Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 42

by Amanda Clover

  The realization gave her new reserves of strength and she used them to scramble up a hill, climbing over fallen trees and through brambles that pricked at her swollen breasts. She failed to notice the blind drop on the far side of the hell. Her feet slipped in the soft earth. She managed to catch rough vines hanging from the branches of an overhead tree. She looked down and saw several strangely round pools of water in the Darkwood below. A strong smell of flowers filled the air.

  "What is that down there?" she wondered aloud.

  She did not want to find out so she began to climb back up. She had nearly reached the top and when the flower's slave girls appeared one by one at the edge of the cliff. They stared with their white eyes, waiting for Aluna to finish her climb.

  The princess could not allow herself to be captured by these women. It would mean the certain end of her life as she knew it. One of the women reached out as if to grab Aluna. The princess jerked violently away and, with a loud creak, the vine flexed and gave out. The princess plunged straight into one of the pools.

  Aluna fell under the water, her feet touching a smooth, tapered bottom. She came up with a gasp as the warm liquid spilled from her enlarged and buoyant breasts. The pool was actually more like a well, with slightly flexible green walls that offered no finger or toe hold. Aluna kicked to keep herself above the surface of the water. The warmth of it seemed to be seeping into her. Despite her fear at being trapped, the sensation was relaxing.

  Laughter echoed from above.

  "Hello?" called Aluna.

  After a moment, a giggling woman appeared at the top of the well. She smiled down at Aluna, leaning against the rim of the chamber several feet above Aluna with her pert breasts and green nipples as hard as stones. She was exquisitely beautiful, like a dream of a woman with pale green eyes and pale skin that seemed tinged with green as well. Silky green hair curled down to her shoulders. Her smile, however, was jagged. Her glittering eyes were cruel.

  "Help me," called Aluna. "I've fallen into one of these wells."

  "Yes, you have," purred the woman. "Quite a predicament. Nothing escapes my pitchers."

  "Yours? What are you?"

  "Why, I'm a pitcher nymph, of course. These are my little traps and you've fallen straight into one. I don't catch elves very often. You look so lovely down there."

  Aluna's hands tightened into fists. Her anger at the nymph's mocking tone nearly caused the princess to slip back under the relaxing water. She knew of nymphs as capricious spirits. They could be mischievous, but never evil. What was this one playing at?

  "My father can pay you no ransom," said Aluna.

  "Ransom?" The nymph's laugh that followed was like a savage claw dragged across Aluna's back. "You do not understand at all, do you little elf? You are not a hostage, you are a meal. Prey for me to digest in my pitcher."


  "Oh, yes," the nymph wet her full lips. "My body is connected to these pitchers, it is how I grow and spread through the forest. Look. Already your body is beginning to turn red. It is a very slow process, but there is no escape."

  "Let me out of here!" cried Aluna, shaking the pitcher with her fists.

  "Awwwww." The nymph pouted out her lower lip. "Feeling scared? Let me give you a little more."

  An expression came over the nymph's beautiful face as if she was concentrating. Aluna felt jets of liquid against her thighs and the water's level began to rise. With it, came even greater warmth and relaxation. The sweet scent in the chamber was overpowering. The princess slumped back against the wall of the chamber. her legs kicking to keep from falling under, her breasts rising above the level of the nymph's digestive juice.

  "Isn't that better?" asked the nymph. "I promise, it will not hurt."

  As much as Aluna was calmed by the effect of the nymph's digestive juice, her fear was greater. She began to scream for help.

  "Please! Help me! Anyone help me!"

  "No one will hear you, little elf," laughed the nymph. "Now, say goodbye. I am going to close you up now to digest in peace."

  "Nooooooo!" cried Aluna as a green lid closed over the top of the pitcher.

  In darkness, in the gurgling liquid of the pitcher, she once again lost all hope. Worse, the warming effect of the digestive liquid made her body ache with pleasure. She slipped lower and lower into the liquid. She slid her hand between her thighs and began to play with herself. Her clit ached. Her submerged slit seemed to swell with lust. She touched herself as her head bobbed in and out of the liquid.

  Shame burned through her as she came against her sloshing fingers. Her pussy was hungry for her touch. She was being digested in this foul prison and she still orgasmed. The nymph must have known, because Aluna heard her mocking laughter even through the lid. The princess did not stop. One orgasm became another. She thrashed her hips and fucked against her fingers. How long would it take? How many times could she cum before her body stopped working?

  It was her only escape from the horror surrounding her. She was resigned to be food for the pitcher nymph. She supposed it was a better fate than ending up as a zombie used to trap others. She fucked her fingers into her aching channel and stroked her clit with her thumb. She scissored her thighs around her hand and thrust her hips. She tried to put aside her fear and embrace the pleasure.

  There was a sudden scream from above. Angry, raised voices that carried their tone but not their words. The lid of the pitcher opened with a rip. For a moment, Aluna thought the woman that appeared above was the nymph. She was beautiful and her body was similarly pert, but this woman was not green at all, her skin was a pale woody color with strips in her flesh as if she was covered in bark. Half of her face was beautiful. The other half was deformed like the canker on a tree trunk.

  "Get away from her!" screamed the nymph.

  "She is an elf," said the woman as she leaned a hand down towards Aluna. "She is protected by the wood."

  "The Darkwood does not abide by your laws, freak!" The nymph raged. "May your legs be caught on thirsty thorns and drained of all your sap!"

  The nymph was apparently unable to stop the woman as she leaned down into the pitcher and scooped Aluna from the digestive soup. Her eyes were black on black, her appearance both strange and beautiful, and rather than hair she wore a crown of twisted branches.

  "You're a dryad," moaned Aluna.

  "My name is Juniper," said the dryad. "Put your arms around my neck. I will get you out of this place."

  Although still under the relaxing effects of the nymph's juices, Aluna had the good sense to lace her arms around the dryad's neck as she was pulled out of the pitcher. The dryad supported her with an arm around Aluna's waist. Aluna raised her scalded thighs and wrapped them around the slender dryad. She hugged her breasts against the dryad's pert chest, soft, but with an unusual rippled texture.

  Juniper turned to carry her away, Aluna saw the true horror of the pitcher nymph. Her upper body was beautiful, but her lower body was a network of gurgling vine roots, each slipping underground and re-emerging as one of her cruel pitchers. The dryad had used some sort of magic to keep the nymph at bay.

  "It's starting to hurt," said Aluna as her body began to throb with pain.

  "Shhhhh." The dryad caressed Aluna's face with her fingertips. "Sleep. I will tend to you. Sleep."

  Juniper spoke a few words in an ancient tongue that Aluna could not understand. The need to rest became irresistible. The princess dropped her head against the nymph's shoulder and was glad to disappear into the warm, black oblivion of sleep.

  It was day when she awoke again. Stretched out on a soft bed of moss, beside a dark pool of water and a bubbling waterfall, surrounded by trees, but in a clearing that was kissed by the faintest bit of golden sunlight. The princess almost wept at that beam piercing the Darkwood's foliage. She winced as she sat up, numerous poultices and a crust of dried salve falling away from her breasts.

  "Does it hurt you still?"

  Juniper's voice came from behind her. Th

e dryad seemed to step from the trees, materializing from the Darkwood and taking the shape of a gorgeous, pale-skinned woman with branches in place of hair and a face marred by a deciduous canker. Her black eyes seemed somehow innocent. Her upper body was slender, breasts pert but not insubstantial, her hips round and legs...Aluna could not help but stare at what she saw there.

  The dryad blushed. She covered the fat cock between her legs with both hands.

  " is...this is what the wood has done to me."

  "I'm sorry," the princess looked away. "I have never seen a dryad like you."

  "We are mothers of the woods. We find men with good hearts and they give us our children. Always daughters. Always...not like this." Juniper seemed to force herself to uncover her dangling root. "But you have not answered me. Are you in pain?"

  "Sore perhaps," said the princess. She ran her hands over her breasts, which felt swollen and tight, and there was some soreness to her skin, like a sunburn, but nothing too bad. "I will manage."

  Juniper knelt down beside Aluna. She reached out her hands, cool and soft, and cradled Aluna's large breasts. Aluna's puffy nipples began to stiffen.

  "There was nothing I could do for these," said the dryad. "You will have to wait for the incubus flower's venom to wear off. You can hasten it by expressing."

  "Doing what?"

  "Here," said the dryad.

  Juniper began to gently squeeze Aluna's breasts. She worked her fingers into the soft mounds and compressed the tight flesh, working her hands in slow movement towards the nipples. Purple-tinged milk began to bead at the tips of Aluna's swollen nipples. Aluna gasped as pleasure spiked out from her nipples and the milk burst forth and sprayed in a fine mist out of each nipple. The lavender cream wet the dryad's breasts.

  "It might be easier to simply suck it out," said Juniper. "I am immune to the poison so it will not harm me. Would it discomfort you if I did that?"

  "Um," the princess flushed, but shook her head. "Go...go ahead."

  Juniper smiled sweetly and lowered her lips to Aluna's enlarged breast. Her tongue was warm and wet and gathered the drops of milk already spilling from the princess's nipple. Aluna moaned softly as the dryads lips opened and pressed into her areola. Juniper sucked and Aluna gasped at the release that spurted from her engorged nipples. Juniper swallowed as she sucked, slurping up the milk. Without thinking, Aluna brought her hand down to the crown of branches atop Juniper's scalp. Her fingers tangled in the smooth antlers and she pulled the dryad's mouth against her milky bosom.

  The pleasure was bordering on orgasmic. The princess squirmed and cried out as suction stretched her nipple and milk course across the dryad's tongue. Juniper lifted her mouth, releasing Aluna's breast with a pop of suction.

  "Did I cause you pain?" asked the dryad.

  "No," laughed Aluna. "It...feels very nice."

  The princess brought her hand up to her other breast and lifted it towards the dryad's lips. Juniper took the hint, turning her face and resuming her sucking on the fresh breast.

  Aluna could hardly stand it. The dryad's rhythmic sucking was joined by the gentle hands of the woodland spirit. They caressed Aluna's side and her hips. The princess reclined on her mossy bed and Juniper climb over her, continuing to suck the gushing milk from Aluna's throbbing nipples.

  The princess felt something brush her thigh and she leaned her head down to the side to see between their bodies. Juniper's dangling cock was stirring. It was growing thicker and longer, swelling up with desire until it hung beneath the dryad, sticking up almost flat against her slender belly like the cock of a four-legged animal. She was surprised how pink it was in contrast to the wood-tinted paleness of the dryad's skin.

  Juniper lifted her mouth from Aluna's breast again. A bit of lavender-tinged cream dripped from her chin and spilled down the pale curve of the princess's breast.

  "Your milk is very sweet," said the dryad. "Your breasts will never fully return to their original size, but the poison will lose its hold and you will stop giving milk. Until then, you will need to express it to relieve the pressure."

  "If I stay with you?"

  "Here? Certainly, you are safe within my glade. I can help you with your milk if you would like." Juniper gave the princess a mysterious smile. Her lashes fluttered over her black eyes. "I do not often have company."

  "Does it work?" asked Aluna, brazenly cutting her eyes down to Juniper's straining cock.

  Crimson colored the dryad's cheeks once more as she realized what Aluna was talking about. She sat back on her knees beside the princess, her firm buttocks resting on her heels and the fat, pink cock sticking up from between her slender thighs. Juniper looked down at it and touched the bulbous cap with a fingertip.

  "It has its uses," she said. "I only know it prevents me from baring children as was my destiny. It is the curse of the Darkwood."

  "Is it the curse?" asked Aluna, sitting up. "The curse takes many forms, but all of them seem twisted and evil. pink and lovely and..."

  It was Aluna's turn to go red. Instead of retreating behind her embarrassment, she scooted up on her knees, her big tits swaying as she shifted to kneel next to the dryad. She put and arm across Juniper's slender back. Before the princess could lose her nerve, she reached her hand out and wrapped her fingers around the appendage. It was hot and simultaneously hard and soft. Like velvet wrapped around an iron bar. Juniper shuddered at the touch.

  "What...what are you doing?"

  Aluna thought about the orcs. The way their fat green cocks had violated her slender friend. The way Sam, even in the midst of the attack, had seemed to enjoy it. Overcoming the roughness and fear to find pleasure in the orc cocks that invaded her body. Aluna remembered the way they had stood in a circle around Sam and forced their cocks into her mouth.

  A curious smile crossed Aluna's lips. After all that had happened in the Darkwood, it felt good to be able to take command of her desires.

  "You relieved my pressure," said the princess, looking into the dryad's black eyes. "I will repay the favor."

  She leaned her head down to Juniper's lap and engulfed the pink head of the dryad's cock with her mouth. Juniper gasped as she felt the princess's warm lips and hot, wet mouth around her swollen cock. Aluna liked hearing that surprised gasp. She liked the way the cock tasted in her mouth. She liked the smell of clean flesh and wood mingling as she slipped her mouth lower and stretched her lips around Juniper's fat shaft as the dryad's bulbous tip prodded at her throat.

  The princess had never done this before. In the throes of her maddening pleasure, at the mercy of the flowering vine with its zombie harem, the princess had sucked its gushing tendrils. This was different. It was thick and warm and she was willing. Her spit soaked down the shaft and dripped onto the fat bollocks squeezed between Juniper's thighs. Aluna began to bob her head, slurping and swirling her tongue.

  " don't have to do this," moaned Juniper.

  Aluna popped her lips off Juniper's cock. She teased the tip with her tongue and pressed her full lips against the bulging bell as she pointed out, "I don't notice you trying to stop me."

  "It feels so good," laughed Juniper. "I've never...ohhh...never felt anything like it."

  "Mmmmmm," moaned Aluna, her voice vibrating against Juniper's swollen cock.

  The princess spread her thighs and pressed her hand against her quim. Her tender velvet was very wet and her clit stood out like a button beneath he stroking fingers. She pushed two fingers into her sopping slit and ground the heel of her hand into her aching bud. She thrust her hips in time to the bobbing of her mouth. Milk dripped from her engorged nipples and pattered against Juniper's thigh.

  "Something is happening," gasped Juniper, her shudders of pleasure making her pert breasts quiver.

  Aluna reluctantly stopped short of her own orgasm to use her hand to massage the length of Juniper's swollen cock. Its pink color had darkened to red and Juniper's fat bollocks had pulled taut with the underside of her
root. Aluna began to taste a salty-sweet liquid as her tongue lashed the swollen head of Juniper's cock.

  "Ohhhhh, please," cried Juniper. "Don't stop. What you are!"

  Juniper's spit-slicked shaft twitched in the stroking hand of the princess. Hot, thick liquid gushed into Aluna's sucking mouth. It was salty sweet and delicious to the princess.

  The dryad raised her hips once, sliding her cock to the back of Aluna's mouth and firing a stream of her gooey seed almost directly into the throat of the princess. Aluna winced, but did not stop, sucking the cum as it flooded into her mouth and continuing to suck Juniper's twitching tool until every hot droplet had been extracted.

  " lady," moaned Juniper. "What have you done to me?"

  Aluna slowly slipped her full lips free of Juniper's twitching tool. She ran her tongue around its fat cap as she looked up into the dryad's pleasure-squinted black eyes.

  "Did you not enjoy that?" asked Aluna. "Did it not release the pressure here?"

  Aluna gently squeezed Juniper's spit-washed bollocks. The dryad's cock was slowly beginning to go soft, though little clear droplets of her juice continued to leak out.

  "I do not even know your name," said the dryad.

  "I am Aluna of the Dalish. I am bramblemaiden and inheritor of my father's leadership of my tribe." Aluna gave the dryad's cock a last stroke and licked up the sweet beads of juice that formed at the tip. "My tribe has been broken up and is forced to flee from the orcs across the Darkwood to reach the human lands."

  Aluna sat up and began to explain her predicament further. Her words were quieted by the dryad's passionate kiss. The lips of the dryad were cool and soft, but with a slightly bumpy texture caused by her woody inheritance. It did nothing to lessen the sweetness of Juniper's tongue as it probed into Aluna's mouth.

  Elf and dryad shared the salty-sweetness of Juniper's cock. Their hands explored and they fell back together atop the moss. Their legs intertwined. Aluna's fat breasts pushed against the dryad's soft mounds. Her dripping nipples leaked milk that spilled into the valley between Juniper's breasts. They laughed as their kiss separated and lay side by side facing each other upon the soft and mossy earth.


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