Kennedy, Charles, 624, 661n, 662, 716, 724, 747
Kennedy, Edward, 368, 738
Kennedy, Ethel, 336n
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 234–5, 257, 287, 366, 636, 655–6
Kennedy, John F., 166, 190, 214, 220, 222–3, 232–5, 310, 366, 416, 554, 636, 738, 745
Kennedy, Ludovic, 257, 619, 665, 734
Kennedy, Robert, 233–5, 235n, 336, 336n, 366, 525, 738
Kenny, Sir Anthony, 651, 654, 687, 688
Kensington Park Gardens, 504, 504n, 566, 589, 708
Kent, Bruce, 644n
Kenyan Asians, 429–30
Keyes, Sir Roger, 655
Keynes, John Maynard, 57, 366–7, 619, 638n, 667, 673
Khrushchev, Nikita, 233–4
Kidd, W., 661
King, Anthony, 618
King, Cecil, 256, 311
King, Martin Luther, 336n, 366
Kinnock, Glenys, 733
Kinnock, Neil, 7, 374, 380, 393, 437, 471n, 515, 547, 561–2, 624, 645, 659, 673, 674, 680, 701, 733
Kinross, John, 99, 99n, 108
Kissinger, Henry, 435, 630, 690
Kitchener, Lord, 314
Kitzinger, Uwe, 447
Knox, D.L., 242, 267
Kohl, Helmut, 487, 534
Korean war, 129–30, 174
Kray, Reggie and Ronnie, 280
Labour party, 3, 5–6, 58–59, 124–42, 171–3, 194–201, 203–17, 363–4, 368–96, 397–404, 406–13, 435–9, 450–55, 470–1, 505, 507–14, 551–2; ‘New Labour’, 700–27
Labour Weekly, 396, 403, 458
Ladbroke Square, 155–62, 241, 244, 250, 265, 290–1, 329n, 366, 414, 449, 504, 609
Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 185, 211
Lambton, Lord, 183–4
Lamont, Norman, 26n, 697–8, 698n, 707
Lampl, Peter, 718n
Lancaster, Osbert, 163
Lane, David, 429
Lansbury, George, 31
Lascelles, Sir Alan, 426
Laski, Harold, 48, 56
Lauder, Sir Harry, 24
Lawley, Sue, 697
Lawson, Neal, 723
Lawson, Nigel, 329, 330, 638–40, 644–5, 670, 690
Lawther, Will, 134
Layard, Richard, 639
Lee Kuan Yew, 314–15, 395, 406, 522
Lees-Milne, James, 737
Lehmann, Rosamond, 634
Lenin, Vladimir, 35
Leonard, Graham, 655
Leslie, George, 594, 626
Lester, Anthony, 263, 270, 271–2, 449, 463, 464, 655n, 706; with Jenkins in the Home Office, 422, 423–4, 428–9, 431, 435, 438, 439, 467; and the SDP, 541–2, 560, 584, 607, 618n
Lever, Harold, 318, 318n, 320, 336, 340, 363, 369, 379, 383n, 390, 392, 396, 416, 434, 453, 459
Levin, Bernard, 190, 200, 395, 458
Levitt, Ruth, 613
Lewis, John Spedan, 169–70
Liberal Party, 3, 58, 89, 139–40, 149, 217, 222, 241, 402n, 413, 441, 445, 505, 507; and SDP Alliance, 541–2, 544, 557, 568, 569, 571–3, 576–7, 582–3, 587, 589, 604–8, 610–12, 620–2, 647–9; merger with the SDP, 662–7
Liberal Democratic Party, 3, 665–7, 672–5, 700–9, 715–16, 723–4
Liddle, Roger, 556n, 557, 701, 703, 705
Lilley, Peter, 26n
Limehouse Declaration (1981), 557–9, 561, 566
Lindley, Clive, 542–3, 647n
Lindsay, A.D., 27, 29, 40, 56, 78–9, 98, 100–101
Lindsay, John, 368
Lindsay, Lt-Col. Martin, 95–7
Lippman, Walter, 722–3
Lipsey, David, 360n, 710–12
Listener, The, 219, 515
Littlewood, Joan, 300
Lively, Penelope, 657
Liverpool, Lord, 511
Livingstone, Ken, 645, 668
Lloyd George, David, 106n, 115, 116, 126, 148, 166, 239n, 328, 334, 367, 448, 615, 625, 673, 679, 683, 684, 728, 734, 739
Lloyd George, Gwilym, 183, 259
Lloyd, Selwyn, 171, 187n, 216, 240, 290, 309, 325, 631–2
Lolita, 185
Longford, Elizabeth, 685
Longford, Lord, 255, 295, 315, 316, 395, 734
Longford, Ruth, 733–4
Longworth, Alice, 740–1
Loughlin, Charles, 406
Lucas, Colin, 686–7
Lyon, Alex, 386, 430, 439, 467
Lyons, Edward, 459, 560, 573, 590, 604
Lyttle, John, 556n, 557, 620, 622
Mabon, Dickson, 392, 416–17, 418, 461, 469, 589, 598
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 731
MacDonald, Ramsay, 16, 116, 131, 315n, 333, 673
MacDougall, Sir Donald, 350n, 353
Macfarlane, Donald, 596, 655, 737
Macfarlane, Elsa, 596, 655, 737
Mackintosh, John, 331, 374, 439
Macintyre, Donald, 741–2
Maclaine, Shirley, 748
Maclean, Donald, 169, 275
Maclennan, Robert, 703, 706–7, 747; Jenkinsite, 334, 361, 381n, 391, 398, 408–9, 411, 416–17, 418, 439; and the SDP, 542, 558, 573, 589, 594, 598, 618n, 624, 661n, 663–5
Macleod, Iain, 221, 287, 342, 342n, 343, 358, 363, 365, 690, 728n
Macmillan, Harold, later Lord Stockton, 46, 95n, 163, 164, 184, 187–9, 193, 195–6, 197, 201, 204n, 214, 215, 216, 220, 223–4, 226, 236, 284, 301, 334, 370, 525, 568n, 639, 682, 683, 722, 742; as Oxford Chancellor, 649–51, 652, 686, 687
Macmillan, Margaret, 732
Macmillan, Maurice, 27, 185
Macmillan (publishers), 676, 690–1, 731, 732, 749
Macpherson, Gimma, 738
Magnus, Philip, 691
Magnusson, Magnus, 619
Mail on Sunday, 717–18, 747–8
Major, John, 26, 636n, 668n, 671–4, 689, 697–9, 733, 742
Major, Norma, 733
Makine, Andre, 744
Mallalieu, J.P.W., 193
Malone, Gerald, 592, 594
Manchester Guardian (later the Guardian), 46, 108, 141, 184, 207
Mandelson, Peter, 3, 703, 705, 707, 709, 713, 716–17, 723, 725–6, 737, 738
Manifesto Group, 453
Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald, 185
Mantel, Hilary, 695
Margach, James, 380
Margaret, Princess, 152, 218
Mark, Robert, 268, 269, 280, 428, 431–2, 508, 525
Markiewicz, Countess, 522
Marquand, David, 723, 736n; Jenkinsite, 212, 331, 334, 361, 386–7, 388, 391, 399, 416, 418, 467, 475; and the Dimbleby Lecture, 508–10, 514; and the SDP, 541–2, 543, 560, 572, 618n
Marquand, Hilary, 24, 87
Marquand, Judith, 399
Marshall, Dorothy, 24, 24n
Marshall Aid, 114, 154
Marten, Neil, 444
Martin, Kingsley, 42
Marvell, Andrew, 351
Marx, Karl, 35, 39, 53
Mason, Roy, 207n, 435
Massey, Anna, 151
Matthew, Colin, 691
Maude, Angus, 247, 254
Maudling, Reginald, 135, 240–1, 325, 369, 404, 444, 448
Maxwell Fyfe, Sir David, 182–3, 631
Mayhew, Christopher, 29, 134, 204–5, 259, 332–3, 335, 346, 385n, 386, 399, 734
McCaffrey, Tom, 279, 279n
McCarthy, Joseph, 155, 366
McCrum, Robert, 732
McCunn, Hamish, 697
McGill, Donald, 182
McGivan, Alec, 41, 556n, 557, 559, 563, 568, 593, 613
McGovern, George, 368
McIntosh, Doreen, 290, 438, 466, 683, 737
McIntosh, Ronald, 28, 31, 33n, 90, 290, 414, 434, 438, 459, 577, 655, 683, 707, 737
McLynn, Frank, 732
McNally, Tom, 730
McNamara, Robert, 233, 404, 630, 654, 732
McWhirter, Ross, 428n
Meade, James, 565
Medlicott, Paul, 620
Melbourne, Lord, 679, 702
Mellish, Bob, 108, 347, 352, 378, 390, 434, 616
Mellor, Da
vid, 26n, 733
Merkel, Angela, 487
Meyer, Sir Christopher, 732
MI5, MI6, 275, 567, 642–3
Michie, Donald, 82
Mikardo, Ian, 128, 194, 364
Miliband, David, 26
Miliband, Ed, 26
Miller, Sir Bernard, 170, 245
Milligan, Stephen, 489n, 531n
Milton, John, 372
Mirzoeff, Eddie, 509
Mitchell, Austin, 629
Mitchell, Frank, 280
Mitchison, Dick, 232n
Mitterrand, François, 487, 534, 668
Moncrieff, Scott, 695n
monetarism, 345n, 551, 584, 586, 599
Monnet, Jean, 221, 385, 456, 484, 492, 494
Monmouthshire Free Press, 101
Monster Raving Loony Party, 666, 666n
Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord, 182
Montague, Michael, 254
Moore, Brian, 633
Moore, Charles, 738–9
Morgan, Gwyn, 389
Morgan, Janet, 465
Morgan Grenfell, 506–7
Morning Star, 444
Morris, David, 74, 84
Morris, Dorothy, nee Hale (Jennifer’s mother), 46, 75, 85–6, 90, 416, 416n
Morris, Sir Parker (Jennifer’s father), 46, 75, 85–6, 90
Morris, William, 181
Morrison, Herbert, 22, 40, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 171, 173–4, 177–8, 361, 461
Mortimer, John, 577n, 633, 741
Mortimer, Raymond, 164
Moseley, Peggy, 12–13
Moser, Claus, 473, 506, 651, 655n, 737
Mosley, Oswald, 106n
Mottram, R.H., 70
Mount, Ferdinand, 559, 746
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 276–80
Mrs Wilson’s Diary, 300–1, 301n
Muir, Ramsay, 58
Mulley, Fred, 120, 173, 255, 468, 597
Munich agreement, 29
Murdoch, Iris, 41, 525, 634, 654
Murdoch, Rupert, 252n, 566–7, 657, 720
Murphy, Leslie, 662
Muskie, Ed, 368
Mussolini, Benito, 41, 106n, 367
Nabarro, Sir Gerald, 341
Nabokov, Vladimir, 167
Nader, Ralph, 289, 289n
Nash, Harold, 145
Nast, Condé, 168
National and English Review, 141
National Economic Development Council (NEDC), 28, 434
National Front, 418n, 428, 444, 452
National Health Service (NHS), 107, 121, 130, 136, 137
nationalisation, 114–15, 118, 124, 127–8, 137–8, 181, 195, 203–8, 397, 403, 406–7, 453, 513–4, 548, 669, 698
National Trust, 156, 658n, 736
National Union of Mine Workers (NUM), 408–11, 508
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 365
Neild, Robert, 196n
Neill, Patrick, 654, 686–7
Neuberger, Rabbi Julia, 560
Neustadt, Richard, 749
‘New Labour’, 3, 701–3
Newman, John Henry, 690
Newman, Professor Max, 81
New Democrat, 646–7, 647n
New Fabian Essays, 129
News Chronicle, 23
News of the World, 566
New Statesman, 42, 43, 118, 141, 184, 193, 221n, 273, 285, 305, 351–2, 371, 397, 458, 460, 465, 515
New York Times, 155, 723
Newton, Andrew, 583n
Nicolson, Harold, 41, 148, 163, 634
Nicolson, Nigel, 185
Nixon, Richard, 190, 405
Noel, Emile, 474, 533–4, 535
Noel-Baker, Philip, 42, 116–17
Norris, Syd, 421, 421n
North, Lord, 670
North, Peter, 686–7
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 138, 146, 173, 187, 436, 481, 519, 521, 527, 548, 558, 561, 619, 647
Northern Ireland, 3, 290n, 343, 413, 415, 420, 422–8
North Sea Oil, 491, 565, 584, 639–40, 660
Nott, John, 528
nuclear weapons, 173, 208–10, 229, 580, 642, 647–9
Oakeshott, Matthew, 41, 360, 360n, 399, 405, 413, 421–2, 439, 445, 451–2, 460, 463, 504, 541, 556n, 557–9, 570, 574, 729
Oborne, Peter, 705
O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 151
O’Brien, Edna, 525
O’Brien, Sir Leslie, 317, 320, 336, 364n
O’Brien, Ossie, 616–17, 617n
O’Brien, Patrick, 651
Obscene Publications Act (1958), 153, 184–6, 192, 259, 294, 593
Observer, 108, 151, 156, 206, 216, 218 219–20, 224, 229, 233, 234, 239, 244, 246, 250, 253–4, 258, 324, 363, 365, 503, 516, 556, 560, 587–8, 593, 604, 607, 630, 631, 633, 666, 671, 672, 693, 711, 714, 732, 746
Official Secrets Act (1911), 435, 467, 668
Onassis, Aristotle, 235
O’Neill, Terence, 290, 290n
opinion polls, 140, 217, 296, 349, 354–5, 358, 397, 442, 540, 568, 585, 593–4, 617–18, 620–21, 645–6, 648–9, 658–9
Orbach, Maurice, 272
Order of Merit, 4, 651, 683
Orlando, Vittorio, 116
Ormsby-Gore, David, later Lord Harlech, 233, 290, 473, 636, 739
Ortoli, Francois-Xavier, 466, 478, 483, 489, 490, 492, 495, 498, 538, 630
Orwell, George, 106
Osborne, Sir Cyril, 296
Osborne, George, 26, 323
Other Club, 287, 287n, 290, 461, 503n
Owen, David, 7, 8, 504, 505, 508, 598, 610, 655n; Jenkinsite, 330–1, 332, 348–9, 357, 361, 385–6, 388, 391, 392, 394n, 399, 411, 414, 416–18, 455, 461, 465; as Foreign Secretary, 484–6, 486n, 487–8, 492, 599; and the genesis of the SDP, 508, 516–17, 549–50, 552–3, 554n, 557–9, 560–1; and the SDP, 566–8, 570–5, 581–2, 586–7, 593, 599, 599n, 601, 617, 618n, 620, 626–7; relationship with Jenkins, 550, 554–6, 573, 580, 597, 613, 618; contests SDP leadership, 601–8; hostility to the Liberals, 611–12, 646–9, 649n, 662–7; as SDP leader, 374, 628–9, 644, 645, 646–9, 649n, 659–67, 676–7, 680; Jenkins on, 648, 676–7, on Jenkins, 573, 677, 745
Owen, Debbie, 357, 465, 504, 550, 558
Oxford Gazette, 651
Oxford Magazine, 35, 36, 40, 42, 59, 651
Oxford Union, 29–35, 41–2, 48–50, 95, 112n, 118, 565
Oxford University, 4, 9–10, 17–18, 24–25, 26–41, 401; Chancellor, 649–58, 717–18, 726–7
Pahlevi, Mohammed Reza (Shah of Iran), 368
Paisley, Rev. Ian, 427n, 444
Pakenham, Frank (later Lord Longford), 40, 78, 180
Palliser, Sir Michael, 533
Palme, Olof, 370
Palmerston, Lord, 269n
Pannell, Charles, 144, 225
Panorama, 204, 205, 356, 447, 459, 473, 479, 620
Pardoe, John, 618n, 621–2, 622n, 624
Parker, Ernest H., 103
Parker, Peter, 655n
Parkinson, Cecil, 690
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 629
Patten, Chris, 658
Pearce, Edward, 598, 614
Peart, Fred, 267, 269n, 361, 375, 390
Peel, Sir Robert, 267, 285, 465
Pegg, S., 359n
Peppin, Connie (later Pita Karaka), 13, 17, 152
Peppin, Sybil, 13
Pepys, Samuel, 153, 691
‘permissive society’, 2
Perry, Walter, 560
Peterson, Sir Arthur, 421, 445
Pevsner, Niklaus, 634
Peyton, John, 734n
Philby, Kim, 275
Phillips, Hayden, 421, 425, 440, 445, 454, 455, 463, 475, 477, 522, 541, 674, 704, 729
Phillips, Laura, 236, 477, 481, 491, 507, 518, 522, 674, 707, 738
Phillips, Roland, 691, 737
Phipps, Colin, 459, 542–3, 543n
Pickstock, Frank, 212, 560
Picture Post, 118
Piercey, William, 99
Pimlott, Ben, 7, 680, 733, 739, 745
Pinter, Harold, 744n
-Duchinsky, Michael, 356
pirate radio, 301–2
Piratin, Phil, 117
Pitt, Edith, 122–3, 133, 133n
Pitt, Bill, 583–4, 587, 617
Pitt, William (the Younger), 733
Pius VI, Pope, 219
Pius XII, Pope, 116
Plaid Cymru, 413, 441, 468
Pliatzky, Leo, 35, 39, 41, 326, 734
Plowden, Edwin, 222, 254–6, 257, 432, 496, 562–3, 734
police service, 2, 267–9, 274–5, 430–3, 467
Political and Economic Planning (PEP), 100, 156
Pompidou, Georges, 370, 390, 490
Ponting, Clive, 435, 728
Pontypool, 96, 101–5, 107, 170
Pope, Alexander, 388n
Portillo, Michael, 26n, 708
Posner, Michael, 318n, 353, 353n
Powell, Anthony, 67, 83, 129, 147–8, 163, 634, 652n, 657, 695, 695n, 730n, 744
Powell, Derek, 12–13, 15, 28, 291, 418, 460
Powell, Enoch, 7, 272, 277, 345n, 359n, 369, 380, 384, 384n, 404, 425, 429–30, 444, 446, 515, 630
Powell, Jonathan, 704
Prentice, Reg, 207n, 389, 407, 434, 450–3, 469, 471, 509
Prescott, John, 703
prescription charges, 313
Press and Journal (Aberdeen), 141
Prevention of Terrorism Act (1974), 424–6
Price, Christopher, 285
Price, Dolours, 423–4, 424n, 426
Price, Marian, 423–4, 424n, 426
Priestley, J.B., 58
Prior, James, 639
prisons, 2, 269, 269n, 270, 275, 279–80, 430–1
Pritchett, V.S., 164
Pritt, D.N., 38, 119
Private Eye, 300, 740n
privatisation, 698–9
Proffitt, Stuart, 691
Profumo, John, 236, 260
proportional representation, 3–4, 58, 434, 470, 472, 512, 547, 561, 566n, 608, 625
Proust, Marcel, 72, 80, 84, 97, 148, 475n, 634, 695, 695n
public schools, 137, 158, 163, 169, 180n, 181, 198, 468
Putin, Vladimir, 275n
Pym, Barbara, 525
Pym, Francis, 639
Quayle, Anthony, 151
Quennell, Peter, 266n, 504
Question Time, 696–7, 698n
Quinton, Anthony, 680
race relations, 2, 199n, 261, 270–73, 293, 422, 428–30, 452, 467, 470, 592
Radice, Giles, 7, 308, 418, 544, 560, 581, 713, 716, 721, 737, 742
Radziwill, Lee, 234–5, 235n, 287, 310, 314, 685, 747–8
Raphael, Adam, 556
Rattigan, Terence, 395, 412
Rawlinson, Peter, 277
Rawnsley, Andrew, 711, 714
Rea, Stephen, 424n
Read, Piers Paul, 167
Reagan, Ronald, 521, 556, 639, 668
Redgrave, Vanessa, 452
Redwood, John, 616
Reid, John, 618n
Rees, Merlyn, 421, 424, 470, 551
Rees-Mogg, William, 364, 395, 567
Rhodes James, Robert, 239
Rhodesia, 291
Roy Jenkins Page 111