Familiar with the Warlock (Stand Alone Tales Book 14)

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Familiar with the Warlock (Stand Alone Tales Book 14) Page 2

by Viola Grace

  She shivered as he slowly moved his fingers. “I... don’t know what I am supposed to say to that.”

  He smiled. “How do I get you out of these boots?”

  She nodded and leaned over to unsnap the first three closures. He nodded, and there was a gesture, and the leather slid away.

  She felt a tugging at the sides of the panties, and then, they were being whisked away. She looked over at Argo, and he was inhaling deeply at the bundle of black lace.

  She covered her face in mortification. She kept her hands there until she felt a tongue moving down her spine and two hands cupping her breasts.

  She looked around and tried to figure out a place to bolt.

  Olmin got her out of her boots, and he slid his hand up her inner thigh again. “This is a pleasant surprise. It seems you haven’t cut yourself off from all sensuality.”

  She blushed. “I needed something to keep the boots from my skin and like the way that the stockings feel.”

  He chuckled. “I would have to agree with that.”

  His fingers teased the top of her stockings and drew tiny circles up toward her sex. She started to shake, and when his fingertip drew a light, slick line from her opening to her clit, her knees gave way and her body twitched, and Argo caught her and held her while she covered her eyes.

  “Olmin, how much did she give up?” Argo’s voice was amazed by something he was seeing.

  She uncovered her eyes and squinted at the bright glow that was where Olmin’s eyes should be. He was staring at her in surprise. “Enough to light the beacon.”

  Maven whispered, “So, I can leave, right?”

  The smile that crossed his clearly cut lips was slow. “Oh, no. This is only the start.”

  He disappeared in a flash, and she was left in Argo’s embrace. “So, can I go now?”

  He looked down at her and grinned. “No. Did you know that you could do that?”

  She blushed. “Do what?”

  “Let out a magic burst with your orgasm. Warlocks like Olmin channel the energy created during sex; they don’t part with it. They use it. You just produced more magic than the last three channeled orgies combined. Well done.”

  “I don’t think I will put that on a t-shirt.” She struggled to get out of Argo’s embrace. He simply picked her up and put her on the bed with a wide grin.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I went to an orgy, and all I came out with was this t-shirt would be cute.” He nuzzled her breasts and licked at her nipples, going from left to right with his rasping tongue.

  He was playing with her. There was no intent to deepen the contact. He was toying with her, as cats did.

  She gripped his head and tried to pull him away, using his ears for leverage. “Uhf. Knock it off. You aren’t performing for an audience. It is just me here, and this wasn’t my idea.”

  He looked surprised. “I am not performing. I have a responsive woman under me wearing almost nothing. Who wouldn’t be interested?”

  Argo leaned in and kissed her with increasing intensity until she was twisting against him. He lifted his head and whispered, “Plus, you like cats.”

  She was about to answer him when he kissed her again, his hand moving between her thighs, and one of his fingers slipped into her. She inhaled sharply and kept her eyes shut as he moved the digit inside her until it was sliding easily. His second finger joined the first, and he stroked his tongue in her mouth in the same beat as his fingers.

  Maven tried to focus on one thing at a time and finally had to give in and surrender to the sensations. Her hips started to rock against his hand, and the softest sounds were coming from her lips as Argo’s increasingly devastating kiss blanked her mind.

  She felt the change in the air, and the intimate moment was suddenly a spectator event.

  Argo lifted his head and whispered, “Just you and me, right?”

  She blinked. “I can feel him in here.”

  Olmin’s chuckle proved her point. “So, your senses are working. It seems that I missed something while I was gone, I would love to catch up.”

  Argo looked up and said, “We will have to go slow. She’s tight.”

  Maven could only see Argo at that point, but she caught a detail in his sentence. “What do you mean we?”

  Argo chuckled. “You don’t think I’d leave you now? We are just getting acquainted.”

  He took the fingers that he had been sliding into her and brought them to his mouth, sucking them with a hot look in his eyes. “Yeah, I am not going anywhere.”

  Olmin’s weight caused the bed to dip. “And I am here to join the party.”

  She winced when she was pulled further into the bed until she had a man on either side, and she was the one wearing the most clothing. This couldn’t get weirder, could it?

  Chapter Three

  It was strange to be held in the arms of one man while another was lying between her thighs, three fingers slowly moving inside her while he tongued her clit.

  It had been explained, in great detail, that Argo’s tongue was too rough for her sensitive folds. She could barely stand the hot flick of Olmin’s tongue against her, so they were probably right.

  “Oh, sonofabitch!” She quaked and twisted as another orgasm hit her.

  Argo laughed against her neck. “I like that announcement. It belongs on a t-shirt.”

  Olmin was silent, and he looked at her with his eyes glowing. He licked his lips. “I could consume you for eternity.”

  She squeaked and tried to back away from the intensity of that white-hot gaze.

  Argo cleared his throat. “But he won’t now, will he?”

  Olmin shook his head. “Right. I won’t. Tonight is about gaining power for a greater purpose.”

  He moved up her body and kissed her lips. She tasted herself on him, but it wasn’t weird. It seemed hot for some reason. She gasped as he exhaled into her, and she tasted the energy that was glowing inside him. It tasted like sex as well.

  He shivered when she reached up to thread a hand into his hair. The effect her slight touch was having on him was funny, considering. She held his head as he kissed her, flexing her leg to the outer side of his hip.

  He broke the kiss and sighed. “How to start?”

  Argo suggested, “Slow and shallow?”

  Olmin sighed. “Probably for the best.”

  She blinked as she was rolled to her side, and her right leg was moved toward her chest. The warlock moved behind her, and she felt him, hot and thick, pressing into her. She whimpered, and Argo held her hand as Olmin worked into her until his chest was pressed to her back.

  She gasped and struggled to accommodate him. Argo lay next to her, and he kissed her softly. She relaxed, and Olmin started to move inside her.

  Olmin undulated against her, and it was only a few strokes before she was pressing back against him. She shuddered, and the soft noises that Argo said he wanted were being drawn out of her as her body got hot, and sweat began to coat her.

  Olmin murmured, “She’s so hot.”

  She closed her eyes and focused on how she was feeling. With two orgasms behind her, she recognized the feeling when she was getting close. She clenched around Olmin, and he grunted. “Easy, Maven. Just relax.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at Argo. She could see the bright glow reflected in his eyes. “Olmin, you might want to hang on.”

  He thrust into her, and she gasped, locking every muscle as her body contracted hard. A shout similar to a grunt came out of her throat, and a low moan followed it as her blood caught fire. She shuddered under him, and through the roaring in her ears, she heard him shout. His weight crushed her to the bed, and she looked at Argo.

  He winked. “Good girl.”

  She gasped and finally got her throat under control. “So, are you a cat that turns into a guy or a guy that turns into a cat?”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  Olmin pushed himself up and licked t
he back of her neck. There was a strange burning where his tongue had been, but she had been licked a lot by a cat’s tongue, so it was probably just a sensitive spot.

  She glanced at his arm, and his whole body was alight. She jolted, and her body clasped him, causing an answering jerk from him.

  Maven closed her eyes. “Are we done now?”

  Argo smiled. “He has more than enough, so I would say yes, though I wouldn’t mind sliding inside you.”

  She blushed. “I would rather not.”

  He kissed the palm of her hand. “Another time?”

  She nodded before she knew what she had done. She froze and looked at the smug expression in his eyes. “Excellent.”

  Olmin pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, and the spot tingled slightly. He slid out of her and thudded to the bed beside her, pulling her against him.

  He rubbed his chin against her shoulder. “So, you will be back?”

  Maven inhaled. “Honestly? I would not stumble through those doors looking for anyone again.”

  “Then, how will you fulfill your agreement to Argo?”

  “Uh, maybe run into him at the mall?” She snickered.

  Argo stroked her cheek. “So, you are planning on ghosting me?”

  “Yes. That actually is the plan.” She nodded seriously.

  Olmin bit her shoulder. “That isn’t polite.”

  “You think blackmailing a stranger into bed is polite?” She twisted in his arms and winced at how bright he was.

  He smiled. “No, but I have never been accused of being polite.”

  Argo cuddled up against her back, and she froze at the feel of his erection against her butt. “We could just fuck now.”

  “Will that get me out of here?”

  Olmin grinned. “I will send you home with all your possessions. I promise. Just as I did for the others at the party tonight.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Argo. “And you will let me go after that?”

  “I promise to make sure you are delivered home, safe, and sound.” He slid his hand under her thigh and lifted it to Olmin’s hip. He rubbed at her clit until she was shivering and moving against his fingers.

  “Fine. Fuck me and then let me go.” The words were no sooner out of Maven’s mouth then Argo was gripping her hips and driving into her, forcing her against Olmin.

  She held onto the warlock for support with his erection rubbing against her belly. He kissed her as she was rocked into him and slid a hand between them to stroke her breasts.

  Time blurred as she was pinned between them, and when she came again, Olmin held her while she shook, and Argo gripped her hips as he jerked into her for his own satisfaction.

  She was dazed, exhausted, and sticky when the soft kisses ceased, and the world went soft and dark.

  “Ow, fucking ow!” She tried to get out of bed, but everything hurt. She staggered to the bathroom and wobbled into the shower. The hot spray replaced the cold after a few minutes, and she let the water wash away the sweat and cum that had dried on her body. “Fucking bastards could have cleaned me up.” She thought for a moment that she was supposed to be missing her memories, but that was probably a gift for the employees who had provided the power up until this point. It wouldn’t do for folks to know that they had been screwing strangers for arcane energy.

  She grunted and slowly bent to get some movement back into her inner thighs. This was going to be leggings and t-shirt kind of day.

  She stood up and scrubbed everything again, recognizing the light abrasions from Argo’s tongue as well as the hot spot that Olmin had left on the back of her neck. Oddly, Olmin had been more eager to use his teeth than Argo had.

  She looked down, and her nipples were hard at the thought. Great. Her body goes a decade and a half without sex, and all that calm abstinence had been destroyed in one night. She finished washing and conditioning her hair. When she had depleted the hot water tank, she turned the shower off and toweled herself dry before wrapping her hair up and tucking another towel around her.

  It seemed like a good idea at the time. She sighed and made herself a coffee, looking at the table where her pile of clothing and possessions were. She went to sift through the fabric and scowled. The bugger had cut her corset lacing.

  Right. She was going to have to replace the laces. She kept digging and looking for her phone. It was missing. “Fuck.”

  At the bottom of the pile was her notebook, and she opened it with a feeling of dread. There was a number scrawled on the final page.

  She grimaced and went to her landline, punching in her own number with an angry thumb.

  She heard her phone ringing and looked around for it. They had stuck it under her pillow.

  She sighed and hung up, pressing her forehead against the phone. She wasn’t going to have to see them again. It was better that way. Olmin had gotten what he needed, and Argo had gotten a playmate for the night. It was done. So, why did she feel so lonely?

  She was sitting on her couch, playing a movie in the background that she had seen a thousand times. Her fingers tapped across the keys, and she sent her heroine into the direst peril with two handsome pervs who wanted her body before they would give her free passage on the ship. It wasn’t her best work, but she had a lot of interesting firsthand experience to draw from. Of course, she included double penetration, but that wasn’t really the crux of the situation.

  This particular character was sleeping her way across the galaxy, so it wasn’t too strange for her to engage in this behaviour. She finished up the chapter and smiled. Her heroine was off to find another adventure but thinking fondly of the two men she had left in her wake.

  Maven continued until it was dinnertime, only then realizing that she had skipped breakfast and lunch. She was staring into her freezer, waiting for some kind of oracle to tell her what to eat when there was a knock at her door. She sighed and went to the door, peeping around to see Alice there with a pizza box.

  She tried not to think of Alice riding that naked guy, and she opened the door. “Why are you here?”

  “I wanted to tell you about the party last night. It was amazing!” Alice pushed in, and Maven saw her laptop bag.

  “You need me to jostle your book.”

  “Only if you don’t mind. How is your little story coming?”

  Maven smirked. “Good turn of phrase. It’s fine. What’s on the pizza?”

  “Pepperoni, black olives, and bacon.”

  “Have a seat and grab a soda. How bad is it?”

  Alice made a face. “Bad enough.”

  “Well, your timing is good. Period starts tomorrow, so this is the best possible time. Open the pizza and hand over your laptop.”

  Alice smiled and went to get plates. Maven went into the book and typed with one hand while she ate the pizza. “You are ignoring physics again, and you gave him too many hands.”

  Alice smiled. “Fix it, and I will get you some ice cream.”

  “Promises, promises. Now, how was the party last night? You didn’t send me a message, so I am assuming that things were fine.” She had already figured out that some kind of magical interference had happened to either set off Alice’s phone or send the message to begin with.

  “Things were great. I hit it off with one of the other authors, and we got along really well.” Alice smiled.

  “Did you wake up with him?”

  “Of course not, but we have a date later in the week.”

  Maven sighed and looked over at her friend. “You had better hope that he doesn’t get onto a good plot, or that date won’t happen.”

  It took her three hours to finish fixing the gaping holes in physics and logic, as well as a few large plot errors. The pizza was gone, Alice was napping, and the ice cream had never materialized.

  Maven woke her friend up and handed her the laptop. “Done. Thanks for dinner.”

  Alice eagerly opened the computer and went looking through it. “Da
mn. You have done it again. Wait, what did you do to the sex scene?”

  Maven wrinkled her nose. “I fixed it. You can’t have sex like that in zero gravity. You have to anchor yourself somewhere, or nothing happens. No one goes anywhere.” She chuckled. “Why did you make this one sci-fi romance?”

  “It sells so well for you.”

  Maven snorted. “Then you should be the one writing it, not me.”

  “But you are such a good book doctor!” Alice whined.

  “And you paid me with pizza. Now, shoo. I have my own pathetic ramblings to work on.” Maven smiled.

  Alice sighed. “Well, thanks anyway. I will let you know what my editor thinks.”

  Maven nodded. “Do that. Are you happy with your publisher?”

  Alice got a dreamy expression on her face. “I love going in for face-to-face meetings. There is always a chance that I can see him.”


  “The boss. Or hell, even his secretary is hot. There is a lot of male-male fiction that has been written about those two. They work together so seamlessly.”

  Maven swallowed, and her knees nearly buckled. “Right. Well, that’s good. A steady hand at the helm.”

  “You should try and write a proper book, Maven. Then you could submit it and join me and the rest of the ladies in worshipping him from afar.”

  Maven nodded. “Right. Not my style. Now, shoo. You have six more chapters to finish, and I only have one more day before I have to return to my day job.”

  Alice left, and Maven returned to her short story. She had one more day to work before she had to go back to work at her accountancy firm. She liked pushing numbers just as much she liked working with words.

  She glanced outside to see that night was firmly in control. Across the street, she saw the park, and staring at her were two glowing gold eyes. She grimaced and ignored the throb between her thighs as she pulled the drapes closed. That was enough of that.

  Chapter Four

  Maven finished her weekend chores and made her bed. Sure, it was after midnight, but there was nothing like falling into a bed with fresh sheets. Her previous bedding was embarrassed to be seen.


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