A Lover's Mask

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by Altonya Washington

  A LOVER’S Mask


  To the fabulous ladies and gents of the “LoveAlTonya” Web group. Thanks guys for embracing all the love and all the madness of the Ramsey family



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Coming Next Month


  Seattle, Washington

  A brisk wind blew, adding an even deeper chill to the overcast midmorning air. The Ramsey jets had just landed, following the return trip from Banff, Canada, where the family had just celebrated the completion of another Ramsey Group real estate project. As they departed the jets, some of the passengers were solemn, regarding the terrible scene at dinner the night before. Others appeared weary or just downright wary. The dinner was supposed to be a celebration to announce the engagement of Quaysar Ramsey and his longtime love Tykira Lowery. The gathering, however, was marred by the appearance of Wake Robinson. Wake, an old friend of Quaysar’s, chose to pay an unexpected visit and revealed various pieces of information regarding the night of Sera Black’s death. The murder of the teen had haunted the family for decades. Needless to say, Wake’s appearance had cast a sour element to the event. The exquisite trip to Banff, the successful completion of the project and even the beautiful engagement announcement had been irrevocably marred.

  For Chicago publisher Contessa Warren it was her top author and best friend Michaela Ramsey’s discovery that one of the elder Ramseys was responsible for young Sera Black’s death. Another thing that weighed on County was knowing how Mick’s discovery was affecting her health. At least Quay and Ty looked happy, County thought. She smiled, watching the newly engaged couple embracing where they leaned against one of the limos on hand to take the group back to their various destinations.

  County smoothed her hands across the sleeves of the aubergine wool angora jacket and shook her head. She supposed love and happiness could battle the ugliness of the world if it was strong enough. Her smile faded a little and she acknowledged that she really wouldn’t know. Love and happiness hadn’t seen fit as yet to pay her a visit.

  Clearing her throat, Contessa focused on her friend Mick and her husband, Quest Ramsey. Ahh…more love and happiness, she noted and smiled again. If anyone deserved to be happy it was her best friend.

  Mick stopped next to County where she stood near the limo’s open door. “How long can you stay?” she asked, her eyes filling with apprehension.

  County patted her cheek. “Only a few days and no more,” she added when Mick opened her mouth to argue. “You need to focus on resting and the baby and not cackling with me or worrying over any of this other mess.”

  Mick rolled her eyes and flicked a windblown curl from her cheek. “And I suppose you won’t be coming down to Savannah for Quay and Ty’s wedding, either?” she knowingly asked.

  “Oh, honey I can’t. I can just imagine the work that’s waiting for me,” County said in excuse, not about to tell her friend that she was in no mood to attend a wedding. “I’ll be giving Quay and Ty my gift before I head back to Chicago,” she said.

  Mick sighed defeatedly and accepted that County’s mind was made up. Looking back at Quest, she gave a slight nod and let him get her settled in the back of the car.

  “Is she going to be all right?” County asked Quest when he’d gotten his wife comfortable.

  Quest nodded, though his haunting black and gray eyes harbored concern. “She’ll be fine,” he said and patted County’s hand to assure her. “I already put in a call to her OB. He’s about to put her on bed rest for a few weeks.”

  “Good,” County said and nodded her satisfaction.

  Quest squeezed her wrist one last time, and then looked out over the landing strip. “We’ll be ready to pull out in about ten minutes,” he said.

  County nodded, watching Quest walk off to speak with his twin brother Quaysar. She leaned against the limo, letting the brisk wind hit her face a second or two longer. She was about to join Mick when she felt a hand cup her elbow. Turning, her lips parted as she looked way up to find Fernando Ramsey at her side.

  “Mr. Ramsey,” she greeted, her luminous brown eyes narrowing a bit as she studied his incredible features.

  “She all right?” Fernando inquired of his cousin’s wife while nodding toward the limo’s interior.

  County glanced across her shoulder. “I think so. Quest says her doctor may put her on a few weeks bed rest.”

  Fernando’s translucent brown gaze became fixed on County’s face then. “Will you be staying with them?” he asked.

  “Only for a few days. Then it’s back to Chicago and work. Two things I’ve missed way too much of.”

  “Hmph, yeah the world of the Ramseys can be a bit much.”

  County’s brows rose a notch. “Hmph, a bit.”

  “Would you have a cup of coffee with me before you leave?”

  County wondered if any other man could make a simple request for coffee sound like a request for seduction. She shivered beneath her quarter length jacket as though her spine had been kissed by a freezing breeze. “Didn’t I cut you down enough on the plane?” she asked, after ordering herself to calm down.

  Fernando smiled and Contessa found herself returning the sentiment in reaction to the way his mesmerizing eyes crinkled at the corners.

  “Obviously I survived,” he surmised.

  County smoothed one hand across the sleeve of her jacket. “Whatever would we talk about?” she playfully sighed. “Somehow I don’t think your family is the most fun topic.”

  Fernando bowed his head and County took a moment to admire the crop of gorgeous rich brown curls he possessed.

  “I think we could come up with quite a few fun things to talk about,” he predicted.

  “And you won’t take no for an answer?” she guessed.

  Broad shoulders rose in a slow shrug as Fernando stepped closer. “I’ll take no if I really, really have to. But I really, really don’t want to,” he admitted, easing massive hands into the pockets of his black overcoat. “Besides, I may never see you again and I’d regret not asking you to come with me forever.”

  Lord, did all the Ramseys have such a way with words? County thought, shocked by a stab of something scandalous that stirred someplace unmentionable.

  Again, he stepped closer. “Well?” he taunted.

  The scent of his cologne enveloped her and County swallowed as though the action would do something to diminish it. This man was beautifully overwhelming and so very tempting. What harm could talking do?

  “Just let me say goodbye to Mick,” she decided, watching as he strolled away. Shaking her head, she bent into the car and snapped her fingers to get Michaela’s attention. “I’m gonna come to the house later, okay?”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Mick wanted to know, a frown already marring her brow.

  “Nothing, nothing. The trip was just so intense and the day is so refreshing. I guess I want to be out in it a little longer before heading inside,” she explained coolly.

  “You’re sure you’re okay? Do we need to get another car for you?”

  “Mick, Mick, I’m fine. Stop worrying,” County urged, leaning close to plant a kiss to her friend’s cheek. “I’ll be to the house in a couple of hours. I promise.”

  “Okay…well, be careful,” Mick ordered, and then handed Contessa h
er purse from the opposite seat.

  County accepted the purse, blew a kiss to Mick and stood. She took in the sight of Fernando standing a few feet away. Careful? Ha! That word and that man were clearly a mismatch, but she was far too intrigued to turn back.

  Chapter 1

  Chicago—New Years Eve

  Contessa realized she was going to have to make her great escape from this party and soon. She’d just used her last excuse not to dance or engage in conversation that would only give one of the many available men there the idea that he’d be leaving with her for the evening. She cursed herself for even accepting the invite to the New Year’s bash, but it was New Year’s.

  It was New Year’s Eve and she was alone and it was by choice. And it scared the hell out of her. She’d thought of calling and sharing her woes with Michaela, but knew her best friend was busy with her husband on the special evening. Her husband. Mick being married had put so much in perspective for her. Contessa found herself sick with fear that she’d wind up an old maid with a house full of cats. Or dogs. Or cats and dogs.

  “Dammit why am I doing this to myself now?” she raged, looking down to her lap as she hissed the question. This is stupid, County. That life isn’t for you. You know that. Then why was she finding herself wishing for it more and more over the last couple of years?

  Suddenly, she blinked, tilting her head to get a better look at what had caught her eye across the crowded dining area.

  What in the world is he doing here? County silently inquired.

  From her spot at her favorite corner table she could see that she had a perfect view—stress on the word perfect. Much as it unnerved her to admit, he’d occupied a great portion of her thoughts since the Banff trip. Actually, it was the drinks they’d shared afterward and the conversation that went along. It felt too good to vent, she remembered. They spoke of Mick, and County voiced her concerns over wanting her best friend to rest and how the case was just becoming more and more complex.

  Conversation wasn’t forced or uncomfortable. It flowed. They discussed, they debated, they bantered and the only reason they parted company after three hours was because Mick called worried and wondering when she was coming home. Contessa had always believed she preferred her men leanly muscular, not blatantly massive and powerful. Fernando Ramsey, however, was precisely that.

  The caramel toned devil in her sights now was that and more. Besides, she’d always reasoned a man who worked so hard to maintain upper body power usually lost out on something in more important areas, right? Of course, she wasn’t one to speculate. Should the opportunity ever present itself for more…verification, she thought she’d be quite willing to investigate.

  She had, however, taken the opportunity to evaluate the man during their time together after the Banff trip. A brief time, but enough for her to agree that he was indeed a delicious thing. His skin was flawless—rare for a man to have such perfect skin. Her time around the Ramsey men, though, had told her whatever interior imperfections they might possess, it was impossible to judge by outward appearances.

  As most of the men in his family were dark, Fernando was a rich caramel shade—as if he’d been drenched in the stuff. Everything about him was large and cool, from the mesmerizing shade of his deep-set eyes to the close cut beard of dark brown that added a certain roughish element to his face. Unconsciously, County rubbed her fingers together and imagined what it might feel like to bury them in the silky close cut curls covering his head.

  Closing her eyes, County told herself she was getting carried away. This lack of sex, companionship or whatever was really starting to get to her. Of course, she was always careful in her choice of men and not nearly as fancy-free as her best friend Mick may have believed. Still, she’d had her share of encounters. Sadly, true commitment continued to elude her. County couldn’t help but wonder if that was the fault of the man or herself.

  What the hell? She finally decided, brows rising a few notches as she continued to regard Fernando. It couldn’t hurt to send a bottle of champagne to his table. After all, it was New Year’s. Besides, she had the feeling he’d want to keep the drinks coming judging from the looks of his two female companions who’d already finished off one bottle of wine and were at work on a second.

  Trailing petal pink manicured nails across her bare arms, she again wondered what he was doing there. Chicago was a bit removed from his Seattle stomping ground. She wondered if he knew her friend James Aston who owned the yacht restaurant where the celebration was being held.

  “Ms. Warren? Are you all right over here?”

  County smiled up at the waiter. “Actually, I’d like to send a bottle of champagne to that noisy table over there,” she decided finally and cast an airy wave in the general direction.

  The giggly, busty beauties at Fernando’s table had grown consistently louder. The waiter had no confusion about to whom County was referring and nodded.

  “This can’t be Contessa Warren all by herself on New Year’s Eve?”

  County rolled her eyes when she heard the question voiced just a few seconds following the waiter’s departure. Forcing a smile she looked up to see two more male acquaintances who had been successful in sniffing her out.

  “It’s me,” she sang, clasping her hands together as Gayle Hubbard and Cory Preston joined her.

  “All alone?” Cory asked, sounding as though he couldn’t believe it.

  County folded her arms across the sequined square bodice of the pink silk and chiffon spaghetti strapped tunic she wore. “Believe it Cory and I’d like to keep it that way,” she shared pointedly.

  “Ouch,” Gayle replied, bristling as though her words cut deep. “Baby, don’t start the year off this way. You’re much too fine to be all alone on a night like this.”

  “Mmm, I know,” County sighed, shaking her head when the two men chuckled. They launched a debate on which one of them was more worthy of her company for the remainder of the evening. Meanwhile, Contessa’s attention and gaze returned to Fernando’s table in time to see the waiter arriving there with the champagne.

  Confusion registered on Fernando’s handsome face, as the waiter motioned toward County’s table. Fernando’s gaze narrowed as he sought to get a better look at the woman with the two men across the room. He took in her honey toned skin bared by the elegant style of her outfit, the chic boyish cut she now sported and realization rushed forth.

  Clearly, Fernando’s two companions didn’t care who sent the additional refreshment. They began to wiggle in their seats, clinking their glasses in anticipation of the bubbly delight.

  At her table, Contessa reached for her handbag and the stylish peony burlap long coat. “’Scuse me, fellas,” she said amidst their incessant discussion. Her thoughts wholly focused on the devastating Ramsey across the room, she took a stroll to the bar knowing he’d be by her side soon enough.

  “When a man buys a woman a drink, it’s usually because he’d like to join her. Does that hold true for women as well?”

  County smiled at his question, feeling her flesh riddle with goose bumps in reaction to the warm depth of his voice. She turned, tilting her head back to study him as his eyes caressed her face before moving on to the generous swell of her bosom.

  County followed the line of his gaze and then looked up and nodded toward the two women he’d been with. “I thought your dates could use a bit more,” she said.

  Fernando responded with a slow nod and smile. “So you did it just for them?”

  “And you too,” County quickly added, her expression turning wicked. “I’m sure you want to keep them happy.”

  “And why is that?”

  Again, County cast another suggestive look across the room. “Oh, I’d say you’re gonna have the time of your life tonight.”

  “I’m beginning to think so too,” Fernando agreed, still focused completely on her.

  County tilted her head, not pretending to misread him in the least. “What about your dates?”

That was business, not pleasure.”

  “And what am I?”

  “Definitely not business.”

  County pushed one hand inside the pocket of her black moleskin trousers. “So you think I’m that sort of girl?” she asked in a challenging tone. “To go home with a man I hardly know?”

  Fernando drew closer, practically shielding County’s view of the room with his massive build. She studied the breadth of his shoulders beneath the gorgeous fabric of his navy wool boucle textured suit coat and wondered if all that size really belonged to him.

  “We can talk all night, but in the morning you’re mine,” he spoke just loudly enough for her to hear.

  Contessa shut out the voice that sang, “danger, danger” and cleared her throat softly. “Does that line usually work?”

  Fernando grinned, leaning closer still to retrieve her coat from the bar. “I’ve never used it before,” he admitted. “I suppose we’ll find out in the morning.”

  Contessa prayed he couldn’t hear her breathing and told the singing voice to shut up. She let him help her into her coat, then curved her fingers into the crook of the arm he offered. She prayed again that he didn’t hear the low moan she uttered at the feel of the rock solid biceps that flexed ever so gently. Hell, it’s New Year’s, she reasoned. Together, they left the yacht.

  One week later…

  “I know Jay pulled out all the stops,” Mick guessed when she and County spoke by phone one January afternoon.

  “He did at that.”

  Contessa’s unenthusiastic response earned a raised eyebrow from Mick. Her curiosity roused and then her suspicion.

  “It was a party on a boat and not a very good one,” County remarked when Mick remained silent. “Jay’s losing his touch,” she added nastily in reference to their friend James Aston. “I left before the balloons fell” she saw fit to share.


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