!" cackled Varminster as he disappeared into the library.

  Yvette cleaned herself and dressed in her plain robe. She felt guilty and somewhat bewildered by the way she seemed to be reacting to Varminster. To anything. Her mind was filled with thoughts of lust.

  In the afternoon, the wizard began to set up candles in the laboratory. He had prepared a strange paste, presumable from his seed, that he spread upon a plank of blackened wood. It was a disgusting centerpiece for his circle of candles.

  "Do you want me to do something?" asked Yvette. She felt a pang of lust imagining him bending her over one of the tables in the laboratory and taking her with his tattooed cock.

  "Yes," said Varminster. "Please remove your robe and take a few steps back."

  Yvette shrugged out of her robe once more and stood naked, resisting the urge to cover her breasts or the downy thatch of her cunt. She looked at the circle formed by the candles and thought of the portal to the elemental realm.

  "Why do you desire me naked, Master Varminster?"

  "They will need to be placated as soon as they are summoned."


  Varminster winked in reply. He turned in a whirl of his blue robes and he raised both hands in casting posture. Yvette had learned enough in her classes to know that a spell that required two hands was likely to be powerful.

  "Quatour multiplicabo!" Shouted Varminster and he quickly chained the enhancement to the spell itself with, "Auxilium minus!"

  The paste began to bubble and spread out across the blackened wood. It took on the color of grayish flesh and began to increase in size exponentially. It formed a quivering mass that spread out across the floor, limited only by the circle of the candles. Tiny hands began to press from within the mound of heaving flesh and one by one strange, small monsters began to claw their way out. Three of them emerged, bodies glistening, from the magical flesh sac of their birth.

  A fourth and fifth imp crawled out. They were scarcely three feet in height. Their bodies were thin and they possessed arms and clawed hands that reached to the floor. They had inverted knees, rat-like tails and splayed toes with black nails. Their heads were large for their bodies, with angular red eyes, mouths full of tiny teeth, and long, pointed ears.

  "Imps!" cried Yvette.

  Varminster ignored her and began to speak in a magical tongue to the creatures. The princess recognized them immediately from the books she had studied in her bestiary class. They were spirits of the prime realm given bodies by magic. They were often used as helpers by wizards and could become mischievous if they weren't given a reward for their help.

  The imps suddenly turned to look at Yvette. They cocked their heads and licked their lips. It was then, as the princess recognized the gleeful look in their beady red eyes, that Yvette knew she was the reward for their help.

  "What have you done, Master Varminter?" cried the princess, taking a step away from the imps.

  "Promised them some hospitality. Nothing you can't manage, my dear."

  Yvette reluctantly stopped backing away. She finally noticed the tiny cocks dangling between the legs of each of the imps. They were no bigger than her little finger, gray like the rest of their bodies, but blending to pink at the head. As she watched - and they watched her - the little cocks stiffened to the size of her index finger and stuck straight out from their waists. They began to hop up and down with excitement and yip like excited dogs.

  "All five of them?" whined the princess.

  "Yes!" snapped Varminster. "I'm sure they'll be glad to have you however you would prefer, but do not stop until they are satisfied."

  "If I must, Master Varminster." Yvette's reluctance was a front to conceal her lust. She wasn't at all put off by the imps and their little cocks. Her only fear was the prickle of terror that she was becoming a sex-crazed tart.

  The imps bounced excitedly and nearly leaped on top of her.

  "Easy now," she said. "One at a time."

  Reasoning with them was impossible. They jumped up and down and their long arms reached up to h
er breasts as more circled around behind her and began to stroke her legs and fondle her bottom.

  "Oh!" cried Yvette. She fell forward and caught herself on the edge of one of the laboratory tables. Her position thrust her round bottom in the faces of the yipping imps and exposed her pink furrow and the soft pink wrinkle of her anus. The gleeful gray imps fought to run their fingers over her pussy and down the hot valley of her crack. "Gentle now, you little beasties."

  Two of the imps latched themselves to Yvette's dangling breasts, their seemingly tiny mouths opening to a freakish width and allowing them to suck half of each large breast into their mouth. Warm imp drool soaked Yvette's tender titflesh and the flicking serpents of their tongues teased her nipples.

  "Oh, my, yesss," she cried. "Lick my cunt as well."

  As if understanding her, the imps lashed their tongues against her bottom, over her asshole, and down to the juicy crescent of her cunt. Two tongues at once squirmed into her aching hole. She arched her back and thrust into their faces, much to the delight of the imps.

  The fifth imp, the slightly larger one that had not touched Yvette, hopped up onto the table she was using to support her weight. As her breasts and tender holes received the imp's lusty attention, this imp waved the stiff finger of its cock in Yvette's face, obviously expecting some attention for itself.

  "Mmmmm, is that for me?" teased the princess.

  She did not hesitate to wrap her hand around the hot finger of the imp's cock and pull him closer. When he was in reach, she stuffed his whole cock into the hot, wet pleasure of her mouth. Her tongue curled beneath his straining willy and she gave him a thorough sucking.

  The insatiable princess moaned with delight and tongue-lashed pleasure as she slurped on the imp cock. In mere moments the imp squealed with delight, its eyes rolling back in its head and its toes curling with pleasure. Its cock throbbed and Yvette was rewarded with hot spurts of the imp's honey-sweet cum. She sucked hard and swallowed every drop.

  The deflating imp stumbled back from her mouth and glistening lips, a look of beastly disbelief on his face. The imps pleasuring the princess with their tongues, driving her to the brink with their sucking and licking, soon decided they were in need of some pleasure. The two beneath her scrambled out and hopped up onto the table to wave their dripping cocks in her face.


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