The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5)

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The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5) Page 11

by Layna Pimentel

  His butler entered the room. “My lord, Viscount Emberly is here.”

  “Show him on in and see that there is a room made up for him.”

  His servant nodded and left. Moments later, Emberly entered the library and took a seat across the desk from him.

  “You summoned me, Radcliffe. I cannot imagine why ever you would have me pulled out of bed at this ungodly hour.”

  Radcliffe grinned, yet was not amused. He cannot imagine his friend has ever went to bed at a decent hour since he took up two mistresses.

  “Up late, again, were you? Have things been mended between the ladies then?”

  “Pshaw. No. In fact, they both tossed me out over a week ago. It was quite sad really… I think I am losing my touch.”

  His friend frowned and he could not help chuckling at Emberly’s dismay.

  “I think that is the greatest thing I have heard these last few months. I summoned you here on business.”

  The viscount leaned back in his chair and cautiously glared at him. “Go on. I am curious to hear your proposal, though I make no promises.”

  “I would like to propose an arrangement of marriage between you and Annabelle. Your uncle, on more than one occasion, has expressed that now is the time for you to take a wife and, for obvious reasons, Annabelle is needing to be married quite quickly as you are aware.”

  Emberly pressed his lips together and his eyes narrowed. He at least could tell his friend was entertaining the idea.

  “Her dowry is substantial and I will have my solicitor draw up the changes to her dowry which includes an additional ten thousand and the old manner on the other side of our lands.”

  “I have heard she is ruined but is she with child?” Emberly asked.

  The question took him by surprise. Emberly had been around enough lately to know the answer.

  “While I am no physician, my sister is not, from what I can tell, and is in perfect health. All I ask is that you remain respectful to her. She has had more than her fair share of hurt, all thanks to Wickham.”

  “When have you ever known me to be disrespectful to your sister, Radcliffe? Never. I would never think of hurting that sweet girl.”

  “Shall I draw up the papers then?” he asked firmly, silently praying his friend would accept.

  “Yes. I accept. When shall we make the announcement?”

  “After dinner, you may take a turn in the gardens with my sister and officially propose if you would like. As for the public, I will have the banns read in our parish starting on Sunday, and on the first Saturday of next month shall be the wedding day. That is, unless you would rather procure a special license and have this finished sooner?”

  The viscount chuckled. “The banns are fine. Besides, it will give her time to collect herself and ready for her new life.”

  “Excellent. I believe a drink and some fishing is in order.”

  Evan couldn’t have been more pleased with the viscount’s agreement. After all these scandals, things were beginning to look up, or so he hoped. He still had to visit his mother and give her the news, but he would wait until the papers were drawn up and things were finalized.

  He rang for a servant to attend and had drinks poured for them both. He could not wait to give Eliza the news in two day’s time. She would certainly be happy for them all, he only hoped she would be happy when he proposed to her, as well. That announcement though would have to wait a few more weeks until this business with Annabelle was settled. His aim was to avert a second disaster with his sister and this time he would oversee every detail from start to end with his mama’s assistance.

  “That reminds me, Radcliffe, how are things with Lady Winston?” Emberly asked. “I have heard she moved back to the country after that disaster of a ball the other day. Is it true?”

  He snorted. “Yes. The woman did not tell a soul except for the servant who helped with the arrangements. I sought her out the next day, and she had the gumption to be upset with me because I went to check on her welfare.”

  His friend rolled his eyes heavenward. “Just like a woman… I keep telling you, they do love a merry chase.”

  “I do doubt it was intentional though. With so many scandals following me around and that one with Haversham and Mary, I can see why she departed for the country.”

  Evan took a sip of his brandy and walked to the window.

  “You know, Emberly, there are days I wonder what life would be like if she had not entered my life.”

  “Not much different I don’t think. You would still be avoiding Amelia, and your mama and you might still have been looking for a convenient husband for Annabelle.”

  Evan laughed. “I suppose the only difference would be I would not be driving all over the countryside looking for a wench.”

  “Exactly,” Emberly chimed in merrily.

  If it had been obvious to Emberly his affections toward the woman, then all would know what his intentions were. The most disconcerting thought was to what extent would his ex-lover go to demonstrate her displeasure with his decision. She most certainly had a hand in sending Dodds and Hubert over at the ball to keep Eliza busy, and all London knew how dishonorable those two were. What would be next?

  Her holding Eliza hostage just like that prostitute Mary Elizabeth did a year ago to the Countess of Wendelhem? Lord, he hoped not. That was some sordid business and remained in the gossip rags for many, many months. All he desired was for everything to move forward.

  “What are you thinking, Radcliffe? Your thoughts appear to be thousands of miles away.”

  “I would be fibbing if I said I was not worried what Amelia would do next to ensure she got her way with becoming countess.”

  “The wench will get her comeuppance, my friend. I last heard she was offered a new situation by some wealthy Scotsman a few days back, but she rejected the offer. I cannot believe she turned down living in a castle. What can she possibly gain from sabotaging your efforts with Eliza?”

  Evan shrugged. “I do not know, nor do I wish to speculate. She will be reduced to nothing if she continues in this harassment. I would dislike having to bring the constable into this matter.”

  Their discussion was interrupted when Annabelle walked in.

  “My lord, brother, I was wondering, shall we invite Mama to dinner tonight? I am sure she would love to visit with me.”

  Evan smiled. “Go ahead and tell the servants to place another setting for tonight and if you so wish to go and visit her and tell her the news yourself.”

  “Thank you, Evan!” She curtsied and left them to their privacy.

  “Do you suppose she knows?” Emberly queried.

  “It would not surprise me in the least if she had been eavesdropping. Which leads me to ask, how long have you been interested in my sister?”

  Emberly smiled, “I am not certain, but I can be sure I have never ever been disrespectful. I suppose my wholesome image of her is forever ruined by what Wickham did, but that does not make her any less human. How many times have we tempted women into doing things when ought to not have?”

  And there was the truth to all his recent troubles. They were all prone to making mistakes, but that did not define their characters. It was how they handled their misgivings and repented for them. Not once did he hear his sister cry or complain after Wickham left. Nor was she contrite. She had made her mistakes and learned to deal with the aftermath knowing she now had to marry quickly in the event a child is born from the affair.

  Evan had no doubt in his mind she was not with child, however, they could not risk even more damage to their family’s reputation by not addressing the possibility.

  “How about we go and find some fishing poles. I could use some fresh air now that we have this business aside,” Evan said.


  Now to come up with a way in convincing Eliza to become his countess. He would have to leave her with a pleasant memory of their evening on Friday. Oh, how he looked forward in educating her in some carnal ple
asures. It would be an evening she would never forget.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was the morning of the ball and Eliza could hear her housekeeper humming a merry tune. Her nerves finally settled in and she knew not what to do with herself. She could pretend she was still sleeping, but Bertha would come in her room every day at the same time to bring her tea and tend to her dressing. Things she should have been used to by now but she never did understand why people couldn’t dress themselves. If they only made these garments simple, which albeit they did, but her family expected her to dress befitting her station. She supposed she could deviate from such sentiments as she was a widow, but she maintained the image as expected.

  Her door opened and she was stunned to find Madeline had brought an entire tray of breakfast for her.

  “I figured with today being incredibly important you should ease into your day, mistress. You will more than likely be up most of the night and we think you should keep yourself rested.”

  Eliza appreciated her housekeeper’s thoughtfulness, but to assume she would be up for the whole evening was preposterous. It was a country assembly, not one of those society balls where everyone was expected to stay until the wee hours of the morning.

  She could not stay in bed all day. Good heavens, she would go mad.

  “I will take my breakfast now, but I would like to go for a stroll in a bit to pass the time. I have no idea when Lord Radcliffe will arrive to collect me for the ball but I imagine it will be after supper.”

  “Very well, mistress. I will be along shortly to collect your tray. Would you like the blue morning dress or the peridot one?”

  “The blue would suit for today.”

  Eliza ate, dressed and stepped outside into the lovely June weather. The sun shone high above with no clouds in sight except for the odd wispy one. Her walk did not take her far until she saw a carriage driving up the lane.

  Honestly, did the man not think this was far too early to arrive? Upon closer inspection, she saw it was not a carriage, but someone driving a cart. She had no idea who it was. When it stopped, a man came down and walked around to the back and pulled out an enormous bundle of flowers.

  The man came up the path and paused before her. “Excuse me but I am looking for Lady Winston. Can you tell me where I can find her?” The man, who appeared well into his years with silver hair and spectacles, smiled.

  “I am Lady Winston.”

  “These flowers are for you from his lordship, and if you give me a few more moments, I have something else in the cart for you.”

  “Let me take those for you, my lady.” Her housekeeper shouted from the door. “My goodness, they are lovely. I do believe your earl is up to something, if you catch my meaning.”

  Eliza blushed, unsure why her housekeeper was so positive about her hunches. As her housekeeper took the flowers indoors, the man returned to her with a parcel wrapped in paper and ribbon.

  “Good heavens! One would think it was Christmas come six months early. Thank you, sir.”

  “A good day to you, my lady.”

  She watched the old man drive back toward London. What on earth was Evan up to? Eliza shook her head and returned indoors where the scents of hot house roses, lilies and peonies wafted and surrounded her sitting room.

  Eliza sat down in her chair by the fireplace and opened the parcel to discover a pair of gloves, a fan, and a silk bag with some weight. When she poured the contents of the bag onto her lap, she could not believe her eyes; it was the most elegant strand of pearls she had ever seen.

  The man had clearly lost his wits and went above and beyond what was expected. There was no reason why he gifted her so, or was there? Was this all a part of a scheme to make her his mistress, or was this his way of letting her down after the assembly?

  Tears began to stream down her face. The warm and salty tears dripped from her cheek.

  “Dearie me, my lady. Whatever is the matter?” The housekeeper entered the room.

  “I cannot make any sense of all his gifts. Not even my late husband presented me with such gifts.”

  “Well, I do not imagine he would have. The bugger was ready to keel over. Your parents had no business passing you off like that. It is just as well. If anything can be said about the way the earl is lavishing you with gifts, it is because he is in love with you. Something I wager, you will have to become accustomed to.”

  Her housekeeper dabbed Eliza’s cheeks to wipe away the tears. “Mistress, you will be the belle of the assembly tonight. Everyone will want to meet your earl and they will be seeking an introduction with you, if they have not met you before. I admit that the Earl of Chisholm has possibly gone out of his way to make the two of you stand out at the ball, but one cannot blame him for the whole of the world to see how much he adores you.”

  “Do you really think so, Madeline?”

  “I do.

  Eliza could not fathom how this evening was going to go, nor could she anticipate if there were any more surprises up his sleeve. She counted herself blessed and fortunate for having met the man who rescued her never thinking their friendship would turn into anything more.

  If only her family could see her now, though she did not imagine they would think much of her situation. If her own sister would not write to her, or even attend her husband’s funeral, it was just as well they had given up on her. In the end, her solitude gave her much peace.

  “My lady, we really should begin to get ready. Your hair may take some time to pin up.”

  “An excellent point, Madeline. How do you suppose I should wear it?”

  “You do have some hair pins we can play around with so, if you wish, we can take some time now to try it a few different ways before the looking glass.”

  Eliza could not wait to see Evan, in truth, but a fraction of her soul was terribly frightened what people would say when they saw her at the assembly tonight. They would all speculate Evan’s intentions and a part of her was not ready for what tonight would bring.

  They debated for over an hour and finally decided on her hair pulled back with several curls off to the sides cascading down, much like the ball a week ago, best suited the hair pins Madeline found in storage.

  In truth, she had not seen the pins since the estate she and her husband lived in. Upon learning she was moving into the family cottage, Eliza had requested items that would not be a daily reminder of her husband. She had various volumes brought from the main house that she enjoyed most and his son did not mind in letting her retain a few keepsakes as his new bride did not care much for reading anyways.

  Life here at Briar cottage was decidedly more simpler and Eliza had an inkling that after tonight, all would change.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Eliza took the earl’s arm as the entered through the assembly hall. She hadn’t expected the volume of parishioners present. They were greeted by their gracious host as they entered.

  “Lady Winston! I am ecstatic you joined us this evening,” Lord William said.

  Eliza curtsied. “Sir William, allow me to introduce you to the Earl of Chisholm, Lord Evan Radcliffe.”

  William faced him. “A pleasure to finally meet you, my lord. On behalf of my family, we welcome you and wish you an enjoyable evening.”

  She watched on as the Sir William praised Evan. He was even more dashing this evening. His blue eyes sparkled in the lighting and whenever they passed through a group of folks, she could hear the whispers of the unmarried misses hoping for a dance.

  “Lady Winston.” Mr. Robbin’s approached from the opposite direction. “I am glad you came. I cannot tell you how thrilled Mrs. Robbins and I are that you attended after all.”

  “How could she not?” Evan added as he joined her at her side.

  “Has she told you the good news yet?”

  “Lady Winston, what news?” He lifted a quizzical brow.

  “I had been pondering on how to raise some funds for the orphans and his lordship has agreed to host a charity picnic at
his estate.”

  The vicar’s eyes lit with glee. “That is such joyous news, my lady. I hope you will tell us more when you stop in on Monday for the children’s lessons.”

  “Of course.”

  “Most excellent. A pleasure to see you again, my lord.” The vicar went on his way to socialize with others present.

  Evan leaned close. “Would you care for a dance, my lady?”

  Excitement welled up in her. “Yes, I would be glad to, my lord.”

  The rest of the evening became such a blur of activity and introductions. Nearly everyone she and Evan met simply would not leave until they had personally introduced themselves.

  “Lady Winston!”

  She turned to find her stepson’s wife stopped beside them with a few other ladies in two.

  “Mrs. Winston, how nice to see you again. I hope Aubrey is well?” Eliza said.

  “He is indeed. Allow me to introduce you to my sister, Mrs. Hanover, and Miss Jane Abernathy.”

  Eliza angled her head. “A pleasure, ladies. Is Aubrey with you this evening?”

  “He is. I believe he is with your companion. Pray tell who that impeccable specimen is.”

  Eliza cleared her throat. “My friend is the Earl of Chisholm, Lord Evan Radcliffe. I can introduce you, if you would like.”

  Her daughter in law fanned herself. “As much as I would enjoy that, I do not think Aubrey would appreciate it.”

  The comment caught her by surprise. “Why is that, Catherine?”

  “Well, I am certain you have heard by now about that messy business with Lady Amelia in London, and oh my! How could I forget… and his sister? She was ruined by some rake who ran off to the America.”

  Eliza had never want to slap a woman until now. She envisioned knocking the woman over until her heels were where her head stood now.

  “My dear, Catherine, allow me to put you at ease. Lord Radcliffe is one of the most respectable men I have met in recent weeks. As for his delightful sister, she is as beautiful as she is caring and compassionate, and is happily engaged to a viscount. Gossip is really a terrible thing. In your condition, one mustn’t trouble themselves with such matters.” Eliza paused and smiled. She opened her fan and waited.


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