Phoenix Rising (the New Age Saga Book 3)

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Phoenix Rising (the New Age Saga Book 3) Page 18

by Timothy A. Ray

  He looked to Erik and his soul recalled the agony it had experienced when they first saw each other; the quest for forgiveness. It had to do with Guinevere.

  From the look in the elf’s face, he could see that the King was thinking on that as well. As he turned to face him, he was surprised to not see anger, but joy on the man’s face. “Do not continue to dread, my old friend, that anger is long gone and I am nothing but happy for the two of you. I forgave you both long ago and do not spend another moment feeling guilty for loving her. You two deserve one another.”

  He had a moment of complete peace and his soul howled with joy. He could not put into words what he felt and the only thing he could think to do was shake the mage’s hand. Merlin took it graciously and with a large smile upon his face. “Now, what do you say to blowing this popsicle stand and having a drink some place quiet?”

  He shook his head in wonder. “You always have a way with words, even if nobody understands them. Where’s Kylee, is she with you?”

  “Ah, well, she’s busy getting some male strippers for your wife. She said it was only fair,” the mage commented with a laugh.

  “Wait, what?” he asked stunned.


  Soft music flowed over him and he welcomed it as it worked to soothe his aching head. He had been up late drinking with Erik and Merlin, catching everyone up on what had been happening and what was coming next. He knew that they were trying to distract him from the nerves that were beginning to make his heart tremble, and it worked to a degree, but nothing could stop him from anticipating this moment as it neared.

  They were in a very large chapel, the glass white and emitting a soft glow upon all those assembled. Vines flowed up the walls, white and yellow flowers interlaced between them, adding to the ambiance of the room. Wooden benches made of thick winding roots held elegantly dressed elves, humans, dwarves, and even a very uncomfortable orc. Kore was drawing some worried stares, but Erik’s decree the night before concerning his warrior companion had made it clear that he was a friend of the Elves and should be shown every bit of courtesy that the King’s extended hospitality afforded. He smiled at the orc and saw the red eyes meet his. After a moment, Kore nodded to him and he broke his gaze to follow along the others gathered before him.

  John stood at his side, Erik at his place in front of the altar. A new companion named Riska sat next to Noelani, the other generals of Lancaster by their side. They formed the first group sitting on the left side of the room. The others behind them were assembled commanders of Lancaster’s army, his people come to see him wed. On the right side sat Forlorn’s knights and commanders, Pendoran edging uneasily in his seat, but holding himself firm. Behind the generals and knights sat commanders of Griedlok’s army, come to see the new heir to their throne crowned through matrimony. Reyna stood in the back, her black armor polished, her face stern. She watched, but did not actively take part in the gathering before her.

  The music morphed into something new and his eyes shifted to the double doors opening across from him. Moments later Amysta emerged from the hall and he couldn’t help but notice how stunning she was in the light golden dress she wore, her crown sitting prominently on her head, a bouquet of flowers held gently in her hands. She smiled radiantly at him, then looked to her husband. He glanced at Erik and saw the love glorified in a widening smile. He had found the love and soul-mate of his life, and he was happy for his age-old friend.

  She came to stand across from John, her head turning as another figure walked into view. Kylee was dressed in a flowing white gown, which complimented her hair and eyes. Her hair was down, which was a first, and the look upon her face was pure joy and wonder. There was some underlying pain and he had recently learned of Tuskar’s death. He hoped that this morning would help to give her a sense of renewed purpose and hope. She looked at him and he saw the gratification within her gaze. She was a part of a family now, something she’d never known, and they were about to be bonded in more ways than the battles they’d been through could have ever accomplished on their own.

  She held the flowers tightly in her hands, and he watched as she slowly glided to Amysta’s side. Turning her head, he followed her gaze and his heart stopped in his chest.

  The white dress she wore had been tailored just for this moment, and he couldn’t breathe at the beautiful woman stepping into view. Her father stood at her side, his crown polished, his face passive. Their eyes met briefly, but he didn’t linger, as his fiancé’s eyes found his and everything in the room faded out of existence. From the thin crown on her head to the soft rise of her chest with her measured breaths; he saw everything and nothing.

  Her father led her to the base of the altar and he felt outside himself as he stepped forward, his armored arm intertwining with hers, his sweaty palms touching polished metal as he stepped closer to her side and faced the awaiting King. Bordin took a step behind them and he could feel the eyes boring into the back of his head. He felt it, but the beautiful elven woman at his side kept drawing him back to the bliss that had descended upon him.

  The music came to a stop and Erik smiled down upon them with sincere love and affection. “It is my honor today to preside over the joining of these two lives. They are a symbol of love and courage, an example of what we all strive for and aspire to have. We have all gathered here in this sacred chapel before the Gods and before this great tree to watch the union of two of the purest souls I have ever encountered.”

  A large tree stood behind the altar, the length of which rose towards the roof above, white flowers weaved into the thriving green leaves, adding a beauty to the ceremony that he had never thought possible.

  “Let those that seek this blessed union be named and brought forward under the loving branches of this most sacred tree.”

  Bordin stepped forward and faced the Elven King. “I, Bordin, the King of Griedlok seek this union with the blessing and love of my daughter, Willow of Griedlok, and offer this chain of our house in recognition of the bond created here today,” the elder elf replied, holding out a necklace which Erik silently took with a nod.

  “And do you, Willow of Griedlok, enter into this union of your own free-will and without coercion?” Erik asked his fiancé.

  “I do,” she whispered. It was the first time he had heard her voice since the previous morning and it sang in his heart with joy.

  Bordin took a step back and John came forward at his side. “I, John, the King of Lancaster, seek this union with the blessing and love of my brother, Tristan of Lancaster, and offer this chain of our house in recognition of the bond created here today,” John stated, offering a necklace to the King in turn.

  Erik took it and turned to him. “And do you, Tristan of Lancaster, enter into this union of your own free-will and without coercion?”

  “I do,” he managed, his throat feeling bloated and unwilling to work as directed.

  “We welcome you under this most sacred tree with joy and love. May the blessings of the Gods shine down on you this day,” Erik intoned, motioning for them to come and stand before the altar.

  He had a fleeting thought of Willow’s comment that they would do this naked, and he was suddenly quite happy that it’d been a jest at his expense.

  “Unity is Balance and Balance is Unity. Hear these sacred words and understand.” Erik picked up a small branch and lifted it towards the sky. “This branch that I hold is a symbol of air, know and remember that this is the element of life, of intelligence, and of inspiration which moves us onward. May this symbol of air bring to your union the power of mind.”

  He lay the branch down on the altar and took up a sword in its stead. “This sword that I hold is a symbol of fire, know and remember that this is the element of light, of energy, and of the vigor which runs through our veins. May this sword of fire bring to your union the power of will.”

  Erik lay down the sword and picked up a golden chalice, raising it for all to see. “This chalice that I hold is a symbol of water, know and rem
ember that this is the element of love, of growth, and of the fruitfulness of the Earth. May this chalice of water bring to your union the power of desire.”

  Setting it back upon the altar, the King held up an elven star pendant, which shimmered with a light of its own. “The pendant that I hold is a symbol of earth, know and remember that this is the element of law, of endurance, of the understanding which cannot be shaken. May this pentacle of earth bring to your hand fasting the power of the steadfast.”

  Laying it next to the other symbols spread before him, Erik picked up a large oval moonstone for them to see. “This moonstone I hold is a symbol of spirit, know and remember that this is the element of magic and of the sacred weave that binds people to this existence. May this moonstone of spirit bind you both in love and unity.”

  Erik lay it down and then reached up into the branches of the tree overhead. Slowly he removed two golden bands that had been tied with silk to one of the branches. Untying them delicately, he held them in his outstretched palms, a warm smile greeting their eager gaze.

  “Life is a never-ending circle. Is it not fitting that a circle shall serve as a symbol of a life lived in never-ending love,” Erik informed them as he handed over the rings to their trembling fingers.

  “As you place this ring upon the finger of your chosen love speak the words that shall bind you to each other mind, body, and soul in the Unity of the Life bond,” Erik instructed and Tristan turned to face his betrothed.

  Erik handed forth the moonstone, letting the two hold it through their joined hands. He then produced a multi-covered woven cord and bound the couple’s hands together.

  “Say after me, by root and seed, by bud and stem. By leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love, in the name of Olympus, home to the Gods of the Elven people, I, Tristan, take thee, Willow, to my hand, heart, and my spirit, at the setting of the sun, and the rising of the stars. Nor shall death part us, for in the fullness of time, we shall be born again, at the same time, and in the same place as each other, and we shall meet and know and remember love again,” Erik said to him, and though he fumbled his way through it, he managed to repeat those words and slowly slid the ring onto Willow’s awaiting index finger of her right hand.

  As he did, the chord binding their hands began to glow and he felt the magic begin to work in accordance with the oath he just took. It made his heart beat faster and he saw the answering smile upon his fiancé’s loving face.

  “Say after me, by root and seed, by bud and stem. By leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love, in the name of Olympus, home to the Gods of the Elven people, I, Willow, take thee, Tristan, to my hand, heart, and my spirit, at the setting of the sun, and the rising of the stars. Nor shall death part us, for in the fullness of time, we shall be born again, at the same time, and in the same place as each other, and we shall meet and know and remember love again.”

  He couldn’t help but feel the truth behind those words as Willow slid the ring onto his finger as she gave her oath. They were indeed together once more, experiencing the love denied them in a previous life, and when the magic flared over the binding chord, he felt the promise of love revealed in all its glory.

  “As the grass of the field and the trees of the woods bend together under the pressures of the storm, so too must you both bend when the wind blows strong. But know that as quickly as the storm comes, so equally quickly may it leave. Yet as you both stand strong in each other’s strength, so shall you receive strength. Together you are one, apart you are nothing. Know that no two people can be exactly alike. No more can any two people fit together, perfect in every way. There will be times when it will be hard to give and to love, but then you see your reflection as in a woodland pool, when the image you see looks sad and angered, then it is time for you to smile and to love, for it is not fire that puts out fire. In return will the image in the pool smile and love. So change your anger for love and tears for joy, it is no weakness to admit a wrong, more it is a strength and a sight for learning. Let the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and these our brothers and sisters bear witness that Tristan and Willow have joined together in the sight of the elements and the Gods of Olympus. And may they bless them, as we do ourselves, and so shall the two be conjoined as one mind, one heart, and one soul together in peace and love through the union of Life Bond now and forever,” Erik finished, arms wide, his words weighing heavy upon their hearts.

  Unbinding their hands, he reached around and gave them a sapling to hold instead. “Plant this in a grove when you return home to Griedlok as a symbol of the words you have spoken today, so that as it flourishes, so may the love you both openly share before us.”

  A cleric emerged from his right, a pillow in hand, a crown sitting squarely in its center. Bordin took a step onto the platform and took the offered crown in hand. Tristan faced the elder King and slowly bent to one knee before him.

  “I, Bordin of Griedlok, recognize the oaths you two have made. You are Tristan of Lancaster no more, from this day forth I name you Tristan of Griedlok, my future heir to the throne of Griedlok. Rise, Tristan of Griedlok and embrace me as a son,” the King said to all those assembled, placing the crown upon his head.

  He got to his feet and embraced the elder elf. It was brief, but some of the tension that had built up between them had somehow disappeared and he saw a smile creeping up on the old man’s face. “Remember your oaths and protect my daughter from harm. You are responsible not only for her and my granddaughter growing inside her, but for all of the people of Griedlok that depend on you to rule one day in my stead.”

  “I will, I promise,” he bowed his head and the King laid a hand on his cheek and squeezed lightly. “You are now my son, turn and embrace my daughter with the love I see glowing upon your face.”

  He turned and brought Willow to him, hugging her tightly as the armor allowed and looking into her beautiful face. Bordin slipped the necklace around his neck as John slowly placed the other one around Willow’s. The two stepped back and Tristan turned with Willow to face those rising to their feet before them.

  “All hail Tristan and Willow of Griedlok!” Erik roared from behind them and the answering cheer made his heart soar. “Let us celebrate with a feast and let our voices carry on the wind. Let all those that would do these two harm hear our cheers and tremble at the thought of raising a finger against them with ill-intention.”

  With that, Willow and Tristan took a step off the altar’s steps and walked out of the chapel as husband and wife.


  They had cake and wine, the toasts were heart-felt and passionate. They danced under magical stars in the palace, their hands clasped the entirety of the night, unable to bear being apart. It was night before he even realized that time was passing, so swept up in the moment that nothing else in the world intruded upon the joy he shared with his new wife.

  He felt Erik begin to pull them towards the outside world and he tried to resist. He was not ready for this night to end.

  Merlin stepped forward and bowed before them. “I am forever in your debt, both of you. No matter where you are, or what I’m doing, if you call, I will be there.”

  He nodded his head in gratitude and smiled at the towering orc behind him.

  Kylee was suddenly there and she hugged them both fiercely. “Enjoy your night together, I love you both.”

  He was stunned by the sudden display of emotion and his jaw dropped. He hugged her tightly for a moment, then patted her lightly on the shoulder. She turned to look at her father hovering nearby, and he knew that was a discussion quickly approaching and he wished her well.

  John came up on his left. “Best to get going, don’t want to miss your flight.”

  “What?” he asked in shock. What flight?

  Ushered out the doorway and into the night, he beheld a large silver dragon waiting for them patiently outside.

  Amysta came to her husband’s side and smiled at them. “We have a cottage deep in the woods, a retreat we occasionally
use to get away from the hustle of palace life. For tonight and tomorrow, it is yours. Enjoy it while it lasts, we still have work to do. We’ll need you both back here soon, and hopefully unhurt.”

  Willow’s face flushed at the last comment and they both hugged the King and Queen in thanks.

  “You coming or not?” Wyrddlin’s low voice floated their way and he shook his head in wonder.

  He’d never imagined his wedding night to be anything like this and it was all too magical to even comprehend. “Thank you all,” he told them and they smiled warmly in return.

  Hand in hand, the two of them walked to the saddle waiting for them, and he helpfully boosted his wife onto the front seat. Wyrddlin’s head turned their way and the large eyes focused with intense pride. “Congratulations to the both of you, shall we?”

  He had just gotten his legs strapped in and with a quick burst of his wings, Wyrddlin took to the air. The people below waved up at them and before he could even take another breath, they were above the elven city and winging north.

  Willow leaned back into him and he could feel their love binding them even tighter. “I love you,” she said, a tear leaking down the side of the cheek. “It was so perfect.”

  “Yes, it was, and I love you too,” he returned, hugging her close. Wiping a tear from her eye, he kissed her near the nape of her neck and felt a stir of their lust starting to begin. With dragon wings beating beneath them, they soared over the forest and into the night.

  Chapter 12



  Kylee woke to a knock upon her door. She moaned and cracked an eyelid. She was not ready to be up yet, the sun had barely crested the horizon, judging by the low light filtering through the drapes to her right. “What?” she called, sure that it was Merlin once more checking on how she was doing.


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