Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 26

by Amanda Clover

  "Who asks?" demanded Nadia's father.

  "I am Lady Grasu of High Carpath." The woman bowed. "I wish to speak with you about your daughters. In private."

  Father seemed about to object when he met the woman's gleaming blue eyes. He resistance evaporated.

  "This way," he said and opened the door to his caravan. The woman had to duck to step inside.

  As soon as she was gone, the Rama crowded around the black carriage. Some dared to step close to the windows and try to peer inside. Nadia remained in front of the horses, staring up at the black nothingness of the driver's hood.

  "She wants to talk about us?" wondered Lubba.

  "Perhaps Lord Grasu wants to marry one of us," suggested Esmerelda. "I, of course, always imagined myself the bride to nobility. I was never meant for this nomad's life."

  "I hear the Lords of the Carpaths are twisted," said Lubba in a hushed voice. "Perverted men with insatiable appetites. That sounds like just the sort of man I'd like to get to know better."

  Esmerelda rolled her eyes.

  "If it weren't for father, sometimes I think you would be sold to an orc," she said.

  "There's a thought," said Lubba, a naughty smile on her face. "I hear their cocks are big as tree trunks."

  After only a short while, King Dobromir emerged from his carriage. The beautiful Lady Grasu stood behind him with an unreadable expression on her beautiful face.

  "Nadia, come here," said the king.

  Nadia stepped forward. She felt a fluttering in her loins. A reminder of something the vampyr had said to her. What was it?

  "Lord Grasu wishes to marry you," said the king. "Lady Magdalena is already his wife, but the customs of the Lords of Carpath are that they take as many brides as they desire. He has offered me a very generous amount for your hand. An amount that would greatly improve our lot and that of your sisters. Would you--"

  "Yes," cried Nadia. The word surprised even her. It seemed to arise from her loins to her lips and she repeated it three times before she could stop herself.

  "Then it is done," said King Dobromir.

  There was a sadness in his eyes as he took the sack of dracnels from Lady Grasu. He turned back to Nadia, but she was already walking past him, towards the carriage. Lady Grasu fell in smoothly behind her and slithered a reassuring arm around the princess's shoulders.

  "You are as beautiful as I had hoped."

  "Thank you, Lady Grasu," said Nadia.

  "You will call me Mistress," said the Lady Grasu. "You are a servant and will remain so until the Lord and I both decide you are ready. That time many not ever come."

  "I...I understand, Mistress," said Nadia, although she did not fully.

  She knew the Sultans of Shaddobar kept many wives and there were complex hierarchies within these harems. She had read some kings of the west took more than one wife and the orcs tended to claim human "brides" as little more than slaves. She had no knowledge of such arrangements with the Lords of Carpath. Her fate should have terrified her, yet she was at peace with it. She wanted it.

  They stepped into the carriage. The darkness smelled of musty flowers. Lady Grasu closed the door behind them and drew the black curtain over the window. It took a moment for Nadia's eyes to adjust to the near total darkness. The man who would be her husband was sitting on the stuffed leather seat. He bared his fangs in a cold, white smile.

  "Lord Grasu," said Nadia and she attempted a curtsy in the confines of the carriage.

  Lady Grasu seized the princess by the nape of her neck. The Lady picked up Nadia as if she weighed nothing, pushing her forward onto her knees and driving her face roughly into the leather bench beside Lord Grasu.

  "You speak only when addressed," said the Lady, pressing her knees into Nadia's back. "You have impressed my mate with your innocent blood, but do not think your Rama tricks will work on me. If you want to be permitted to sleep indoors, you must prove yourself. Do you understand?"

  Lady Grasu relented and allowed Nadia to lift her head from the bench.

  "Y-yes," said the princess.

  "I do not believe you actually do understand."

  Nadia was suddenly on her back, bottom on the floor of the carriage and her shoulders against the seat. Lady Grasu loomed over the young princess, a terrifying, savage beauty with piercing blue eyes. A flash of sharpened fingernails tore Nadia's blouse to pieces and her pale breasts bounces free of the shredded garment.

  "My Lady," gasped Nadia, trying to cover the soft mounds of her tits.

  "Mistress to you, girl," snarled Lady Grasu.

  She struck against with her clawed fingers and reduced Nadia's modest skirt to tattered ribbons of blue. The remains of her skirt might as well have been loose blades of grass dropped over her legs. Her white thighs showed between the ragged bands of fabric.

  Lady Grasu slashed again and again until Nadia was whimpering with terror and her skirt was gone. She was left only in her flowery knickers. Rama women wore such garments of simple cotton, tight on their bodies, and Lady Grasu seemed pleased with what she saw.

  "You are a maiden pure. I can smell it."

  "Yes, Mistress," moaned Nadia, still covering her breasts.

  She was afraid of the obvious power of Lady Grasu, but just as afraid of her own unnatural reaction. Nadia desired the beautiful Lady Grasu. She stared at her slender limbs, the elegant and powerful way the lady moved, and the way the weight of her breasts opened the neck of her dress as she leaned forward. Nadia wanted to touch her and caress her in ways the dancing girls had touched one another in her father's carriage.

  Lady Grasu's nostrils flared and a hungry smile spread across her face.

  "Vlad is sometimes driven wild with the scent of girls like you and he cannot be stopped. He tears off their clothes and mounts them before he has even tasted their blood." Lady Grasu stroked a dark lock of Nadia's hair that had fallen over her face. "But not you. A princess is too precious for a moment's pleasure with the beast. After he drank from you, did my husband give you a taste of his blood?"

  Nadia's eyes went wide as she recalled the repressed moment when Lord Grasu wrapped his arms around her and began to drink her blood. She shifted and stifled the urge to moan. The memory recalled the hot, erotic pleasure she had experienced. Her face flushed. She clenched her arms more tightly against her breasts.

  "No," said Nadia, her voice barely a whisper.

  "Oh?" Lady Grasu gently sat on Nadia's lap. She rested her arms on the princess's shoulders and played. The sharp tips of her fingernails teased Nadia's neck. The princess shuddered. "You'll find that a taste of our blood makes things much more...interesting..."

  Lady Grasu slowly dragged the tip of a finger across her cleavage. The sharp nail made a red line across the pale curves of her breasts. A moment later, red jewels of blood beaded to the surface.

  "Lick it," said Lady Grasu.

  Nadia looked at her uncertainly. Lady Grasu repeated the command and her intense blue eyes flashed. Nadia reacted without conscious thought. She bent her face to Lady Grasu's cleavage, inhaling the sweet smell as she extended her tongue and slowly traced the bloody line stitched across Lady Grasu's breasts. For a moment, Nadia only tasted blood. And then the world seemed to throb with a new energy.

  The blood of the vampyress was more potent than any wine she had ever tasted. It was sweet and cool, but produced a heat that suffused her body until she was wrapped up in a blanket of euphoria. She smiled at Lady Grasu, her fears forgotten, her desires deepening until they became uncontrollable.

  "My body is on fire," moaned Nadia.

  "Let me quench your flames," cooed Lady Grasu, pulling Nadia against her.

  "Yes, Mistress," gasped Nadia.

  The timid princess was gone in an instant and young Nadia forgot all modesty. Her pale breasts were outmatched in size by Lady Grasu's, but were exquisitely pert and capped by delicate nipples suddenly swollen with excitement. Lady Grasu's bosom seemed to envelop Nadia, so smooth and cool against her own
warm flesh. The vampyress leaned her beautiful face down and smothered Nadia with a passionate kiss.

  Nadia had long dreamed of her first true kiss. She had pictured stolen moments with handsome rangers or ravished by a villain of one of her favorite novels. She had never imagined it would be with a woman, let alone a vampyress, yet it seemed in that exquisite moment, her tongue playing against Lady Grasu's, that no other kiss could match her first. She yielded all of herself to Lady Grasu, tasting and being tasted, caressing and pressing herself against the soft breasts of the vampyress.

  "I love you," she cried.

  "The blood speaks for you," said Lady Grasu. "But I will accept your affection."

  Lady Grasu twisted her fingers into Nadia's braids. The vampyress stretched back on the seat and pulled Nadia between her thighs. The green lace of her dress darkened to gold and red and brown and spilled from her body like so many fallen leaves. What remained was the pale perfection beneath, white as alabaster, long-legged and large-breasted, with a thatch of red atop her blushing vulva and her fingers playing at her delicate flower.

  "Do you know the way to please a woman?" asked Lady Grasu, pulling Nadia closer.

  Flush with lust and confidence, the young princess declared, "I will find my way."

  She began, logically enough, with Lady Grasu's toes. She looked up into the Lady's blue eyes and began to kiss them one-by-one. When she reached the big toe she ran her tongue around its edge and popped it between her lips. She sucked and Lady Grasu arched her back and fed a second and third toe into Nadia's mouth.

  "Yessss, good girl."

  Lady Grasu luxuriated on the bench as Nadia worked from one toe to the next, licking and sucking them each before moving to the other foot. Her pink tongue wound between Lady Grasu's toes. The warmth of her saliva bathed the pale arch of Lady Grasu's delicate feet.

  Nadia lingered at the toes before her instincts drove her higher. Nadia's lips caressed Lady Grasu's calves, her knees, her thighs, and higher. Moving towards the pink flower clenched between Lady Grasu's legs. The vampyress hardly had to guide Nadia at all.

  "Yes, I feel your heat, little one," said the vampyress. "I can feel your heart...mmmm...beating through your lips. Your tongue. Press them to my cove. Taste me as I will soon taste you."

  Nadia's tongue met the glistening velvet folds of Lady Grasu's cunt. The vampyress sighed and raised her slick groove and the pink tightness of her anus so that Nadia's tongue could not avoid either. She did not try.

  Nadia drove her tongue deep, tasted the ass of the vampyress, and traced the soft ribbon of her labia. She teased the bud of Lady Grasu's clit until it stood out like a tiny fingertip. She peeled its hood with her lips and sucked. Lady Grasu brought up her knees and held Nadia's face in place, rubbing her slit against the princess's pink tongue.

  "You look so pretty with your tongue in my quim," said the vampyress. "Use your fingers now. Your fingers and your whole face."

  Nadia was eager to cater to every whim of the beautiful vampyress. She sucked and licked and used her fingers until Lady Grasu arched her back and thrust her slick cunt against Nadia's mouth.

  "Give me your hand," cried Lady Grasu.

  Nadia reached her hand up to the vampyress. With a prick of her fingertip, Lady Grasu opened Nadia's vein. A trickle of blood appeared and Lady Grasu moaned and pulled Nadia's wrist to her full lips. Immediately, the vampyress began to suck, and Nadia felt pleasure like she had never felt before. As the vampyress drank Nadia's blood it was all the young princess could to concentrating on licking and sucking. It was an orgasm that did not cease so long as Lady Grasu drank Nadia's blood.

  The princess was so lost in pleasure and the act of serving the vampyress that she did not notice Lord Grasu moving behind her. The vampyr suddenly pulled her hair back from her neck and fell upon her like a hungry like a hungry animal. His teeth sliced into her neck and her hot blood gushed down her shoulder. He sucked loudly at her flesh and Nadia's pleasure doubled. Her back arched. Her mouth fell open in a wordless wail of ecstasy and her pert breasts shook with the contractions that wracked her body.

  She slipped into a stupor of pleasure, her eyes nearly rolled back into her head as her ears filled with the lusty slurping of the vampyri. She fell atop Lady Grasu and slipped into a restless sleep. She awoke to daylight colored blue by the flowing drapes within her room. She was naked upon a four poster bed, surrounded by the opulence of a castle. She pulled a diaphanous robe of red over her lovely body and stepped out onto the balcony.

  Beneath her, a sheer drop, a thousand feet or more to the valley below. The sheer cliffs of the Carpaths were as pitiless as the vampyri that had made her a slave.

  "I could cast myself onto those rocks," she said. "I can be free."

  "That would be a fool thing to do," said the matronly Carpath woman tidying up the room behind her. "You've been chosen as a handmaiden. It'd be a waste to throw yourself down there."

  "A handmaiden?"

  "Yes, dear, one of the chosen. So far there have been, oh, three or four. Only one other has been given the gift."

  "The gift?"

  "Oh, you are in the dark, aren't you dear?" The woman looked nervously at the drop off the balcony. She took Nadia's hands and pulled her into the safety of the bedroom. "I am Hannah. One of the caretakers of the castle. We look after things while Lord and Lady Grasu are, um, sleeping."

  "Is that where they are now?"

  "Yes, as long as the sun is in the sky they must sleep. Well, not always, once there was the thief who came in the day...he went down into the dungeon and...the less said of him the better."

  Nadia shivered as she caught a glimpse of fear in the plump woman's face.

  "Am I a prisoner here?"

  "Oh, no," said Hannah. "You can go to Ravenhold as you please. So long as you don't try to take off your broach."

  "My..." Nadia reached up to her throat and found a lace choker around her neck that held a cameo broach made of bone. She felt the magic in the carving, like the beating of a tiny heart. "What is this?"

  "It links you to them. I can't really say how or what all it does, but so long as you wear it, they will know you, girl. Be smart about it."

  "So what do I do as handmaiden?" asked Nadia.

  "Let's get you decent and I'll show you," said Hannah.

  Nadia did not like her uniform. It was corseted and made her look like she had breasts as big as Lubba's. It was well-made and pretty, in an almost mournful way, but had a very short skirt and she had to wear dark lace hose with it that made her feel indecent. The lace gloves were also strange.

  Such an extravagantly naughty costume was not particularly well-suited to the work that Hannah gave to Nadia. There was scrubbing floors, dusting shelves, straightening chairs, disposing of compost, and washing sheets. In the afternoon she put on an apron and helped Hannah and several other caretakers prepare a meal.

  "Why doesn't anyone else have to wear a costume like mine?" asked Nadia, brushing flour from the overflowing shelf of her breasts. "It isn't fair. I want to go--"

  Hannah slapped Nadia in the face. It was twice as shocking because Hannah had not been anything but nice to the young princess.

  "Quiet yourself," said Hannah. She gestured to the glaring servants on the other side of the kitchen. "The servants are orphans. Whores. The unwanted. If Lord or Lady Grasu are particularly hungry or just displeased they will not hesitate to feed on the blood of their servants."

  "I...I didn't know."

  "All of Ravenhold lives in fear of the Lords and Ladies of High Carpath. And you, Nadia, are more like the Lords and Ladies than like these servants. So they do not like you and they do not have to wear your uniform. That is what is fair."

  Properly chastened, Nadia went back to work, exhausting herself scrubbing the moss from bricks in the courtyard and clearing fallen leaves from beneath the black trees. Ravens watched her work. Her breath steamed in the chill mountain air. She got caught up in a bramble that pricked her
legs and, when she tried to free herself, opened a bloody gash in her finger. The ravens squawked at her misfortune.

  She went into the castle to try to find some water to clean her hand with. It was only as she walked into the kitchen and found it empty that she realized the servants were gone. The castle was getting very dark and the shadows on the window were so long.

  "Hello?" called Nadia. "Hannah?"

  She found a lantern and went searching through the castle. Her short-heeled boots clicked on the polished floors. The outside chill was beginning to reach into the castle. She shivered against the cold. There was a rustling sound coming from one of the upstairs bedrooms.

  "Hannah, is that you?" She pushed on the door and it creaked as it swung open.

  In the moment it took the lantern to fall from Nadia's fingers and snuff itself out on the floor she saw an unspeakable thing. There was the perfect paleness of Lady Grasu, on her back, her knees pulled up so far they pressed into the cushions of her breasts. Atop her, gray fur, golden eyes and that red, red cock.

  Nadia heard someone screaming. A woman. She thought it was Hannah or one of the servant girls. It was only as candles flickered to life that Nadia realized it was her own voice.

  Lord Grasu was not the wolf, nor was he the man, he was something between the two. His snarling face was covered with fur. His legs were more like those of the wolf and his arms and hands, though covered with gray fur, belonged to a man.

  He silenced Nadia's screaming by leaping atop her.

  "The beast has him," laughed Lady Grasu, playing with the juicy furrow of her cunt as she watched. "Better not to fight him."

  Nadia did fight him. She kicked and screamed and tried to run. Lord Grasu pulled her down each time she thought she had escaped. He grabbed her ankles and pulled them wide apart. He dropped her knees onto the hard stone of the floor. His rough hands lifted her skirt, tore at her stockings, exposed the dark furred mound of her virginal cunt.

  She tried one last time to escape, managing to kick him off and crawl to the foot of the bed. Her bloody hand twisted in the sheets. Lady Grasu gasped with excitement and fell upon Nadia's hand. The vampyress slid Nadia's finger between her lips and sucked urgently at the seeping wound. The princess collapsed onto the bed, instantly trapped in the throes of pleasure that came with the vampyress feeding on even that small flow of blood.


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