by Marie Harte
“Until me.” The woman you can’t trust.
“I won’t lie. I fell for you, Jenny. Hard enough I’m scared of falling flat and never getting up. Overhearing Marcy’s gossip took me back to a bad place.”
“Marcy? Tell me exactly what she said.” Genevieve buried the hurt and tried to get some answers.
After he’d recounted Marcy and Lieutenant Sheer’s conversation, she knew she needed to look further into the matter.
She pulled her hand from Brad’s and stood, needing some space.
“Jenny, I didn’t believe her.”
“You didn’t want to believe her.”
“No, I didn’t,” he said softly. “But instead of having a fit and acting like a jealous moron, I took some time to think. I believe you.”
“But you didn’t before. The problem, Brad, isn’t that you listened to gossip. It’s that you could honestly question my integrity after what we’ve been to each other. Or, at least, what I thought you’d been to me.”
“So you’re saying if you heard I’d been with another woman, you wouldn’t doubt me at all?” He sounded disbelieving.
“My first instinct would be to disbelieve it, yes. I’d come to you and ask you about it. To give you the benefit of the doubt because of what we mean to each other.” The truth. The Brad she knew might yell or argue, but he’d never cheat on her. She knew that even more now, knowing what Dana had done to him.
While she could understand he’d been hurt and why he might have trust issues, that didn’t absolve him of not believing in her from the get-go.
“What do I mean to you?” he asked.
“The question that matters is, what do I mean to you? Obviously you don’t trust me. So you can’t love me. What exactly do we have? A sexual relationship with some fun thrown in on the side?” She left him with that question and went back inside her home. Then she texted him to think about what she’d said and not talk to her for a few days. She wanted him to give himself time to figure out what they were doing.
She’d thought they were building something, but apparently she was only a stopping block, another temporary fling on his road to undoing the pain Dana had caused.
Angry and wanting to do something about it, she focused on the puzzle of the weird memos, the flat tires, and Marcy’s odd rumor. Time to do some electronic sleuthing and find some answers.
Chapter Twelve
Genevieve had called Brad into her office and asked him to join her behind her desk. She hadn’t answered his texts or calls last night, and she seemed seriously angry that he’d dared question her honor. Well, sue him, but Brad thought he had a right to be leery. Would she really not question him if someone had mentioned rumors about him having an affair?
It warmed him to think she’d blindly trust him. And it hurt to think he hadn’t been able to say the same to her.
“Marcy, please come in,” Genevieve said with a smile as she invited Marcy to sit before her desk.
Brad kept his poker face on, but he could sense the anticipation in the air. He stood next to Genevieve behind her desk and watched in silence. Marcy gave him a shy smile, but he knew all was not as it seemed.
“Marcy, I called you in here to explain to Major Cava why you felt the need to pop my tires and start rumors about me. And maybe you can explain why your electronic signature is buried under my supposed emails to Major Cava, emails that if distributed outside the G2 would have made the colonel extremely displeased.”
Marcy’s lips pinched as she denied any involvement, and Brad studied her with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Marcy?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She sounded innocent, but there was a quaver in her voice, a rapid blink of the eye that told him she lied.
“Not only do I have the IT department’s proof, I also interviewed Lieutenant Sheer, your gossip buddy, and Toby Westover’s wife, who remembers meeting you in the ladies’ room at the restaurant where the three of us ate lunch the other day. Odd you never mentioned you’d followed me, or that you’d met her.”
Marcy glared, the real woman coming to the fore. “You don’t deserve him, you know.”
Brad blinked. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You nearly sabotaged Genevieve’s career over jealousy?”
Marcy glared at Genevieve even as she started to cry then looked to him. “We were meant to be together, Brad. I understood you needing space. It’s tough to work with the woman you love, being around each other all the time. But then you hooked up with her. You can’t honestly tell me you love her.”
“Yeah, I do,” he snapped. “I can’t believe I listened to your lies. Marcy, you need help.” He turned to Genevieve and apologized. “I am so sorry. I’m going to the colonel right now about this.”
She nodded. “I’ve already talked to Marcy’s civilian boss. She’s going to be reassigned, if she’s lucky. Demoted for sure,” Genevieve stated, shaking her head. To Marcy, she said, “We should be working together, you know. Women, civilians in a military environment, are in the minority. But you had to take things too far. Get out, Marcy. You’re done working systems under my watch.”
“Come with me.” Brad nodded to the door. Once there, he called for Lieutenant Sheer. She joined them on a march to the colonel’s office, where he ordered the lieutenant to keep watch on Marcy, who was not to reenter her workspace until she’d been handled by the colonel.
After a brief conversation with the lieutenant, which revealed she’d thought hard about what Marcy had said and had a hard time believing her, he believed Sheer when she said she hadn’t shared what she’d heard, not wanting to bring down a female in charge. Brad felt comfortable leaving Marcy in her care.
The colonel’s secretary let Brad into his office, and after explaining things to Colonel Drey, Brad left his boss to deal with the wacky woman.
Now how to handle his woman, the one he loved, and the one he’d hurt most.
Three days later, as Friday came to a close and the weekend loomed, Brad figured he’d given Genevieve enough space. Time to beard the lion in her own den, he thought with nervous humor.
She’d told him to take some time, to reevaluate what he thought about her. And in that time, she’d no doubt been reevaluating him.
Brad had finally found a woman he could trust, and he’d let fear nearly get between them. Then again, if one simple mistake between them could ruin their relationship, what did they have between them anyway?
He knocked on her door. No one answered. He knocked again and turned the knob. It opened. “Jenny?”
His Jenny. Genevieve Cava. He liked the sound of that. A little freaked at thoughts of permanence so soon, he also knew that living behind a wall of casual dating and physical pleasures paled next to the mass of emotion he felt for Jenny all the time. He was ready to commit to marriage and, even more preferable, to a long engagement.
If she’d give him a chance.
“Up here,” she called from the second floor. He heard a sneeze.
Curious, he walked up the stairs and entered her spare bedroom, now cluttered with a ton of crap. Clothes and boxes of trinkets lay scattered. “I’m spring cleaning,” she muttered. Her shorts and top had dust smudges. The bandana holding back her dark red hair did nothing to detract from her beauty, though she looked more like a cleaning lady than a genius behind a computer.
“Spring cleaning? You just moved in. Besides, it’s almost summer.” In just two more weeks.
“Yeah, well, I had nothing better to do.” She glared at him.
He sighed. “Come here.”
“I’m busy.”
He yanked her off her feet, away from a pile of knickknacks, and draped her over his shoulder.
“Let go, you bully.”
Typical redhead. He loved her temper. After carrying her into her bedroom, he tossed her onto her bed and pinned her down with his body.
“Get off!”r />
“No. You’re going to listen to me, you stubborn woman. I love you. You’re a pain in the ass, and I have trust issues. My problems are mine, not yours. I’m still learning to deal with them. But you have to give me some leeway. If we can’t get beyond that, we have no future.”
She blinked up at him. “You really love me?”
“Figures you see through the bullshit to the most important part.” He kissed her. So warm and soft, she felt like home underneath him. A home he wanted to sink into while they both found their pleasure. “Look, I told you my ex messed me up. You’re the first woman I’ve wanted to spend a future with in…well, since Dana.”
“Seriously? You’ve dated since her.”
“Not with the intent to keep dating. Usually my partners and I had nothing more than simple fun in mind. With you I want more.”
“You do?” Her green eyes looked so deep, so hopeful.
“God, Jenny. I love you.”
“I thought you were kidding on Tuesday.” Her eyes grew glassy. “We barely know each other.”
“Really? Because you said you knew me well enough that you’d never doubt me.”
“I, well, yeah.”
“So why doubt me now? Because you don’t love me?” He’d swear—prayed—she did.
“I do love you, though you’re a huge moron.” She blinked away angry tears.
He sagged with relief until she coughed and complained of his weight on top of her. He leaned up on his elbows and stared at her. “Okay, good. So what’s the problem then?”
She pinched his side, and he winced but refused to budge, knowing she’d bolt. “My problem is that you don’t trust me.”
“I do. It’s just… Look. Dana messed me up. Imagine falling so hard for someone that you get married then find out they were just using you until something better came along. Over four years of my life spent with a woman I’d imagined having babies with. So yeah, I have trust issues. But you mean something to me. I didn’t just accuse you of cheating, you know. I thought about it. Reasoned the facts that didn’t add up. It didn’t feel right.”
“Why not?” She wasn’t fighting him.
“Because I couldn’t love a woman that much, not after what Dana did to me, if she was that ugly inside and out. Baby, you’re gorgeous. But it’s more than your looks. You’re funny, smart, snarky, and a little mean. I love everything about you.” He ground his pelvis against her, aroused as usual. “Especially our chemistry. We connect on every level. But you’re going to have to forgive my lapses. I’m not perfect.”
“No kidding.” She arched into him, increasing their contact. “You need to believe in me.”
“I will if you give me a chance.”
“What’s it worth to you?”
He kissed her then wiped her tears away. “Whatever you want.”
“Hmm.” She kissed him back, and the brush of her lips against his stoked his lust into an inferno. “Maybe we tie you up again. And this time, we shoot for two beads.”
“I don’t know if I can survive that kind of torture.”
Her slow smile lit him up from the inside out.
“But for you I’ll do anything. And I mean anything, Jenny. I love you.” He swallowed hard, putting it all on the line. “I want everything with you. Marriage, babies, the works. And I’ll admit that scares me to death.”
She sighed. “I love you too. We’re going to give our relationship time. We’ll work on trust, showing each other it’s okay to doubt—a little—as long as love wins out in the end.”
“Thank God. I love you, baby.”
“Me too. But you’re going to have to prove it. Now that I’m thinking about it, I think you need at least four beads so I know you’re serious about me.”
He smirked. “I’m hard just thinking about it. Do your worst, Jenny. Because payback’s a bitch.”
And two years later, when Mrs. Genevieve Cava lay in the hospital giving birth to twins, she could be heard to say, “I’ll get you for this, Cava. Five beads next time. See if I don’t!”
The End
A Thank you from Fated Desires
Thank you so much for reading A Major Distraction! We’re so happy that you had a chance to look into the new military romances we have with Marie’s series, Good to Go. We do hope if you liked this, that you would please leave a review from where you purchased this or on another platform. Not only does a review spread the word to other readers, they let us know if you’d like to see more stories like this from us. Marie loves to hear from readers and talks to them when she can. You can reach her through her website and through her Facebook and Twitter accounts. You guys are the reason we get to do what we do and we thank you.
If you are looking for more stories like these, make sure you check out the first two books in the series! Plus, as always, Marie always has something else cooking.
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About the Author
Caffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte is a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.
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Now Available:
Ludos Deorum:
Ever After Anthology
Beasts of Burden
Good to Go:
A Major Attraction
A Major Seduction
A Major Distraction
Coming Soon
Ludos Deorum
Dark Fates Anthology
Did you enjoy this selection? Why not try another romance from Fated Desires?
From USA Today Bestselling Author, Marie Harte comes the second book in her Good to Go Series:
A Major Seduction
Eight years ago
Oh God. He was here.
“Quick. Undo me,” Maria ordered, frantic she get this just right.
Her best friend, Olivia, sighed. “Seriously? This has to be the dumbest idea you’ve had yet.” Still, Olivia helped unknot the back of Maria’s bikini top.
Overhead, the moon lit up the ocean, not a cloud in the sky. Sparkles danced over the dark water, and the private alcove on the beach provided the perfect atmosphere to finally snag a certain someone. Too bad the breeze had died. Maria wiped sweat from her brow and wondered if she should put her hair in a ponytail. Long hair wasn’t sexy plastered to one’s face.
“Really dumb idea,” Olivia repeated as she looked around and eased off the dock into the backyard. The wooden dock had served to host more parties and summer shindigs than Maria could remember. Heck, she’d spent her seventh birthday in this very yard at this very beach. She might not be a Cava by name—yet—but she was where it mattered. In the heart.
This has to work. “I’m sixteen, officially a woman.”
“Really? I didn’t know we had a certified date for turning all womanly.”
“Shh. Now scram.” Maria heard footsteps getting closer. Her heart raced at remembrances of the tall, dark, and handsome Marine she’d fallen in love with at first sight. An older man. So forbidden. She felt all Lolita-like and cool, not cute or darling. Finally.
“Good luck.” Olivia left without making a sound, disappearing into the shadows.
Maria shifted on her towel and winced when a splinter dug in her butt.
“Olivia?” Even his deep voice gave the shivers. Lieutenant Mike Cava was a dream. Every girl who saw him knew it. But he had so much more than his looks going for him. Kind, caring, sexy as all get-out. She sighed.
She rose up on her elbows and saw her tiny bikini top waver over her small breasts—the only problem with her plan. She didn’t have curves like her best friend. U
nfortunately, Maria took after her mom. Petite, blond, and stick-thin, though she’d been called pretty over the years. Cursed with the cute gene, but, hey, most guys liked boobs of any size, didn’t they? This would work.
She could feel it.
She cleared her throat. “Over here, Mike.”
More footsteps. She thrust out her chest and shifted on the deck. The water lapped right next to her, and she wondered if Mike would want to make love in the ocean. How romantic would that be? Her first love, her first time.
“Oliv—Maria?” He blinked. “What are you doing out here?”
She smiled and batted her eyelashes. He looked confused, not attracted, so she tried again, adjusting herself on her towel. Perhaps if she moved back, her top could “accidentally” fall off. She scooted back on her hands and butt and winced as the splinter in her tush dug deeper. Keep it together, girl.
Mike stared at her. Any minute now, he’d see her breasts and be overcome with lust, finally seeing her as more than his—“Ack!”
She splashed into the water, and boy, the temperature of the ocean sure did drop in the evening. She shivered as she treaded water.
Mike knelt over the side, all concern. “Hey, Maria, you okay?” He glanced over her shoulder and blinked. “Ah, is that your top?”
Crap. “Oh boy. I think it is.” Perhaps a way to salvage the situation… “Could you help me out?”
His smile seemed sincere, but it was growing a little too wide for her taste. As if he bordered on laughter. He stood and gripped the bottom of his T-shirt then yanked it off.