The Substitute

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The Substitute Page 14

by Denise Grover Swank

  He set the cup on the counter. “Megan?” he called softly.

  She shrieked in surprise. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m going to work with your dad and I wanted to tell you in case you’re still in the shower when we leave.”

  Her head appeared at the edge of the curtain while she held onto it to keep herself hidden. “You’re doing what?”

  “I’m going to work with your dad.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “So he can get to know his son-in-law better.”

  A cautious look covered her face. “But we’re breaking up today.”

  He couldn’t make too big a deal of this or she’d get suspicious. “Yeah, but don’t you think we should do it in front of crowd? Doesn’t your mom have a family dinner planned for tonight? That would be the perfect time.”

  She sucked in her bottom lip, looking lost in thought. “I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be better if you stayed here and broke up with me this morning? Then Mom will have more time to call it all off.”

  “Do you honestly think your mother will let me break up with you? She’d be more likely to either drug me to get me to comply, and after last night’s performance, maybe handcuff me for good measure. And if your grandmother is around as a witness, she’ll strip me naked and draw me in my drugged state. And I don’t even want to go into what she’ll do with the handcuffs.” He shuddered. “We need witnesses and lots of them.”

  She released a huff. “Damn it. You’re right.”

  He grinned. “I brought your coffee, but I forgot to ask how you took it. You know, your father pretty much called me pussy-whipped for getting it for you. I gave him a mini-lecture about how you weren’t that kind of woman, so it didn’t seem like the appropriate time to mention this was our first morning together.”

  She fought a grin. He wondered if she had any idea how beautiful she was when she beamed like that. It was obvious that her asshat ex had been clueless. “I take creamer.”

  His grin spread. “Then it’s your lucky day. I added creamer. Now I better get going. I want to make a good impression on your dad.”

  “No!” she exclaimed. “You have to make a bad one! Otherwise it’ll look like our breakup came out of nowhere.”

  “Okay. I’ll try my best to be the biggest asshole possible.”


  He continued to watch her, not wanting to leave her yet.

  Her grin spread. “Shouldn’t you be going?”


  She laughed. “Have a good day, dear.”

  “Have fun with Knickers.”

  She grimaced. “You definitely got the better deal.” Then her face disappeared behind the curtain.

  Josh headed downstairs to meet Bart Vandemeer, feeling like he was a prisoner on his way to the gallows. This was exactly what he wanted, so why did it feel so wrong?

  Chapter Twelve

  Megan’s mother was sitting at the kitchen table when Megan went downstairs, sipping her coffee and eating a piece of dry toast while looking over several papers. That had been Nicole Westminster Vandemeer’s breakfast for as long as Megan could remember, which was one of many reasons why she still wore a size two dress. Megan, on the other hand, was a size eight, a huge disappointment to her mother.

  She gave Megan a slight glance before returning her attention to the papers. “Megan, we have a very busy day ahead of us. Perhaps you could run upstairs and get ready?”

  Megan, who’d been refilling her coffee cup, stopped mid-pour. “I am ready.”

  The bridge of her mother’s nose wrinkled as she gave Megan a scrutinizing glance. “Really?”

  Megan set the cup down on the counter. “What’s wrong with how I look?”

  Her mother’s eyebrows rose and she released an exasperated sigh. “We need to make a hair appointment for you at the salon. Honestly, I thought you would take care of it in Seattle before you came.” She picked up her phone. “I only hope they can fit you in.”

  “I had a haircut three weeks ago.”

  Her mother released an exasperated huff as she searched through her contacts without even looking up at Megan. “How about we start with the color? It lacks depth. We’ll want highlights to show off your waves when we put it up for the wedding. And it wouldn’t hurt to ask them to do a dry run for your up-do.”

  “I want to wear my hair down,” Megan said. She wondered why she was wasting her time arguing the point when there wasn’t going to be a wedding. Maybe she was just tired of letting her mother railroad everything.

  Her mother pursed her lips and tensed her shoulders in irritation. “Megan, we discussed this.”

  “No, Mom. You discussed this, or to be more accurate, you dictated it to me and I just went along with it to keep the peace.”

  Her mother gasped. “Megan Nicole, what on earth has gotten into you? Why can’t you just be compliant?”

  “Maybe I’m tired of being compliant.”

  Her mother waved a manicured hand covered in glittering rings. “Don’t be silly, darling. Now run upstairs, change your clothes and put on some makeup.”

  “I am wearing makeup!”

  “Obviously not enough. Maybe they like the natural look in that rainy, brooding, mold-encrusted place you live in, but you’re home now and you’re getting married in three days. What will people think, Megan? Honestly. Now stop acting like a petulant child and do as I say. I’ll have your amended itinerary ready for you when you get back downstairs. As it is, I’m reshuffling everything since your father dragged Josh off to his office.”

  “Yeah, I saw the itinerary. Don’t you think it’s a bit much?’

  “You obviously need it. Now go. And check on your grandmother while you’re up there. She’s coming with us. Yesterday we were almost late picking you up from the airport because she refused to get dressed.”

  Megan didn’t even try to hold back the laughter as she walked up the stairs.

  “Gram, are you dressed?” she asked, knocking on her grandmother’s door.

  “Not because I want to be,” the woman muttered as she opened the door. “I can’t untie this knot with my arthritis.” She motioned to Megan’s robe.

  Megan flashed an apologetic grin. “Sorry about that. You freaked Josh out. I had to make sure you wouldn’t accidently flash him again.”

  “He’s already seen it all.”

  “So he said.”

  “You need to loosen that boy up.”

  “So you said, but look at it this way, Gram—he’s about to commit himself to me for the rest of his life, and you’re showing him everything he’s giving up.” She gave a half-shrug. “It’s a bitter reminder of the fact that he’s stuck with me.” The statement was for her grandmother’s benefit, but she’d spent plenty of time brooding about whether Josh had rejected her for that very reason. This morning he seemed reluctant to leave her side, which made her re-evaluate her reasoning. Had Josh McMillan left her sexually frustrated because he was a gentleman? She’d been too embarrassed to even entertain the idea the previous night, but now it rang true.

  The older woman patted Megan’s cheek. “He’s lucky to have you. And I’m only giving him a glimpse of what he’ll get in about fifty years.”

  Megan smiled as she reached for the belt and began to work on the knot. “Mom says you have to get dressed so you can come with us.”

  “I’d rather have a colonoscopy.”

  “Do it for me, Gram. She’s extended her claws today.”

  “When doesn’t she have her claws extended?” But the older woman’s frown softened as she studied Megan’s face. “Fine, I’ll go, but only for you. And it’s my constitutional right to wear whatever I want.”

  “The key part of that is wear. You have to wear something.”

  Megan’s grandmother looked up at her, her face beaming as if a particularly exciting idea had occurred to her. “Not to worry. I’ll wear something.”

  “I’ve seen that look before—” Meg
an finished untying the belt and flashed the older woman a grin, “—and I approve.”

  “Ha! I’ll meet you downstairs in about fifteen minutes.”

  Megan had no desire to wait downstairs with her mother, who would only continue to bully her about her outfit, so she went into her bedroom and grabbed the two itineraries on the dresser. She sat down on the freshly made bed and opened each cover, flipping to Thursday and then Friday. Josh had been right. He was scheduled for a mani-pedi tomorrow. Ironically enough, Jay would have appreciated how organized the itinerary was…not to mention the spa time. Josh, on the other hand, was obviously as horrified as she was. Not that there was any point in comparing the two. Jay was gone—good riddance—and Josh was going to break up with her tonight. She would probably never see him again.

  The thought was like a knife driving straight into her gut.

  Her cell phone rang and she jumped, digging it out of her purse and then cursing under her breath. The power was at twenty-six percent. She’d forgotten to charge it. Then she saw who was calling and cursed again.

  “Hello, Blair.”

  She was silent for a half-second. “I called to apologize. I came on too strong last night.”

  Megan couldn’t stifle her gasp.

  “Yeah, I know,” Blair grumbled. “It’s as rare as finding a leprechaun under a double rainbow.”

  “Actually, rarer.”

  “Nevertheless, I’m sorry. I just love you too much to see someone else hurt you. I feel partially responsible for not cold-cocking your ex when I visited you in Seattle last February.”

  Megan laughed. “I found out he was cheating on me after your visit. What grounds would you have had to justify that in February?”

  “For breathing and taking oxygen away from worthier creatures. Like slugs. Or lice.”

  Megan’s chest burned with gratitude and love. “Thanks, Blair. I love you too.”

  “And in that spirit, I need you to grab that imposter’s wallet and make sure he was telling me the truth about his name. Get his driver’s license and read off his address.”

  Megan knew she should get mad at Blair for continuing on in the same vein as last night, but her friend’s declaration of love softened her. She rolled her eyes instead.

  “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, Megan Vandemeer. We may be on the phone, but I can still see it.”

  Megan laughed. “Do you want me to read off his height and weight while I’m at it?”

  “Yeah, that will help me figure out if it’s a fake ID.”

  “Blair, you’re not really going to check him out, are you?”

  “You bet your ass I am. I thought I made that clear last night. I don’t trust this guy.”

  “And what exactly do you think he’s up to?”

  “I intend to find out.”

  “Blair, let it go.”

  “No. Now start reading.”

  “I can’t. He went to work with my dad.”

  “He what?”

  “Calm down. What harm could he possibly do there?”

  “Is your father working on anything big? Competing for any big jobs?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sakes, Blair. How should I know? I never talk to my father about business. Besides, it’s an engineering firm. You and I spent plenty of time there when we worked for him the summer between our freshman and sophomore years of high school. You know how boring that place is. If anything, Josh deserves a medal for going to work with him.” Then she considered it and glanced at his Thursday schedule. “On second thought, he’s smarter than I’ve given him credit for. He’s gotten out of talking to the photographer and the orchestra director—wait. What? Orchestra?” Megan started flipping through the pages, trying to figure out just how large the orchestra actually was and when it would be playing. There was no way this wedding only cost twenty-five grand. Panic flared up from her gut.

  “Oh, my God. You actually like this guy,” Blair said. “I didn’t want to believe it last night, but I can see right through you.”

  Megan sucked in her breath, then let it out slowly. “What? Of course I don’t. We were putting on an act.”

  “That’s a lie! Your voice rose.” She paused, then softened her tone. “Look, Megs, no one helps a stranger with something this big for nothing. He’s got an agenda. Maybe he wants to get into your pants. You haven’t found out if he’s circumcised yet, have you?”

  “No! You know I’m not like that.” Although she would have found out if it had been up to her—something Blair didn’t need to know. Megan flung herself backward onto the bed in frustration, reminding herself that her friend was trying to look out for her. Wouldn’t she be cautious if the roles were reversed? “Look, I’ve been skeptical about his motives too…but there’s just something about him, Blair. Besides, if he wanted to get in my pants, he’s had a couple of opportunities. He slept in my bed with me last night and never once made a move.”

  “Maybe so, but I still don’t trust him.”

  “Which you’ve made abundantly clear.”

  “I’m going to dig up everything I can, address or no address.”

  Megan’s back stiffened. “Let it go, Blair. I’m warning you, if you present me with a dossier on him as a wedding gift, I’m never going to speak to you again.”

  “Wedding gift? I thought you were breaking up with him!”

  “It was a joke. I forgot you lost your sense of humor when you became a divorce attorney.” She took a second to regroup. “Look, we’re breaking up at my mother’s family dinner this evening.” She rolled onto her side and pulled the itinerary out from under her back, then examined the schedule for Thursday night. “Although it looks like it’s for Dad’s side of the family.” Megan read the document again. “It so weird that she would plan a party for them. Knickers can’t stand them.”

  “Who knows with her. And don’t try to change the subject. Let me do this, Megan. This is what I do. I’m very good at it.”

  “Drop it. It won’t matter tomorrow anyway. Very soon I’ll be on a plane back to Seattle—disowned and disgraced. I’m sure it won’t make the slightest difference to my mother who’s at fault in the breakup.”

  “Then why go through this farce?”

  “Just like hell has multiple levels, so does disgrace.”

  “Well, if Josh McMillan is screwing you over, he’s going to find himself on the lowest one.”

  Megan couldn’t hold back a smile. “I love you too, Blair.”

  Blair’s voice softened. “I’m just looking out for you, Megs.”

  “And I love you for it. Now go use your animosity and derision against the lying, cheating bastards who are your bread and butter.” Megan hung up, staring at the phone’s blank screen for a moment. She missed the Blair she remembered from childhood. Blair was still the strongest, fiercest person Megan knew, but she’d acquired a hard edge that could wound even those closest to her.

  Megan laid back down and held up her itinerary. Florist 9:00 a.m. Photographer 10:00, Orchestra director 11:00, Lunch at noon, Pick up wedding and bridesmaids’ dresses at 1:30. She was exhausted from just looking at the list. But the fact that her mother was dragging her along made it ten times worse. Did Libby and Blair know about the one-thirty appointment? Hopefully they’d agree to come. Gram definitely wasn’t enough moral support. Megan needed more people on her team.

  She picked up her phone again and called Libby. “Hey, Libs. Did my mom tell you about picking up the bridesmaids’ dresses today?”

  “Um…yeah. She mentioned it last week.”

  “I don’t suppose you planned on showing up?”

  “Seeing how you weren’t engaged when she called, no.”

  “Do you think you can…” If either of her friends could take off work, it was usually Libby. As a professional photographer, her schedule was usually more flexible.

  Libby groaned. “Lucky for you, I don’t have any appointments today. What time?”

  “One-thirty. At Sherri’s Bridal.”
  “Yeah,” she muttered. “I remember. I’ll be there.”

  “You’re the best!”

  “I know,” she laughed. “And you owe me.”

  Megan stared up at the ceiling. “How come you aren’t asking me why I’m picking up my wedding dress when I’m not even getting married?”

  “Maybe you should be asking yourself that question. See you at one-thirty, Megs.”

  What was Libby suggesting? She’d only just met Josh; her friend couldn’t think she’d actually marry him. The dress was paid for, wedding or not. Hopefully, Megan would get married for real someday and she could use it. She loved the dress. Truth be told, wearing it was what she’d been looking forward to most about the wedding. The knowledge struck her again, sticking to her skin like crazy glue—the whole wedding was already bought and paid for…no take backs. Her parents were out a ton of money. The guilt of lying hung over her, sucking her energy away. Or was it the thought of spending the day with her mother?

  As if on cue, her mother called up the stairs, “Megan!”

  Megan rolled onto her stomach, releasing a long, low groan into her comforter. Only an act of God would get her through this day without strangling her mother.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Megan was tired, cranky and starving. Which was more than pathetic since she’d just left a restaurant after having lunch. Megan’s mother had ordered for her while she was in the restroom. And even though Megan had asked her to order a cheeseburger, she wasn’t all that surprised when the waitress served her a garden salad with fat-free dressing on the side.

  Megan’s mouth dropped open and she sought her mother’s attention, which wasn’t hard since Nicole was watching her like a hawk. “What happened to my cheeseburger?”

  “You’re not a teenager anymore, Megan,” her mother said, picking up her fork. “You’ve gotten…hippy.”

  Gram had been quiet for most of the morning, but her interest perked up. “Megan’s a hippie?” She looked into Megan’s eyes. “Do you smoke the weed?”


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