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Tight Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  I moaned softly. I knew what this was. He was marking me, claiming his ownership. He felt threatened where Isaac was concerned.

  I pulled back but kept my arms wound around his waist. I tipped my head and looked into his eyes, having so much to say, yet finding no words.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked softly, only loud enough for me to hear.

  I nodded. “I’m fine. But I want you to know that Isaac is nothing more than a friend. You don’t have to feel threatened by him.” I rose up and kissed him before he could grumble out a response.

  I wasn’t going to tell him Isaac was gay, because that wasn’t mine to say. But I felt in Roman’s body as he relaxed against me that my answer was good enough for him. I was glad he didn’t fight me on this, although I couldn’t deny that having him be so possessive of me was a thrill.

  I finally pulled back and felt my lips tingle, the blood rushing to the surface. “But I have to tell Isaac about us. Especially since you decided to mark your territory in front of him.” I started chuckling and he growled low. That sound had desire rushing through me all over again.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” he murmured and leaned in to kiss me once more. “I had to make it known you were mine.”

  My toes curled, and I melted against him.

  “Now, you ready for me to take you back to my place and really show you that you’re mine?”

  Heat rushed through me.

  The arousal washed over his face instantly and he curled his fingers around my hips and pulled me impossibly closer. I felt the hard outline of his desire for me press against my belly, and a gush of wetness left me.

  I wasn’t going to think about anything else, worry about anything more tonight. All I was going to focus on was being with Roman and how he made me feel.

  Because at the end of the day that’s what really mattered.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The next day

  I sat across from Isaac and watched as he picked through his cheeseburger, taking off all the toppings and setting them on the side of the plate. “Why don’t you just order your cheeseburger plain?” I teased him, and he glanced up at me, smirking.

  “Because, strangely enough, I don’t like all the shit on here, but I like how the burger tastes with all the juices.”

  I furrowed my brow and burst out laughing. “That’s weird as hell, Isaac. You know that, right?” He looked up at me and grinned before shrugging. He picked up his burger and took a big bite.

  I looked down at my own cheeseburger and fries, picking up one of them and dipping it in my ketchup. But I wasn’t hungry. I was about to tell Isaac about Roman and me. He was the first person I would have admitted how I felt to.

  It was scary but also a little exciting. I knew Isaac wouldn’t judge me. I knew he’d be supportive, but that didn’t stop me from being nervous.

  “Do you want me to start the conversation?” I looked up at Isaac after he spoke, dropping the fry back onto the plate and leaning against the booth.

  “Well, I assume you pretty much know what this is all about, between Roman and me last night. I mean, he did kiss me right in front of you.” I felt my cheeks heat and I looked away, feeling embarrassed, put on the spot.

  I was feeling awkward that Roman had kissed me in front of Isaac because I wasn’t used to that kind of attention. When I said Roman was my first everything, I had meant just that. So, all the public displays of affection he gave me weren’t something I was accustomed to.

  “Kennedy. Relax,” Isaac said and smiled. “I’m here to listen. No judgment zone, okay?”

  I took a deep breath and nodded. “When I first moved to town, from the first time I saw Roman, I wanted him. Every time I saw him, we spoke, I saw who he really was, not just a reputation that everyone whispered about.” I looked down at my uneaten food. “He’s smart and has a warm heart. He’s a good guy and I love him.” I looked at Isaac and saw him watching me intently, totally focused on me. “He can be rough around the edges, and maybe is considered my family, but I’m at the point in my life where I just don’t care anymore. I want to be happy, and Roman does that for me. I certainly didn’t think he’d go all caveman and kiss me in front of everyone.” I shrugged. “But it is what it is and leave it to Roman to do what he wants.” I held my breath as I waited for Isaac to say something, anything.

  “Listen,” he said and leaned forward.

  I could only imagine what he was about to say, could only picture the warning he might give me ... how it wasn’t smart to be with Roman, how I’d get backlash. But as I looked into his eyes, saw the small smile spread out over his face, I knew that no matter what anyone said, I made my own decisions in the end.

  “You don’t worry about what anyone else says. The only thing that I can think about when I think of you and Roman together is I wish you would’ve thought you could’ve told me sooner.” He reached out and grabbed hold of my hand. “The world is ugly and hard enough. Let yourself love who you want.” He smiled. “Look at me being all sappy and shit.” He chuckled. “I should take my own advice.”

  I wished he’d been able to tell his family. I wished I’d been strong enough to take my own advice years ago. I wished I’d done a lot of things differently.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I guess I was just nervous, confused, just every single emotion you can think of wrapped up in one. I wanted to tell you, to confide in you, but fear is a fickle bitch.”

  He squeezed his hand in mine. “Friends until the end, no matter what, right?”

  “Right.” God, I could have cried.

  “Besides, you got to spread those wings and learn how to fly on your own, because there are so many things that are working against you. I know.” He looked a little defeated after saying that. “When it’s all said and done, you know what’s best for you and no one else. Go with your gut.”

  Leave it to Isaac to say exactly the right thing to make me feel like maybe, just maybe, this would all be okay.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “This is a bitch to get to,” I grumbled under my breath. Maybe I should have watched my mouth around Victor, but I was on edge around him lately, knowing what I’d done with his daughter, knowing how he’d most likely react.

  Not to mention I was nervous as fuck that we would be telling everyone about us this upcoming weekend.

  I got out from underneath his car and straightened. He handed me a bottle of water and I grabbed it, thanking him and popping the cap before chugging half of it down. He leaned against the garage wall, drinking his own bottle, watching me as if he had something to say, or he knew I had something to say.

  “How’s school going?” Victor asked and set the water bottle down on the workbench. He crossed his arms over his chest, taking this stance that might’ve had a lesser man intimidated.

  Although Victor was a large man, had a marine-hard body and strength about him, I also found this renewed strength with being with Kennedy.


  “Plan on taking any more classes next semester, or are you just focusing on work?” There was a slight hardness to his voice, and I knew how he felt about me not going to school full-time.

  I shrugged. “I’ll have to see how my schedule from work is.”

  We stared at each other for a moment, and I felt like he wanted me to back down, be the first to look away. Wasn’t going to happen.

  I’d always been up for a challenge, not letting anyone else dictate what I did in my life. Victor could be disappointed if he wanted. Didn’t matter in the end. I was living and working for me ...and now for Kennedy.

  Now that I had her in my life in the way I’d always seen, always envisioned, I was going to make this work any possible way I could. I wanted to marry her someday, have a family with her. I wanted everything and anything with her. And I wanted to tell Victor all of that right now, but I’d wait until this weekend. I’d wait until we could both look in their fac
es and explain how much we loved each other.

  Maybe if they saw the commitment we had for each other, how much we were in love, they’d see how right it was.

  I stood and walked over to the toolbox, digging through it for what I needed. Aside from the clanging of metal hitting metal, the garage was pretty quiet. I knew Kennedy wasn’t home, and although I kind of hated that, it might’ve been a good thing seeing as I was working with her father today.

  “What about someone special?”

  I stopped what I was doing and looked over at Victor. I didn’t know if he was fishing or just having a random conversation. “Someone special?”

  He nodded once and grabbed a tool before walking over to stand by the car. He started tinkering under the hood, and at first I didn’t say anything as I walked back and stood on the other side.

  I thought about how best to say this. I wanted to tell him that I did have someone real fucking special. That her name was Kennedy, that I loved her. That she was mine. Instead, I cleared my throat and told myself not to be a jackass.

  “Yeah, I do have someone special, actually.” I glanced at him and saw that he watched me. It was clear he was curious, but he didn’t ask more.

  For a moment, I thought about just dropping it, but a part of me wanted to push the subject, wanted him to know how much I cared about Kennedy without actually telling him it was her.

  “You not saying anything makes me wonder if it’s kind of serious.” There was no judgment in Victor’s voice, and as I looked at him, I wanted to just spit it all out.

  “It is serious, actually.” I started working under the hood again, keeping my mouth shut after that because I knew I’d end up saying something I shouldn’t.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I felt myself start to smile and tried to hide it. I didn’t want to be a sappy fool, especially in front of Victor, the father of the woman I was in love with.

  “Why don’t you bring her by Saturday for the barbecue? If you’re that serious about her, I’m sure everyone would like to meet her.”

  The wrench slipped from my grasp and I banged my hand on the side of the engine. I held in the curse, his words taking me off guard for a moment. I looked up at him and saw he watched me with a curious expression.

  “You okay there?”

  I cleared my throat and nodded. “I’m good.” I started tightening up the bolts, and then straightened. “Well, looks like this is all set to go. Carburetor shouldn’t be giving you any trouble anymore.”

  I walked over to the workbench and grabbed a rag, cleaning off my hands and thinking over what he’d asked. I looked over my shoulder at him, and saw he was putting the tools away, not pressing me on bringing anyone with me. “She’ll be there,” I finally said, and he glanced up at me. He gave me a small smile.

  “Oh good. I’m sure we’d all love to meet her.” He was the one to clear his throat then. I felt a shift in the air, and his demeanor. “Besides, your good news might be just what we need to have everyone relaxing.”

  I felt my brows knit in confusion. The way he spoke lead me to believe maybe there was something going on, something that he and Catherine wanted to talk about. It would make sense seeing as they were the ones who threw this barbecue together at the last minute.

  He seemed tense all of a sudden, and I really hoped they weren’t going to drop some bad news Saturday. It would put a damper on what Kennedy and I planned on announcing.

  I felt like an asshole for not being completely honest with him, but I guess the truth would be coming out soon enough.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Where are you going?”

  I looked at my dad just as I bent down to pick up my car keys off the coffee table. He was sitting on his recliner, Catherine on the couch beside him, this powder yellow blanket she’d been knitting for the past couple weeks in her lap. She had headphones on and I assumed she was either listening to music or one of those steamy audiobooks she loved so much.

  “Just going out with a friend.” He looked at me for a long moment, and I wondered if he was going to push for details. He was overprotective most days, but he trusted me, knew I was a “good kid.”

  Then he turned his attention back to the TV, a football game muted on the screen.

  “Be back before midnight, okay?”

  I nodded. “I will be.” I headed outside and climbed into my car, started the engine and pulled out of the driveway. I curled my hands around the steering wheel, driving toward Roman’s house, hating myself for lying to my father.

  I’d always been so open with him. After my mother passed away when I was little, he’d always been my rock. I confided in him, was always truthful. So, having to lie ate at me.

  But I knew this was for the best. I knew that telling him the truth before Roman and I were ready would only cause issues.

  When I got to Roman’s house, I parked the car in the driveway and cut the engine, just sitting there for a moment and staring at his house. The living room light was on, and I could see the shadow of his big body moving behind the curtain. A second later, the front door was opened and he was standing there, smiling, making my heart beat a little bit faster.

  Once out of the car, I headed toward him and was immediately embraced. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I rested my body against his, feeling all the stress of the world melt away now that I was in his arms.

  “What did you tell them to let you leave the house this late?” he murmured against my throat and I felt a shiver move through me.

  “Told my dad I was hanging out with a friend.” Roman was silent for a moment but then he pulled back and looked me in the eyes, leaning down softly kissing me on the lips.

  “My folks would have never believed me.”

  I chuckled against his lips. “That’s ‘cause you’re a bad boy.” I kissed him once more and pulled back.

  “I’m your bad boy.” He winked but then sobered. “I know you hate lying, but soon we’ll be able to tell everyone the truth and we won’t have to sneak around.”

  I nodded.

  He led me inside and shut the door behind him. I tossed my bag on the couch and turned to face him, watching him, his look telling me he hated that I felt this way. He knew me so well. I felt like he always could read me better than anyone else.

  I felt something shift inside of me, move, grow stronger. Before I knew it, I found myself walking toward him, rising up on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissing him deeply. I put all my passion into that kiss, all my frustration. All my love. Before I knew what was happening we both became heated, our breathing moving fast, our arousal climbing.

  I started clawing at his clothes, needing the offending fabric off. He did the same, our shirts now on the ground, our jeans unbuttoned and pushed down our legs. I kicked mine to the side, and he broke the kiss to remove his.

  And then I stood there in my bra and panties, so wet, so ready for him that all I wanted to do was forget about sneaking around to be together.

  Roman slid his hands down my back, cupped my ass, and curled his fingers around the mounds. And then he lifted me effortlessly. I wrapped my legs around his waist, the hard length of his erection pressing against the most sensitive part of my body. I moaned, not able to hold it in, fireworks exploding inside of me as my passion climbed.

  He started striding away from the door. I knew he was going to the bedroom. I knew that he would take me and all we would feel was pleasure.

  And right now, that’s what I needed ... wanted.

  Chapter Twenty


  I had her on the bed, her panties pulled off, and instead of dropping them to the floor, I brought the cotton material up to my nose, inhaling deeply. She smelled so sweet and clean, with a hint of musk that had my cock jerking.

  My balls were drawn up tight, my dick so hard it ached. Pre-cum lined the tip, soaking the front of my boxers.

p; “The bra, Kennedy.” The words came out of me gruffly. She worked the material off and set it aside, and then I stood there and stared at her naked body, how perfect she was, curvy in all the right places.

  I dropped the panties and went for my boxers, pushing them down until I was naked as well. And then I was right back on her, my body wedged between her thighs, my cock being hugged by her pussy lips. She was warm and wet.

  She was mine.

  “Take me,” she moaned, and I leaned down and kissed her, slipping my tongue into her mouth, fucking her that way.

  I reached between our bodies and grabbed my dick, aligning the tip at her entrance before pushing into her in one fluid motion. Her back bowed and her breasts were thrust up and rubbed against my chest. I was balls deep inside of her, her pussy walls clenching around my dick.

  A guttural groan left me, muffled by our kissing.

  I started moving back and forth, in and out. I pulled my dick out before gently pushing it back in. Over and over I did this, my pleasure rising, the need to come so intense it was taking all my willpower to hold off.

  “God. That’s so it, baby. You feel so good.”

  And then Kennedy surprised me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back. But she wasn’t stopping this. Instead, I was the one now on my back with her above me, her legs on either side of my waist, her pussy still suctioned around my cock.

  The movement and shifting had been so fluid that we hadn’t even separated.

  I couldn’t stop staring at her in wonder. Her perfect breasts gently moved as she started rocking back and forth on me, gently rising up and then falling back down on my cock. I had my hands on her waist, my fingers curled into her skin, guiding her but letting her have the power.


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