by Adam Cohen
74 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 3, pp. 593-94; Pt. 5, pp. 10-11, 28-29; Tugwell, Roosevelt’s Revolution, p. 210; Tugwell, In Search of Roosevelt, p. 301; Hammer v. Dagenhart, 247 U.S. 251 (1918); Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905).
75 FDR Papers, Vol. I, pp. 752, 784; Tugwell, Democratic Roosevelt, pp. 91, 142-43; Sternsher, Rexford Tugwell and the New Deal, pp. 156-57; New York Times, 7/19/22.
76 Memorandum to Raymond Moley from Adolf Berle, November 10, 1932, Moley Papers, Box 63; Tugwell, Diary, pp. 293-94; Rosen, Brain Trust, p. 118; New York Times, 4/14/33; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 422-23; Moley, First New Deal, pp. 286-91; Badger, FDR, p. 89; Moley, After Seven Years, pp. 185-88; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 88-89, 97; Freidel, Triumph, pp. 409-10, 416-17; Letter of Henry Harriman to Franklin Roosevelt, May 11, 1933.
77 Sternsher, Rexford Tugwell and the New Deal, p. 157; Johnson, The Blue Eagle, pp. 193, 196; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 423-24; New York Times, 5/11/33; Moley, After Seven Years, p. 188; Freidel, Triumph, pp. 417, 423; “Notes of Raymond Moley and Hugh Johnson Expressing Ideas that Led to NRA,” March 9, 1933, Moley Papers, Box 282; Badger, FDR, p. 93; Carter, New Dealers, pp. 31-32.
78 Johnson, The Blue Eagle, pp. 172-73, 193, 196; Sternsher, Rexford Tugwell and the New Deal, p. 157; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 423-24; Moley, After Seven Years, p. 188; Lindley, Roosevelt Revolution , p. 160 ; New York Times, 5/11/33.
79 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 19-20; Johnson, The Blue Eagle, p. 193; Sternsher, Rexford Tugwell and the New Deal, p. 157; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, pp. 145-47; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 423-24; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, p. 200 ; Tugwell, Diary, p. 351.
80 James Sargent, Interview with Lewis Douglas, p. 58, Douglas Papers, Box 119, Folder 5; Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, pp. 198-99, 269-70 ; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 4, pp. 499-500, 506-7, 535-36; Pt. 5, pp. 28-30, 34-35.
81 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 54-69; Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, pp. 199-200 ; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Rooosevelt and the New Deal, pp. 56-57; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 90, 136; Martin, Madam Secretary, p. 263; Francis Perkins Lecture of December 16, 1957, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Ruth Backes Papers, Box 5, Folder 1; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 62-63; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, p. 145; Badger, FDR, pp. 90-91; Carter, New Dealers, p. 58.
82 Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, pp. 198-99, 269-70; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 4, pp. 499-500, 506-7, 535-36; Pt. 5, pp. 28-29, 34-35; James Sargent, Interview with Lewis Douglas, p. 58, Douglas Papers, Box 119, Folder 5.
83 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 4, p. 536; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 10-11.
84 Ickes, Diary, p. 11; Reminiscences of Henry A. Wallace, 1951, CUOHRO, p. 199.
85 Letter from Wallace to Louis Howe, April 28, 1933, Wallace Papers, Reel 18, Frame 846, FDR Library; Letter of Henry Wallace to Dante Pierce, June 19, 1933, Wallace Papers, Reel 18, Frame 895, FDR Library; Tugwell, Diary, pp. 324, 359; Letter from Lewis Douglas to James Douglas, April 23, 1933, Douglas Papers, Box 239, Folder 4; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, p. 251; Reminiscences of Henry A. Wallace, 1951, CUOHRO, p. 199.
86 James Sargent, Interview with Lewis Douglas, pp. 45-46, Douglas Papers, Box 119, Folder 5; Letter from Lewis Douglas to James Douglas, April 23, 1933.
87 Lewis Douglas draft reminiscences, “Budget Years,” p. 4, Douglas Papers, Box 5; Browder and Smith, Independent, pp. 96-97; New York Times, 4/24/33.
88 Browder and Smith, Independent, p. 97; Farley, Behind the Ballots, p. 218.
89 Ickes, Diary, p. 28; Moley, First New Deal, pp. 273-74; New York Times, 5/2/33; Reminiscences of Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., 1959, CUOHRO, pp. 152-53; Charles Wyzanski, Letter to Parents, April 29, 1933, in Freidel, Launching the New Deal, p. 431; FDR Papers, Vol. II, p. 141.
90 Ickes, Back to Work, p. 14; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, p. 205.
91 FDR Papers, Vol. II, pp. 160-68; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, pp. 203-4; Moley, First New Deal, p. 290.
92 FDR Papers, Vol. II, pp. 164-68; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, pp. 203-4.
93 New York Times, 5/7/33.
94 Tugwell, Diary, pp. 350-51; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 97-99; Ickes, Diary, p. 34; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, pp. 147-48; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, p. 205.
95 Tugwell, Diary, p. 351; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, p. 147; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, p. 206; Johnson, The Blue Eagle, p. 204; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, p. 52-53; New York Times, 5/11/33.
96 Reminiscences of Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., 1959, CUOHRO, p. 175.
97 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 4, pp. 460-61.
98 Ibid.
99 Ibid., p. 461-63.
100 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 54-69; Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, pp. 199-200; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, p. 147; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, p. 422; Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, pp. 56-57; Francis Perkins Lecture of December 16, 1957, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Ruth Backes Papers, Box 5, Folder 1; Badger, FDR pp. 90-91.
101 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 75-85; Browder and Smith, Independent , p. 96; Moley, After Seven Years, p. 175.
102 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 80-82.
103 Ibid., pp. 80-83.
104 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 3, p. 593; Hammer v. Dagenhart, 247 U.S. 251 (1918); Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 432-33; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 98-99; Black, Roosevelt, p. 286; New York Times, 5/18/33, 5/19/33; Time, 5/29/33. 105. FDR Papers, Vol. II, pp. 202-4; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, pp. 206-7; New York Times, 5/18/33.
106 New York Times, 5/18/33, 5/19/33, 5/20/33, 5/24/33.
107 Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, p. 99; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, p. 447; New York Times, 4/23/33; New York Times, 5/23/33; New York Times, 5/27/33; Chicago Daily Tribune, 5/27/33.
108 New York Times, 6/7/33; Time, 6/13/33.
109 Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 99-100; Freidel, Launching the New Deal, pp. 444-50; New York Times, 6/4/33; Melvyn Dubofsky, The State and Labor (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1994), p. 112.
110 Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 99-102; Time, 6/13/33, 6/19/33; New York Times, 5/23/33, 6/7/33, 6/8/33, 6/9/33, 6/14/33.
111 Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, pp. 200-201; Martin, Madam Secretary, pp. 269-270 ; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 18-22; James Sargent, Interview with Lewis Douglas.
112 Martin, Madam Secretary, pp. 270-72, 274-75; Johnson, The Blue Eagle, p. 208; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, p. 7; Perkins, The Roosevelt I Knew, p. 201; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 5, pp. 99, 147-151.
113 Tugwell, Roosevelt’s Revolution, p. 80; Moley, First New Deal, p. 291; Moley, After Seven Days, p. 189; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, p. 98; New York Times, 5/8/33; New York Times, 5/4/33.
1 James T. Patterson, America’s Struggle Against Poverty, 1900-1985 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981), pp. 20-21, 58; Williams, Federal Aid for Relief, p. 9.
2 Trattner, From Poor Law to Welfare State, p. 273; Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, p. 133, Williams, Federal Aid for Relief, p. 15.
3 Hopkins, Spending to Save, pp. 44, 59; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 46; Myers and Newton, Hoover Administration, p. 63; Theodore Whiting, Final Statistical Report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1942), p. 2; Schwarz
, Interregnum, p. 31-32, 150; Williams, Federal Aid for Relief, p. 22; Trattner, From Poor Law to Welfare State, p. 277.
4 Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Manufactures, United States Senate, 72nd Congress, Second Session, on S. 5125, Pt. 1, Jan. 3 to 17, 1933, p. 107, in Hopkins Papers, Box 42; FDR Papers, Vol. II, pp. 82-83; Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, pp. 136-39; Schwartz, The Civilian Works Administration, p. 21; Washington Post, 3/5/33.
5 Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, pp. 169-171; Arthur E. Burns and Edward A. Williams, Federal Work, Security, and Relief Programs (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941); pp. 19, 22; Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, pp. 140-41; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 161; Williams, Federal Aid for Relief, pp. 62-63.
6 FDR Papers, Vol. I, pp. 463, 777; Moley, First New Deal, p. 267.
7 Huthmacher, Senator Robert F. Wagner, pp. 140-141; Schlesinger, Coming of the New Deal, pp. 264- 65; Schwarz, Interregnum, p. 56.
8 Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 4, pp. 476-79; Telegram from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Herbert H. Lehman of May 19, 1933, OF 444, FERA, FDR Library; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 52.
9 J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 10-13; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 3; New Yorker, 8/14/43; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 14-15.
10 J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 13-16, 21; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 4, 39; Fortune, July 1935; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 15; New Yorker, 8/14/43, p. 27.
11 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 7; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 13-16, 21; Fortune, July 1935; The Nation, 12/4/48.
12 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 14-15, 49; The Nation, 12/4/48.
13 J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 18-19, 21, 25; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 5, 8-10, 21-25; Works Progress Adminstration, Iowa: A Guide to the Hawkeye State, Compiled and Written by the Federal Writers’ Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of Iowa (New York: The Viking Press, 1938), p. 52; Jackson, Encyclopedia of New York, p. 1060.
14 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 16-17, 21-22; New Yorker, 8/14/43; Fortune, July 1935, p. 60-61; Reminiscences of Frances Perkins, 1961, CUOHRO, Pt. 3, pp. 13-33; Hopkins, Spending to Save, p. 4; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 9, 12, 17; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 29, 31-32.
15 Christodora House, Christodora House Papers, Box 3, Folder 1, Columbia University; Northover Camp, Information for Staff Members, Christodora House Papers, Box 4, Folder 11, New Yorker, 8/14/43; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 22; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 31-33. New York Times, 8/25/22; New York Times, 12/23/28.
16 “History of Christodora House,” as Told by C. I. MacColl to a Group of Residents, November 19, 1933, in Christodora House Papers, Box 3, Folder 1; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 35-37; Jackson, Encylopedia of New York City, p. 220; Allison Giffen and June Hopkins, Jewish First Wife, Divorced: The Correspondence of Ethel Gross and Harry Hopkins (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2002), p. 4.
17 Edward Steiner, “Christodora, 1897-1940,” unpubl. manuscript, n.d., Christodora House Papers, Box 3, Folder 3; untitled article, Christodora House Papers; Box 4, Folder 10; Christodora Yearbook 1915, p. 11, Christodora House Papers, Box 1, Folder 12.
18 Irving Howe, World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the Eastern European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1976), pp. 148, 545; Jackson, Encyclopedia of New York City, pp. 432, 696, 770.
19 Christodora Yearbook 1915, p. 25-27; New Yorker, 8/14/43; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 23.
20 Hutchins Hapgood, The Spirit of the Ghetto: Studies of the Jewish Quarter of New York (New York: Schocken Books, 1976), pp. 76-85; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 44-47, Fortune, July 1935; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 23; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 18.
21 Fortune, July 1935; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 18; Giffen and Hopkins, Jewish First Wife, pp. 3-4, 9, 22, 27 n., 34.
22 J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 50-51; Giffen and Hopkins, Jewish First Wife, pp. 2, 10, 34.
23 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 23-27; Fortune, July 1935; New Yorker, 8/14/43; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 22, 36-37; New York Times, 2/1/14, New York Times, 11/18/13, 1/30 /14; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 50, 57, 110.
24 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 24-25; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 61-64; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 20-21; New York Times, 3/1/14.
25 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 22-23; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 65, 67-68, 110-15, 126; Fortune, July 1935.
26 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 26-27; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 23-24, 24-29; Giffen and Hopkins, Jewish First Wife, pp. 10-15, 141, 153; Fortune, July 1935; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 127-28, 144.
27 Letter from Linsly Williams to Harry Hopkins, June 7, 1933, Harry Hopkins Papers, Container 7, Pre-Works Progress Papers, FDR Library; New York Times, 2/28/24; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins , pp. 27-29; Jackson, Encyclopedia of New York City, p. 1202; Frances Perkins, “The People Mattered,” Survey Midmonthly, February 1946.
28 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 29-30.
29 New Yorker, 8/14/43; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 35-37; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 40-43; Giffen and Hopkins, Jewish First Wife, pp. 187-88; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 145-46.
30 New Yorker, 8/14/43; New York Times, 9/29/31, 8/30/31, 10/8/31, 3/22/32; Freidel, Triumph, pp. 222-23.
31 Folsom, America Before Welfare, p. 269; Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, pp. 94-95; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, pp. 46-49; Freidel, Triumph, p. 223; Wecter, Age of the Great Depression, p. 27; New York Times, 10/24/31; New York Times, 1/21/32; New York Times, 12/29/31; New York Times, 6/8/32.
32 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 33, 82-83; New York Times, 6/21/32, 10/29/32, 11/10/32, 11/12/32.
33 Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Manufactures, United States Senate, 72nd Congress, Second Session, on S. 5125, Pt. 1, Jan. 3 to 17, 1933, pp. 79-81, in Hopkins Papers, Box 42; Blum, Morgenthau Diaries, p. 234; Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, pp. 95, 100-1, 129- 31, 167-68; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 72; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 51; Singleton, The American Dole, p. 109.
34 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 49; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 34; Freidel, Triumph, p. 222; Fortune, July 1935.
1 Tully, F.D.R.: My Boss, p. 143; New York Times, 5/20/33; Lindley, Roosevelt Revolution, pp. 294-95; Washington Post, 5/23/33; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 52; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 162.
2 Monthly Report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, OF 444 FERA, FDR Library; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 52; Wecter, Age of the Great Depression, p. 39; Bird, Invisible Scar, pp. 30, 33; Lowitt and Beasley, One Third of a Nation, p. xviii; Josephson, Infidel, pp. 74-75; Charles, Minister of Relief, p. 5; Hopkins, Spending to Save, pp. 67, 71, 93; Sargent, Roosevelt and the Hundred Days, pp. 99-100; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 160; New York Times, 4/23/33; New York Times, 5/3/33; New York Times, 5/26/33.
3 Hopkins, Spending to Save, pp. 102-3; Time, 10/16/33; New York Times, 6/4/33; New York Times, 6/17/33; New York Times, 1/30/46; Norman K. Risjord, Giants in Their Time: Representative Americans from the Jazz Age to the Cold War (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), p. 100; Gertrude Springer, “The New Deal and the Old Dole,” Survey Graphic, July 1933; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 162; Raymond Clapper, “Harry Hopkins and His Four Million Jobs,” Review of Reviews and World’s Work, January 1934; Washington Post, 5/23/33; New York Times, 5/23/33; Charles, Minister of Relief, p. 5; Fortune, July 1935; Moley, First New Deal, p. 271; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 52; Telegram from Harry Hopkins to Governors Who Had Received Finance Corporation Funds, May 23, 1933, Hopkins Papers, Box 22; Telegram of Harry Hopkins to Hon. Miriam A. Ferguson, May 23, 1933, Hopkins Papers, Box 22.
4 Harry Hopkins, “The Cities and Relief,” Address to the Annual Meeting of the United States Conference
of Mayors, September 23, 1933, Speeches and Articles, 1933-36, Hopkins Papers; New York Times, 8/19/31; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 46; Lindley, Roosevelt Revolution, pp. 294-95; Fortune, July 1935.
5 McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 55; Hopkins, Spending to Save, p. 99; Charles, Minister of Relief, p. 24; Time, 4/2/34; Wolfskill and Hudson, All but the People, p. 104; Raymond Clapper, “Who Is Hopkins?” Forum and Century, December 1937; New York Times, 5/2/65; New York Times, 6/15/33; New York Times, 8/19/31; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, p. 46; Fortune, July 1935; Arthur Schlesinger, The Politics of Upheaval, (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2003), p. 355; Time, 2/1/82.
6 Harry Hopkins, “The Federal Relief Job,” The Survey, July 1933; New York Times, 5/2/65; Fortune, July 1935; Collier’s, 11/9/35; Charles, Minister of Relief, p. 25; Works Progress Administration, Washington, City and Capital, pp. 916-23; Schwartz, Civil Works Administration, pp. 27-28; Time, 2/19/34.
7 J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, p. 168; Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, pp. 46-49; Harry Hopkins, “The Federal Relief Job,” The Survey, July 1933; Fortune, July 1935; Charles, Minister of Relief, p. 29; Schwartz, Civil Works Administration, pp. 27-28; Time, 2/19/34; Time, 7/8/35.
8 FDR Papers, Vol. II, p. 183-84; Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, p. 172.
9 Harry Hopkins, “How Can the States Help?” article prepared for the American Legislators’ Association, in Hopkins Papers, Box 54, Folder 1; McJimsey, Ally of the Poor, p. 54; New York Times, 6/15/33; New York Times, 6/17/33, 6/18/33; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 165-66; Carter, New Dealers, p. 183; Report of the Honorable Harry L. Hopkins, Federal Emergency Relief Administrator, July 18, 1933, Hopkins Papers, Box 43; Charles, Minister of Relief, pp. 37-38.
10 Brock, Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal, pp. 174-75; J. Hopkins, Sudden Hero, pp. 166-67; Press Release, June 14, 1933, Hopkins Papers, Box 9.