The Complete Trilogy by Zi'ere: The Trilogy Completed

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The Complete Trilogy by Zi'ere: The Trilogy Completed Page 5

by Zi'ere

  Even though he’s never brought sex up in any of our conversations, we both know that it is only a matter of time.

  There is so many things about Gavin that makes me want him in my life for the long ride, hopefully as my husband. The last thing that I want to be is a one-hitter-quitter. I want a future with this smooth debonair man, who appears to be a boss at everything that he does. I am so sure of him in my heart, that I am blinded to the extra that comes along with that title.

  As of lately, my cell phone goes from only incoming calls from Jai, my God-babies, and NaNa to blocked prank calls. All times of the day and night my phone rings now from private numbers. No one ever says anything, so I just keep it to myself.

  After a while of everyday interactions with him, we begin to get real comfortable around each other. I begin to realize that Gavin is very particular about his surroundings. He picks up on things that a regular person might not notice, unless someone else points it out. He even detects the strained relationship with my parents, even when I pretend that everything is all good.

  He notices that Jai and my God-children are the only real family members that I have. I haven’t met his daughter at this point but I know that it is only a matter of time before I do. Once I get to meet his daughter, I feel that we can have a solid foundation together. That way, we can do something about all of these harassing calls.

  At one point during our many conversations, we talk about my finances. He explains that his role in my life is protector, provider, and all claims of being the only man in my life. He notes that he is curious about how I am able to afford my apartment in this upstanding area, along with my car note, school tuition and fees.

  Of course I never let on to him that I am struggling. Jesus has been making a way out of no way for years. He seems to be content with my claims to have everything under control but from that day forward he starts to behave differently. Gavin takes it upon himself to make sure that my gas tank is filled to the rim.

  He has become a regular fixture in my apartment at night. Sometimes he comes only to lie in bed beside me and watch TV as I sleep. Gavin says that when he is at my house that is the only time that he is able to get any real rest.

  Every single time that he leaves, there is money sitting on the corner of the foyer table. I have been a pro at spending well under my means, so this is all new to me. But after a month goes by, I am financially comfortable for the first time since I’ve been on my own.

  Gavin never leaves anything less than one hundred dollars, up to as much as one thousand at the beginning of the new month. I am no longer living from pillar to post. I assume that this is his way of helping me with my rent. Yet every night that he is snuggled up beside me, both of our phones ring back to back all night long.


  No longer having to worry about being one paycheck away from being homeless opens my mind up in ways that I’ve only dreamed about. I start to pay my rent weeks in advance. My entire cable bill is being paid at one time and I have every channel that is available. I am totally feeling myself.

  Five minutes after Gavin comes tonight for his routine visit, I am being carried into my bedroom with my legs wrapped around his waist. I haven’t said the words but he knows that I am giving myself to him.

  He holds and squeezes my ass in the palms of his hands, as if I only weigh five pounds. He then sits me on the bed, while the beautiful Adonis tunes into Pandora 12 Play radio. Afterwards, he lights all of my favorite candles, all around my bedroom. Now with only candle light in the room, I loosen up as a result of the sweet smells.

  Gavin stands in front of me as he slowly undresses himself. Once he is sporting only his birthday suit, I realize that I have way more on my hands and wonder if it’s more than I can handle. The man is built like a linebacker on a Super Bowl worthy football team.

  His dark skin is chiseled to perfection, as if he spends a great amount of time in the gym. His thighs are thicker than my whole body and his feet are just as big. His skin is smooth and creamy, as the candle light bounces off of his perfect body.

  Pulling me to my feet, he begins to undress me. By the time that my C cup breasts are set free, big Gavin is now at attention. The size, girth, thickness, and length are unusually huge. I’m sure that my eyes are as big as saucers right about now. I am very unsure of where all of this meat is supposed to go. The man is most definitely a stallion in every sense of the word.

  Gavin takes gentle care in pulling me into the center of the bed. Without a word, he slowly begins to lick my body from my face on down to my toes. He rubs me down with his big, strong hands and I am intoxicated by just his touch alone.

  Feasting on my breasts seems to be a complete dinner for him. My nipples are like knobs after he is done licking, sucking, and biting. He begins licking a trail with the tip of his tongue, causing me to arch my back in pleasure.

  I am scraping the comforter on my bed. It serves as a grip of protection against the assault that I know he is about to commit on my pussy. Licking my inner thighs and placing soft kisses on the smooth skin where pubic hairs should be, only makes me want to beg him. Then I remember that I am mad at him. I’m not about to let him assault my pussy with his tongue or that monster sized dick.

  He actually has the nerve to laugh when I identify the assailant of my pussy by name so loudly, that all of my neighbors can hear. The tongue game is on fire. I begin to climb up towards the head board, attempting to get away from the madness that he is stirring up inside of me.

  I’m not a virgin but my pussy has not been slayed the way that Gavin is sucking, licking, and gnawing at it. I decide that I don’t need anything else that he has to offer. I try to get off of the bed. I just want to be sure that I can still walk. Only Gavin isn’t having it at all.

  “Where do you think that you are going? You’ve been thinking about this all week! That’s why you’re mad right? You thought that I was giving your dick away. Right?”

  I refuse to answer.

  “I’m telling you right now, if you don’t want me- then put me out right now. Once I get in this, you’re mines.” He licks my clit as continues to talk.

  “Are we official? Do you belong to me and me only?”

  I still refuse to answer. I only open my legs wider.

  I could fuck you and still put your ass out of my house and my life! I run this….not you!

  Gavin crawls between my legs, as if he is a lion about to attack. I’m not ready for the force of the first thrust. I cry out in pain and satisfaction all at the same time. His strokes are long and vicious. I can’t remember my name, let alone whatever it is that he has done to make me mad at him. That shit is over.

  I am on cloud nine and floating gracefully. His dick game is life changing. I am in love. From the top of his head to the soles of his feet, Gavin Brown is mine. I’m not sure who she is but she is going to have to get used to being sister wives, because Kamille isn’t going anywhere!


  I land back into my body, as I begin to feel the pain of what feels like Gavin rearranging my inside organs with the tip of his dick. I try to get him to ease up by pushing him back by the chest and stomach but he refuses.

  “I’m not coming out of this pussy! Damn, this shit feels good.”

  “Wait…..wa….wai….mmmhm…….give me a sec!” I am in trouble.

  I can’t even form a damn sentence. He flips me into the third position. I look down at his hands. He is holding my light skinned thigh with care. He holds on tight, as he continues to smash my purse.

  What the hell is he holding on to me for? Shit! I’m the one being taken on a ride!

  Sometime later, we are on the seventh position, with no signs of stopping soon. According to the clock on my nightstand, Gavin has been digging away in my pussy for forty-five minutes.

  He has been dominating the scene but he needs to know that I’m no lightweight myself. It’s time for me to lay the smack down on his ass too. I politely wrap my legs around his waist again and
then I flip him onto his back, with him still inside of me. I begin to ride the hell out of him, by returning the long vicious strokes that he has been giving me.

  He keeps his oversized hands on my hips and is surprised by my endurance. I push his hands away from my body. Then as if I’m sitting on a sit and spin, I spin around on his still hard pole, with my back facing his face. I lean down and hold onto his ankles, as I began to ride him yet once again. I love this position, plus I can determine which moves are his favorites.

  His toes are now throwing up gang signs, which brings an enormous smile to my face. Not ready for him to cum yet, I quickly change positions again. Spinning with him still inside of me, I lay flat on top of his chest. I stretch my body to the right so that I can whisper in his ear, as he watches my ass cheeks bounce and rotate.

  I feel him lift up his head, in order to get a good look at my plump ass. With the visual and five strokes of twerking on his dick, he cums loud and hard. I am sure that I now have a busted eardrum, he’s hollering so loud.

  After I’ve survived my first anaconda, I am now drained of all energy and thoughts. Gavin has my nose wide open. He gets up to blow the candles out and then comes and gets back into bed. For the first time ever, the king sized bed doesn’t feel so big.

  Gavin drifts off to sleep with me wrapped in his arms. I’ve never been the type to immediately fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. So I lay awake for a while, thinking of where this gorgeous man has been all week that he’s been missing. He still hasn’t even offered me an explanation but he seems as if he’s gotten some sort of revelation.

  My mind begins to come back to reality. The man is here with me now and he is holding on to me for dear life. Whatever he’s been doing, he’s been missing me obviously. I am a grown woman. So I need to keep my emotions in check and be prepared for the worst, should it come my way.

  I want Gavin in my life. I won’t beg, nag, or be demanding. When the time is right, I know in my heart that he’ll put me in the position that I deserve to be in. I have faith that God won’t allow this man to bring me heartache.

  But at the same time, I need him either way. I want for Gavin to teach me things about men, sex, and love. Even if he breaks my heart in the process, it won’t be in vain. No matter how long it doesn’t last, the pain will be worth it all.


  When Gavin comes back, he is all in. He is just as dedicated as he was in the very beginning, if not even more. One Saturday he suggests that we get out of the house and go to the mall.

  Only I have no idea that he means the mall in Tempe, which is the biggest mall in Arizona and is also totally out of the way. Inside of his pearl white Escalade, we bond even more on our lovely mini road trip.

  Once we get to the mall, he splurges on everything that he wants for me to have as far as work, casual, going out clothing, and shoes. He even picks out some bra and panty sets that he wants to wonder about later.

  Money doesn’t impress me but what does impress me is that I’ve never said a word about needing anything to him, even though the new clothing is desired. I guess that I’ve gotten used to the goal of graduation. I always have known that I can shop more once I am done with school.

  My heart opens and makes a space for him to live. The way I feel in my soul about how he cares for me is absolutely mind boggling. Gavin pays attention to Kamille the woman, not Kamille the pretty face. The more items that I reject, the more he that he picks up.

  “What are you saying, Kamille? A man can’t take his woman shopping when he wants to?”

  “Oh, so I’m your woman now, huh?”

  “Yes Kamille Foster you are my woman. Now what?

  “Nothing Big Daddy, I hear you.”

  The mini shopping spree is paid for in cash. I want to ask why he has so much cash on him but I decide against it. That isn’t my business at this point of our relationship. Hell. .. I have just found out that we are even in a committed relationship.

  There is no need to kill the mood by getting all up in his business. He’s obviously made plans and is prepared for any possible outcome.

  We make it back to Chandler in record timing. He apologizes for having to leave so suddenly but he says that there is an emergency with his daughter. He’s gotten all of my bags into the apartment, kisses me, and literally runs off. His behavior is strange and I can’t help but to be worried.

  I carry all of my bags into my bedroom and then I call Jai. When she answers, I put her on speaker, so that I can work and talk.

  “What’s going on with you Miss Busy Body? Sweet chocolate has your ass super busy these days!”

  “His name is Gavin and I’m the only one that can call him sweet chocolate. Besides, Girl hush that mess that you’re talking. I still do the same things that I always do!”

  “The hell you do! You know the streets be talking right?” Jai is a character when it comes to making fun of my life.

  “And what are the streets saying about Kamille Foster now?”

  “They say that Kam was in Tempe shopping like she’d just hit the pic three lottery!”

  “Damn, people need to learn how to mind their own business! I just got back! I ain’t been home but ten minutes.”

  “Well I’m just glad my lil cuzzo has someone that will spoil her like that. I told your ass he is a keeper! You are getting no love from your parents. All you have is me and the kids. So I really pray that this is your chance at something close to what I once shared with Ryan.

  Every woman needs a love like that, even if it doesn’t last but for a short period of time like ours was. That’s the kind of love everyone walking the earth needs to experience. It looks, sounds, and smells like he’s going to be long term in your life and I am happy for you.”

  I can hear the quiver in her voice.

  “You’d better not start crying! I can’t do this with you today!”

  “I’m just saying, if anyone deserves to be loved, Kam, it’s you Mama!”

  “Well cuzzo we might just be getting our wish. He’s doing all the right things, he’s saying the right things, and I feel like he is sincere.”

  “Yass Hunni! The Gods are pleased.


  Before I need a bartender, I get off the phone with my big cousin. She has my emotions all mixed up. I take all of the tags off of my goodies and then I put them away. Thinking about everything that I don’t have, isn’t a good thing to do when I am alone.

  Especially, since I have been alone my entire life. I’d even felt all alone when I lived with my mom. My mother has never even stepped foot into my apartment and I’ve been living here for almost three years now. If nothing else, Gavin makes noise in the house. I’ve been content with it being eerily quiet before him. But now I know that I can never go back to being the old Kamille without needing some serious therapy.

  I have no idea where in the world my dad could be. I probably can’t even pick him out of a line up. It’s all too much for my teenaged brain to comprehend. The answer to how parents thought that they could stop parenting me at sixteen can’t be worked out today.

  Graduating early had been my choice to get away and into my own stable environment away from my mother and drop in father. I’ve used my fake identification to secure the loan for my car and the lease on my apartment.

  No one but Jai and my parents know that I can’t legally buy a beer. Clara never asks where I live or what I do for money. She is too self-absorbed with trying to impress her pastor, in the hopes of becoming a first lady instead. That is all that her mind can seem to focus on.

  I need love in my life and Gavin has clearly helped me to see that. If I never get another kiss from him my life, it will not be the same. I need him. It’s high time that I let him know it too.

  I decide that the next time I’m face to face with him- I’m going to give him the shock of his life. Sitting comfortably in my newly decorated living room, I get a text message from the angel himself. My smile makes my cheeks hurt.

p; Gavin: What u doing, Ma?

  Me: Watching TV. Wbu?

  Gavin: Get ready for a night out

  Me; Commands now, no questions huh?

  Gavin: You have a man now

  Me: And?’

  Gavin: I lead and you know u r all good

  Me: I see

  Gavin: c u @ 9’

  No need to lie to myself. Gavin doesn’t bother to ask me out because I really don’t have a choice in the matter. He has paid the cost to be the boss. Kamille is going out on a Saturday night without a blood line relative for the first time.

  Now I guess you grown, huh?

  I hate getting dressed with no clue as to where I am going. Gavin already knows that I’m not a big fan of clubs, so I am more than positive that we aren’t going to one tonight. High-waist slacks, kill-em top, and a pair of bad ass heels are my weapons to slay for the night.

  After an oil bath and putting big, loose curls in my hair, I am irritated that I kind of favor Neka, of all people. The outfit is a carbon copy of her style of dress. I need to put my pure stamp of class on it now, so I decide to add a designer label blazer.

  I pour myself a glass of wine to ease my nerves, while I wait on my Knight in shining armor.


  Like always, Gavin is right on time, never one to keep his woman waiting. When I open the door I see that our outfits are very coordinated and on point. Anyone would think that we’d gotten dressed in the same house. While our colors aren’t an obvious match, we still complement each other to a tee.

  I have to put yet another dozen of roses in water before we leave the house. In his truck we chat for hours, as we make the long ride to Vegas. I appreciate that Gavin doesn’t party too much in Chandler.


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