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Marco Page 6

by Delia Petrano

  “I’ll be right back.” She nods her head. A few seconds later the door opens.

  “Erika it’s good to see you again.” They both said in unison.

  “Likewise.” Erika hugs them both.

  “Why are the Devils here?” One of them said angrily.

  “Calm down Joseph.” Erika says.

  “How can I calm down when they are trying to take what’s mine?” Joseph says with anger.

  “Joseph they don’t want your territory they have their own. Why would they want it for?”

  “That’s what we said.”

  “Dalson, what did I say?” Dalson sighs as he walks away.

  “Do you have Paul, he’s one of the Devils and apart of my family?”

  “No we don’t.” They both said in unison.

  “They could be lying.” Devin and I yell.” Both brothers glare at us. Erika turns around to face us and she looks pissed.

  “If you can’t shut up then go to the bikes and let me deal with this.”

  “You really think I’m going to leave you in someone else’s territory?”

  “She’s in no danger here.” Both brothers said.

  “I’m not in danger I’m always in their territory.”

  “Yes you are but you never visit.”

  “Sorry about that Elijah, I promise the next time I’m around I’ll visit. Who was the person who told you that the Devils were after your territory?” Erika ask.

  “The Clarks.” Erika sighs.

  “You have to be kidding.”

  “I’m guessing you know them.” Elijah says.

  “Sadly I do. Thank you for your help.” Erika hugs the brothers.

  “You’re welcome do you need back up?” Joseph ask.

  “No we are good thanks for asking.”

  “I guess you are all good, two rivals MC that is no longer rivals is a strong team.” Erika smiles at them.

  “Yes it is but three MC is a undefeatable team.” They laugh.

  “You know we got your back, you will always be a part of the Dragons remember that.” Joseph says with a smile. Erika hugs them goodbye and we get back to our bikes.

  “Dalson, the Clarks have Paul.”

  “You have to be kidding me! For what fucking reason?” Dalson looks so damn irritated that it makes me irritated. We got on our bikes and we followed Dalson to where ever we are going. Dalson stops at a old gated building.

  “Is this the place?” I ask Dalson. He cocks his gun and that answers my question.

  “I'll take that as a yes.” We all get our guns ready, as Erika picks the lock on the gate.

  “Devin and I will take care of the guys outside, the rest of you go inside and find Pauly.” We nod our heads. As we run in Erika and Devin start shooting. Dalson barges into the building shooting at anyone and everyone, standing right beside him I start shooting. Dalson breaks a door down and his face drops.

  “Oh my god Pauly are you okay?” That was the first time I ever heard Dalson call him that, he rushes inside and I kept on shooting whoever walks in the building. I walk in the room where Paul is being held. He is bleeding from different places, I can’t tell which one is worse.

  “Are you okay Pauly answer me damn it.” I never heard Dalson sound scared in my life and it’s making me freak out.

  “Paul, I swear to god if you don’t answer his question I won't forgive you.” I yelled.

  “I’m okay will you both stop yelling, I’m fine.”

  “Thank god.” Dalson hugs Paul tightly.

  “Dalson not so tight.”

  “Sorry.” I saw a shadow pass by I turn to see a man with a gun in his hands and I shoot him in the chest.

  “I told you, you won’t make it out of here alive.” Dalson start to untie Paul from the chair, Erika walks in then rushes to Paul right when he gets up.

  “I’m fine Erika, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere the cuts are not that bad.” Erika glares at him.

  “Okay maybe two are bad.”

  “Let's get you out of here.”

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Dalson says with a smile, I help Dalson walk Paul out of the building and to our bikes I should've bought my car instead.

  “We need to take you to the hospital.”


  “What do you mean no?”

  “Marco, I have my own personal nurse I don’t need to go the hospital. When do any of us even go to the hospital?”

  “He has a point none of us go unless it’s serious.”

  “Who’s the nurse?” I ask.

  “That would be me, just like old times right Pauly.” Erika says with a small smile.

  “What does that mean Erika?”

  “Out of all the boys I stitched up Pauly had the most he was a wild child so to speak.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “Hey I’m not that bad.” Paul rolls his eyes and I shake my head.

  “Do you have enough strength to hold on to me while I take you home?” I ask.

  “Yeah I can. Oh Dalson what did you want to talk about?”

  “We can talk about it later when you’re better.” Dalson says with small smile something is up I wonder what it is.

  “Are you sure it sounded important?’

  “Yes I’m sure it can wait a few days.” Paul nods his head then wraps his arms around me. it feels great, knowing that he's okay and safe it’s a great fucking feeling I never want to go through that again. When we get to Paul’s house Dalson helps me get Paul into his room. Erika walks in with her first aid kit. She doesn’t go anywhere without it.

  “Do you need help taking off your shirt and pants?” Erika asks.

  “I’m fine I got it.” Paul slowly takes off his pants, if he wasn’t hurt I would of thought that was sexy as hell. Paul has a few stab wounds on both of his thighs. He tries to take off his shirt and he winces in pain, it’s all over his face.

  “Stop you’re going to hurt yourself more than you already are.” I walked over to him and slowly help him take off his shirt. He has a deep stab wound on his side, if these bastards weren’t dead already I would kill them for this. Erika starts cleaning his wounds and he winces everytime. I start pacing the room, I feel like I’m a trapped tiger in a cage, I need to get out of here and get some fresh air. When I get to the door I felt eyes on me.

  “Where are you going Marco?” Paul asks in a sad tone.

  “There’s a little girl who has been worried about you. By the time Erika is done you will be laying down in that bed with a little girl staring at you making sure you are okay.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Who fucking knows at this point.

  “I promised her that I would bring you home and since I can’t I’ll bring her to you.” I glance back and he has a cute smile on his face and that makes me relax a bit. When I get out of the room the breath I was holding in this whole time releases. I get on my bike and ride as fast as I can to get home. Riding this fast always makes me clear my head. When I walk through the door Emily runs full force towards me. I pick her up and kiss her all over her face.

  “How is Paul?” Rain asks in a serious tone.

  “He’s okay a little hurt but nothing he can’t handle.”

  “That’s good. The problem was dealt with.”

  “Yes it was.”

  “Good to hear.”

  “Daddy can we go see Pauly pleaseeee?”

  “I think he would like that.”

  “Yayyyy.” Emily wiggles in my arms. She always puts a smile on my face even when I have a rough day, I love this little girl more than life itself.

  “Emily get your shoes on.” Emily runs off in her room.

  “Thanks for watching her.” Rain just brushes off my thanks like usual.

  “I love babysitting my niece.It’s not a problem we had a lot of fun today she beat my ass in cards like usual and I starting to teach her how to play poker.” I start laughing.

  “She not even five yet and y
ou’re teaching her how to play poker.” Rain starts laughing with me.

  “Yes I am, and she’s going to kick everyone’s ass when she gets older. I’m telling you, she’s a genus with cards man.” I laugh he’s not lying at all she is a mastermind when it comes to cards.

  “I agree one hundred percent with you.”

  “Daddy I’m ready.”

  “Give Paul my regards.”

  “Will do.” I grab Emily and place her in her car seat.


  Two Days Ago

  The door opens and the middle age brother walks in again, I’m getting tired of seeing his fucking face.

  “Where's my money?”

  “Fuck you and your brothers.” He stabs me on my right side and it hurts like a bitch. Gunshots go off, and a smile appears on my face it’s about damn time.

  “Get outside.” One of the brothers yells as the door slams close, more shoots go off. My eyes start getting heavy, I close them for a second before the door bursts open.

  “Oh my god Pauly are you okay?” My eyes slowly start to open.

  “Paul I swear to god if you don’t answer his question I won't forgive you.” Marco yells.

  “I’m okay will you both stop yelling, I’m fine.” Knowing that Marco is worried means a lot, things have been very complicated for awhile.

  “Thank god.” Dalson hugs me tightly and I wince.

  “Dalson not so tight.”


  While Erika is stitching me up Marco is pacing like he’s trapped in a damn cage or something. He starts walking towards the door, and I start to panic.

  “Where are you going Marco?” I ask in a sad tone that I tried to hide, but failed.

  “There’s a little girl who has been worried about you, by the time Erika is done, you will be laying down in that bed with a little girl staring at you making sure that you are okay.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” I don’t want her to see me like this.

  “I promised her that I would bring you home and since I can’t I’ll bring her to you.” Even if I try to hide the smile that appears on my face I would fail so why try to hide anything anymore. Marco leaves, I look at Erika and she is smiling brightly like usual.

  “What is it?”

  “You and Marco are very cute when are you guys going to make it official already?” Erika ask with a knowing smile.

  “I don’t know, but we are on good terms so that’s a start.” Erika nods her head. I close my eyes and wince every time she starts to stitch me up.

  “Alright, keep them clean…”

  “And covered, I know the drill.”

  “You should know, but you never follow my directions.” I smirk.

  “I promise I’ll take it easy.”

  “You better these wonces are not good ones Pauly. I know why you lied, but please take it easy.” I kiss Erika’s cheek and smile.

  “I promise.” Erika kisses my cheek then leaves, I close my eyes until I hear that sweet voice that I love to hear.

  “Pauly how are you feeling?” I open my eyes and smile at Emily.

  “I’m fine Emily. I just have some boo boos, come here.” I pat the bed next to me. She climbs on the bed and puts her head on my chest lightly.

  “I’m happy that you’re okay Pauly, daddy was very upset this morning and I was scared something bad happened to you.”

  “I know sweetie and I’m sorry you were scared but I’m right here safe and sound.” I look up at Marco and he release she breath he’s been holding since he walked in. I pat the other side of my bed but he hesitates. I tilt my head to the side and he slowly walks towards me.

  “Emily do you want to watch Paw Patrol?” I ask and she gets very excited.

  “Yes I do.” Marco grabs the remote and hands it to me. I put on Paw Patrol for Emily, she lays back down. I grab Marco’s hand and pull him down on the bed. Marco wraps an arm around me and I snuggle into him, I feel his body relax with mine. I glance at Emily and she was sleeping by the end of the first episode. I looked up at Marco and he looks down at me, I grab the back of Marco’s neck and pull him to me until our lips touch. Marco puts both his hands on my face and pulls me closer to his body. He slides his tongue into my mouth and sucks on my tongue, I moan into his mouth. He’s kissing me like I’m going to disappear. I break the kiss then stare into his eyes.

  “I’m okay Marco, I’m alive you don’t need to worry anymore.”

  “I’m always going to worry about you whether you’re right by my side or not. I love you Paul and I would do anything to keep you and my family safe. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I would’ve lost you today.” I place my hands on his cheeks.

  “You don’t have to worry about that I’m not going anywhere. You and Emily mean the world to me and I will keep you both safe no matter what, I love you Marco with everything I have in me.” I lean in and kiss him softly.

  Two Days Later

  Walking into Dalson’s room he looks stressed and is holding a piece of paper in his hand.

  “Alright Dalson what’s got you all stressed out for the last two, three days?” Dalson hands me the paper and I start reading it.

  Dear Dalson,

  Hey Dalson it’s Emma. I hope you still remember me, I use to hang out with you and the family of yours. I need your help I’m in big trouble and please don’t tell nobody just the family. Make sure to tell Erika she will be the only one who can find me. I will leave her hints letting her know if I’m safe or not. I know it’s been a long time but I can really use your help Dalson. You always said if I need anything to let you know well I am now. I’m going to stay on the run for awhile but I’ll leave clues for Erika so she can keep track of me and when I know it’s safe I will come to you.

  Love Emma

  I lower the paper then look at it again.

  “Oh fuck.”

  “Yeah no wonder you been so fucking stressed out lately. Did you tell the guys?”

  “Told them this morning.”

  “How about Erika?” He sighs, that’s a no.

  “Haven’t gotten to her yet, she’s not going to like this, not at all.” I shake my head. This is not good. Emma is the only girl that very got Dalson’s attention, we haven’t seen her since her piece of shit father took her and moved out of the state, this is not good but I do know this we will protect her at all cost.

  “We need to tell Erika now, she needs to start looking for Emma now.”

  “I know let’s go.” We got into Dalson’s car and I just close my eyes to rest for a bit. It’s only been two days since the whole thing with the Clarks went down, I’m healing just not fast enough. When the car stops I open my eyes. Dalson looks at me with I don’t want to do this look and I don’t blame him at all. We walk into the Scorpions compound and see Erika sitting on the coach. When Erika spots us she gets up and hugs us both.

  “Hey guy what’s going on?” We look at each other then back at her.

  “What is it this time?” And that’s how we never got away with anything and neither will her kids. Dalson hands Erika the letter and she reads it.

  “What the fuck! Can none of us just stay out of trouble?”

  “No, no we can’t, it’s not how we work.” I tell her.

  “I know but still this is getting out of control.” That’s when the guys come out.

  “What’s going on?” They ask in unison. I look at Dalson and he shrugs his shoulders.

  “Can one of you bring me my laptop?” Marco grabs Erika laptop and hands it to her. Erika sits on the couch and Dalson and I sit next to her.

  “Will one of you tell us what’s going on?” Devin asks with a strong tone.

  “She did say family only.” I tell them.

  “Storm do you remember Emma?”

  “The cute girl that you hung out with all the time until like sophomore year when she went MIA.”

  “Yes that’s the one. Well her dad is a complete dick and was very abusive; he took her and
left the state without a word or trace not until now. She sent Dalson a letter asking for help and we are going to help her.” I give them the note.


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