Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 51

by Amanda Clover

  Brittany heard her father and mother talking about the war. The gray orcs of the fens, always kept at heel by the rangers of Golcan, had risen up in mass and were being led by a human called Madreg. They said he was demented. That he favored beasts like orcs and giants and worse over humans.

  The human army was crushed in battle by the orcs and their allies. Brittany could see the smoke of their camp on the horizon. The remnants of Golcan's forces retreated to the castle and refugees from Golcan filled the castle's courtyard. The wounded armies of the Sungbaards of the capital of Tarol and the Quinters of Liblee retreated to the west, leaving Golcan to its fate. Soon came the war drums and the fires that burned the city all around the castle.

  "Are we going to die?" asked Brittany, clinging to her mother.

  "No, it will be fine," said her mother, but Brittany could see it was a lie.

  That very night, the fires rose and the orcs begin to launch stones into the castle. They smashes the keep and crushed the refugees in the courtyard. Smoke blotted out the moon and fires turned the night sky orange. Giants appeared at the walls of the castle and they began to batter their way through as hundreds of arrows fell upon them. Some of them giants were killed, but they managed to fracture the wall and immediately goblins and gray orcs in warpaint assaulted through the rubble.

  The queen came to Brittany in her room. She was with Sir Bedden and Brittany's pretty handmaid Tessa. Brittany could see that her mother had been crying. The tears were gone and now fierce determination blazed in her brown eyes.

  "It is time for you to go, my sweet. To the tunnel. They will be inside the castle soon."

  The queen rushed her daughter to the tunnel in the cellar. The sounds of clanging weapons, savage orc war cries and screaming men and women were growing louder by the moment. The queen pushed her daughter into the tunnel and began to close the door.

  "But mother, you are not coming with us?" cried the princess.

  "No, I am sorry. I must stand with your Father. It is what a queen does."

  Before Brittany could object again, her mother closed the heavy stone door of the cellar tunnel. Sir Bedden pulled her against him.

  "I will see you through this, my princess. Come, it is a long walk to the other side."

  He held out his torch and began to lead them into the narrow passage. In his other hand, he held his silver long sword. Brittany remembered her father giving the precious blade to Sir Bedden for his bravery.

  The orcs appeared without warning. Sir Bedden turned aside their initial attack with a flourish of his sword and a whirl of his crimson cape. Another orc blade clanged against the armor of his gauntlet. He danced back in the tight space and collided with Tessa and Brittany. Both women fell to the ground and could do nothing but watch in horror as three gray orcs appeared from the darkness.

  They were lean and corded with muscles. They broad faces were more savage than a man's, with big red eyes that seemed to glow in the torchlight. They wore loincloths and simple armor of rusty chain or woven leather and they wielded short, wide swords that were better suited for the combat in the tunnel than Sir Bedden's silver blade.

  "You'll not have them!" cried the knight, slashing with his blade and desperately advancing at them.

  The largest of the three orcs snarled and revealed lips deeply cleft by a scar. It took Sir Bedden's attack on a banded buckler, dropping it low and stabbing straight in on the knight with its own savage blade. The orc's sword disappeared into Sir Bedden. The knight twitched once, dropping his blade. The orc withdrew the blade with a jerk and the poor knight fell lifelessly to the floor.

  Brittany looked away from the sight. Tessa stared at Sir Bedden with her wide eyes.

  "Get human bitches," snarled the orc leader that had dispatched the knight. He licked the blood from his blade and added, "Pretty ones."

  Brittany screamed as one of the orcs grabbed her dark hair and began to drag her down the tunnel back towards the castle. She kicked her feet at the orc and tried to grab onto something. He growled and gave her a kick in the side. It hurt, but the princess knew the orc was only trying to get her to stop. She looked up at his hunched posture and his rippling muscles and decided not to push him to greater violence.

  Tessa did not resist at all and the orc dragging her snickered with laughter and tore open the front of her peasant blouse. Tessa's pert breasts heaved free of the torn cloth and the orc squeezed them and tugged at her nipples making her finally cry out in pain and humiliation.

  The orcs and their prisoners emerged back into the castle. Brittany moaned as she realized it was completely overrun. The sounds of fighting had stopped and she could hear human screams and cheers of orcs. The cellar was full of goblins. The knife-eared runts were smashing their way through the castle's stocks of wine and rye. They were drowning in expensive ale. The orc leader snatched a bottle of port from one of the smaller, skinnier creatures and kicked the beast away for good measure.

  "Here good," said the leader, pointing to a torch-lit corner of the cellar. "We take pleasure before we give to Blood Hammer."

  The orcs growled with lust. There was no mistaking what they intended. The thought terrified Brittany, her heart pounded, but her body warmed at the thought. Though a virgin, she had explored her own body and entertained more than her share of fantasies. Just because orcs had not been among them, did not mean the idea, however perverse, did not hold some small allure now.

  The orcs dragged Brittany and Tessa into the corner, hidden among the huge casks of ale, and began to paw at their bodies.

  "This one real nice," said the orc that had pulled Brittany. "Big chest meat. Good breeding."

  The orc grabbed her breasts through her dress, squeezing so hard it was painful. His rough fingers hooked into the softness of her cleavage. With a grunt and a jerk he tore open the front of her embroidered bodice. Stitched pearls broke loose and clattered onto the stones. tunnel. Brittany moaned as he exposed her huge, pale breasts, barely encased in the clinging silk of her low cut undergown. The orc wet his lips, stroked the tops of her breasts and ripped the undergown open as well. Brittany yelped as her chest was bared to the brute.

  The leader leaned over her and scowled.

  "Too pretty," he said and lifted Brittany's attacker away. "Too nice her cloth. She is princess."

  "I fuck princess!" demanded the orc that had been denied by the leader.

  The scarred orc turned and smashed his head into the face of the other orc.

  "This one not shank her loins. She for Blood Hammer. He want princess."

  The other two orcs, one clutching a bloody snout, ducked their heads in understanding. They turned their attention to Tessa. Brittany's handmaiden squealed in terror as the two orcs began ripping apart her dress and tearing off her underclothes. They twisted her and fondled her pale body as she moaned. Brittany glimpsed the blond thatch of her handmaid's quim and then one of the orcs was atop Tessa. The beast lapped at the handmaid's breasts as he buried the obscene spear of his gray cock into her sex.

  Tessa looked away from such a scene. She found herself facing the muscular legs of the orc leader. Her eyes naturally followed the line of his body, over stony abs and up to his rusty chainmail. Her eyes met his and the orc's scarred lip curled back from his sharp teeth in something like a smile.

  She sat up in the hopes of protecting herself and the shifting weight of her massive breasts drew the orc's eyes. Despite their huge size, Brittany's breasts remained pert with her youth. Each lovely dollop of creamy north girl titflesh was capped with a thick nipple and wide areola that was such a lovely pale shade of pink it seemed to fade into the snowy mounds of her breasts.

  The orc growled with lust and fell to his knees before her. She flinched away and collided with the cask of ale at her back. There was nowhere for her to go. Averting her eyes from the savage fucking of her handmaid, the comely princess now found herself confronted with her own attacker. She tried to pull the torn halves of her undergown over her breasts.
The orc slapped her hands away.

  "Me Reemek," said the orc. "Your name?

  When she did not answer him immediately, Reemek grabbed her silky dark brown hair and yanked her head back.

  "Name!" he snarled.

  "B-Brittany Cassavali." She gasped and her neck muscles strained. "I am...p-princes of Golcan."

  Reemek seemed gleeful at her answer. He laughed and said something to his companions in the guttural language of the orcs. His companions barely noticed, they were too busy rutting with Brittany's handmaid.

  Brittany caught sight of Tessa again and saw the slender girl was now turned onto her knees. One orc was taking her from behind and held both of her arms behind her back while the other orc knelt before Tessa's face and forced her mouth onto its cock. The loud slaps of colliding flesh, the wetness, gagging and grunts of pleasure were a dispiriting symphony to the young princess.

  Worse was when she turned back to her captor and saw that Reemek had shed the modesty of his loincloth. He held the long, thick gray flesh of his cock in his hand. He stroked it and peeled back the foreskin from his pinkish cap. It was like a man's, the virgin princess imagined, but more crudely made and much more obscene.

  "Suck!" shouted the orc.

  She did not even understand what he meant, even after he repeated the command several times. Reemek wound her hair around his fist and used it to drag her head down to his cock. She tried to flinch away, but there was no escaping it. The rank smell of it filled her nostrils. She gagged before the velvet bell of the orc's cock even brushed against her lips.

  "Suck!" the orc shouted again.

  Reemek jerked Brittany's head and force his cock into the soft cushions of her lips. His hardness pressed into her mouth, battering her tongue out of the way and ramming against the back of her throat. She gagged and heaved against the bitter flesh of the orc's intruding cockhead. Reemek did not seem to care. He pushed his cock in and out between her lips, using the hot spasm of her mouth as he might have used her virgin cove. His dangling stone swung against her chin.

  He pulled out after only a few thrusts and wrapped his fist around his cock once again. Brittany gasped for air. The orc slapped her face and wanked his glistening, mucus-covered cock. Without warning, Reemek pushed the princess flat on her back and dropped his weight onto her midsection. Her gathered her fat tits in his hands and thrust his spit-lubed cock between them. The swollen length of his orc fuckspear drove into the soft tunnel between her tits.

  "Fuck big milk bags!" he laughed. "So warm. So soft. You like cock?"

  Brittany's body was responding to the way she was being treated. She tried to deny it, but she could not ignore the heat and slickness between her thighs, nor the way her fat nipples had grown to full hardness. Still, she could not admit her flushed desires to the orc taking advantage of her body.

  "N-no," she managed to answer. "I hate it."

  Reemek barked out unpleasant laughter and yanked her head up. His cock, spearing between Brittany's mashed tits, collided with her lips. It was hot and slick with something wet. The princess was not sure why, but she stuck out her tongue and licked it, once, before it retreated back into the soft valley of her tits.

  That was all the encouragement the scarred orc needed. He thrust his cock between her tits with growing heat and ferocity and each time his spearing cock collided with Brittany's lips. She licked it and moaned against it and tasted the first slickness of his precum.

  Beside her, the grunting and cries of poor Tessa reached a crescendo. From the corner of her vision, Brittany saw the savage brutes tensing and then pulling out. Tessa sputtered as filthy orc cum drained down her chin and spilled from her freshly-fucked quim.

  The orcs barked with laughter and before the handmaiden could even sit up, some of the drunken goblins fell upon her. The skinny runts and their much-smaller cocks assaulted her body as the orcs laughed. Tessa did not seem to mind. She moaned and took them on, which made it all worse to Brittany.

  "Even gobbos get turn with human now," snarled Reemek. "All beasts equal in Madreg's army. Now open up, pretty human."

  "What? Open up?"

  The gray orc lifted his weight from her and let her huge tits flop away from his cock. The valley between Brittany's breasts were marked red with friction. The orc stepped closer to her face, furiously stroking the straining meat of his cock. His balls were tight against his root. His breathing was coming in gasps. The princess knew well enough that the orc was about to climax, but she had little idea of what that entailed. His seed would flow it, she knew that much.

  "Aahhhhhhh taste my hot seed!" cried Reemek.

  He jabbed his cock towards her mouth and it fired out a hot stream of cum. It collided with Brittany's parted lips and her mouth was awash in the briny taste and the thick, slimy texture. She closed her lips and tried to turn away, but Reemek held her by her hair and his cock painted her pretty young face with whips of hot orc semen. It spattered her cheeks, coated her lips and dripped down from her chin onto her heaving breasts. When it was finished she felt the jiggling goo slipping from her face. It bubbled around one nostril as she exhaled.

  "Pretty. Pretty now. Show others." He twisted her head and the other orcs laughed as they saw the mess Reemek had made. "Princess meet Blood Hammer now. He like you much."

  The orc lifted her to her feet and mopped off her face with a scrap of cloth from her torn dress. It left her skin sticky and reeking of orc cum, but it was the best that could be done until she could have a proper bath to scrub away this nightmare. The orc jerked her by her hand, pulling her back towards the cellar tunnel and away from the horrifying scene of her handmaid being mounted by several goblins at once.

  "Tessa," moaned Brittany.

  "Other girl go to pleasure camp," said Reemek. "You see her soon."

  Brittany stumbled along ahead of the orc through the tunnel. They emerged into the smoky night, with Golcan burning to the south and Blood Hammer's army camped to the southeast. Here and there, the farmhouses were being ransacked by the orcs. Men who fought were killed and those who surrendered were pressed into hard labor. The women were taken to the pleasure tents, but usually not until their captors had them first. The princess did not look too closely at the scenes and tried to cover her breasts with her tattered dress. Her nipples stiffened in the cool night air and her breath steamed from her lips.

  Crude banners waved in the air above the encampment. They depicted the symbols of all the lesser clans of orcs, goblins and ogres that had joined with Blood Hammer and therefore the mad wizard Madreg's crusade in the northlands.

  Most of the army was busy looting and pillaging in Golcan and the castle. Those who remained were injured or camp followers. They eyed Brittany with hateful lust. Reemek had to snarl warnings to an ogre that tried to block their path. The massive brute laughed and stepped aside.

  "Prisoners coming soon," said Reemek. "Pleasure tents filled with women. All warriors have a turn. You go there too."

  "Wh-what? Me?"

  Reemek laughed and pushed her along towards a huge log bunker festooned with skulls of beasts and men and rusty trophy weapons. The orc pulled aside the fur covering the doorway of this ominous structure and shoved Brittany inside. It was hot and smoky within. The orcs used braziers to light the room and Brittany began to cough at the unpleasant charred smell.

  Blood Hammer was obvious for the red root dye in his beard and hair and the red handprints that decorated his banded iron armor. He wore a huge warhammer from a hook on his belt. He was a head taller than Reemek and half again as broad in his shoulders. His body was muscular and heavily scarred, his eyes were yellow and displayed a keen intellect as he studied a cloth map of the surrounding lands.

  "Blood Hammer," said Reemek, "I bring you a prize."

  "What is this human doing here?" Snarled Blood Hammer, pushing past his lieutenants to confront the intrusion.

  "Princess Brittany of Cassavali," said Reemek. "Daughter of king of Golcan."

e orc warlord's expression seemed to soften, if such a thing was even possible. His eyes took in Brittany. She could feel him studying her body the way he had studied the curves of terrain on his map. She resolved to not let him conquer her easily.

  "Your mother and father are dead," said Blood Hammer, speaking with far more poise than Reemek. "I wanted them alive, but they denied me this."

  She was struck by his words and sagged until Reemek caught her and held her up.

  "Dead?" she murmured.

  "Your mother by a poison elixir. Your father would not be taken alive. He and the last of his knights fought to the death." Blood Hammer turned to his lieutenants and motioned them out of the bunker. The huge orc brought a crude camp chair over and sat the princess down on it. "I do not torture you with the truth, only reveal it. You are my prisoner now."

  "I...I wish to speak with Madreg," said Brittany.

  The orc's lips curled back. His teeth were almost white and his tusks were larger than those of Reemek.

  "Madreg has given me command here. This is my revenge to take upon Golcan. You will not speak to Madreg."

  "I am a princess, I demand--"

  "You are a slave!" he roared. "Each of us in this army is equal among brothers and certainly bow to no human title. You are no better than the women bound for the pleasure tents."

  It was the second time the phrase "pleasure tents" had been mentioned. It turned in Brittany's stomach. If she had endured such abuse from Reemek, what would the pleasure tents hold for her? She was certain she would not find pleasure. She felt the urge to cry. To despair. But instead, Brittany found her royal steel and stood up straight. She jabbed a finger at Blood Hammer.

  "You would speak of equality while enslaving my people?" She shouted, summoning all of her courage. "If my parents are dead, then I am the heir of Golcan and I demand that a human hear my surrender. An orc is not worthy."


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