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by Boyd Craven Jr.

  Her report tells me a couple of things right off. First, if the husband tested below 10 %, that likely meant that his wife had too before she became pregnant. These folks go so far as growing their own meat. Most people don’t do that, so most people will probably test higher than they do. That suggests that most people who live in the United States that are, or will get pregnant in the future are going to produce a hybrid, because pretty much everyone here has been exposed to corn, wheat, or oats somehow.

  It means that a very large percentage of our female population that are, or become of child bearing age, are going to be irreversibly sterile after one pregnancy. That will cause a drop in U.S. population immediately. Plus, whatever else physically happens to the heavily affected, will happen a lot faster to pregnant women than it will to men. Women who are not yet pregnant, as they learn of this, will likely take extra precautions against becoming so. That’s a good thing, but first they have to know about this. I have to convince President James to get the CDC busy on education now!

  The phone rings. “Rusty, do you have your TV on? Turn on the national news. Any channel!” It’s Carl Johnson, the Chief of Staff.

  As soon as it comes on, I see a close-up picture of another hybrid baby on the screen. I turn the sound up and the reporter is talking excitedly about this being ‘yet another’ instance of gray/green babies being born. She mentions that they are all the same exact color as the chickens that have recently made the national news.

  “You’d better come in right away,” Carl says.


  “Give me some good news Rusty,” the President implores me, as I walk into his office. He looks a bit pale.

  “Umm, I’m afraid not sir…” I give him the rundown on Hannah’s report and my initial thoughts after reading it.

  “Shit! This is going to get ugly, isn’t it?” he says loudly, for him. “Carl? Get the CDC people and the Homeland Security people in here, pronto! Rusty? I know you have ideas. You always do. Spill ‘em, right now!” he orders.

  “Yes sir, I do. We’re never going to be able to make this go away, so I suggest that you have the CDC folks tell the public exactly what Hannah told the Edan family, just as she says in her report. Tell them that it’s suspected that there has been some tampering with cereal grains before they made it to the processing stage. Tell them that the gray/green color comes from the algae genes. Then tell them about the test kits, before they have a chance to panic. Have the CDC announce that further education will be available online within days.”

  “Alright,” is all the President says, as he stands up. I know what that means.

  “I’m going to check in with Michael Lawson at Walsanto to see if we can release those test kits a little faster, since we have to start talking about it publicly. I’m pretty confident that he’ll take care of us,” I say, as I leave the office.



  Wednesday, July 07, 2021

  Last week, President James himself blew everyone’s minds when he called a news conference to announce that a very sophisticated biological attack had been carried out against the American people, inside the United States, more than a year earlier. He said that unfortunately, until now it had gone undetected. He said that the same unknown terrorist organization that had bombed Walsanto’s headquarters is suspected of tampering with cereal grains, somewhere during transit. The problem is, he said, is that there is no way to determine which loads were targeted, or where they went. He said that the birth defects causing those chickens and other livestock, as well as some human babies to be born gray/green, are all linked to it. He conveniently laid all of the blame on that same unknown Chinese terrorist group as before.

  ‘Why would anyone ever doubt that, after they’d seen proof on TV with their own eyes, such a long time ago?’ I thought.

  Next, he did a good job of convincing the public, without being specific, that sufficient precautions have been put in place to ensure that it won’t happen again to future shipments.

  ‘Only I and a handful of other people know that that’s a bunch of crap. They’ve just taken the terminator gene back out of all seeds going forward like I suggested, but Rusty, and therefore the President know exactly who we all are. Saying anything to the contrary would no doubt land us in a heap of trouble, or maybe worse!’

  The next step, he explained, is testing all existing livestock and foods that are associated with these cereal grains, (corn, wheat and oats) and burning any found to be contaminated. He called upon all Americans to help with this endeavor. He made a big deal out of saying that he knows how costly this may turn out to be to both citizens and businesses, and how long it may take to purge it from among us. He assured everyone that while all of the details are not yet worked out, that there will be tax deductions created that will cover all losses.

  ‘Smart. Very smart!’

  Lastly, he announced the development of, and briefly explained the use of the test kits, but he made Walsanto out to be the hero stepping forward to save the day!

  I couldn’t believe my frikkin ears! ‘That lying creep,’ I thought, ‘he’s going to cover this up!’

  Ever since then, I like everyone else, have been addicted to, and glued to the news. It’s been on every TV channel 24/7 and it’s all over the Internet.

  Now all around the country, there are reports pouring in of human babies being born with that strange gray/green, smooth, hairless skin and almost fluorescent green eyes. They are being born to parents of all races; white, black, brown, yellow and red with increasing frequency. DNA tests indicate that they are all close relatives to each other, and even to those chickens. Parents are unsure of what to think of or do about that fact, because it just seems crazy, and impossible. Many of them are horrified, and want nothing to do with the child born to them, thinking it part animal. Hospital and government officials are puzzled, and unsure of what exactly this discovery means, and what to do with the unwanted babies. There are suddenly lots of questions, but almost no answers.

  The media of course, was quick to resurrect the video clips of those weird looking faces of the dead terrorists that had been all over their TV screens back on that fateful day when the Grymsanto headquarters was attacked. They were brought back fresh, and ingrained into everyone’s mind. Media all over the country, and eventually around the entire world, made as much of this as they possibly could.

  News crews and paparazzi hound the parents of these children relentlessly, occasionally getting permission to take pictures or even video of them, and then interview the parents. Whenever they do, they play it over and over, for days and days. They make sure their viewers keep this developing story constantly in their minds. After all, they probably get GREAT ratings every time they air anything new to do with these children.

  I haven’t heard a word from Rusty since the President’s announcement, but suddenly my phone rings, and the caller id says ‘Rusty Whitman’. I hesitate to answer it. I feel angry. I know Rusty didn’t tell the lies on TV, but he’s so close to it, that he’s included in the ‘they’ that I’m angry with. I can’t help it. Finally, with a frown on my face, I answer. “Hello Rusty.”

  “Well that was kind of a down-beat greeting! How are ya kiddo?” he asks.

  “Mad as hell!” I shout into the phone, pretty loudly. Loud enough to stop everyone in the lab from doing what they were, to stare at me. ‘Ooops.’

  “Why?” he asks.

  “Why? Why do you think? Your boss gets on TV and tells a huge old lie like that, with a straight face, and you wonder why I’m angry? C’mon Rusty, you’re better than that!”

  “Well, that’s why I’m calling. To explain everything that I can to you. I’ve been busy as hell for the last week. I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you sooner,” he says. “First of all, at this point, I think that you’ll agree that blaming someone else, the way he did, was in the best interest of the American people. The terrorists responsible for the Walsanto bombing aren’t going to help anyo
ne do anything. They made a convenient and believable patsy. If the people lose faith in their government because of this, then who are they going to trust to help them overcome this?”

  “Well, I guess I kind of agree with the logic in that, but you know how much I hate a lie! Was that your idea Rusty?” I ask.

  “Yes. I have to admit that it was. Marketing is all about letting people hear what they want to hear, and see what they want to see. That’s what I’m the best at. All of the facts were honest, except how it happened, and whose fault it was. By not bankrupting Walsanto, and the entire U.S. Treasury along with them, I was still able to get the test kits made, and the availability date pushed up by a month. If they were out of business, who would have made these and been able to instantly provide them to the entire country? This way, I’m good with my boss, and have a crap-load of leverage over pretty much everyone. Especially Walsanto.”

  “Ok, I didn’t think of it like that. Maybe you’re right. You know I’m not as good with people as you are,” I admit.

  “What? What’s he saying?” I hear from behind me. Then I realize that everyone in the lab is still staring at me, totally silent and motionless.

  “I’ll explain in a minute,” I tell them.

  “Hannah, making it sound like Walsanto is the savior was my idea too. You’re still gonna get paid your royalties, exactly as promised, but that’s part of that leverage package. Besides, I figured you’d hate being in the spotlight and being interviewed and chased by the media, right?”

  “You got that right,” I tell him. “Ok Rusty. You’ve talked your way out of the doghouse. Now, when am I gonna be seeing you?” I ask.

  The End

  A note from Boyd:

  Thanks for reading Hannah.

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