Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 56

by Amanda Clover

  At the center of the light, a fat, ruddy-faced elf shouted into a bullhorn, announcing a trembling girl with her blouse torn open to expose huge, pendulous breasts. Her arms were shackled behind her back, making her breasts even more prominent.

  "This one was caught among the digger clans! Won't speak much, but she is well-trained with a cock. She's had child in her and these lovely udders are sure to quench your thirst!" The elf roughly squeezed one of the woman's breasts and she squealed as milk went jetting out from her nipple in several directions at once. "Can I hear ten silvers? Ten! Do I have eleven!? Eleven? Oh, if she's going that cheap I'll have a taste myself!"

  The elf leaned down and gave her other nipple a long, hard suck. The shackled woman moaned and threw her head back, a look of agony on her pretty face.

  "Twelve now! Thirteen! Fifteen! Well, done! Can anyone top fifteen? Gone, to Dagger Teeth of the Hill Orcs!"

  The brutish orc descended from his seat in the moot with a sack of coins to pay for his prize. The girl cringed in terror as he took her chains and heft her over his shoulder. As he carried her out of the moot, apparently uninterested in further bidding, his fingers played at the furrow of her cunt.

  "Orc bastards," muttered Iron Head. "Might as well sell her to a dog."

  Several more humans, mostly women, were presented for auction. Each trade was harrowing for Lorica as she knew a similar fate awaited her and her companions. She wondered where Jassi and Felecia might be, but she was afraid to ask. She watched and tried not to shift her bottom too much in Iron Head's lap, lest she arouse his desires.

  The men were sold as laborers and warriors, though a few were sold for their education, one a scribe and another an herbalist. One very feminine boy was sold as a sex slave to an elf so pale his skin had an almost bluish tint and his black hair was tied in an elaborate style.

  "Deep elf," said Iron Head. "That boy is in for worse than he knows. Better off with an orc or even an oolithid than one of them."

  "A mind sucker, boss?" said Spide.

  Iron Head made a disgusting slurping sound and said, "At least it's over quick!"

  Both goblins burst out into laughter. Lorica was not certain what an oolithid was, but she did not want to find out. Iron Head shifted beneath her again and she felt the firm hose of his cock very snug against her panty-covered mound. She tried not to think about the goblin boss's cock, nor the way Jassi had wantonly enjoyed. She could not help herself, remembering those unusually huge bollocks overflowing with his seed.

  "Number 77!" declared the fat elf on the stage. "Captured in the Arboras as part of the retinue of a princess, this comely fire-hair has taken a liking to the beast. A full rutter, without shame or fear! She'll satisfy hound or steed!"

  "There she is, boss!" said Spide.

  Lorica leaned forward, unintentionally grinding her bottom against Iron Head's cock as she saw Felecia appear on the stage. Her handmaiden was almost unrecognizable. Her hair was pulled back in a simple tail that bounced down her bare back.

  One of the nude attendants led Felecia on a chain attached to her collar. Felecia crawled on hands and knees and a fluffy tail stuck out from her buttocks, apparently attached to some sort of awful implement wedged inside the young woman's back passage. Her twitching hips made the tail flick from side to side as she crawled into the spotlight.

  "Like a lovely pet! Imagine how your beasts will sleep well with a cunt like this to sheath their cocks in at night!"

  The attendant walked Felecia in a circle so everyone at the moot could see the glistening pink of her freshly shorn quim. The fat elf smacked her bottom as she circled past him and slid two fingers into her folds. He held the moist fingers up to his nose.

  "Still fresh, if you'd prefer her for your own enjoyment!"

  Laughter rippled through parts of the crowd.

  "I will begin bidding, for this fine, well-groomed and trained rutter, at thirty silver."

  The bids came in a flurry and before Lorica knew what was happening a price of two gold and ten silver had been reached. Iron Head chortled at the amount and reached around to squeeze Lorica's thighs.

  "A goodly sum for your little fox," he said. "That will buy steel blades and a crossbow or two for my clan."

  A huge human with a pelt draped over his shoulders and the head of a horned beast worn over his head approached the stage. His arms were covered in ritual tattoos and scars and he carried a double-bladed ax on his belt like a more civilized man might carry a sword.

  "Kornasi," said Spide.

  Lorica knew the horsemen by their reputation for fierceness. Many of their kind had abandoned the realms of man and put in with the monsters of Madreg the mad wizard's army. He was arguing with another man, a human with dark greasy hair and two silver blades on his hip. Lorica leaned forward again and strained to hear their argument. Iron Head caressed her hips and rocked his hardness against her sensitive mound as she tried to listen.

  "I have it in gold!" said the greasy-haired man. "Gold beats trade!"

  "Pelts!" snarled the Kornasi. "Just as good as your coin."

  "And what do you want her for?" demanded the man. "I'll make her my wife."

  "Don't care," said the Kornasi. "I'll put her in the pen with my steppe cats. She'll tame them with her ass or feed them."

  "Disgusting," said the greasy haired man.

  The fat elf intervened and after quiet negotiation it was decided, to Lorica's horror, that the Kornasi won by paying a premium for trading with pelts.

  "He's buying her to... to... mate with 'steppe cats'!" cried the princess.

  "Oof," laughed Spide.

  Iron Head reached around Lorica's thigh and roughly squeezed her mound. She let out a cry of surprise, though the sensation was not entirely unpleasant. Warm bolts of desire radiated out from his kneading fingers.

  "Steppe cats have barbed cocks," said the goblin. "They'll stick in and leave it there for hours, and nothing she'll do will hurry it up. Lucky for her, at least, they can't plant their seed in a human."

  "Hope she gets good with her mouth," said Spide. "Might spare her worse."

  Worse? Lorica could imagine nothing worse than a life of slavery spent rutting with beasts. And yet, there was worse, because it was the smile on Felecia's face as the Kornasi yanked her chain and walked with her up into the darkness of the moot. The poor girl was happy. Was it just the magic of the collar around her neck or was she truly glad to end this way?

  Lorica forgot her worries as Iron Head slipped his fingers into her underwear. He traced the delicate furrow of her sex, gathering her dew with his fingertips.

  "Your tide has come in," he growled in her ear. "Been thinking of a life with my cock in your little hole? It would spare you a fate like your redheaded friend. Or maybe the deep elves will buy you and torture a princess like you for one of their dark priestesses. Do you want to end up like that?"

  "N-no," moaned Lorica, trying to resist the pleasure of the goblin's fingers.

  The auction continued on stage. Iron Head's fingering slowed and he withdrew his torturous touch from Lorica's aching quim. The princess tried to focus on the proceedings on the stage. A dusky-eyed, pale-skinned Rama girl was auctioned next. She was kept gagged so that she did not offer up any curses. A white-haired wizard bought her as an assistant, narrowly out-bidding the deep elves who wanted her for their godless torture rituals.

  Several Kornasi women were auctioned next. These large-breasted, well-built women stood proudly, their flesh branded with the cat's head symbol of the Kornasi tribe that had captured them as loot in a tribal battle. Two, the largest and most muscular, sold as bodyguards to a kobold. The tiny, red-scaled humanoid was laughed at by the crowd as he walked away hauling the chains of the two large women.

  The other Kornasi women were bought by various orcs, who preferred the muscular Kornasi physique to softer human women for breeding warriors.

  One of the orcs began to fondle and kiss the Kornasi woman he had purchased while she was
still on stage. She did not resist him, but did not seem to be enjoying his attention. This sent ripples of laughter through the bidders at the moot. The fat elf tried to politely escort them off the stage. The orc snarled at him and drove him away with a menacing hand. The orc turned back to the Kornasi woman, bending her over on the stage and dropping his loincloth to begin fucking the poor woman right there.

  The orc was suddenly seized by metal-shod hands. A massive, glowing-eyed golem had appeared on the stage without warning. It picked the snarling orc up and slung him over its mechanical shoulder. An attendant hurried on stage to escort the orc's purchase off behind the golem. Lorica could not suppress a laugh at the way the golem handled the huge orc.

  "When you laugh," said Iron Head, "your tits jiggle."

  That stopped Lorica from jiggling. She looked down at her breasts as if they had betrayed her. The rubbing of the fine pattern of the lace ensured her nipples remained almost painfully erect.

  "Boss," said Spide. "Here come dark hair."

  "Oh, she should fetch a pretty bit of coin," said Iron Head.

  Jassi emerged onto the stage, blinking in confusion at the bright bullseye lights shining in her face. Lorica gasped in shock. Jassi was gorgeous. Her dark hair was woven with glittering beads that caught the light and fell in a fishtail braid down her back.

  She wore a corseted bodice that ended beneath her breasts, lifting and shaping the perfectly round orbs. Jassi's brown nipples were fully erect and the gossamer black of the gown she wore hung lightly atop them. Her plump buttocks and thighs were bare, she wore only a panty that threaded her arse like Lorica's. On her feet was a pair of heeled sandals to add to the luscious roundness of her bottom. Her wide hips rolled with each step and her fat tits bounced up and down.

  "This one was taken from the entourage of the virgin princess Lorica Yeownsberg, but this one is no virgin. She is a trained pleasure slave, capable of pleasing any cock offered to her and draining the lust of man, beast, or demon." The fat elf circled around Jassi and grabbed her breasts. "And look at these curves! Imagine the fun you could have with your cock between these tits or stuffed up this fat arse!"

  The elf shocked Jassi with a two-handed slap to her bottom, causing her to stumble forward a few more steps. Lorica gasped as her handmaiden nearly toppled off the stage. The left grabbed the chain dangling down over Jassi's shoulder and pulled her back by her collar.

  "A bit clumsy, perhaps," said the elf. "But a perfect addition to any harem and a plump morsel if you have meatier appetites. I will begin bidding at two gold."

  Lorica's stomach tightened at the reference to Jassi as a "morsel" for "meatier appetites."

  "What does he mean about a morsel?" asked Lorica.

  "Not everything comes to the auctions for slaves," said Iron Head.

  "Hungry for flesh," said Spide, showing pointed teeth.

  "A big girl like Jassi will be worth her weight in silver to those who feast on humans."

  "Oh, gods," cried Lorica, burying her face in her hands as bidding began.

  Iron Head pressed his thin lips to the princess's ear.

  "Three winters ago, was a dragon in human form at the bidding. Bought a duchess and ate her up right outside the moot." The goblin's hands caressed her thighs and slid up her body to envelop her breasts. "Why not stay with me, princess? I promise if I eat you, I'll only use my tongue."

  The hot lash of his tongue against her ear sent a shudder through her body. Both goblins laughed at her apparent discomfort.

  "Five gold!" shouted someone below.

  "Five! Five!" Declared the elf. "Do I have six? Six! Seven anyone? Seven, going once. Seven twice."

  "Ten." The voice was not as loud as the shouting. The crowd grew quiet and a dark figure stepped up to the stage. He was tall and slender. He pulled back his hood and Jassi began to scream. His smooth, purple flesh and bulging golden eyes were terrible enough, but it was the nest of tentacles that covered his chin and mouth that made him truly terrible. He raised a hand and in his long fingers he held a pouch of coins.

  "Sold for ten to the mind sucker!" declared the elf, snatching the purse from the creature's hand.

  "Bad luck," said Spide.

  "What is that!?" cried Lorica.

  "Mind sucker," said Iron Head grimly. "They feed on the living brains of intelligent creatures. Come up behind them and wrap those tentacles around their head. They have a beak under all those and they jam it right into their prey's skull."

  "Slurp out brain like oyster," said Spide and he made his disgusting slurping sound.

  On stage, Jassi tried to back away from the creature. The golem appeared by magic and caught her in its iron arms. She fought and kicked against it, but all she could do was hurt herself in this way.

  "Please!" wailed the Jassi. "Please, not him! Anyone but that... that... thing!!"

  Iron Head took out the amulet that controlled the collar around Jassi's neck. He seemed to consider using it to pacify her, but the mind sucker stepped up to the screaming handmaiden. The moot fell silent, everyone watching to see what the creature might do. The mind sucker's tendrils were restless. It brought up a hand and splayed its fingers as if it might cast magic upon Jassi. Lorica held her breath and said a silent prayer to the goddess of mercy.

  Jassi stopped fighting with the golem. It seemed to sense she was no longer trying to escape and it lowered her feet to the floor. Jassi stood up straight, her back stiff and her eyes open wide as she stared at the mind sucker.

  "You feel no fear as you look into my eyes." The mind sucker spoke with a disturbingly melodious voice. "Your fears were misplaced. You want to please me. You desire to join me in my private carriage."

  "I... feel no fear," said Jassi, taking a slow step towards the mind sucker. "I want to... join you... in your carriage."

  "Give me your hand," said the mind sucker.

  Jassi held out her hand and the mind sucker grasped it and lifted it to its face. The tentacles parted and its black beak kissed her fingers. Its long facial tentacles seemed to caress Jassi's fingers as it lowered her hand slowly.

  Jassi smiled and took a step closer. She cradled the back of the mind sucker's head and she leaned her puckered lips into the wriggling nest of its tentacles and kissed the horror. Its tentacles wrapped around her head and held her in the embrace for long seconds. Her moans and the wet smack of her lips were audible in the silence of the moot.

  "What is she doing?" whispered Lorica.

  "Her will crumbles," said Iron Head in the princess's ear. "She will not fear him again. She will not even realize what is happening until he decides to feed."

  "It can take months or even years before he grows hungry," added Spide.

  She wanted to scream. She wanted to get up and do something to save her friend. Instead, Lorica merely watched as Jassi, totally passive, was led away into the darkened moot by the mind sucker. The poor girl's fate was all but sealed. Lorica held her abdomen and groaned. She felt as if she was going to be sick.

  "Now, now, princess." Iron Head stroked her hips. "It is almost time for you to be going down to the stage. Are you ready to find your new master... or have you had a change of heart about serving me?"

  His touch slid up her lace bodice and found her breasts. He squeezed them in both his hands, shaping them and teasing her nipples with his thumbs through the lace material. His foul breath snorted at her ear and he kissed Lorica's slender neck. She wanted to scream, but the thought of going on stage like her companions and facing a potentially horrifying fate was too much. She would rather serve the lecherous goblin than face death by a mind sucker.

  "You," she moaned. "I... I choose you."

  "Mmmmmmm!" His groan was a laugh that became a long, slow, wet lick from her collarbone up her neck to her ear. He squeezed her breasts together so hard that they hurt. "A wise choice, princess. I will be your hefek like Bashowar of the wood goblins took that bitch from Green Peak as the mother of his children. I will teach you how to serv
e me."

  Lorica moaned and saw Spide sitting beside them still, rubbing at his groin as he watched his boss molesting her. Lorica's face flushed with even greater shame at being observed and she turned her face to Iron Head.

  "I will learn to pleasure you," she said. "Promise me you will never sell me at the auction."

  "So long as you keep my pleasure foremost in your thoughts, you will never stand upon the stage." Iron Head held her chin in his hands and squeezed her cheeks with his fingers. "My pretty princess, the start of your education is long overdue."

  The goblin's kiss was hard-lipped and unpleasant, his tongue a warm mollusk that forced her lips apart and invaded her mouth with his foul taste. She moaned as if kissing a passionate lover and closed her eyes so she did not have to see his face. His tongue swirled in her mouth, overbearing and long and nearly gagging her with its intrusion. She accepted it and even managed to fence back a bit with her tongue, though it was a timid effort.

  Iron Head tore his lips away from hers. He leaned back in his seat, admiring her body smothering his lap. He jerked his head towards Spide and growled, "Leave us. Prepare my tent and inform the ladies the princess will not be sold."

  "They not be happy boss," said Spide.

  "No, they won't. To hell with them. I have my princess."

  Spide left them, shutting the door to the seller's box behind him. The noise of the moot and the sound of the auction caller seemed to recede as the goblin's loud breath and wet kisses filled Lorica's ears. Despite her anger and revulsion, her body responded to his caress and his kiss. The warmth spread from her loins into her taut belly.

  "Kneel for me," growled Iron Head. "Show me your devotion."

  It was not far from the goblin's lap to the floor at his feet, and yet, as Lorica slid to her knees on the floorboards she felt as if she was plunging into an abyss. The goblin's wicked head was backlit by a lantern and he seemed demonic. His cock was an affront, straining obscenely in his loincloth so close she could smell the musk of his lust.


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