Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 58

by Amanda Clover

  "S-stop it, please," whispered Margery, "Jarvis will see us through the window."

  She looked at the white-haired head of the driver, visible swaying in and out of view of the small transom window at the back of the carriage. One glance and he would surely see Naomi with her hand up Margery's skirt.

  The warmth of Naomi's chuckle caressed Margery's lips and the handmaiden quieted Margery's concerns with a kiss. As their lips met, the princess stiffened, relaxed, and yielded to the kiss, all in the span of a second. She opened her mouth and met tongues with her comely handmaiden. They moaned together in the softly jostling carriage. Naomi's fingers rubbed more insistently at the princess's increasingly warm groove.

  The princess and her servant had kissed many times before, caressed in the late hours in the princess's quarters, and once Naomi had even sucked at Margery's grown breasts and puffy nipples, drawing them hard in her mouth. No such teasing was needed on this occasion. Margery's nipples strained inside her satin bodice and she was nearly breathless with lust. As Naomi kissed her, the princess worked her hips unconsciously, rubbing her sensitive sex against Naomi's fingers.

  "What... oohhh... what pleasures can you teach me?" gasped the princess, forgetting all her worries of being caught.

  Naomi laughed as their kiss broke and the handmaiden buried her lips against Margery's slender neck, kissing down the princess's shoulder until her lips found the soft warmth of the princess's ample cleavage. Margery could not suppress a gasp as Naomi's fingers tore at the cup of her bodice and exposed a breast. The cool air further stiffened her small, pink nipple. It was covered an instant later by the hot suction of Naomi's mouth.

  "Ohhhhh!" cried Margery. "You've already... taught me that trick!"

  As if in reply, Naomi's fingers squirmed inside Margery's soft underclothes and began to rub against the throbbing bud of the princess's pleasure. Margery could hardly believe the sensation. She cried out and bit her hand to stifle a louder wail of pleasure that might alert Jarvis who sat just outside the compartment. Naomi's lips popped as she released Margery's swollen nipple. The princess moaned at the sensation of the cool air on the spit-wet tenderness of her pink nipple.

  "There are other places for my mouth," murmured Naomi. Margery saw a fierce mischief in her handmaiden's eyes as the comely servant girl descended to her knees inside the carriage and began to lift the princess's ruffled skirt. Margery laughed and tried to press it back down. Naomi gave her a cross look and the princess surrendered control of the garment. Naomi began to slide the skirt up above Margery's knees. She said, "Don't you want to feel it, my lady? My tongue on that special place my fingers now caress."

  "Oh, it's forbidden," objected Margery. She thrust her hips once more against Naomi's fingers.

  "Everything we do is forbidden by priests," murmured Naomi, lifting the skirt above Margery's thighs and at last exposing the spot where the princess's underclothes were pulled aside. Margery's rust-furred mound was visible. Her hair was still thin and silky rather than the womanly bush Margery had seen on older woman. Her delicate sex was fully visible, the pink of her inner lips glistened and her clitoris stood out like the tip of a tiny pink finger from the delicate flesh of her hood.

  "Have you done this... before?" asked Margery and something in her tone made Naomi laugh.

  "Do you know Madam Rousse?"

  Naomi's fingertip rubbed a hot circle around Margery's clit and forced the princess to gasp before she could answer the question. Pleasure shot through the Margery's body. She arched with her head against the cushion of the seat and her breasts heaved with her growing ecstasy.

  "Ooohhhh! Th-the dark-haired woman who runs the dancing academy?" Margery finally managed.

  "Yes," said Naomi, her finger still working at Margery's slit. "I learned dancing from her and other things. She showed me where the tongue goes and where the fingers. She showed me how to lick and where to suck. Here, my sweet lady, let me show you now."

  Margery could only watch in shock as Naomi leaned her face down to the princess's slick folds and began to lick. The first graze of Naomi's soft, warm tongue against her clit was almost too much for Margery. She shook with pleasure and instinctively brought a hand down to Naomi's golden hair to try to control the sensations. But there was no taming the handmaiden's tongue. She began to lap furiously at Margery's clit, moaning as she licked and brushing her lips and chin against the princess's tender folds.

  "By the... by the gods of goodness, Naomi! I can't stand the pleasure!"

  "Mmmmm, mind your voice, my lady, or we'll draw attention."

  No sooner had Naomi given the princess the warning than her tongue returned to licking Margery's clit. That hot flick burrowed into Margery's aching channel, lapped the length of her tender folds, and returned once more to that precious point of pleasure.

  Then Naomi did something that drove Margery mad with pleasure: she clamped her soft lips around the princess's clit and began to rhythmically suck on that most sensitive flesh. Her blue eyes stared up as she performed this devilish maneuver, each pull of suction, each flick with the tip of her tongue, sending another spike of pleasure crackling through Margery's body.

  "Godddddsssss!" cried Margery, unable to contain herself. She grabbed Naomi's head with both hands and thrust her throbbing clit against her handmaiden's cruel tongue and sucking mouth. The explosion of pleasure curled her toes in her dress boots and caused stars and flashes of color at the edges of her vision. She was entirely at Naomi's mercy for long seconds as the convulsions of ecstasy worked their way through the princess's body.

  Naomi was merciless. She continued to lick and suck until the princess pleaded for her to stop. She released Margery's clit with a soft pop of suction and lifted her cum-glazed face from between the princess's shaking thighs.

  "Turn over, my lady," said Naomi. "Onto your knees. I'll show you another spot my tongue will savor."

  "N-no more," pleaded Margery.

  Naomi kissed her and began to lift her up from the seat.

  "Please, my lady, show me that lovely bottom. I'll thrust my tongue so deep you'll forget what I've just done to you."

  "No," said the princess emphatically and she pushed Naomi away. "That is too much, my dear friend. It is shameful to even mention placing your tongue... there."

  "On your little pink arsehole?" Naomi grinned at the princess's scandalized reaction. "You venture nothing by allowing it, my lady. And you'll find that my tongue up your bottom will relax you like--"

  Naomi's words were interrupted by a loud thump from the front of the carriage as the back of Jarvis's head collided with the window. He disappeared from view in an instant, but left behind a smudge of blood. There were shouts of warning from the riders, followed a moment later by cries of pain. The horses ran off the road and the carriage began to bounce violently.

  "Be careful, my lady!" cried Naomi. "Stay down. I won't let them get to you."

  Margery was surprised to see that her faithful companion had drawn a small silver knife from her boot. She placed herself between Margery and the door of the carriage. The rocking ceased as the horses were brought under control by someone or something. The carriage stopped moving and there followed long moments of silence. Margery became aware of the sound of her breathing, almost hysterical, and the measured breaths of Naomi.

  So much time passed that the princess thought their attackers might have abandoned their ambush. She held out hope that some of the guards would yet return to rescue her from this predicament. Margery strained to hear anything outside the carriage. The loud knock at the door nearly bowled Margery over and she had to stifle a scream of shock.

  "Princess Margery Lecuyer, step out of your carriage unarmed. We have come to escort you to Shadowhold."

  The voice was calm, but loud and authoritative. It was also distinctly feminine. Margery understood that this must be the deep elves she was supposed to meet, but why had they killed her guards along with poor Jarvis?

  "I'm not comin
g out!" The princess hoped her defiant tone masked her fear. "Why did you attack us?"

  "Only the princess is permitted to see the way to Shadowhold. All others are interlopers and are treated as such."

  "Why didn't you warn us?!" cried the princess. "I-I would have come alone."

  She was answered by a long silence, during which she once again became familiar with her terrified breathing and the rapid drum of her heartbeat. Margery looked into Naomi's blue eyes and saw her servant's determination. It might have comforted the young princess, if she did not already suspect they were in a hopeless situation. That determination, along with the knife in Naomi's grasp, was likely to get the blonde killed.

  "I can't let you do this," whispered Margery.

  She reached out and seized Naomi by the wrist. The sudden attack caught the servant girl completely off her guard. She fell back onto the bench and Margery wrenched the knife from Naomi's grasp. Margery pushed the carriage door open with her foot and tossed out the night.

  "My servant girl is unarmed!" said Margery. "Promise me you will not hurt her."

  "She is sun-cursed," hissed the elf woman. "One of your kind is enough. She will be taken as a trophy to the slave markets."

  The door was suddenly wrenched open and a shockingly pale elf woman appeared in the doorway. She wore tight-fitting black leathers accented with silver bands of armor. Her slender body was more compact than most elves Margery had seen, her face rounder than most elves, but with the same elfin delicacy. Her ears stuck out like knives from her silky mane of black hair, but it was her huge, dark eyes that set her apart from human or surface elf. They were like two large wells of ink on her pale face.

  "I won't go!" shouted Naomi and she tried to kick at the woman. The elf easily deflected the attack and surged into the carriage. She produced a length of metallic rope and wound it into a noose that she used to capture Naomi. The handmaiden was caught, but she did not stop fighting. She kicked and thrashed her arm as the elf wrestled her onto her stomach on the floor of the carriage.

  "Behave," hissed the elf as she drove her knee into the back of the still-struggling handmaiden. "Keep fighting and I will tighten the noose until every drop of life drains from your body. Your life is meaningless to me. Do you understand?"

  Naomi went limp beneath the elf and, unable to speak with the noose around her neck, she waved a hand to signal her submission. The elf woman quickly bound Naomi's wrists and ankles. She looked up from the work and Margery quickly looked away from the strangeness of the elf's black eyes.

  "I'll stow this on the crawler beside you," said the elf as she clapped a hand on Naomi's bottom. "Now, princess, out of the carriage before you annoy me further."

  "Y-yes, of course," said Margery, nodding and climbing out of the carriage. She stood in horror at the sight of the giant black, silver, and red-speckled spider. It was wider than a horse and stood nearly as tall. A saddle of oily black rested upon its bristled back. Its red eyes stared at Margery and it flicked its enormous mandibles.

  The elf woman stepped past Margery and pulled Naomi by her bindings out of the carriage. With a grunt of effort, the elf swung Naomi up onto the giant spider's back. It shuffled its legs like the drumming fingers of a hand. Margery saw that her companion had been gagged and blindfolded, perhaps to conceal their journey or perhaps out of pure cruelty.

  "What is your name?" asked Margery.

  The elf woman ignored her. She was busy lashing Naomi to the back of the spider and then adjusting the saddle. With a last pull of a leather strap that ran under the spider's abdomen, the elf turned to Margery and held out a hand. The princess noted that the elf's fingers were long and slender, finely made, but not necessarily delicate. The spider hissed.

  "She will not eat you unless I command it." The elf wiggled her fingers with annoyance. "Now, give me your hand. I will help you into her saddle."

  Margery sensed the bodies of her fallen guardians in the deep darkness surrounding the carriage. She believed the raven-haired elf would not kill her, but Margery feared the woman might bury one of the curved knives she wore on her hips in Naomi instead. The princess overcame her terror of the giant spider. She took the elf's hand and climbed up and into the soft, warm leather of the saddle on the arachnid's back. It chattered and paced side-to-side as if uncomfortable with Margery in the saddle.

  "Ch-ch-ch." The elf clicked her tongue against her teeth.

  The elf placed a hand on the bristled flank of the spider and the huge beast seemed to calm down. She pressed her cheek against the spider's head and whispered something in what Margery recognized to be Indervik, the language of the deep elves. The princess could not understand the language, but knew enough to recognize the slippery syllables and words that flowed into one another.

  "Jivayn," said the elf. "This is what you call me. Mistress Jivayn if you are wise. I suggest you hold onto the pommel. You do not want to fall off."

  "Wait, what does--"

  The elf dashed into the woods with sudden speed and the huge spider followed with a lurch of movement that nearly tossed the princess from the saddle. Tree branches swatted at Margery's face and tore at her dress until she realized she should lean forward over the back of the scurrying giant's head. She caught infrequent glimpses of the pale elf among the trees, leaping over rocks and splashing through silver streams, but the spider seemed to know exactly where it was going.

  The forest grew darker and denser around them. Margery pressed her body tight against the spider's back and felt the jostling of Naomi, who lay bound beside her. The princess caught sight of the elf again, waiting for them in the entrance of a natural tunnel into the earth. She turned and disappeared again as the spider approached.

  Margery cried out against the spider's back as they plunged into the depths of the underworld. She sensed by the changing sounds that they passed through tunnels and caverns, near underground water, over a creaking bridge, and always winding deeper into the cool, dampness of the underworld. They emerged into an incredibly vast cavern lit by blue constellations of fungus upon the ceiling.

  A city was spread out beneath these false heavens. Shadowhold. The city glittered like a dewy spider web that stretched throughout the cavern. Its spires were connected by pathways, bridges, and cables that the deep elves traveled using silver hooks. The pale elves of the deep moved like ghosts. Their dark eyes were pits of emptiness as they watched Margery pass by on the back of the giant spider. It scurried along cobbled streets and made its way to the palace that loomed over the city.

  The gates to this edifice opened and armored warriors stepped aside to make way for the spider bearing Margery and Naomi on its back. Up close, the palace was even more terrifying. Every wall was decorated with swirls of carvings that seemed to depict interwoven scenes of lust and violence. Beauty and death mingled in designs that confused Margery's eyes.

  The spider stopped its skittering before a huge door that had somehow been carved from white stone. Jivayn was waiting for them as if she had always been there, leaning against the door's frame. As if running for many miles through the night woods and into the depths had required no physical exertion.

  "You've survived the journey," said Jivayn.

  The deep elf approached the spider and slung Naomi over her shoulder. The servant girl made a muffled sound of protest and struggled in a way that reminded Margery of a worm. Jivayn roughly smacked Naomi on her bottom and squeezed the round flesh of her backside.

  "Quiet," hissed the elf, "or I'll take out your eyes like most of the other slaves."

  The door opened with a groan of its silver hinges and two pale and almost nude human women emerged. They were both very slender, but even their near-starvation did not conceal the roundness of hips and breasts that betrayed their human heritage. Their heads down to their noses were covered in hoods of violet velvet that did not have holes for their eyes. They wore sheer loincloths that hung loose around their hips and exposed the hairless mounds of their quims.

bsp; "Take the princess to the baths," said Jivayn to the humans. "She reeks of the sun and must be cleansed of her human foulness before the high priestess administers the first of the tests."

  Margery was terrified by almost everything that was happening, but the idea that she might be subjected to some sort of testing was too great an indignity. She slid awkwardly from the saddle of the huge spider and approached the elf.

  "I am a princess, promised to the princess of the deep elves," said Margery. "I am entitled to the respect of nobility."

  "Respect of nobility?" Jivayn laughed. "Shadowhold long ago slaughtered its royalty. What remains are those strong enough and cruel enough to maintain power. The high priestess rules over the deep. Her silver-masked acolytes enforce her rule. She will test you and if you prove to be worthy she may take you as her bride. If you fail..."

  Jivayn slapped Naomi once more on her round bottom. The handmaiden shouted against her gag.

  "You will head to the slave markets and be sold like your friend here."

  "Let her go," said the princess, her voice feeble in the vastness of the cavern.

  Jivayn took a step closer to the princess, her black eyes without pity and her soft, pink lips curling into a cruel smile.

  "Perhaps if the high priestess truly loves you, she will rescue your pet from slavery. But love is a foreign thing to the underdeep. It is a weakness."

  The elf carried Naomi up the stairs and through the open door. The princess was distraught to see Naomi taken away, but she felt powerless to stop her. Worse, the princess found herself feeling strangely attracted to the cruel elf woman. Her strangeness was matched by inhuman beauty. The slight prominence of her breasts cradled by her armor, the delicate lines of her face and the silky braid in her black hair. Even when the elf climbed the stairs, her tight leathers revealed the shape of her bottom in a way that invited Margery's gaze.

  "What are you doing?" The princess cursed at herself.

  She shook such thoughts from her mind, but her gaze only fell upon the bare chests of the two human slaves. She saw that their nipples were pierced with silver barbells and swirling silver tattoos decorated their lower abdomens, hips, and their pubic mounds. The tattoos seemed to disappear at certain angles and reappear again at others, lending motion to the static designs.


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