The Game Changer

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The Game Changer Page 18

by Iona Morrison

  “Ours was a quiet house, as you can imagine.” She smiled when he nodded. “I used to read a lot. I would have had an older sister, but she died when she was a baby.”

  “I’m sorry.” Matt touched her hand.

  “I never knew her of course, and after me, my mom couldn’t have any more. I think that’s why my dad was so over-protective.” She glanced at his handsome, unreadable face. “No, need to feel sorry for me. I had Katie. We were always together. She made me laugh, and we got into trouble together on many occasions. Her house was like yours, filled with laughter, pranks, and constant teasing. Katie’s older brother, Liam, tormented her.” Jessie giggled. “And I tormented him. I had such a crush on him when he was in high school. He thought I was a pest, and he was right.”

  “When was the last time you saw him?”

  “I think it was when I was in high school. He went away to college. He never came home much after that. I think he’s a couple of years older than you.”

  “I bet he’d kick himself if saw you now,” he said under his breath.

  “He’s supposed to come to visit Katie in the next few weeks. It should be fun to see him again.”

  “Is he married?”

  “No, but I’m sure there’s someone special. He always had a gorgeous girl on his arm. Katie is thrilled that Liam is coming. The Donovans lived up to their rowdy Irish heritage. I loved to be at their house growing up.” She smiled. “Between them and Sadie, I had a grand childhood.”

  “You turned out amazing—that’s all I know.”

  “Thank you; I have my good and bad moments, like everyone.”

  After the meal had been finished and the check paid, Matt held her coat so she could slip it on. “Would you like a tour of the city, Cinderella, before you have to return to reality?”

  “Mm…that would be nice.” She smiled and leaned briefly against him.

  “Your carriage awaits you.” He motioned to the entry, where the chauffeur was waiting with the limo door open for them.

  Their tour began downtown in the waterfront district of the Embarcadero, winding its way through Point Loma Peninsula. Then the driver took them on a short drive through Old Town San Diego where the city had begun in 1769. The shops, restaurants, and museums all embraced and preserved its rich history. They veered along the coast to La Jolla to the north with its pine-forested oceanfront bluffs. The last stop of the night was Seaport Village. He told her he wanted her at least to see it. Most of the shops closed early, but it was still worth seeing. It looked like she imagined a seaside town would look.

  “This has been lovely.” She smiled at him. “I think I would love to come back for a real vacation. Maybe see San Francisco, the Wine Country, and of course, the Redwoods.”

  “My parents brought us out here years ago. Naturally, we did the whole Disneyland and Sea World thing. But, I remember being in awe of the giant redwoods.”

  “Thank you. I’ve had a great time.”

  “The evening isn’t over yet. I have one more place I want to take you.” They drove to a scenic overlook at Mount Soledad Park where they could view San Diego sprawled out in all directions. They walked hand in hand for a few moments, taking in the lights of the city and the smell of the sea air.

  Jessie stopped and faced him. “I’ve always loved the ocean; that’s one of the reasons I moved to Blue Cove. I find a sense of peace, hearing the waves crashing on the shore.”

  “That’s how I feel when I’m with you.” He gazed into her eyes. He pulled a small wrapped box at of his coat. “I’ve always loved the ocean too. I think I’d always have to live near it.” His hand holding the box moved toward hers.

  Her eyes questioned him as she took the box from his hand when he nodded. “Should I?”

  “You can open it.”

  She carefully started the process. Nestled under the cushioned front was a silver necklace with a starfish pendant. In the center of the starfish was a small diamond. Her eyes lit up. “This is lovely, and an excellent reminder of our special time.” She reached up pulling his head down and kissed him. “Thank you,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I take it you approve.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

  “The necklace is beautiful and the whole evening has been fantastic. I guess I can add a romantic to the list of your qualities.” She sighed. “You’re full of surprises.”

  He looked at his watch. “As much as I hate to have this evening end, it’s time we get back to the airport.”

  Chapter 23

  The sound on his phone alerted him to a text as they strolled back to the limo. Once inside the car he read it. “It’s from Dylan. He wants me to call ASAP. Do you mind if I do it now?”

  “Go ahead.” She listened to what was a one-sided conversation for the next ten minutes. Dylan was doing most of the talking as Matt scowled.

  He cradled the phone between his shoulder and ear, all the while looking at her. “Let me mull this over, Dylan, and I’ll call you back tonight. I’ll run some of it by Jess while I’m at it. Yeah, she’s right here. Dylan says ‘Hi,’ sweetheart.”

  “Hi, Dylan.”

  “Did you hear her? Okay, we’ll talk later.” He put the phone back in his shirt pocket.

  “What’s up? You have that look about you.” She had watched his face tense as he talked.

  “What look is that?” He looked at her quizzically.

  “You know—the look that you get when you’re ready to get back to business.” She scooted close to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Dylan found out who wired your store. He also had some interesting talks with Jordon Daniels and Randy Wallis. Where do you want to start?”

  “I want to know about the hit man, do I need to be worried or not?”

  “Eventually, I think you might, but then again, maybe not.” He shrugged.

  She lifted her head off his shoulder and frowned at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “We haven’t seen his calling card yet telling us he’s engaged. But, from everything I’ve read about him, it could be something we have to worry about in the future. He might even be in the area to stalk someone else. Balasco thinks he’s only observing right now, and I tend to believe that too. First, there’s someone else involved, and he works alone. Nobody can have the credit for his kill but him. I’ll let you read some of his files. He calls himself the Hunter.” Matt frowned as he said it.

  “Isn’t that just peachy.”

  “Let’s take him out of the equation for now. We still have to deal with a stalker, Mallory, Daniels—which may not be his real name, and Wallis. I think that’s the tip of the iceberg.”

  “I haven’t had any dealings with Mallory since the interview. The stalker is only interested in Adriana, so what does he have to do with us?

  “It’s a little more complex than that, and we are only beginning to see the pieces coming together.” He frowned. “I may be wrong, but I believe Irwin may be the stalker and he was going to give you as a reward to Mallory for kidnapping Adriana. You were Mallory’s queen, his perfect bride that he spoke about.” He smiled at her. “I tend to agree with him there.”

  “But he messed it up. What does that mean for me?” She watched his face. He had a stony stare that didn’t bode well.

  “It’s probably not good. Let me be blunt, someone is going to try to kill you. That’s the easy part to figure out, but this is where it gets a little confusing—we have no idea who.” He pulled her tight when she shivered.

  “Killing me is the easy part! I swear I’m getting tired of being everyone’s punching bag. I don’t even know those people at the bank. So why am I in the center of it all again?”

  “Only one way and that’s through our past cases. We haven’t found the direct connection, though. We’ve found some old enemies all around the edges. Mallory spent time with a few of them in the same prison. Joel is the brother to Jason Cummings. The guy who put the equipment into your store
was a cousin to Ed Jones our ex-city councilman who’s now serving time, and someone not yet identified at the bank is another relative or friend.”

  “Is that what it means to keep it all in the family?” She tried to smile. “Are you sure Irwin is the stalker.”

  “No, nothing is firm yet. If it makes you feel any better, Dylan thinks I’m a target too.”

  “I would rather that neither of us were the targets if I had my druthers. Sometimes I wonder if you would be better off had I not came into your life.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “You never had crazy cases like this before.”

  “Don’t even speak of it.” He put his arm around her and pulled her against him. “My life was just a job until you came in and added the spark to it. I haven’t laughed and enjoyed myself like this in a few years. Those cases were there all along, but we didn’t know it. We’ll find a way through this together.” He hugged her tighter.

  Jess fingered her necklace and snuggled closer to Matt. “I love this by the way, it’s perfect.”

  He brushed his lips across her temple. “Just like you, sweetheart.”

  Content to let him hold her she rested her head on his shoulder until the limo stopped at the airport, and they had to board their jet for the return flight back to Palm Springs. Once back in Palm Springs, Matt opened the car door for her. He smiled at her. “I guess we should have left the case out of it tonight and just had an evening to ourselves.” He started the car and backed out of the parking space.

  “It was a lovely evening, great food, a beautiful city, and a nice gift.” She smiled at him. “The best part was doing it all with you.”

  “You know what…” He stopped the car and got out. He opened her door and pulled her gently out. “You always give me that look when I start to drive and have my hands full. Now you’re in them, and I’m going to give you my reply.” His lips descended on hers, simply and divinely ravishing her mouth. She exhaled slowly, and he smiled. He started to walk away, and she pulled him back around and kissed him again.

  “Now that’s what I call the perfect ending to a perfect date.” Matt caressed her cheek.


  The rose bush poked his side. He was getting tired of crouching there. They had told him to wait, but he didn’t care. The boss had pissed him off, and he had taken matters into his own hands. He had tried to get Adriana back, but she wasn’t in the room. The police officer didn’t know what had hit him. He felt bad, he didn’t like hurting people.

  He watched a car pull in and park. It wasn’t her. He needed to see her tonight, but it wasn’t wise for him to hang around too long, but he couldn’t go back to the trailer either. The boss would be watching for him. The smile on his face broadened. He had changed the game. Call him dumb, huh? He’d show his so-called friend. A different car, a new place, and he would have Jessie without his boss’ help. Who was stupid now?

  Mallory’s whole body began to hum like a tuning fork. She was near. He could feel it. Tension filled him from head to toe, all he wanted was a glimpse of her. Another car pulled in, and he knew she was inside. The cop got out and opened her door. He needed to remember that. She laughed at what he said to her. He put his arm around her, and Mallory’s hands fisted. She took his breath away. What was it that he saw? There in her eyes. It was in the look that passed between them when she gazed at the man. It ripped at his heart. Grief filled him. She would never belong to him. He could take her, but she wouldn’t belong to him. Her heart belonged to the cop. The darkness of the night shielded him from view. He stumbled to his car. When inside, he drove out of town and stopped at the first turnoff he saw. He might not be able to have her, but neither would anyone else!

  Chapter 24

  Jessie changed into her nightgown and slipped into bed, listening to Katie’s snoring. Yes. Jessie smiled. She was snoring. Jessie could hear Matt moving around out in the living area. He was talking on the phone, probably to Dylan again. It had been a night to remember. She would never have guessed that Matt was such a romantic. Everything had been perfect. The flight, the dinner, and the kissing, it was all magical. He was her prince. She sighed, a smile curving her lips.

  In the middle of the night, Jessie awakened to fear licking at her senses. The darkness settled over her like a heavy weight. She sat up in bed, her heart beating frantically. He was near. Breathing became work. She could feel him trying to get inside her thoughts and take them captive; strong, pulling her into his web; choking the life out of her. She fought, singing the song in her mind. When she grew weary, and her eyes closed, the shadows began to dance, and the voices mockingly sang you will die, you will die. Jessie got up and sat on the floor. I will not let you in. I will live, I will live, she repeatedly whispered until his power was broken and the night gave way to the gray light of dawn. Strange. She should still feel fear, but it wasn’t there. Why?

  If Irwin was the stalker, then he was in Palm Springs and near enough for her to know it. Matt needed to know. She opened the door.

  Matt jumped up. “What is it?”

  “It happened again—that strange ritual or curse.” She walked over to where Matt was sitting, pulling on his shirt. “I know the stalker is near. It felt different this time.”

  “How was it different?”

  “The last time it was more about fear, but this time was about threatening my life. He’s going to try to kill me.” She sat down beside him.

  “Are you sure?” He pulled her close to him.

  “Yes, I know it, but I’m not afraid. I don’t know why. It’s going to be okay. I know I’ll survive this, too.”

  “I guess we need a plan.” He smiled at her.

  “I may as well get dressed.” She stood up. “I’m wide awake and I need to make a phone call.” She walked into the room and sat on the floor not wanting to wake Katie. It was later in the East. Jessie was sure Reba would be up as soon as she touched the numbers on her phone.

  “Jessie, finally. I’ve been waiting for you to call. I was worried. Your vacation is not a vacation at all, is it, dear?”

  “No. I need to ask you some questions.” She explained to Reba all about what was happening to her. “Your words about me being the gatekeeper came back to me both times and helped through each attack.”

  “It sounds like someone has gotten involved with the dark occult and is trying to get at you with fear and threats. It’s hard, I know, but what you’re doing is right. It must be infuriating to him, to find someone stronger than he is.”

  “Could he be manipulating people this way?”

  “Yes, of course. You mean Mallory, I suppose?” Her sigh came through the phone.

  “Not just Mallory, there are others. But, mostly Mallory because he is the most vulnerable. It makes me livid to think of someone doing this to another person.” Jessie stood and began to pace. “Can you tell me why I believe it’s all going to be okay? Am I too casual about the seriousness of the situation?”

  “You are at peace, Jessie, because you have handled everything he has thrown at you and beat him at his own game. You’re going to be okay. The others involved are in for a bumpy ride. I do have one warning; there is more to this than what you see on the surface. What comes to an end in the next few days will rise again in the future.”

  “That doesn’t sound too inviting.”

  “All you need to remember is, at this moment, it will be okay. As you know, Jessie dear, that’s the only assurance that any of us has.”

  “I know you’re right. There are many unknown variables. I think I should be more worried than I am.”

  “Worry doesn’t do anything. It takes away your ability to respond quickly and accurately. You have no need for it. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

  “I will and thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, dear girl. You’ll be back here before you know it, your store will open, and another chapter in your life will begin. What a great novel your life would make, Jessie girl. You’re living an adventure.”

bsp; “You always make sense out of it all, Reba. Why is that?” She pushed her hair out of her face.

  “I have faith in something greater than me, even if I’m a little strange in my approach. I love you, and can’t wait to see you at your store’s grand opening. Call me, and let me know how it all turns out. I’ll be waiting, dear.”

  “I will. See you soon.” Jessie ended the call, feeling better after hearing Reba’s take on it. She stepped into her favorite jeans and pulled a comfy tee over her head. She pulled her curls into a ponytail, hoping to calm them a little. Gliding lip-gloss onto her lips, she pinched her cheeks and was ready to plan. Boy, she hoped there was coffee.


  He couldn’t take his eyes off her when she walked in the room. “Did you make your call?” He took his glasses out of his pocket and put them on. “How is it you can look so good in the morning after the night you had?”

  “I hope there’s coffee.” She followed him into the small kitchen area.

  He had ordered room service while she was talking on the phone. He filled her cup, and she grabbed a muffin. “So what’s the verdict?”

  “It’s going to be okay, don’t ask me how I know, I just know it will all work out.” Jessie sat down in the chair across from him.

  “Mallory is unstable at best, but in my gut I don’t think he’ll hurt you.” Matt grabbed his pen and scribbled a note on a napkin.

  “Probably not intentionally, but he’s vulnerable. Someone could manipulate him to try to hurt me. I’m not sure if he’s strong enough to fight it.”

  “Oh hell, that means he can’t be ruled out.” Matt took a swig of his coffee. His expression was grim. “I forgot to tell you last night that Frank is coming by today, and we’re going to take Radar out to where we found Mallory’s car. Frank seems to think it’s possible for the dog to pick up Mallory’s direction from there. Do you want to come along?”


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