Just A Bit Of Trust (Constel·lación #1)

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Just A Bit Of Trust (Constel·lación #1) Page 10

by Noma-Tee Thompson

  “What do you do with the money… oh, I mean credits?” Vivian wanted to know.“We use it as we see fit.”

  Vivian didn’t like the evasive answer.

  “Like what?” Vivian wanted to know.

  Dolores cast her eyes on the floor. That spoke volumes. The other servants looked uncomfortable.

  No, they wouldn’t. ”You share the credits among yourselves?’

  Dolores didn’t answer.

  Did Didac know of this? She needed to talk to him. ”For the Introductory dinner, I would like to see the guest list please?”

  Dolores scrunched her face in displeasure.It was not lost on Vivian. ”I will have Chimo give it to you, Your Highness.”

  Even her new title as Queen sounded so offensive on those woman’s lips.

  Vivian turned to leave, but then Dolores turned to her followers with a remark that had Vivian seething.

  Dolores was resentful. She had been a cook for two centuries and no one had ever questioned her role or decisions she made for everything to do with the Kitchen and cooking. But then this human Queen wanted to take over. This was what she was born and trained to do. Making a guest list, seating arrangements, invitations and decorating the dining room was part of her duties for any dinners conducted at the Castle. ”Who does she think she is?”

  Her followers snickered.“The last time I checked, I was the Queen of Constel·lació.” Vivian’s voice was hard. She hadn’t liked the woman’s demeanor when they had were introduced. She had dismissed it and planned on gaining her favor and work out something with her but this...

  Vivian wanted to walk away and deal with this in a different way, after all, she was new here and didn’t want to cause trouble, but Dolores was relentless in her attack.“Queen?” Dolores mockery even made her followers shuffle their feet awkwardly. ”Don’t be too comfortable with your new position; he is a male after all.”

  This was unacceptable.

  “I would like you to pack your bags and leave immediately.” Vivian’s firm voice resounded in the big kitchen.“This is not right to be thrown out like this. The King will hear of this.” Dolores raised voice sounded whiny.

  “Just get out.” Vivian's eyes perused the room before she picked up the hem of her dress and walked out. She had Chimo scurrying behind her.” Is my husband in the castle now?”

  “Yes Your Highness, I will inform him that you would like to see him.”

  “Thank you, Chimo.” Chimo saw the Queen’s distress and was unsure how to handle it and made a note to speak to the King. “I hope we can become friends and come to understand each other, but you have to be patient with me because this is new to me and would like to make a success of it and fit in.”

  “And I hope I shall do everything to your satisfaction, Your Highness.”

  “I’m sure you will. If we are to be friends, there is no need for formalities. You can call me Vivian.”

  “It is not proper to address you by your first name.”

  “How about if you do it when it’s just the two of us?”

  Chimo returned Vivian’s conspirational smile. ”Of course, Vivian.”

  Chimo hesitated. The Queen seemed like a kind lady. He much preferred the happy smile that she had given him earlier. Yes, he wanted her to make a success and fit in. They walked together in silence, and when they reached her bedroom door, he bowed and left.


  Vivian had had time to calm down. She bounced into Didac’s office excited about the arrangements and the menu changes she had made for the Official Introductory Dinner in her honor that would be hosted by them. Vivian had made some extensive changes to the menu and was planning to do some of the cooking herself. Even if it was weeks away, there was so much to do, and she wanted it to be perfect. She wanted to run everything by Didac. Not that she needed his approval, but she didn’t want to embarrass her husband as well.

  What she saw deflated her spirits. She couldn’t stop her face from freezing like a stone. One of the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen was sitting next to her husband behind his large desk. They appeared to be looking over something on his computer.

  They both looked up at her.

  “Vivian, come in. Meet my secretary Didra.” Didac spoke as he stood up and walked around his desk towards her.

  Vivian cautiously moved forward as the other woman approached her. She studied Didra with a nostalgia of an inferior woman being challenged by a classy beauty with an outward show of her misgivings. She ran her hands over her hair to smooth it. Why couldn’t she have taken the time to straighten herself up?

  “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Your Highness.” Didra bowed before her.

  That voice. It was sultry, and it cast a more seductive aura around her. Vivian's heart sank even lower than the Titanic.

  What woman in her right mind would allow a woman like that to work close to her man?

  She caught herself before a “hell no” escaped her lips.

  “I am happy to meet you finally. My husband has been singing praises about you.” Vivian’s jaw almost hurt from trying to keep her smile in place.

  Vivian tried to relax her body, imagining herself calm and disinterested in the situation. Jealousy was a self-destructive behavior mostly led by paranoia. It was not within her rights to manage who her husband worked with; she just had to control her emotions and trust her husband to do the right thing.

  “Likewise, His description of you does not do you justice, Your Highness.”

  Of course, she had to say things like that because she was the Queen. ”There is no need to be so formal. Call me Vivian. I hope we could be friends.”

  What was Vivian feeling? Guilt? Didra seemed like a lovely lady.

  The smile she bestowed on her revealed perfect white teeth and seemed genuine. ”I would like that Vivian.”

  Vivian looked at Didac. ”I hope I am not disturbing anything.”

  “No, that’s fine. Didra and I can finish this later.”

  Didra bowed to both of them and left the room. Vivian watched her go.

  She trusted Didac so did she have anything to worry about? She had nothing to be scared about, right? Didac seemed like a man who knew how to draw boundaries.

  Stop comparing yourself.

  Did she have a low self-esteem? Yes, Vivian was attracted to Didac’s looks, but he also had an indefinable quality that she couldn’t explain, some dark part of her humanity connected to him. It transcended his looks and status. She shook herself out of her thoughts.

  “You know that she felt that too?”

  Vivian ignored him. Damn Constel·lacións and their psychic abilities. “I wanted to show you the changes I made to the menu, and I need to start interviewing for a new chef.”, And she added. ”And it is a natural feeling.”

  Didac was losing his patience even if her jealousy pleased him. ”What happened to the one we had and what were you doing in the kitchen?’

  “I wanted to help organize the dinner.’

  “You don’t need to do that, Chimo and Dolores know what needs to be done.”

  “You don’t expect me to sit at home and do nothing, do you? I want to fit in as soon as possible. And about Dolores, I fired her.”

  “You what? Fired Dolores? When I married you, I wanted you to be free to do as your mind directs but what you do affects my reputation as a leader. Dolores’ family has been working here for generations. Just get her back and reinstate her.”

  Vivian wasn’t sure if the guards and servants could hear the yelling from her husband, so she kept her voice down. “And show the stuff that I have no authority over my house. I refuse to do it.”

  Didac breathed in to calm himself. Respect was huge for his mate. If she had fired the cook, she must have had a good reason to. Half of the people of Constel·lació did not approve of his mating and to have Vivian fire Dolores from the House of Servei, whose family had served The house of Direcció for centuries would cause a stir. He failed to understan
d what Dolores might have done or said to warrant a dismissal. Vivian’s glum face spoke volumes. Didac did not want to alienate his mate further by jumping to conclusions.” You better have a good reason.”

  Vivian despair saturated the air. ”I find your lack of confidence in my decision disappointing. Do you think I take pleasure in firing people?”

  “No, I do not, but what possibly could have happened to make you dismiss her?”

  “Her snide remarks put me off. I am supposed to be your Queen and Like you, I will not tolerate any disrespect to my person. I know that she has every right to think what she wants to think, but I will not have her saying it to my face and allowing the other servants to believe that they can do the same thing.”

  Didac was of the same opinion. Yes, his people had their minds. The only time he permitted them to voice their thoughts was at a council meeting not when they were performing duties that he paid them for.” You are right my Queen. I have to accept that we share responsibilities and trust that you will do whatever you see fit and good for our people. It will be hard to adjust. I would feel better if you talked to me first.”

  “With Dolores, the decision had to be made there and then. And I promise to tell you if I plan to make changes. It cannot be a one-way street; you have to talk to me too. I and you are a team.”

  “I don’t do teamwork well.” He inhaled deeply.

  “It is time you learned, My King.” Vivian walked to the door and locked it. ”There is no I in team.”

  Didac had no choice but agree when Vivian’s shrugged her dress off her shoulders. His mind went blank.”Um, I like the way you think.”

  Didac sat in his chair to calm his unsteady knees. Just one look at his mate’s naked form made him thicken.He devoured her curved body move towards him . His nerve almost deserted him.” You are so amazing, but look I have a meeting I have to prepare for, in a few hours.”

  Vivian moved to straddle him on the chair,put her arms around his neck and her lips latched to his.”A few hours is hours from now.”

  Dolores was forgotten.

  Chapter 13

  Vivian loved her new role as a wife and Queen. The Constel·lacións were no different from humans. They loved, cried, cared, and they bled. They had family structures too, some broken and some solid. Nights in Didac’s arms were explosive and left her wanting and anticipating more. Didra was very helpful in educating her about their customs and history and escorting her around the planet showing her the best places to go when she needed to shop. They were fast becoming friends. She didn’t worry as much as she initially did about Didra working so close to her husband. But the jealousy was still there. Meetings with several Leaders from different Houses took up most of her time. She wanted to learn all there was to learn about their policies and systems and find ways she can improve them if she could. Even if the leaders were thorough about it, she wanted to implement a few more programs that could be useful to the people of Constel·lació, her people now.

  The new governor of Temprança, Oscar Agusti was the most difficult man to deal with. “I am sorry, Your Highness, I will still have to decline your petition. We cannot have women be involved in combat roles.”

  “Would you care to tell me why not?” Vivian would not give up. She had come prepared to win this after she was told no through the correspondences they had together over the communication device.

  “The Warriors are an elite fighting force. It’s not an elite fighting force of elite men and mediocre woman. While the Constel·lación female is generally stronger that females or even males of other species, you cannot deny science, women do not have the same capabilities as men.”

  “Excuse me Governor; I do not understand your line of argument. On one of the conversations we had, you expressed to me that women are not strong enough, capable enough, and aggressive enough. I was under the impression that as a democratic planet all are equal in general. The point is that everyone must be afforded an equal opportunity. Correct me if I am wrong?”

  Oscar’s irritation was evident on his face. ”If my life was on the line, who would I choose to have next to me? A big strong guy or a short light woman? I’m not sexist in fact; I am all for women working as warriors, but in different roles.”

  “Then the problem is with your men and perhaps you then. I must admit that I do not possess the physicality capable for some roles that demand an amount that is only achievable by males, but you see I am only human. I do not presume much, but a Constel·lación female is stronger than an average human male or a male of most species in the solar system and with supernatural abilities that your species possess, your females can make significant contributions as warriors. I have had the opportunity to talk to your females especially from your House. They feel they have been treated unfairly. They are not asking for favors, they want to have the same training as men and only those who manage to do it, they can be warriors. I believe that if you cannot do the work, you do not belong to the group. Think about when you go to war with a weaker species like mine; you can take the females who didn’t pass through if they wish. Every female just like a male understand the risks they undertake by being warriors.”

  “You are presenting strong arguments Your Highness. You have put me in a tight spot. Governor Dudet warned me in advance to expect this.” Oscar was not fooled. The Queen was a devious woman implying she was weak but in earnest Oscar thought she was strong minded, worthy to be called a Constel·lación.

  “I must say dealing with Governor Dudet was far easier. After seeing the injustice of the judicial system, he wasn’t so difficult to convince.”

  “Governor Dudet will not be pleased to know that you thought he was easy.” Oscar Agusti’s face showed the first semblance of a smile.

  “Nothing is easy with any Constel·lación male.” Vivian laughed.

  “Are you talking from experience? “

  The big Warrior winked at her conspiratorially. Vivian laughed harder. Everyone knew that Didac was not an easy man except when it came to his Queen. ”You may think he is easy on me, but I still find him difficult.”

  “You have won me over, my Queen. You are as unyielding as my mate.” Oscar joined in the laughter.

  “That is, a woman I would love to meet.” She stood up to shake the Governor's hand.

  “Perhaps I should warn Governor Ziza as well.” Oscar shook Vivian’s hand.

  “Not in the least. Ziza understands a female like no male I know.” Vivian laughed again.

  “I am not sure he would take that as a compliment.”

  “He will. He prides himself in understanding the differences between males and females. That is why he makes a good therapist.”

  “I am sure he will be happy to hear that.” Oscar bowed as Vivian turned to go, watching her as she walked to the door.

  “I will see you around, Governor.”

  Oscar shook his head and was sure this was one of her many visits to his Star and office.

  Chapter 14

  "You may all be seated." Didac sat on the bench overlooking the general public surrounded by governors of each star. Everyone took their seats. He had been waiting for the trial for some time now because they were other things that had needed his attention after the war with Mother Earth including his new mate. "I want to thank all the council members and the public for showing up on such a short notice. We are here today to address an urgent threat to our planet and possibly a potential threat to the solar system as a whole. We are here for the trial and sentencing of Abramo Agusti."

  Didac turned to look at the judicial system which was mainly comprised of the people from the House of Tolerància. Their ability to accept and endure with forbearance made them better suited for delivering verdicts. ”Members of the jury, it is possible that many of you will recognize the defendant, the former Governor of Temprança, Abramo Agusti. You may also have heard stories about him or heard about the case. It is your duty to try the case on the evidence you hear in this court alone, in this
trial alone.And with that Mr. Toset…”

  The Crown attorney, Lluc Toset stood up. ”Thank you, Your Majesty. Members of the jury, I appear on behalf of the Crown. The defendant is represented by my learned colleague, Mara Ventura.I have confidence that you will convict the defendant. Why? Because the combination of direct and circumstantial evidence is simply undeniable. Here are the facts. Throughout 2170, the former Governor of Temprança, Abramo Agusti, a man with a history of being a fanatic, embezzled our planet funds and conspired with other individuals which include the President of Mother Earth with the intention of taking over the existing authority. Furthermore, we have confidence that once you have reviewed our evidence, you will return with a guilty verdict unanimously.”

  Mara Ventura stood up, “Members of the jury, Today; I will show that in a rush to convict, the basic lines of inquiry were never pursued. This is an investigation that robbed an innocent man of his freedom; his career; his reputation and his dignity. This man deserves his life back. We all owe him an apology. When we preside over miscarriages of justice, such as the one that has brought us all together today, The People vs. Abramo Agusti, we are all to blame for this. It is my opinion today that there are only thirteen blameless people: the defendant and you: twelve jurors. Everyone else that makes up the criminal justice system is guilty. Abramo Agusti is a victim of a flawed system. Our society is desperate and impatient to condemn him to find a face. Any face that fits. This concludes the opening statement for the defense.”

  Bravo. Agostino almost clapped, he was watching from the back of the Hall. The woman was lethal. She was self-admirer who never met an audience she didn’t like: A self-proclaimed prominent defense lawyer. Compelling and controversial, a household name. He was sure that the evidence collected would convict him. His father might have thought it was impressive to have a security system, but it was going to come back and bite him. Justice for all.It’s just that nature didn’t recognize it at all, but it served his people and other planets alike as a survival behavior. Justice ensured that everyone got what they deserved, but it was the politics behind the justice system that he didn’t like.


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