The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5)

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The Elusive Lady Winston (Regency Rendezvous Book 5) Page 15

by Layna Pimentel

  “My lady,” Vincent approached, and passed her a note. “This arrived for his lordship’s valet.”

  Eliza’s hand shook violently as she took the item from him.

  “Go and summon him.”

  Everyone looked at her. She dared not to read it until Joseph had gone over it.

  “Who delivered this, Vincent?”

  “A boy who ran off into the darkness.”

  Joseph joined them in the library a few minutes later in his bed clothes.

  “Has there been news, my lady?”

  “Yes. This just arrived for you.”

  They circled around Joseph, waiting for some sign that Evan was safe..

  “My lady, you are in danger if you do not leave the estate. They are watching the house as we congregate.”

  “Who is watching?” asked the constable.

  “It does not say but Lord Radcliffe has requested that you return to Lord Haversham’s with empty trunks, of course. He is proposing a rouse and is requesting that I meet him with some fresh clothes and a second carriage for the remainder of his travel.”

  Eliza took a step back. Trying to piece together the little information within the letter. Her beloved had a plan, yet the rouse was necessary as he suspected the house was being watched.

  The constable then grabbed the letter from Joseph’s hands and read it quietly. “He is headed for Gretna. I have a hunch she has hired some men to keep his lordship in line until they are married. This is pure speculation, yet a risk we must consider.”

  Eliza saw from the constables frown that time was of the essence if they were to retrieve the earl before they reached Scotland. If the house was indeed being watched, they would certainly know how many people left and would have eyes on the Haversham estate as well.

  She then looked to the constable. “I will happily depart with the Haversham’s but I think in the second carriage you should disguise yourself as a groomsman. They will never suspect a thing.”

  “While that is a good plan, my lady, I will still need the aid of more men and we do not have the luxury of time. Do you have any strong servants here that would be able to assist?”

  Eliza had not yet had the opportunity to formally meet all of the earl’s staff so she turned to Vincent and Joseph and then to the constable.

  “These two men will be able to enlist the help you require, sir. I will leave you in their care while I pack some things for my return with the Havershams’.”

  Eliza excused herself to her room and looked at her maid. “I will leave you here until we know more of what has happened with Lord Radcliffe.”

  “Are you certain it is safe?”

  “No, however, it is all we can do until his lordship has been recovered.”

  The maid aided her in packing some things into a trunk and they rang for a footman to take it to the Havershams’ carriage.

  How was it even possible that ever since she laid her eyes upon the earl, her life had been an endless succession of dangerous situations. Was it never going to end? She loved him dearly but once this was over the man was never allowed to leave the house, at least not until they were married.

  When she reached the door everyone, including Evan’s valet, was prepared.

  “Are you certain this will work?” she asked the inspector who straightened his back.

  “My lady, we shall recover Lord Radcliffe. Though I cannot attest we will be able to do so without injury.” He paused and exhaled. “There is no information that the ruffians hired are armed, however, we shall endeavor to do our best to apprehend them.”

  How she longed to see him again. This was all so vexing. Eliza followed the Havershams into their carriage noticing a servant had entered wearing the constable’s cloak and hat.

  Very clever but would the charade really work?

  “Lady Winston, are you well?” Vincent asked dressed as the constable.

  “I will be fine once the earl has been recovered. Until then, I do not think I shall be able to rest much.”

  Mary had wept considerably when she arrived that she fell asleep on Haversham’s shoulder the second the carriage began moving.

  “Your strength and sensibility, Lady Winston, is most admirable. Ladies of the ton would swoon at the mere thought of their world being overturned by criminals. You… you simply do as you must and carry on.”

  Eliza received Haversham’s statement as a compliment. From the moment she discovered she was to be married to a man more than twice her age there was nothing left to do beyond dealing with the facts as they were. No number of tears could change the arrangement.

  “We do as we must, Lord Haversham, that is the only truth we should abide by. I cannot avert my eyes from transgressions made by others and pray for peace and the safety of my intended.”

  Vincent then took her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze.

  “Lord Radcliffe has done well, my lady. You will do the family justice by becoming our countess.”

  If she became countess. Evan had yet to make it through the night.

  * * *

  Evan eyed the door of the inn contemplating his options. He could run for help but innocent people would get hurt. He simply had to wait out his time in his room until Joseph joined them with fresh clothing.

  By now Eliza would have learned he’d been abducted and be, without a doubt, beyond distress. Yet, a small part of him knew she would insist on organizing a search party and not rest until he was found.

  “Why do you keep looking out as if you want to run? You can try but I will shoot your arse before you can blink.”

  “Dodds, I have always known you ran that bawdy house where Crawley picked her up, but what the hell did she promise you by dragging you into this mess?” he asked, hoping to distract the man.

  “She didn’t promise a thing other than the boatload of money she owed me and Hubert for certain arrangements.”

  “What sort of arrangements?”

  Dodds eyed him speculatively. “What’s it to you? Once you are married and the will is changed, you are as good as dead.”

  Evan laughed full of gusto.

  “You’re a fool if you think any of you will get any money. If I die before I have an heir my cousin inherits the whole damned thing.”

  He continued to laugh until the door swung up of the carriage they’d acquired along the way.

  “Well my darling, we have secured a room for the night while these two will stand watch for your valet. Once he arrives, Hubert will collect your things and bring it up.”

  “No, my dear. I will want to see my valet to ensure his safety or you can bet I will ring your pretty little neck once we are alone.”

  She stood back and eyed him. “Very well but that will be the only concession I will make until we are married.”

  Evan left the confines of the carriage and entered the inn, without glancing up at anyone, while Amelia followed closely behind.

  “Up the stairs, to the right and the last door.”

  When he reached the small room, there was a wash basin already ready filled with water and the bed turned down.

  “Get your rest and I will see about getting us some food in the tavern.”

  The moment she left, he waited for her footsteps going down the stairs to fade into the noise below, he searched for a potential weapon in the event things went awry. He found nothing, but noticed a door had been left slightly open at the landing at the top of the stairs.

  Evan open the door just a crack to inspect the hall. Everyone, it appeared, was dining so he made his way down the hall into the room that had the open door. A traveler snoring away face down on the bed had left a pistol on a nearby table.

  He made quick work of grabbing it and tucking the weapon under his shirt then raced back to his room before Amelia noticed he was gone. Evan closed the door and kicked off his boots and stat on the bed with his legs stretched out before him. He closed his eyes, his arms rested and folded across his chest.

  Sometime later the
door swung open and slammed shut. He thought it best to keep his eyes closed just in case it was either Dodds or Hubert.

  “Your supper.” She slammed the plate on the table.

  “How thoughtful of you. Did you spit in it first, woman?”

  “How is that any way to talk to someone who is about to be your wife.”

  He opened his eyes then and smirked. “Love, it matters not where we are in this country, a marriage is not official if it has not been consummated and I have no desire to bed you ever again.”

  “You say that now but I can think of any number of reasons why you will want to comply; starting with that woman you have been obsessing about. If she knew what was good for her she would return to the tiny cottage in Devonshire and remain there.”

  Evan blew out a hard breath. “Are you quite done? I thought to rest for a while before Joseph brought me my clothes and the carriage so, if you are so inclined to do so, take your lies elsewhere.”

  The woman kicked a chair and slammed the door. On the other side of the door she was heard giving orders to one of the men.

  “He does not leave that room for any reason until our new means of transport arrives. Am I understood?” she hissed.

  “Yes, yes, go and get off. You are vexing, woman.”

  It was Hubert who had been stationed outside his door. There was not a doubt she would swindle some poor traveler’s soul down in the dining room while Dodds stood guard outside. Perhaps there was a way to talk him out things. Hubert appeared to more of the underdog in this charade so one had to wonder truly how difficult it would be to sway him otherwise, or to take him down.

  Evan had no desire to shoot the man but, if there was a way to render him unconscious until his valet arrived and they found an escape route, he would certainly be grateful for every day he lived beyond this one.

  He then looked at the tray of food Amelia had brought up and thought at least it was worth a try.

  Evan opened the door and leaned against the frame.

  “Have you even eaten yet, Hubert?”

  He glared at him suspiciously.

  “What do you care, Radcliffe?”

  Evan shrugged. “Well, let me see. Dodds is out there free to do as he wishes; maybe even catching a nap. She’s downstairs drinking her pretty little face off and probably gambling. You are here, watching me like an errant child. I suspect Dodds will collect most of the money she has offered you. Come on in and have a bite, after that I can go to sleep and perhaps you can find a wench below to tangle with.”

  Hubert pushed him away and he closed the door behind him. Evan leaned against the door and watched the foolish man devour the food. He inched closer and closer until he came up behind him and placed him in a choking hold with his arm wrapped his neck.

  Evan reached for the napkin and covered his mouth with it to muffle the sounds of his choking. Evan squeezed tighter until the man’s legs went limp under the table.

  He moved the unconscious body onto the bed and tied him down with sheets.

  Evan then waited for what seemed an eternity until two carriages rolled up under the midnight sky. When they stopped his valet exited, carrying a bundle. He observed Dodds and Amelia approach the carriages, yet something appeared different about the driver of the one. He did not recognize the size of the man.

  Amelia sent Joseph in while she pointed Dodds to grab something from the other carriage they hijacked.

  Evan held his breath. Their window to escape was very little so he went out to the hall to the window in front of the stairs to see if it would open. He unlatched it and noticed there was a small drop with a thatched roof to break their fall. Perfect.

  With each passing second, until Joseph came into view, Evan died a little. His only wish was that his mother and Eliza were safe. His mama, of course, might be wee bit angry with him over his decision regarding the dower house; however, if she was oblivious to this entire madness he would find a way to make amends with her. The important thing was to come out of this alive.

  Joseph finally came into view, Evan waved to him and pointed to the window.

  “You cannot be serious, my lord?” he whispered angrily.

  “I am and we have not a minute to lose. On with it.”

  Just as quickly as Joseph came up the stairs he pushed him out the window and barely made it out the window himself before he heard the yelling.

  Evan then pointed to run to the side to the closest carriage. By the time they made it to the front he shoved Joseph into an open door, shots in the night sky rang out and his shoulder began to burn.

  Chapter Twenty

  Evan closed the door behind Joseph and went around to the other side in hopes of finding what direction either Dodds or Amelia was.

  His one groomsmen came to his side with a jittery voice. “My lord, you have been shot. You must get inside.”

  “I will not until the three have them have been apprehended.”

  “But the constable from town was riding in the front of the other carriage.”

  Moments later they were joined by the constable he had originally spoken with regarding Amelia’s ongoing harassment.

  “My lord, I see you have been hit. Once we finish here, we shall find you a physician.”

  “Eliza, is she well?”

  The man chuckled. “She is but if we do not apprehend these criminals who is to say things will end well.”

  They both rose to their feet when Evan turned to the groomsman. “Joseph is inside. Take care and we will try to be done with this quickly.”

  Evan pulled out the pistol he stole earlier and turned to the constable.

  “Sir, this is your territory now. Tell me how I can be of service and I will do what I can.”

  “There are three of them, correct?”

  “Yes, Dodds and Amelia were out here and I tied Hubert to the bed some time ago.”

  “The idea is to take all of them alive.”

  Evan nodded and pulled away to change positions behind the carriage in front. He could hear Amelia yelling something but there were horses unsettled and ruckus coming from the stables. They both noticed then that Dodds was attempting to leave Amelia behind.

  “You cannot leave me behind,” she screeched.

  “Watch me, you idiotic bitch. I will not hang for you.”

  The constable fired at Dodds and he fell off the horse. The groomsmen that rode with him approached the criminal with some rope and tied him up after he delivered a few kicks himself.

  Evan then ran after Amelia who ran back inside the inn. Customers, in all the confusion, came out of their rooms to observe the chaos. He then noticed the innkeeper swing a chair at her to knock the knife she waved around in her hand.

  He ran after her when she recovered and ran up the stairs, presumably to the room where Hubert was tied up. She attempted to latch the door before he could enter but with a swift kick she had fallen to the floor.

  Hubert had managed to free himself so Evan pulled out the gun and pointed the pistol toward him and pulled the trigger, hitting only the flesh in his thigh.

  Amelia tried to get passed him by swinging some pottery at him, catching him at the corner of his eye. Without a moment’s hesitation he swung at her and she finally stilled when she hit the floor.

  “I have had enough of this idiocy. All of you, and I mean you, Hubert, Dodds, and Amelia will hang for this.”

  Evan sat in a chair until the constable came up and joined him.

  “My lord, it would appear you managed quite well.”

  “If you say so. What is to be done with them?”

  “I am waiting for the parish constables to join us with their means of transport to have all three taken away.”

  “Where is Dodds now?”

  “The innkeeper aided the groomsmen in tying him up to the stables while he was unconscious. We had numerous volunteers ask to watch him and the others.”

  Evan was relieved that the end had finally arrived to this madness. Soon, he would b
e married to the love of his life and, finally, could do all that he wanted without having to hide their relationship from society like it was taboo.

  He cared not if she was older than him or the rumors that she was barren. For heaven’s sake, the woman was married to a man older than his grandfather when he passed on. Evan was sure they would be able to have children and he could not wait to prove society, or his mother, wrong on that count.

  Evan made his way down to the carriage only to stumble the whole way.

  “My lord!”

  Joseph came to his side ripping a part of his shirt to cover the wound in his shoulder.

  “Help me get him in the carriage. We need the physician immediately.”

  A groomsman aided them inside and they were off. Evan felt a chill and could not warm up. His valet tried to cover him with a blanked, but the chill continued to work through him. How could a paltry wound leave him so weak?

  “My lord, you gave us all quite the scare. You would be so proud of Lady Winston though. I have never seen anyone more brave and strong with so much upset around her.”

  “How is that, Joseph?”

  “When the Havershams arrived with news of foul play, Lady Mary lost all her scruples over the potential of foul play. Lady Winston consoled her, even when her own husband would not.”

  Evan smiled. She was, indeed, a strong woman to have put up with all this intrigue these last few weeks, and would spend the rest of his life making up for lost time while.

  His valet kept the conversation going, yet, Evan desperately wanted to close his eyes. They were hours away from home and all he desired was to sleep.

  “My lord, please… You must stay alert. Tell me how you met Lady Winston. I am sure when you both have children they will want to know the story, too. What will you tell them?”

  Evan gritted his teeth. The throbbing in his shoulder intensified with each bump in the road. “I met Lady Winston in town. She had been shopping unaccompanied and decided to walk in an area not so welcoming to ladies of society. I rescued her, you know.”

  His valet smiled and adjusted his blanket. “Seems like the two of you were destined to find each other in a world of pain. I imagine that day you came home from the scuffle, that was saving the dear lady, was it not?”


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