Flirting with Disaster

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Flirting with Disaster Page 4

by Andra Lake

Even though there were many.

  “Do you understand?” he repeated.

  “Yes,” I muttered petulantly.

  “Good.” He straightened and looked down on me, his eyes still full of warning. “I’m done with that part of our...relationship. Whatever the hell this is.”

  “I thought you made that clear on my birthday. It’s nothing and never will be.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “You’re not the only one confused here, Lex.”

  “Well what do you think this is?” I asked softly. My eyes fell on his hand wrapped tightly around his backpack strap. It was the same hand that had been holding the paddle.

  I shivered. This guy knew intimate parts of me—both physically and emotionally. In some ways, he knew more about me than anyone else.

  His finger moved under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him. “It’s not up to me. It never has been.”

  I swallowed. “I like you.”

  His lips twitched. “I already know that, sweetheart. That’s not what I mean.”

  I glanced to my right at the stream of people walking past. Some paused mid-stride to check us out. That’s what it would be like if Ian and I were to start a “relationship”: constant gawkers and bitchy girls that didn’t think I was good enough for him.

  “Look at me.”

  My head snapped to face him again, and he smiled. He was completely unaware of the people around us, his eyes only on me.

  “What do you mean by it’s never been up to you?” I whispered.

  He reached out and trailed a finger along my jaw. “I have no control over how I feel about you. From the moment I saw you rushing toward me orientation day, I’ve wanted you. Intensely. Forgive the TMI in my next sentence, but repeated ministrations in the shower have done nothing to relieve that.”

  My mouth dropped open and he chuckled.

  “I like everything about you,” he continued in a low voice, his fingers moving to trail along my arm. “From your tiny arms and legs to that skittish look in your eye just before you run. But I don’t want you to run from me anymore.”

  I didn’t want to either. All I wanted was to give into the urges I felt between us.

  “So it’s worth the risk.” He took a deep breath. “Come to my place tonight. Nine. We’ll work on that group project.”

  “I was hoping it would be more one-on-one instruction,” I said, the anticipation rushing through my veins making me brave. “You know, like a tutoring session.”

  “Tutoring in what, exactly?”

  I looked up at him through my lashes. “Whatever you want to teach me.”

  He inhaled roughly. “There are a lot of things I want to teach you.”

  I bit my lip and reached out, slipped my hand under his shirt to feel the treasure trail of hair along his lower stomach. He tensed at my touch, his breath increasing.

  “I’m counting on that.”

  “Shit,” he breathed and grasped my hand, removing it from his stomach. “That’s so not fair. We’re in the middle of the damn hallway.” His voice was deep, husky.

  I’d entirely forgotten. Around us people had slowed their walk, watching and waiting to see what would happen next. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and looked up at him before leaving.

  “See you at nine.”


  I was a nervous wreck. Gone was the confident girl—no, woman—from the hallway, and in her place was the regular Alexis Watson: tiny, shy, and completely inexperienced.

  I stood in front of the mirror in my room and cocked my head to the side. Instead of my usual jeans and chucks, I was wearing a jean skirt and sandals. It was the beginning of October but the weather was still warm, and tonight of all nights I wanted to look feminine. I’d fussed with my hair until it bugged me just looking at it, and then tied it up in a ponytail.

  Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag full of History of Music materials and headed out the door. I felt guilty, carrying my school stuff as a cover when I was really going to meet Ian and...what exactly? I hadn’t really thought it through. All I knew was that I wanted him. I was eighteen now, and there was nothing holding me back. I liked Ian—a lot—and from the way he reacted around me, I was pretty damn certain he liked me too. There wasn’t anything else I needed to consider beyond that.

  My limbs began to vibrate with excitement as I neared his door. In the RC lounge, Candice and Paul were locked in a game of foosball. Candice saw me and smiled briefly before returning her focus to the game.

  See? No one cares what you’re doing.

  I held the strap of my messenger bag tighter and knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” he called, sounding casual and upbeat.

  With a quick glance at the other RCs, who were still lost in their game, I turned the handle and stepped in. Ian was in the kitchen cleaning dishes in the sink, a towel slung over his shoulder. His tight T-shirt accentuated the muscles that rippled along his back as he wiped the towel over the pot and placed it upside down on the drying tray.

  “Sorry, just finishing up.” He turned and leaned back against the counter, gripping the edges with both hands. His gaze raked over me from head to foot and he smiled in approval. “You look sexy.”

  I smiled and ducked my head shyly. “Thanks. I brought these summer clothes and realized I haven’t been wearing them.”

  “I like the skirt.”

  I stepped further into the kitchen, still gripping my bag tightly. My legs felt weaker than usual, jelly-like. I was aware of his eyes as they roamed over me, pausing slightly on my bare legs. It was a decent sized kitchen with a small circular table and a large closet with a washer and dryer. I was instantly jealous.

  Ian straightened and held out his hand. “Come, I’ll give you the tour. Though it will be very short.”

  I took his hand and his warm strong fingers engulfed mine. Shivers tingled up my arm from his touch, and I wondered if he felt it too.

  “So you’ve seen the study,” he said as we passed through. “If you want to, you can put your bag down on my desk.”

  I paused to do so and he took my hand again before leading me into the next room.

  Everything changed when we stepped into his bedroom. It was as if the air was different. The tension rose between us, accentuating our every movement. I could feel his heartbeat through the palm of his hand and when he spoke, his voice was deep and husky.

  The room was massive. Directly in front of us was a Queen bed with matching dark wood night tables, and on a stand beside the bed were two guitars. To the left of the bedroom was a separate living room area with a leather couch and large, flat screen television. Resting on the couch was a silver MacBook Air.

  I released Ian’s hand almost reluctantly and walked into the center of the room, taking it all in. “Wow, this is a really nice place.”

  “It is,” he agreed.

  “Is this your furniture?” I asked, running my hand along the sleek wood of his headboard. It was so masculine and so grown up for a college student. In fact, all of his furniture was. If I didn’t know he and his family had money before, I would have known it now.

  “Yes.” He was behind me, his breath warm on the back of my neck. He leaned in and pressed his lips to my exposed skin. “Everything in this room is mine.”

  I shivered and turned to face him, suddenly finding it hard to look him in the eye. Before I could think it through, I asked, “How many...girls have been in here?”

  The corner of his mouth quirked up and his hand moved to the back of my head, his fingers entwining themselves in my hair. “Only you.”

  I sucked in a breath. My hand went to his forearm, suddenly craving his support to stand. As if sensing this, he walked us to his couch, moved his laptop out of the way. He sat down on the leather surface and pulled me between his legs. At his gentle guidance, I sunk to my knees on the soft carpet in front of him, and then his lips were on mine, his hands on my back pulling me close.

  All my nervousness left me th

en as I returned his kiss, our breathing becoming one. I longed to grasp his dark waves, to pull his mouth closer to mine if it was possible. My hands moved under his shirt again, exploring his warm flesh and tight muscle. Mouth still on his, I pushed his shirt up his sides and over his head, tossed it on the ground beside us.

  “Now it’s your turn, sweetheart.” His hands moved to the hem of my shirt and he paused. I nodded slightly and slowly, gently, he peeled the fabric over my head until I was wearing only my black bra and skirt.

  “I love your skin,” he said, running his fingers over the goosebumped flesh of my arms. “It’s so soft.”

  I eyed the hardness of his chest, realizing how opposite we were. Tall, short. Large, small. Hard, soft. With Kevin these differences had scared me, mostly because I hadn’t been attracted to him. With Ian it was completely different—I found myself wanting to let myself go. To give myself to him.

  He sat back on the couch and eyed me, his eyes darkening as his fingers went to the button on his jeans.

  “I think you owe me.”

  My mouth felt suddenly dry and I licked my lips. I knew exactly what he was referring to: the night I’d run out on him.

  “I do, do I?”


  His eyes were still on me, dark and demanding, and almost daring me to contradict him. I’d never done what I assumed Ian was suggesting. The only time I’d come close was in a bedroom at a high school party, and it had been terrible. Kevin had attempted to force me to blow him and the only reason I’d gotten out of it was because my friend had come down the hall looking for us.

  For some reason with Ian, I was excited.

  He unzipped his jeans and then pushed down the waistband of his boxer-briefs, and his cock sprung free. He gripped it with one hand, stroking absently as he studied me. “I haven’t decided what I want to teach you yet.”

  My heart rate increased rapidly, the familiar heat building between my legs. There was nothing for me to say, I knew that—I had to wait for his instructions.

  He was still stroking himself gently. “I liked the way you looked bent over that bed. I’ve fantasized a lot about it since.”

  I flushed and glanced down at my bare knees, no longer able to look him in the eye.

  “Face away from me on all fours,” he said in a low voice.

  Without looking at him, I turned around and planted my hands on the ground. The wetness between my legs intensified the moment my fingers dug into the soft carpet. I couldn’t believe I was doing what he said, getting into such a vulnerable position so he could gawk at me. I knew he could see the backs of my legs all the way up to my black panties, and I only hoped he couldn’t see the wetness soaking the thin fabric.

  “Good girl. You’ve passed the first lesson.”

  I flushed with equal parts pride and embarrassment. What were we doing? Why was I listening to him?

  “Now I want you to bend forward even more and place your right cheek on the carpet. Spread your legs.”

  I obeyed, closing my eyes as I bent even lower and turned my head to the side. He could see my face now. I could no longer hide what I was feeling.

  “Beautiful. Now, using both hands, I want you to reach behind you and grasp your panties, pull them down for me.”

  Oh God. The beating in my heart mirrored itself between my legs as I reached behind back with both hands, balancing on my shoulders. I hooked my fingers into the sides of my panties and pulled them down my legs until I was entirely exposed. I kept my fingers on them, afraid to move my hands back by my head in case that went against what he wanted.

  Ian exhaled roughly. “Good girl. You look so fucking beautiful.” The couch squeaked as he shifted forward.

  My breathing intensified. It sounded shaky, loud. Was he going to fuck me? If he was, I wasn’t going to stop him. I’d known there was a chance it could happen when I’d made the decision to come here.

  Instead, his fingers gently dipped into my cleft, sliding forward to my clit and then back to the entrance of my pussy. It felt so good and I pushed myself into his fingers, encouraging him. I felt so naughty, so slutty lying there while he felt me up—and I wanted more. I didn’t care if that made me a slut or how I looked. In fact, the whole idea of letting him treat me like this was inexplicably making me hotter. Even my breasts felt heavy, and I knew if I opened my mouth, I’d beg him to take me.

  “You like that,” he said, circling my clit. His hand moved back and then he inserted his fingers inside me. I groaned, tightening around him as he began moving in and out, in and out, until I was dripping wet and ready.

  His hand pulled away and I moaned in disappointment.

  “Turn around and get back on your knees before me.”

  I released my panties and pushed myself back up, hurrying to turn around and face him again. He grasped the base of his cock and pushed it forward, tilting it toward me. I didn’t need any further instruction; I bent down and took it in my mouth. His hand moved to my ponytail, holding it tightly. I wasn’t sure what would feel good for him, so I tightened my lips and let him guide me up and down, licking his length at the same time.

  “Fuck, Lex,” he said in a deep voice. “You’re just like me. I want you so bad.”

  I wasn’t really sure what he meant, but I was too lost to care. Never had I thought I’d actually enjoy sucking a guy off. My nipples felt hard against the material of my bra and I longed to put a finger between my legs, pleasure myself while I pleasured him.

  “I’ve been imagining you on your knees sucking my dick ever since you left me at that party. Have to say the real thing is much better.”

  I closed my eyes against the memory. I bet he had.

  Suddenly he released me. “I have an idea.” He slid off the couch and lay on the ground. “Strip and get on top of me. I’m going to lick you while you suck me off.”

  I hesitated. No one had ever done that to me before.

  “Do what I asked, Lex,” he said in a warning tone. “You’ve been so good up until now.”

  Under his gaze, I slipped out of my skirt and moved to straddle him, but he shook his head.

  “I want you completely naked.”

  I bit back from pointing out that he was still wearing his jeans and unclasped my bra, letting my breasts fall free.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured softly.

  I paused a moment, reveling in the feel of his eyes on me, and then crawled on top of him, getting into position on all fours. His hands went to my hips and he guided me down, his tongue darting out to touch between my legs.

  The feeling was indescribable. Way better than the feel of his fingers, as wonderful as that had been. I hurried to take his cock, holding it with one hand while I wrapped my lips around it.

  After that I was completely run by sensation. Someone could have walked in on us and I would have continued, desperate to give Ian what he craved and feeling the sentiment reciprocated with every flick of his tongue.

  As the feeling between my legs intensified, I bobbed faster on his cock, taking it further into my throat, desperate to help him find release at the same time as me. It took all my willpower not to gyrate against him.

  “I’m close,” I whispered urgently.

  “Me too.”

  “I want you so bad too,” I moaned before taking him in my mouth again. God, I could live with his cock in my mouth.

  I felt a slight twitch under my hand and then cum was shooting up his shaft and into the back of my throat. The knowledge he’d come pushed me over the edge and I came too, shaking hard. Ian’s fingers clenched into my hips, holding me down on his face as he continued the movements with his tongue.

  “Please, stop,” I begged. “It’s too much.”

  He released me then, groaning as I took the last of him in my mouth, swallowing quickly and licking him clean. I rolled off him and he put his arm out, an invitation to snuggle, and I gratefully scooted inside. His arm instantly tightened around me and I rested my head on his chest.
  “Holy shit,” he breathed, staring at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling. “That was... Holy shit, Lex.”

  “I know,” I whispered, my eyes on his chest. But I wasn’t really seeing it. I was still coming down from the high, the delicious feeling still pulsing between my legs.

  His arm tightened around me again and he kissed the top of my head. “I’m going to grab us a blanket.”

  He stood up, and I rolled onto my side in a fetal position, resting my head on my arm. For some reason, I had no desire to pull on my clothes and hide. Besides, my limbs still felt like jelly. I doubted I could crawl.

  Ian returned a moment later with his duvet, halting to stare down at me. “You’re so beautiful. Do you know that?”

  I turned my head to look up at him. His jeans were still hanging open, exposing his grey boxer-briefs underneath. I loved the way they rested against his taut stomach.

  “And you’re like the sexiest guy alive. Are you a model or something?”

  He chuckled and moved back into his old position, guiding me to rest on his chest again as he covered us with the duvet. “Seriously, though—I read a woman lying on her side is the sexiest position, and in your case it’s definitely true. I wish I could take a picture and show it off to all my friends.”

  “You’d better not!” I said and punched him playfully. He caught my fist easily and brought it up to his lips to kiss.

  “Nah, I’m too possessive. That’s a sight for my eyes only.”

  Warmth spread through me. I couldn’t believe I was where I was: lying in Ian’s arms, the heat of his body warming mine. I never wanted to move.

  “Good old fashioned 69.” Ian shook his head, amused. “I haven’t done that since high school.”

  I swallowed. “Why didn’t you...” I let my question trail off, feeling suddenly embarrassed for asking.

  He grinned and turned his head to face me. “Why didn’t I what? Sleep with you?”

  I nodded, biting my lip.

  His grin widened before he gently pressed his lips to my forehead. “Because I’m trying to take it slow with you, believe it or not,” he confessed. “Everything is different with you. Usually I would go straight to sleeping with a girl. And even that was never as intense as what we’ve done.”


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