174. Daily Mirror, 15.4.70; Sun, 15.4.70
175. Crossman diary, Vol.3, pp.885–6 (13.4.70)
176. Castle diary, p.786 (15.4.70)
177. Chancellor’s budget broadcast, 14.4.70 [T 171/868]
178. Paul Carmody and Percy Clark interviewed by David Butler, 5.5.70 [David Butler papers]
179. Crossman diary, Vol.3, p.898 (23.4.70)
180. Barbara Castle, Fighting All The Way, p.427
181. The Economist, 17.4.70, quoted in David Butler & Michael Pinto-Duchinsky, The British General Election of 1970, pp.132–3; see also Edmund Dell, The Chancellors, pp.366–7
182. Jenkins interviewed by Fiona Millar, 1992 [typescript in Jenkins papers]
183. Crossman diary, Vol.3, p.909 (4.5.70)
184. ibid., p.915 (10.5.70)
185. Butler & Pinto-Duchinsky, p.165
186. Nicholas Henderson, Old Friends and Modern Instances, pp.117–20
187. The Times, 2.6.70; Financial Times, 8.6.70
188. Party Election Broadcast, 12.6.70 [Jenkins papers]
189. Ziegler, p.337
190. David Owen, Time to Declare, pp.161–2
191. House of Commons, 7.7.70. [Vol.803, col.511]
192. Jenkins, ALATC, p.301
193. Butler & Pinto-Duchinsky, p.167
194. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.302–3
195. The Times, 20.6.70
Chapter Fourteen: Europe before Party
1. David Lipsey, In the Corridors of Power, pp.41–2
2. Observer, 20.6.71
3. Barbara Castle unpublished diary, 23.6.70 [Castle papers]; Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, p.34 (23.2.74)
4. ibid., 8.7.70
5. Dictated memoir material [Jenkins papers]
6. Observer, 20.6.71
7. House of Commons, 7.7.70 [Vol.803, cols 513–26]
8. Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.313
9. House of Commons, 17.11.71 [Vol.806, cols 1032–7]
10. NEC minutes, 1970–72; Michael Hatfield, The House the Left Built: Inside Labour Policy Making 1970–1975, pp.46–7, 57
11. Dictated memoir material [Jenkins papers]
12. Guardian, 2.10.70; Tony Benn, Office Without Power: Diaries, 1968–72, p.307 (1.10.70)
13. Jenkins, ALATC, p.313
14. Dictated memoir material [Jenkins papers]
15. Jenkins papers
16. Jenkins to Harold Evans, 5.1.71 [Jenkins papers]
17. Roy Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, pp.180, 64, 83–4
18. ibid., pp.203, 197
19. ibid., p.223
20. ibid., p.x
21. ibid., p.29
22. The Times, 8.4.88
23. Times Literary Supplement, 23.6.72; Spectator, 17.6.72
24. House of Commons, 26.11.70 (Vol.807, cols 651–6)
25. Unpublished Castle diary, 8.10.70
26. ibid., 23.3.71
27. ibid., 18.1.71
28. ibid., 24.2.71
29. ibid., 7.6.71
30. David Owen, Time to Declare, p.162
31. Stephen Wall, The Official History of Britain and the European Community: Volume II, From Rejection to Referendum, 1963–1975, pp.348, 358
32. Castle diary, 19.6.70
33. ibid., 20.6.70
34. The Times, 10.5.71
35. ibid., 19.6.71
36. Daily Telegraph, 21.7.71
37. Castle diary, 22.6.71
38. ibid., 24.6.71
39. Speech at Lancaster University, 8.11.89
40. Ben Pimlott, Harold Wilson, p.583
41. Quoted in Roger Broad, Labour’s European Dilemmas: From Bevin to Blair, p.80
42. Jenkins, ALATC, p.320
43. The Times, 20.7.71
44. Benn diary, p.358 (19.7.71)
45. Leo Abse, Private Member, p.264
46. Castle diary, 19.7.71
47. Benn diary, pp.358–9 (20.7.71)
48. Pimlott, p.587
49. Castle diary, 21.7.71
50. The Times, 23.7.71
51. Roger Broad, witness seminar 12.6.90, in Contemporary Record, 1993, p.388
52. The Times, 4.10.71
53. Benn diary, p.377 (4.10.71)
54. Roy Hattersley, Who Goes Home?, p.105
55. Witness seminar, 12.6.90 (p.390)
56. Shadow Cabinet minutes, 18.10.71
57. Benn diary, p.379 (18.10.71)
58. Shadow Cabinet minutes, 19.10.71
59. Castle diary, 19.10.71
60. ibid.
61. Witness seminar, 12.6.90 (p.407); James Wellbeloved to Jenkins, 10.10.71 [Jenkins papers]
62. NEC minutes, 27.10.71
63. Jenkins to David Rhydderch, 19.10.71 [Jenkins papers]
64. Witness seminar 12.6.90 (p.407)
65. Castle diary, 28.10.71
66. Tribune, 5.11.71
67. Sunday Times, 31.10.71
68. The Times, 29.10.71
69. Speech at Heywood and Royton, 29.10.71 [Labour Weekly, 5.11.71]
70. Jenkins, ALATC, p.333
71. Robert Harris diary, 22.4.96
72. Speech at Heywood and Royton, 29.10.71 [Labour Weekly, 5.11.71]
73. Castle diary, 29.10.71
74. Hattersley, p.106
75. Speech notes in the possession of Roy Hattersley
76. Castle diary, 4.11.71
77. Benn diary, p.383 (4.11.71)
78. Witness seminar, 12.6.90 (pp.415–16)
79. Jenkins, ALATC, p.334
80. Castle diary, 18.11.71
81. ibid., 2.12.71
82. Head of Chancery, Delhi, to Jenkins, n.d. [Jenkins papers]
83. Witness seminar, 12.6.90
84. Benn diary, p.406 (17.2.72)
85. John Golding to Jenkins, 18.7.72 [Jenkins papers]
86. Jenkins, ALATC, p.340; see also Uwe Kitzinger, Diplomacy and Persuasion: How Britain Joined the Common Market, pp.386–96
87. Reference mislaid
88. Castle diary, 9.3.72
89. Bill Rodgers to Jenkins, 7.4.72 [Jenkins papers]
90. Castle diary, 22.2.72
91. Phillip Whitehead to Jenkins, 22.2.72 [Jenkins papers]
92. Gwynoro Jones to Jenkins, 23.2.72 [Jenkins papers]
93. Austen Albu to Jenkins, undated, February 1972 [Jenkins papers]
94. David Marquand to Jenkins, undated, February 1972 [Jenkins papers]
95. David Owen to Jenkins, undated, February 1972 [Jenkins papers]
96. Neville Sandelson to Jenkins, 23.2.72; Jenkins to Sandelson, 28.2.72 [Sandelson papers 9/14, LSE]
97. Speech at Farnworth, 11.3.72, reprinted in Roy Jenkins, What Matters Now, pp.9–22
98. The Times, 13.3.72
99. Alexander Pope, Epistle to Arbuthnot, ll. 189–90
100. Castle diary, 12.3.72, 19.3.72
101. Hetherington diary, 9.3.72 [Hetherington 19/22]
102. Jenkins, ALATC, p.340
103. Memoir material [Jenkins papers]
104. Jenkins, ALATC, p.341
105. There seems to be no agreed source for this oft-quoted remark attributed to Attlee.
106. The Times, 22.1.54
107. Shadow Cabinet, 29.3.72
108. Benn diary, p.421 (29.3.72)
109. Jenkins, ALATC, p.341
110. Bill Rodgers to Jenkins, 7.4.72 [thanks to Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank]
111. David Owen, ‘Manoeuvres Towards the Referendum’, in Mark Bainbridge, ed., The 1975 Referendum on Europe, p.126
112. Dictated memoir material [Jenkins papers]
113. Interview for The Seventies [LSE 004/08]
114. The Economist, 15.4.76
115. Castle diary, 11.4.72, 12.4.72
116. Hattersley, p.109
117. ibid., p.114
118. Crosland papers, 6/2
119. Bill Rodgers to Jenkins, 12.11.90 [thanks to Lord Rodgers]
120. David Owen to Tony Crosland, 20.4.72 [Crosland papers, 6/2]
r /> 121. Castle diary, 10.4.72
122. The Times, 11.4.72
123. The Economist, 15.4.72
124. Jenkins papers
125. ibid.
126. Fred Silberman in Labour Weekly, 14.4.72
Chapter Fifteen: What Matters Now
1. Barbara Castle unpublished diary, 12.3.72 [Castle papers]
2. New Statesman, 26.5.72
3. The Times, 30.9.72
4. Robert Maclennan to Jenkins, undated, 10.72 [Jenkins papers]
5. Bill Rodgers to Jenkins, 21.7.72 [Jenkins papers]
6. Guardian, 14.6.72
7. Roy Jenkins, What Matters Now, p.122
8. The Times, 5.10.72
9. Interviews, Dick Taverne, 4.8.82 and 1.12.08
10. Jenkins to Reg Underhill, 20.1.73; Jenkins to Willie Hamling, 2.3.73 [Jenkins papers]
11. The Times, 10.4.73
12. ibid.
13. ibid., 12.3.73
14. Castle diary, 12.3.73
15. Labour Weekly, 23.3.73
16. Jenkins, What Matters Now, pp.30–36
17. BBC Radio 4, 8.7.73 [transcript in Enoch Powell papers, POLL 4/1/128]
18. Roy and Jennifer Jenkins, China Diary, 1973 [Jenkins papers]
19. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.360
20. Labour Party Annual Conference Report, 1973, pp.183–4 (2.10.73)
21. ibid., p.184
22. Interview for The Seventies [LSE 004/08]
23. Shadow Cabinet, 28.22.73, 5.12.73; John Cole, note of lunch with Crosland, 28.11.73, in Alastair Hetherington papers, 21/39 [LSE]
24. Philip Ziegler, Wilson, pp.388–9, citing Harold Wilson, The Chariot of Israel, p.367
25. Jenkins, ALATC, p.362
26. Shirley Williams to Jenkins, 19.12.73 [Jenkins papers]
27. House of Commons, 19.12.73 [Vol.866, cols 1457–65]
28. The Times, 20.12.73
29. Shirley Williams to Jenkins, 19.12.73 [Jenkins papers]
30. Betty Boothroyd to Jenkins, Andrew Faulds to Jenkins, 19.12.73 [Jenkins papers]
31. David Marquand, The Progressive Dilemma, p.188
32. Jenkins, ALATC, p.364
33. Shadow Cabinet minutes, 16.1.74
34. ibid., 30.1.74
35. Ronald McIntosh, Challenge to Democracy: Politics, Trade Union Power and Economic Failure in the 1970s, p.58 (19.1.74)
36. David Butler & Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of February 1974, p.162
37. Birmingham Mail, 14.1.74
38. The Times, 16.2.74
39. ibid., 21.2.74
40. Butler & Kavanagh, p.107
41. Ben Whitaker interviewed by Dennis Kavanagh, 14.2.74 [David Butler papers]
42. Raymond Carr to Jenkins, n.d. [Jenkins papers]
43. Terence Rattigan to Jenkins, 28.2.74 [Jenkins papers]
44. Raymond Fletcher to Jenkins, 22.2.74 [Jenkins papers]
45. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.366–7
46. The Times, 28.2.74
47. Interview, Matthew Oakeshott, 1.3.82
48. The Times, 2.3.74
49. Bill Rodgers diary, 3.3.74. (Unpublished. Thanks to Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank.)
50. McIntosh, p.87 (1.3.74)
51. Jenkins, ALATC, p.369
52. McIntosh, p.89 (4.3.74)
53. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, p.53 (4.3.74)
54. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.370–1
55. ibid., p.371
56. Rodgers diary, 4.3.74
57. ibid., 5.3.74
58. Jenkins, Nine Men of Power, p.203
59. Rodgers diary, 5.3.74
60. ibid., 6.3.74
61. Robert Maclennan to Jenkins, 11.3.74 [Jenkins papers]
62. Paul Rose to Jenkins, 11.3.74 [Jenkins papers]
63. ibid., 1.3.75 [Jenkins papers]
64. Giles Radice to Jenkins, 11.3.74 [Jenkins papers]
65. Madron Seligman to Jenkins, 12.3.74 [Jenkins papers]
66. Derek Powell to Jenkins, 12.3.74 [Jenkins papers]
67. Jenkins, ALATC, p.371.
68. Sunday Times, 17.1.71.
Chapter Sixteen: Back to the Home Office
1. Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.375
2. Jenkins to Syd Norris, 31.3.93; Norris to Jenkins, 7.4.93 [Jenkins papers]
3. Lester to Jenkins, 20.5.74 [Jenkins papers]
4. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
5. Private information
6. Interview for The Seventies [LSE 004/08]
7. Anthony Lester, ‘The Home Office Again’, in Andrew Adonis & Keith Thomas, Roy Jenkins: A Retrospective, p.150
8. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.378–9
9. The Times, 3.6.74
10. ibid., 8.6.74
11. Sunday Times, 10.7.83
12. Jenkins, ALATC, p.395
13. House of Commons, 28.11.74 [Vol.882, col.669]
14. CAB 128/55, CC(74)49; House of Commons, 25.11.74 [Vol.882, cols 667–71]
15. Jenkins, ALATC, p.397
16. Observer, 3.11.91, reprinted in Roy Jenkins, Portraits and Miniatures, p.257
17. Jenkins, ALATC, p.397
18. Sir Robert Birley to Jenkins, 24.11.74 [Jenkins papers]
19. Sir Alan Lascelles to Jenkins, 25.11.74 [Jenkins papers]
20. Denis Healey to Jenkins, 28.11.74 [Jenkins papers]
21. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1974 [Jenkins papers]
22. Jenkins, ALATC, p.397
23. Roy Jenkins, Afternoon on the Potomac?, p.57
24. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary: With Harold Wilson in No. 10, p.254 (4.12.74)
25. ibid., p.562 (11.11.75)
26. Jenkins, Portraits and Miniatures, p.257
27. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1974 [Jenkins papers]
28. Jenkins interviewed 25.11.99, in Andrew Holden, Makers and Manners, p.14
29. Anthony Lester in Adonis & Thomas, p.159
30. House of Commons, 8.7.76 (Vol.914, col.1800)
31. Barbara Castle, The Castle Diaries, 1974–76, pp.71–2 (5.4.74)
32. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1976 [Jenkins papers]
33. Tony Benn, The End of an Era: Diaries 1980–1990, p.88 (12.2.81)
34. The Times, 22.7.75
35. ibid., 19.5.76
36. Daily Telegraph obituary, 1.10.10
37. House of Commons, 5.12.75 [Vol.901, cols 2076–2171]
38. Susan Crosland, Tony Crosland, pp.281–3
39. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.391–2
40. Sunday Times, 8.6.75
41. Donoughue, pp.158–9 (9.7.74)
42. Scotsman, 9.9.91
43. Ronald McIntosh, Challenge to Democracy: Politics, Trade Union Power and Economic Failure in the 1970s, p.120 (30.6.74)
44. Castle diary, pp.69–70 (4.4.74)
45. Cabinet, 18.11.75 [CAB 128/57 CC(75)49]
46. Castle diary, p.554 (18.11.75)
47. Donoughue, p.570 (18.11.75)
48. Anthony Lester in Adonis & Thomas, p.155
49. Donoughue, pp.527, 529–30 (13.10.75, 15.10.75)
50. ibid., pp.683–4 (3.3.76)
51. Jenkins, ALATC, p.386
52. The Times, 27.7.74
53. Castle diary, p.156 (29.7.74)
54. ibid., pp.159–60 (30.7.74)
55. ibid., 29.7.74
56. McIntosh, p.130 (29.7.74)
57. ibid., p.140 (5.9.74 – but Jenkins’ engagement diary says he lunched with McIntosh on 6.9.74)
58. Lester to Jenkins, undated, July 1974 [Jenkins papers]
59. Donoughue, pp.184–5 (12.9.74)
60. Election address, October 1974 [Jenkins papers]
61. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1974 [Jenkins papers]
62. Donoughue, p.206 (2.10.74)
63. ibid., p.214 (8.10.74)
64. The Times, 4.10.74
65. David Butler & Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of October 1974, p.143
66. The Times,
67. ibid., 27.9.74
68. Jenkins, ALATC, p.389
69. The Times, 12.10.74
Chapter Seventeen: Victory and Defeat
1. Barbara Castle, The Castle Diaries, 1974–76, pp.155, 182–3 (25.7.74, 16.9.74); Tony Benn, Against the Tide: Diaries 1973–76, p.206 (25.7.74)
2. The Times, 15.3.75
3. Nicholas Henderson, Mandarin, p.84
4. Cabinet, 17.3.75 [CAB 128/56 CC(75)13]
5. Cabinet, 18.3.75 [CAB 128/56 CC(75)14]
6. Shirley Williams interviewed by David Butler [David Butler papers]
7. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
8. Roger Broad, Labour’s European Dilemmas: From Bevin to Blair, p.116
9. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
10. Speech at Labour Party special conference, 26.4.75, quoted in the official ‘Yes’ leaflet [David Butler & Uwe Kitzinger, The 1975 Referendum, p.291]
11. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre [ALATC], p.417
12. The Times, 28.5.75
13. Harold Wilson, Final Term: The Labour Government 1974–1976, p.105; Harold Wilson to Jenkins, 28.5.75 and 29.5.75, in Philip Ziegler, Wilson, p.430
14. Butler & Kitzinger, p.205
15. The Times, 6.6.75. The writer was the present author.
16. Sunday Times, 8.6.75
17. Butler & Kitzinger, p.183
18. ibid., p.188
19. The Times, 7.6.75
20. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
21. Castle diary, p.432 (23.6.75)
22. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
23. Jenkins, ALATC, p.425
24. Hugh Thomas to Jenkins, 13.11.74 [Jenkins papers]
25. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
26. Jenkins, ALATC, p.422
27. John Grigg to Patricia Grigg, 14.6.78 (thanks to Mrs Grigg)
28. The Times, 13.9.75
29. ibid.
30. ibid.
31. Bernard Donoughue, Downing Street Diary: With James Callaghan in No. 10, p.316 (25.2.75)
32. Castle diary, p.400 (22.5.75)
33. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
34. Castle diary, p.199 (22.10.74)
35. Donoughue, p.608 (12.12.75)
36. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1975 [Jenkins papers]
37. Donoughue, p.379 (14.5.75)
38. ibid., p.594 (3.12.75)
39. The Times, 24.1.76
40. Castle diary, p.427 (20.6.75)
41. The Times, 9.5.75
42. ibid., 29.9.76
43. Jenkins, ALATC, pp.430–31
44. ibid., p.431
45. Jenkins, dictated journal, 1976 [Jenkins papers]
46. Donoughue, p.640 (22.1.76)
47. Jenkins to Harold Wilson, 26.1.76 [Jenkins papers]
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