Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1

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Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1 Page 14

by Amo Jones

  I watch, my eyes dead and my mind blank, but my skin crawling with jealousy. Is it because I want to be the one on top of him? Not because I actually feel something for him? Probably.

  Stepping backwards, I crash into a wall of muscle. Squealing out in surprise, a hand wraps around my mouth, silencing my almost outburst. Twisting me around to face him, Miles silently slams me up against the wall opposite Cassia’s door, meaning that I still have a clear view of what is going on over Miles’ shoulder.

  My pounding heart simmers down as I whack him on the arm and attempt to pull his hand off my mouth, but his eyes narrow on me.

  “See that?” he whispers into my ear, running the tip of his nose over my earlobe. That feels good. Crap. “That will happen for as long as you know Raze. It’s why he and you will never work, despite the fact that the way I’ve seen him with you, I’ve never seen him like that with anyone else.”

  I turn my head towards Miles. His hand unlatches from my mouth as both of them come down to the back of my thighs and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around the back of his neck. I peek over Miles’ shoulder. Raze is running his tongue down Cassia’s body, his muscles flexing with each movement as he sucks one of her nipples into his mouth and she groans, tipping her head back. His shirt is gone now, his glorious body on full display. I feel heat spike through me, my thighs clenching together to stop the feeling that slowly begins to seep into me. Oh, this is next level fucked-up, miss Millie.

  Miles buries his head deep into the crook of my neck. “Fuck, Millie, this is turning you on, isn’t it?”

  I swallow, my eyes closing briefly before snapping open, fire burning through me then shooting out of my fingertips.

  “Yes.” Miles pauses and leans back, looking between my eyes and then dropping them down to my lips.

  “Kiss me,” I whisper. His Adam’s apple bobs from his swallowing. “Fucking kiss me, Miles.”

  Miles sucks in a breath and then slowly brings his face to mine.

  “You so much as plant your lips on her, Miles, I’ll gut you right here and right now.”

  My eyes snap over Miles’ shoulder to see Raze still on the bed with Cassia on top of him as she slowly slides down his body and disappears under the covers. Raze’s eyes remain unaffected, fixed on me.

  Is he fucking serious right now?

  I clench my jaw and look at him dead in his eyes. “What’s wrong, baby? Does Miles need a mask before he’s allowed to touch me?”

  Miles remains still and I slowly run my fingers over the back of his neck, keeping my eyes on Raze and ignoring the blanket which is bobbing up and down over his crotch. Drawing out my tongue, I keep my eyes on Raze and run it up Miles’ neck towards his ear, and then biting down on it roughly.

  “Fuck me, Miles,” I moan into his ear, but my eyes stay on Raze.

  Miles groans, his bulge pressing against my opening. I smirk at Raze who looks absolutely lethal, seething.

  “New rules, Raze.” I slowly grind against Miles’ thick length. “If you’re allowed to play with other girls, then I’m allowed Miles. Only Miles, though. I’m not interested in any of your other men.”

  “Holy fuck, I need to fuck the kink out of you,” Miles whispers hoarsely into my ear. The vision of him doing that has my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my heart pounding against my chest.

  Just as my eyes shut, the grip Miles has around me is gone and my ass is throbbing from hitting the ground. A loud smash sounds out around a dark chuckle. I open my eyes to the sight of Miles pushing himself out of a hole in the wall.

  “Fuck, bro. Calm down!” Miles raises his eyes to mine with a devilish smirk. “I only wanted a taste.”

  Raze’s hand flies up to Miles throat as he lifts his body up effortlessly. I panic and shoot off the ground towards Miles. “Raze!” I hit his hard hand that’s laced with angry veins under all his ink. His strong angular jaw is set in stone and his eyes are once again lethal. “Raze, let him down! He can’t breathe, you hypocrite!” I look towards Miles to see his face turning purple. “Raze!!” I scream again and he blinks, tossing Miles’ body to the side like he weighs nothing. “You’re a fucking idiot!” I blurt out, raking my fingers through my hair and out of my face. The sheet Raze was lying on is wrapped around his waist, a waist carved from God but worshiped by Satan. “You!” I whisper as his anger simmers, his eyes dropping to me. “Screw you, Raze. If you want them? That’s fine, have your precious little girlfriends, but don’t tell me I can’t sleep with someone I’m attracted to.”

  Raze swallows, his eyes raking over me, undressing me with a simple stare and making me feel dirty. “You want him?” Raze asks, a smile on his mouth.

  He steps back and leans against the wall opposite me, just as Cassia walks out of the room with nothing on, full naked. Not surprised.

  “Show me, pet. Show me how much you want him.”

  “What?” I whisper, confusion setting in. Miles looks up at me from the floor, wiping the blood off his lip with a smirk.

  “You heard me,” Raze continues. “Show me just how attracted you are to him. Show me how he can burn through your very existence without so much as running his fingers over your skin.”

  My eyes narrow. Miles pushes off the floor and walks back to me. He grips around the back of my thighs and pushes me against the wall again. “Go with it, Millie. He’s playing a game.”

  “What game?” I grind out silently into his ear.

  “A game that we have no choice but to play, so go with it. Do you trust me?”

  I nod my head, my eyes searching his. “Yes, of course.”

  “Good, because your trust is about to be tested.”

  His mouth slams onto mine and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into me. Miles’ kisses are different than Raze’s; they’re softer, yet I can feel his slight hesitation, so I open my legs wider and grind against him. Miles groans into my mouth and I pull back, tilting my head to give him more access. When my eyes open onto Raze, Cassia is on her knees, taking him into her mouth. But his eyes are piercing into me, and only me. Heat, sex, and dominance streams out of him. I run my eyes slowly down his body, eating up every inch. Deep down, I want to push Miles off me and wrap myself around Raze, but I’m too stubborn for that; that will show Raze that he was right, that I don’t really want Miles.

  Not happening, not today.

  When Miles’ hand finds the rim of my panties, my mouth opens and a gasp escapes my lips as my eyes look back into Raze’s. His hand fists around Cassia’s hair as he pulls her to her feet, spins her around, and pushes her face down to the ground. Cassia grabs onto her ankles, her ass in the air as Raze slowly pushes inside her. Cassia screams out, her head flying back as Raze slowly but roughly pounds into her all while his penetrating gaze stays on me.

  The hunger we have for each other is palpable. My jealousy is zooming through me at one-thousand-miles-per-hour speeds, but that jealousy is fueled by lust and excitement. Miles tears my panties down and tucks them into his back pocket before he plays with his front zipper. Once his cock is free, his finger dances over my clit in slow circles. His mouth finds mine again, cutting off my vision of Raze. I open, relaxing into him and trusting him like I said I would. I feel him roll something over his dick and then the tip of it presses onto my opening. My grip around him tenses and when he slams into me, I scream out in pleasure, my head slamming against the wall.

  “Holy fuck,” Miles grunts, his grip around my thighs tightening. “This is the best pussy I’ve had around my dick. Goddamn.” He smirks at me while running his tongue over his bottom lip and studies my eyes. “Trust me, baby,” he whispers, his cock thrusting into me and grazing against my walls.

  I contract, the build slowly climbing inside of me. Miles wasn’t as big as Raze—not that that’s a very fair observation to make. But he still knows how to use what he’s got. He knows exactly which angle to hit inside of me.

  My breathing comes in heavy gasps
. Miles dives into my neck, his tongue running over my collar bone while he sucks little bits of my neck into his mouth. My eyes find Raze again, his jaw clenches.

  “Get out of her, Miles. Finish her with your tongue.”

  Miles chuckles into my neck. “Relax. He trusts me, just go with it.”

  He pulls out of me, the cool air whipping up my skirt. Miles drops to his knees and rolls my dress up with his hand, pushing it over my waist. He looks up at me from beneath his eyelashes and flashes me a grin that only makes me chuckle.

  “Miles! I—” His mouth latches onto my clit and instantly all thoughts are gone. My mouth opens, my eyes close, and my hands find his hair. I circle my hips into him and open my eyes onto Raze. He pounds faster into Cassia, his eyes burning mine.

  My eyebrows cross briefly. I run the bottom of my tongue out and drag it across my bottom lip, his eyes following the motion. My mind is fighting a battle between lust and envy. Lust is winning out, but then there’s a part inside of me that wants to feel sorry for myself and be angry at Raze.

  My thighs clench as Miles continues his pleasurable torture on my clit. I press myself against his mouth again, feeling as though I’m right on the edge but not enough to push me over.

  My mouth snaps closed as realization sinks in. Raze did this on purpose, and he was right: I do need more.

  My eyes glaze over and it’s then that I see Raze with a cocky smirk on his smug face. He pushes Cassia off his dick faster than I can blink and she flies across the room with a thud as her body hits the wall. “Fuck off, Cassia. You’re done here.”

  Raze walks towards me—no, saunters towards me. He presses against the side of me as Miles continues his assault. My body prickles at the mere proximity of Raze, and I realize all the man has to really do is touch me and I could come undone.

  His lips move to mine, his hand running across my nipple. He pinches it roughly. “See,” he mutters into my mouth, taking ownership as Miles continues to lick circles around my nub. “You need more. You need me,” he says, biting down on my lower lip and sucking it into his mouth.

  My orgasm comes tumbling down inside of me and I whimper, my body dropping and going slack.

  Raze picks me up in his arms as Miles stands up. Both men stare at me.

  “Get that away from me, Raze,” I tell him. “You’re not coming into this right after being in her.”

  He brushes my hair out of my face. “Is this what you wanted?”

  “I don’t know what I want anymore, Raze.” I drop my arms, suddenly annoyed at what just happened.

  Miles chuckles. “Yeah, my job is done here.” He buckles up his pants and turns in his step. Raze’s hand flies out to Miles’ collar, pulling him back and digging into Miles’ back pocket to get out my undies before shoving them into his own pocket and letting Miles walk away. The irony of that action wasn’t lost on me; I may as well be my undies, passed around like a piece of nothing the whole time I’ve been with Raze. This time was different, though. This time I was with Miles, and I trusted him; I didn’t trust anyone in the dungeon.

  “Bullshit,” Raze bursts. “You know exactly what you want, pet.” He stretches his arms wide. “Take whatever the fuck it is you want and stop fucking around.”

  “What, you?” I ask. “Not while you still have Cassia’s pussy juices on your dick.” I spin around to follow Miles when Raze’s hand catches mine and he pulls me back against his chest.

  His hand sprawls out over my stomach. “What? You don’t want me to touch her again? Fine. Deal. But you are never to even so much as lay a sexy eye on Miles, Millie.”

  “Until we’re done here?” I answer. “Fine by me. Now let me go. I need chicken nuggets.”


  I had waited until Millie went back downstairs before I walked towards my room and up into the shower. That wasn’t the plan. Cassia had worked her bullshit again, playing the only card she had against me. She expected Millie to get jealous and hurt and probably have Millie thinking that Cassia has won, but she wasn’t expecting Millie to flip the script on her the way she did.

  As much as it fucking ate me alive to see Miles all over Millie, I trust him. He’s basically the only family I’ve ever had, so our bond is strong enough to get through whatever bullshit—woman and all—but I’d kill him before I let him touch her again.

  Did I enjoy the fact that she needed me to come? Yeah, fuck yeah I did. I know every single inch of that girl’s body and I plan to be the only man to know every single inch of it.

  I get out of the shower and throw on some gym shorts before going back downstairs. I need to have a chat with Millie. An actual talk. I know that not a lot resonates with her right now because of her internal struggle, but I need to get some shit straight with her too. I know she has questions, questions she deserves answers to, so I’ll lay out what I can to her. Throwing on a casual white shirt and some Nike Air Maxes, I walk into the kitchen to find her and Miles laughing at the table.

  “Oh, not awkward at all, then.” I roll my eyes, opening the drawer where my keys are.

  Millie chuckles. “No, why would it be? Miles didn’t do anything any of you or your masked men hadn’t done to me before.”

  Images of me bending her over my lap and spanking her until her ass was at the seams of being split flash through my brain and I grin slightly, pulling the keys out and slamming the drawer closed.

  Dangling the keys in the air, I nudge my head. “Come on.”

  She stands from her chair. “Where are we going?”

  “To get your nuggets, and no Miles, you’re not coming.” I walk towards her and grab her warm hand.

  Miles’ mouth pops open in shock. “Wow, never thought I’d see the day Raze the executioner was driving a chick to get chicken nuggets.”

  I flip him off on our way out the door. “Fuck you.”

  Taking her hand, I lace my fingers through hers and pull her outside and toward my gloss black Ferrari Novitec F12 Berlinetta. It’s one of the three vehicles I own, the other two being a Range Rover and a Rolls Royce Phantom, all of them dipped in gloss black.

  “Wow. Who are you again?” she asks, her eyes running over the Ferrari’s sharp curves.

  I laugh, popping the locks and slipping into the driver’s seat. “I’m God, that’s who.”

  She thinks I’m joking. It’s cute.

  As she buckles her seatbelt, I pause, watching her closely. I’ve found myself doing it a lot with her. I’d never cared to take a moment to look at a woman before, and I mean really look at her, but I do it with Millie. She smiles, and it’s not one of her latest psychotic smiles that she makes which has me thinking Harley Quinn is living inside of her head, but a genuine smile, and fuck me if it doesn’t halt everything else that’s going on in the world.

  My eyes drop to her lips and her smile stops.


  “Hmm?” I ask, bringing my eyes back to hers.

  She giggles. “Nuggets?” She’s cute as fuck, and right now, I don’t feel like setting her free anytime soon.

  New plan: drag out the old plan as long as I can.

  I pull us out of my driveway and begin driving towards the furthest McDonald’s there is. “So, nuggets?” I ask with a smile, shifting down to third gear and flooring it onto the highway.

  “Yep, nuggets.”

  She’s silent and I hate it. I’m not sure she trusts me—at least not like how she trusts Miles, and I want to kill him for earning that spot with her. The rational part of me gets it and that part isn’t very big. When she came into the dungeon, she was fragile, innocent, naïve, and like a scared little puppy that had been ripped from his happy family home and thrown into the slums. She had a sweet innocence about her that called to my dark side like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Now she’s not exactly that same person. She still holds the same attributes she held in the dungeon—well, from what I can tell. But now she’s just plain crazy and it’s no one else’s fault but my own. Crazy fits me better
anyway because crazy people fuck better.

  “So Beast is your brother? Does he know this?” she asks, her eyes watching the zipping trees pass on the highway.

  “I don’t think so,” I answer, relaxing into my seat.

  “Has that got something to do with why I’m supposed to help you, Raze?” She turns towards me. “Because I won’t turn on my sister. I may have a few screws missing right now, but I’ll never snitch on anyone I care about, and as much as Hella drives me nuts, she’s in love with him and so that means he’s family in a sense. I won’t do it. You can kill me now if that’s what you’re hoping for.”

  Aside from being shocked, her loyalty fills me with something else. Pride, maybe?

  “That’s not what this is about. If I wanted that club dead in the ground, I have the power to do it, Millie.”

  She pauses. “Who are you?”

  Shuffling, I take the exit I need. “I’m someone you don’t want as an enemy, but someone who keeps the war path clean.” I look over to see her face blank, so I elaborate. “I’m the kingpin of the underground, Millie. I make sure the peace is kept within each and every underground operation. Every gang, family, and club all answer to me.”

  “Wait,” she stops, turning her body to face me. “So there’s more of The Army sort of organizations?”

  “Don’t ask me too many questions. I can only give you a certain amount of answers, Millie. Unless…” I smirk and look towards her.

  “Unless what?”

  “Unless you were my wife, then I’d tell you everything.” I pause, taking my eyes back to the road. “And the answer is yes. Nothing quite to the extent of The Army, but similar. Mafia families, motorcycle clubs, underground fighting rings, human trafficking, everything you can possibly think of, comes through me. Hell, even the illegal drag races have to go through me in this state.”


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