The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5)

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The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5) Page 1

by Layna Pimentel

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter One

  Layna Pimentel

  Regency Rendezvous

  A Scarsdale Publishing Perfection Imprint

  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright © 2017 Layna Pimentel The Elusive Lady Winston

  Edited by Ansley Blackstock

  Proofread by Lydia Coull

  All rights reserved - used with permission.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Cover Design R. Jackson Design

  Images: Kim Killion



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Wreck and Ruin

  More Regency Rendezvous Romances

  About the Author

  Other Titles

  Chapter One

  Evan Radcliffe, the new Earl of Chisholm, desperately tried to maintain his temper. His mama and meddling sister had reached a new low. He’d thought he would put an end to this though, with his mama out of mourning, and find her a new husband. The fact that the woman presented him with a long list of potential wives and already begun the preparations for a ball, without so much as consulting with him, made his ire all the worse. He’d only been earl for a year and still had so much to learn about the family’s properties, businesses, and whatever debts were still left to be paid. Goodness only knew his drunkard of a father enjoyed gambling, mistresses by the mile, and he dreaded to learn of anything new. He suspected much of his mother’s interference came from trying to ensure he bore an heir. Yet, there was something worrisome about her eyes that cautioned him. She knew something no one else did, and that alone gave him pause.

  “Evan Radcliffe! Are you even listening to a word I am saying? The ball must happen. Your sister must be married, and soon.”

  He glanced at his sister, who sat in the chair nearest his mamma at the window and leaned back in his chair. His father’s library looked rather tired from the wall coverings to the drapery. “Why must she be married soon? Has she done something foolish I should be made aware of?”

  His mother gasped and her eyes widened. “I would certainly expect…”

  “Oh Mother!” his sister cried. “If I don’t tell him now, he will surely learn of it when he’s out with other men.”

  Evan sighed. “Go on. Wait… Let me guess. You’ve gone and ruined yourself, haven’t you?”

  Heaven forbid. The moment the words escaped his lips, his mother and sister paled.

  Well now. Evan pursed his lips and clenched his fists. This was certainly a fine mess he hadn’t expected. He didn’t even have a chance to review all the household finances and now he had to find his sister a husband and arrange a marriage rather quickly.

  “Am I to understand that your arrangement with Mr. Wickham is off the table?” he asked.

  His sister stiffened. “Off the table and long on his way to America with his wealthy bride from New York.”

  Evan did his best not to clench his jaw. How the hell was he to find a husband for his sister on such short notice?

  He turned to his mother who now fanned herself profusely. “Cease your incessant fanning, Mama. It won’t change a damned thing. Go ahead and arrange a ball, but do so bearing in mind you will need to make sure the guests are suitable for finding that one,” he pointed to his sister, who now daubed the corners of her eyes, “a husband who would keep her in line. Or rather someone so dull who will not notice she is no longer a virgin.”

  Evan, now beyond irritated, stood. “This will be the last time I cover up another of your mistakes, Annabelle.”

  He strode out of the room slamming the library door closed behind him. For now, he would call upon one of his old friends and take a long ride. One that would, hopefully, have him return after his mother and sister retired for the evening.

  “Joseph, go get my riding coat,” he ordered a servant once he’d reached his chambers.

  “About that, sir,” the older man replied, “a Lord Emberly is waiting in the stables for you.”

  “Such perfect timing. Be quick about the jacket.”

  A few moments later, the servant appeared with his riding jacket and crop. His morning was beginning to look up, after all.

  As Evan crossed the courtyard, his friend emerged from the stables and shouted, “I was beginning to think I had to come and fetch you myself.”

  “Pardon me. I was dealing with preparations for a ball my mother is wanting to host.”

  His friend groaned. “The first round of drinks at the Drunken Boar is on me.”

  “I had no idea you were on a mission, but I am quite glad for the distraction.”

  The two of them rode into town and when they found a clean seat to park at in the tavern, Emberly ordered two tankards. When the tavern keeper slid the ale in front of them. “So why a ball? I thought your sister was engaged to some Wickham fellow.”

  “Apparently, the sod married someone else and is headed to New York. If I ever see that bastard again, I will call him out.”

  “You wouldn’t call him out. If I know you, you’d have him shot and buried without a fighting chance.”

  Evan snorted. His friend certainly had a point. They passed the time with old stories of university when a ruckus came barreling through the doors of the tavern in the form of a tall, wiry man dressed in a suit. The man scanned the room until his gaze lighted on them. He weaved through the tables toward them.

  “There you are, Lord Emberly,” he said when he was within speaking distance. “You are needed immediately!”

  Evan leaned over. “Who is that chap?”

  Emberly replied in a somber tone, “My man of affairs.”

  He watched his friend get up and haul the man over to the table. “Sit down, Burns,” Emberly orderedd. “Have a drink and tell me what is the matter.”

  Evan stifled laughter at hearing how two of Emberly’s mistresses discovered they were both involved
with the same man. How he would have loved to have seen the two women go at it. Emberly, however, was not amused. How his friend never expected his actions wouldn’t go unnoticed was beyond his comprehension.

  “Come now, Emberly, put the matter to rest,” Evan said. “Part ways with both women tonight.”

  “I will not. I will simply give them the option to work it out together. I am certain the ladies will find an amenable solution.” He laughed. “Let us be off. Burns, return to the townhouse. Radcliffe will be certain I arrive home in one piece.”

  Evan pondered for a moment how his own mother would react to know the string of mistresses he’d kept over the years. She’d have scolded him soundly over the last one who eventually went to the deuce.

  Several minutes later, they arrived at the first brothel. Only to be greeted by a servant while still on their horses.

  “You mustn’t go in there, my lords. Most especially you, Lord Emberly.”

  “Why in heavens not?”

  “Did your man not find you and explain what happened when he delivered the gift earlier this afternoon?” the servant asked.

  “Of course, he did.”

  Evan could barely pay attention to the conversation when he caught sight of the most unfathomable scene down the road. Three men followed a woman down a lane way which only meant trouble considering the clothing he spotted the woman in was quality.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.”

  Evan jumped from his horse and ran after the three men. A terrible feeling settled deep within his belly. He only imagined the terror the woman might be feeling attempting to steer the attention of three unwelcomed men.

  When he finally turned onto the lane, anger whipped through him. The woman clutched her parcels and was backed into several barrels.

  “You there!” she shouted at the men, “don’t you have anyone else to pick on?”

  * * *

  Eliza Winston couldn’t believe her eyes when the lone stranger burst upon the brood of thugs that followed her from the shop on Piccadilly. Why, oh why did she not take the offer of the escort from her cousin’s son? By now, the young man would already have made plans for the evening and was most assuredly up to no good like most young men. She was fortunate enough that he was off duty from the military during her stay. At least someone would be there to take care of her ailing dear cousin.

  “Ho there,” the newcomer shouted. “Leave the lady alone.”

  The three men whirled and charged.

  She watched in amazement at the men drove his fist into the jaw of the man who reached him first. The ruffian staggered back, then whirled and took off running. Another followed, but the third tacked her would-be savior. She stared as they scuffled and rolled around in the dirt. The stranger who came to her rescue began to tire out.

  In all her twenty and ten years, never had she heard the language that the men cast to each other. The ogre-sized villain finally went down with a thud while her savior swayed on his feet.

  Eliza dropped her parcels and ran to his side. “My word. You’re in need of medical attention. Come with me and I will see that my cousin’s doctor examines you.” She stroked a lock of hair from his eyes and looked into the pitiful blue eyes. “Do you think you can walk?”

  The stranger nodded.

  “I’m just going to retrieve my parcel and we’ll walk.”

  Eliza retrieved her parcels and took the gentleman by the arm. He stumbled a few steps, nearly taking her down with him but quickly regained his balance. Why on earth did she endeavor to lead the men away from the original way home? She hated herself for not calling a hackney or sticking to the walking instructions but no, she never did learn, the obstinate woman that she was.

  “Pray tell, what is your name, kind sir? I am forever in your debt.”

  He mumbled something she couldn’t make out.

  “Dear me, I fail to see how you will be able to walk the whole way. Let us find a hackney.”

  A few moments later, she flagged one down and passed the driver a guinea. “10 Henrietta please.”

  “Bloody hell! He’s been in quite the scuffle,” the driver said.

  “He has, but he saved me.”

  “The Earl of Chisholm is known for his brawling in his younger days if I recall. I’m sure he’ll be right in no time.”

  “The Earl of Chisholm… I had no idea, sir.”

  “Never you mind, madam.” He grasped the earl’s arm and steadied him as he stepped into the vehicle. “Come along, Miss. Get on in and I’ll take you right away.”

  When they arrived at her cousin’s home, her cousin’s footman hurried to the coach.

  “Do give me a hand, Joss,” Eliza said. “The earl isn’t steady on his feet.”

  “Aye, my lady.”

  Eliza watched the sturdy young man help her rescuer from the coach, then lead him inside.

  “Shall I ask the doctor to have a look at him?” Joss asked.

  “Yes please. That is, once he has looked over Mary.”

  “Very well. I will see that the earl is placed in Christian’s old room.”

  Eliza winced over the headache that brewed like a furious storm the entire way back to the house. Today had been a disaster and she was not likely to head out again without a proper escort.

  “Would you like some tea, madam?” the maid asked from across the hall.

  “Indeed. I will take it in the front room, Dolores.”

  Eliza sat down in the chair closest to the parlor window only meaning to close her eyes for a moment, but when she opened them the earl stood before her.

  “You have had quite the day, Lady Winston.”

  “Please, call me Eliza. You should not be up. You should be resting.”

  “The doctor said my wounds are superficial and I will be fine. You, on the other hand, are clearly exhausted from duress.”

  Eliza yawned and rose to her feet. “I suppose I will see you out then and go check on Mary, my lord.”

  “I met your cousin a short time ago, I knew her husband very well. She appears to be in better spirits. The last I heard she was confined to the townhouse.”

  “Yes, but as you can see her grief destroyed her sensibility. It’s a blessing her son is home for the time being. Once she’s well enough I’ll retire to my cottage in the country. I’ve never been fond of the city.”

  He smiled. “I suppose then I will leave so that you may have your rest. I am in your debt, Lady Winston.”

  “Not at all, my lord.”

  A footman approached with his coat and he quietly slipped out the door.

  Eliza returned to the parlor. She had no idea what compelled her to bring the earl back to Mary’s house. Never in her life had she found in herself in such a reckless position. She’d heard of the Earl of Chisholm, yet, had never seen him. While still married, she and her husband hardly went into town for anything. They sequestered themselves to the idyllic life their country home provided them. She’d been her husband’s second wife and he’d been twenty years her senior and while he provided for her, he’d left her alone mostly.

  Relations with her husband were non-existent. Aside from consummating their marriage the old goat possessed no desire to provide her with children as he already had an heir.

  Joss entered the room. “My lady, the fire has been started in your room and the bed turned down. If you desire, I can have Anna bring up something for you to eat upstairs instead.”

  “That would be most wonderful, Joss.”

  Eliza climbed the stairs to the third floor only to hear her cousin call out to her. When she reached Mary’s room, she found her cousin opening her wardrobe.

  “Good grief, none of these will do,” Mary muttered.

  “What are you doing, Mary?”

  “I am trying to find something suitable to wear outside this God forsaken townhouse!”

  “It’s nearly time for dinner and you’re wanting to go out tonight?”

  “Pish posh. Not tonight, but tomorrow. I’ve b
een holed up in this place for far too long. Christian has been nagging me for months to officially come out of my mourning and come back to life before he’s sent abroad once again. Now that I’ve seen that the very handsome Earl of Chisholm has been here by your hands, maybe there’s hope for at least one of us.”

  “Mary, do not concern yourself with playing matchmaker. It is abundantly clear that I’m older than the earl and I have no money other than what Alfred’s son has put aside for me to maintain life at the cottage.”

  Her cousin scowled. “That cottage is in shambles and not fit for you to live in by yourself.”

  “It’s not as if I can afford anything here in town.”

  “You can stay here with me. Lord only knows that my son is constantly reminding me I should hire a companion for when he’s away.”

  “You should and I’ll consider your offer, though I cannot imagine how James would take the news of me moving to town. He and his wife would certainly think it frivolous.”

  “Yes, they would,” Mary agreed. “But your monthly income would better serve you here, and you’d have my constant companionship, and servants to help you.”

  “Was there anything else you wanted, Mary? I am exhausted and think I’ll retire early.”

  “Go on, then. Just as soon as Christian returns we’ll plan an escorted outing for tomorrow.”

  Eliza headed toward her room and leaned against the door once she closed it. The earl was certainly handsome, but far too young to consider her. Society would consider her barren and if she hadn’t given birth by now she wasn’t likely to ever.

  Chapter Two

  “Radcliffe! There you are!”

  Evan turned to find his friend riding toward him with Evan’s horse at his side. Relief washed over him that he’d found a way to get home.

  When Emberly caught up to him he gasped “Christ, man! What have you gotten yourself into?”

  “It was nothing. Just saving a woman being followed by three scoundrels.”

  “I say… And who was this fair lady?”

  “Lady Winston.”

  Emberly curved his thin lips into a devious smile. “Tell me, did the lady show you some kindness and reward you with a sweet prize?”


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