Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 37

by Amanda Clover

  "Daddy," she moaned as she picked herself up off the spongy floor.

  She was surrounded by mountains that seemed spooned from tallow and hills that wept rivers of clotted filth. This strange place was unpleasantly hot and humid. The heat saturated her body and she began to soak her fine gown with sweat. The dark shapes of her nipples appeared beneath the increasingly sheer fabric. Her thatch of hair was plainly visible.

  A monstrous bellow rent the air and Olivia witnessed some gargantuan creature moving beyond the mountains, with a dozen long, thin legs and a flat body like that of an insect, but larger than her family's castle. She trembled at the sight, disbelieving this terrible realm she had entered, but knowing she could not venture towards the mountains. Behind her was a vast lake of bubbling mud, barely more inviting than the giant that stalked the mountains. Another direction seemed to offer only an ominous wall of black smoke that slowly moved in her direction.

  Ahead there was some hope: a teetering tower, rising above the fleshy landscape, built perhaps by the hands of whatever men inhabited this nightmare. Seeing no alternative, Olivia gathered up her gown so that it did not trail on the moist ground and she set off for the tower. Fleshy bushes, like pulsing capillaries, seemed to reach for her as she passed. Grotesque worms as thick as her wrist, some with almost human faces, gnawed out of the bleeding meat and squirmed towards her, thankfully too slow to catch her. It gave the young princess the impression that the landscape itself hungered for her.

  "This cannot be real," she moaned. "It is a dream. A bit too much wine and sun disturbing my sleep. I will awake from it."

  The more she insisted this aloud, the less she believed it. She crossed a shuddering hill and trod upon millions of tiny, screaming insects with pale bodies distressingly like those of men and women. They crunched beneath her heels and their warm juices made her nearly slide and fall over. Steadying herself, Olivia looked at the tower and realized it was much larger - and much more distant - than she had originally believed.

  "No," she moaned.

  Her despair turned to horror as a number of shapes began to climb up from unseen gullies in the living terrain. Once each creature heaved itself out of the trench where it had been hiding, it lifted up on two wobbling legs, revealing itself as one of a multitude of hideously fat men.

  Their bodies were like lard-stuffed sausages, their faces molten and eyeless so that their features reminded Olivia of hot wax. Huge mouths fell open and their fleshy tongues tasted the air. They sensed her. They appeared by the tens and then the hundreds and began to surge in her direction. Between their legs dangled grotesque crimson lengths of manhood that waggled as they came towards her.

  "Aawwwwooooo!" they howled, taking up the cry and baying as a pack.

  Running was her only option, but there was nowhere to go. The black smoke was pressing in. The giant of the mountains was still roaming the peaks. And the boiling lake of was her only possible escape. She decided in that moment that she would rather drown herself than be devoured - or worse - by these pathetic creatures.

  She was, at least, faster than the horde that pursued her. Or she was once she had torn away most of her gown on a questing, arterial bramble that slashed her legs and sucked fleetingly at her wounds. She stomped upon the worms that got in her path and they screeched with pain. She kicked aside one creature, like a clawed hand as big as a dog, and flung it into a bush which immediately began to devour it.

  Olivia was so intent on reaching the lake and throwing herself into its boiling mud that she failed to notice one of the gullies in her path. She tumbled into the crevice and splashed into a trickling stream of thick, pungent liquid the color and texture of warm cream. She recoiled from it, scrambling to the wall of the gully and pulling herself up to her feet. She was looking up at the strange clouds above her, trying desperately to devise a way to escape the gully before the horde of monsters caught up to her, when the creature in the gully came to life.

  It snarled and seized her with the sticky flesh of its hands, grabbing her by her biceps and hurling her onto her back into the stream. It was like the others, a pale, melting mass of wet flesh that fell upon her with the weight of a man's body.

  "Awwwwoooooo!" it howled.

  Its foul breath assaulted her face, blowing back her hair and nearly making her gag. She tried to turn away from it, but there was nowhere to turn. Its clawed fingers tore open her gown. Her golden breasts were roughly freed, heaving with her fear as the sticky flesh of the fiend's hands grabbed them and squeezed, pinching her nipples and shaping her soft tits to its desires. She gasped at such an intimate touch, watching in horror as her brown nipples were squeezed in its gelatinous fingers and tugged until they hurt.

  "Please, gods, please stop!"

  Far from stopping, the creature opened its stinking mouth and this time swallowed up the soft flesh of one of Olivia's breasts. She could see her breast inside its mouth as if through frosted glass. Its pink tongue pressed roughly at her nipple and hot, syrupy saliva coated her breast. A thin layer of cool mucus was similarly being slopped onto her body as the creature rubbed against her and held her pinned within the gully.

  She kicked her legs, but this only allowed the beast to shift its bulk between her thighs. She felt the hot hardness of its root, rubbing her thigh, dragging against her furry sex and momentarily slipping its slimy tip over her delicate quim. The hot meat of its tongue slathered her breasts as it sucking mouth moved leechlike back and forth between them. Her scum-covered curves glistened obscenely as more and more of her gown was stripped away until, at last, she was naked beneath the beast.

  "Get off!" cried the princess.

  In a last, desperate attempt to dislodge the fiend, Olivia drew her legs together beneath it, pushing it cock away from her thighs. With a push, she forced her feet under its bulk and lifted it up and off her body. For a moment, she thought she might escape, until the simple physics of the situation proved her wrong. The creature slid forward, bending her toes back painfully and falling towards her with its weight landing much higher upon her body. Olivia caught a glimpse of the wet, red length of its cock as it descended.

  "Aaaah!" she cried out and its hardness plunged into her open mouth.

  It drove into her with the weight of its body, forcing down her tongue and spearing into the tight tunnel of her throat. Her full lips stretched into a tight ring around it. Her throat bulged as it slid every inch into her, past her gag reflex, and filled her neck with its hot meat.

  The idiot beast, seeming to think it had found the hole it sought, began to thrust the full length of its wretched member into Olivia's gagging mouth. The spasms only added to its pleasure as it used her from lips to throat as a sheath for its straining cock. The goo-plums of its bollocks dropped against her chin. The princess, gagging and choking, struggled to suck enough air through her nostrils as she was throat-fucked by the beast. Her only salvation was the very vile nature of the creature, with its slippery mucus to lubricate the rough sawing of its cock.

  Olivia struggled to push the beast off her face, but it was no use. The weight of its body and the fervor of its rutting denied her any chance. Its testicles tightened against its twitching shaft. It howled with pleasure and Olivia felt its cock throbbing against her swallowing reflex. She was spared a taste of its inhuman seed, but felt the warmth in her belly as she was fed a large portion of its hot cum. Her hope that it might be finished with her was also soon dashed as the creature only paused a moment before resuming its mindless thrusting.

  I will die here, realized Olivia, my throat skewered on its foul cock. Nothing to breathe but its foul stench and nothing to eat or drink but its hideous seed.

  It was a despair that only deepened as she heard more howling and the weight upon her grew. Her feet and thighs were suddenly being touched. A tongue roamed between her toes. Slick fingers prodded at her cunt and hands tried to pull her out from beneath the creature. There were more of them, piling into the gully, smothering her

completely beneath their weight as they struggled against each other to claim her body.

  One had very nearly succeeded, dragging her away from the beast atop her face until its cock was barely in her mouth. This new brute had spread her legs and lined itself up to thrust into her quim. Olivia was able to lift her head to see dozens of the beasts crowding around her, their huge red cocks aimed at her slime-slick body.

  A light appeared above the gully. It descended rapidly and became a purple ball of flame that fell into the gully. The fire washed over the creatures. They had only a moment to raise their molten heads and wail in pain and shock. The next instant, they burst apart into a slush of white goo that spilled, hot, but harmless, across Olivia's body. She sputtered to clear her mouth and sat up from the new quantity of steaming filth that filled the gully.

  "Back!" shouted a woman from above and there was another flash of purple flame. More of the creatures, unseen by Olivia, howled in agony as they were burst like so many pus-filled blisters.

  Olivia managed to pull herself up on the slick rocks of the gully. Her throat was too sore from being plundered to allow her to call out for help. She struggled simply to breathe with so much of the monstrous muck dripping from her body and weighing her down. She looked up in time to see a third flash of purple flame, bursting directly over the gully. A beautiful, winged woman plummeted out of the fire. She flattened her red wings against her supple back and dove into the gully. They snapped open again at the last moment and she landed gently before Olivia.

  She was beautiful, there was no other word to describe her perfect, pale skin, her slender waist, round hips, shapely thighs or the voluptuous shape of her bosom. Her breasts were large and pert and capped with areolas and plump nipples that were lavender rather than pink. She was hairless between her legs and obviously unconcerned with modesty as she swung her hips and stepped close enough for Olivia to touch.

  The winged woman gave the princess a full-lipped smile, exposing white fangs. Her large, silvery eyes curved upwards in a way both exotic and bewitching. Her hair was an artful pile of silky white curls, perhaps so blond they only seemed to be white to Olivia, but tinged with the same lavender that colored her nipples. Ivory horns curved backward above her hair, fat where they met the flesh of the woman's head and narrowing to points. Lastly, Olivia noticed the lavender tail that curled around the woman's plump thigh like a snake and wound its way down to her ankle. The tip, a fleshy spade, wiggled idly back and forth atop her foot.

  Olivia gazed up at the imposing beauty of what was surely a demoness of some sort and began to experience strange desires about the woman. She yearned to touch the curve of the woman's hip and press her lips to the woman's breasts. She wanted to kiss and be kissed. She wanted to find every tender spot on the woman's body with the tip of her tongue. Olivia could not yield to such impulses. The thoughts seemed particularly perverse after being attacked. She resisted her urges.

  "W-who are you?" managed Olivia.

  "My name is long and difficult to pronounce, but you may call me Ashara." Even the voice of the demoness, girlish at its peaks with a smoky undercurrent, seemed crafted to sensual perfection. "You must be the princess that Castigoroth has been waiting to drop from one of the portals. Come with me, child, before Castigoroth finds you or those pitiful lemures manage to pull themselves back together."

  The demoness held out a clawed hand to Olivia. The princess did not simply want to take Ashara's hand, she wanted to suck on the elegant fingers of the demoness and run her tongue into the little crooks between them. She resisted this new urge and grasped Ashara's hand.

  As soon as the princess took the hand of the demoness, Ashara pulled Olivia into her arms. The princess's naked, slime-drenched body collided obscenely against Ashara's exquisite curves. Olivia moaned as their bodies pressed together. She felt the beating of the demoness's leathery wings, knew she was being lifted off the ground and into the air, and she did not care. She could not look away from those silver eyes.

  "We will have so much fun together in my tower," said Ashara. "You will find it much more comfortable than the Pits of Lost Souls or Castigoroth's Keep."

  "I don't understand any of this," said Olivia. "Why have I been cast down into this hell? What has my father done?"

  "Shhhh." Ashara caressed Olivia's face and leaned her lips close to the princess's. "He doesn't matter any longer. All that matters is that you are safe, with me, and I will introduce you to pleasures you cannot even imagine. Would you like that, princess?"

  "Yes," moaned Olivia. "Yes, please, I would."

  Ashara carried Olivia above the nightmare landscape and to the top of the tower the young princess had originally sought. The demoness landed lightly on a balcony and held Olivia in her arms as she walked through the billowing silk curtains and into a luxurious apartment of erotic tapestries, cushions and a massive bed. They walked past the bad and into a tiled room guarded by two massively bronzed and muscular men with the heads of song birds. They chirped merrily as Ashara approached. Their cocks grew stiff as if lifted by strings.

  "What are they?"

  "My souls," said Ashara, caressing the chest of one. "I have hundreds in my tower. They take the form I find pleasing. Do you find them pleasing?"

  "Yes, I mean, they're so naked, and the heads..."

  "Birds? I prefer the song of birds to the voices of men. I hear enough of those, whispering in my ear in a tavern and grunting in their beds, when I go to their chauvinistic realm. Men do not rule this tower. I do. And my men will be naked, ready, and only able to serenade me."

  "It must be nice," said Olivia, admiring the huge, throbbing cocks.

  "It suits me." Ashara carried the princess into a lovely tiled bathing chamber. A pool in a rough heart-shape bubbled with warmth and gave off the scent of flowers and spice. Olivia realized it was the same perfumed scent as the demoness. "I must clean you before we might enjoy one another more intimately. The lemures have covered you with their filth."

  Ashara strode into the pool and lowered the princess into the warm, relaxing waters. The sludge that covered her body bubbled away, leaving her feeling rather pleasant, all things considered. The demoness laved the princess with a soft cloth, her own breasts glistening with the refreshing water. Wherever Ashara used the cloth, she seemed to know precisely how to press and how to stroke so that pleasure poured through Olivia's body.

  "Spread your lovely legs," said Ashara and Olivia did not hesitate to obey.

  Ashara slid the cloth between Olivia's parted thighs and stroked gently at the princess's delicate mound. Olivia looked into the bewitching silver eyes of the demoness. She could not stifle the moan that left her parted lips. Ashara smiled and stroked more insistently. Olivia felt the demoness's individual fingers, pressing through the cloth and caressing her straining bud. The princess's soapy breasts heaved above the water. She arched her back and thrust her aching quim against the cloth.

  "What a pretty thing you are," murmured Ashara.

  "Not half so pretty as you," said the princess.

  "Shh, I can shape myself however I like, but you must appear as you are and as you are is very beautiful." The demoness at last lifted the cloth away, leaving Olivia on the brink of her climax. "Now, turn 'round and show me how you look from the other side."

  "M-my bottom?" Though the demoness had just held her naked body, it seemed obscene to present her backside to the close inspection of the white-haired temptress.

  "I have washed your front, now your back. Or would you prefer one of my servants wash you?"

  Olivia looked at the bird-headed men who stood at attention in the entrance to the bathing chamber. She imagined their strong hands caressing her and their black eyes staring at her from behind. The idea excited her, but not half so much as her desire to be touched by Ashara. She turned her back and bent her dangling breasts into the water. The round heart of hear bottom lifted up, sudsy water dripping from her glistening cheeks.

  "Never be ashamed of
your body," said Ashara, washing the backs of Olivia's thighs. "Every part of your body is beautiful. Every part."

  The demoness pressed gently and spread Olivia's cheeks. The princess grew hot imagining the view the demoness had, but Ashara leaned closer and planted her lips on the soapy curve of one of Olivia's buttocks. Her kiss was deliciously warm and the cloth pressed against Olivia's delicate hole, fingers beneath the fabric, working against her clench in a cleansing rhythm.

  "Oh, gods," moaned the princess.

  "No gods look in upon us here," said the demoness, planting a kiss on the other cheek. "If that is your concern."

  "It is not," moaned Olivia.

  Ashara slid her slippery body over Olivia's back, her soapy breasts dragging up to the princess's shoulders. Her hand moved against Olivia's quim, pressing again through the cloth.

  "Shall we dry off, my sweet princess, and see what pleasure we can find in my bed?"

  "Yesssss," hissed Olivia.

  The bird-headed slaves brought them towels and patted their bodies dry. She could feel the cocks of the slave that dried her pressing through the towel. She longed to spread her thighs and let that cock claim her, but she knew that was not wise. She was a princess, after all, and her maidenhead was a valuable thing to be protected.

  "This way, my dear."

  The demoness led Olivia out of the bathing chamber, shedding the towel she had wrapped around her slender waist. The princess was mesmerized by the way she moved. It was as if, just by walking, rolling her hips and arching her back with every step, she was making love. The lavender snake of her tail curled against her hip and down her swaying bottom. It caressed her thighs as she stepped onto the satiny cushions surrounding the bed.

  Olivia's heart beat faster in her tawny breast. Ashara crawled onto the bed, her tail swishing from side to side and curling against the plump heart of her bottom. Olivia had the view that the demoness must have had in the bath, seeing not just the blushing peach of Ashara's cunt, but also the lavender-tinged wrinkle of her anus. The demoness watched over her shoulder as Olivia was drawn towards the bed, almost as if she was floating through the air.


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