The Broken Road

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The Broken Road Page 9

by Melissa Huie

  Surprisingly, he had done very little to make it into a home. I didn’t see any framed pictures on the walls or on the maple side tables, just piles of car magazines, books, and three different gaming consoles. Simple and spartan, it reminded me of a grown-up dorm room. While he tooled away in the kitchen, I wandered over to his couch and perused his books. With the exception of two bestsellers, I had not heard of any of the titles.

  “Do you want some wine?” Alex called. “I have red.” I was normally not a fan of reds but I was never one to refuse wine. I hoped tonight would be the night we took our relationship to the next level. A little liquid courage couldn’t hurt.

  “Sure. Are you sure I can’t help you with dinner?” I asked, as I wandered over to the kitchen to stand in the archway. He flashed me one of his brilliant smiles and handed me a glass of wine.

  “I know you’re used to taking the helm in the kitchen, but I have it under control,” he said, as he slipped his arm around my waist and gave me a quick kiss. I had to chuckle. For the last month and a half I had been doing most of the cooking. I enjoyed trying out new recipes and updating old favorites. Alex didn’t seem to mind being my guinea pig. And ever since the french toast disaster the first time he came over, I didn’t want him near my kitchen. We chatted while Alex cooked, joking and flirting. The wine warmed me from the inside and replaced my nervousness with confidence. My anticipation for dessert heightened every time he smiled at me. Oh yeah. This is why I shaved my legs! I thought. Once dinner was ready, Alex called me in to fill my plate. With no table to sit at, we carried our food to the couch in front of the fire.

  “Sorry about this. I haven’t gotten around to getting furniture,” he said sheepishly, taking a sip of his wine.

  “It’s okay. It just looks like you packed up your dorm and brought it with you,” I joked with a knowing glance to the video games. Alex laughed along with me.

  “I didn’t have much when I came up here. I’m lucky that the place came with furniture. I just brought my TV and clothes.”

  “Such the typical bachelor,” I teased, as I leaned in for a kiss. He tasted like red wine and responded eagerly. I could forget dinner, I thought, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Alex leaned me back, his arms wrapped around my waist. The kiss was never ending. I could feel his hands gently gliding underneath my sweater and I loved every minute of it. My pulse raced and my toes curled. The feeling of enjoyment quickly disappeared when a knock came at the door.

  “Ignore it,” I muttered. Alex obliged and his hands continued roaming my rib cage. The knocking got louder, until I could hear an old man’s voice loudly.

  “Alexander! Open up, it’s your grandpa!”

  Suddenly Alex shot up. His eyes grew wide and he looked like a teenager getting caught with a girl in his room. “Shit!” He fixed his shirt and pulled me up into a sitting position.

  “Sorry about this. Let me get him out of here.” He hurried over to the door. This was so funny, seeing him so worried. Has he never had a girl over before? Why is he so nervous? I wondered, as I took a bite of the cooled chicken.

  “Hey, Pop. What’s up?” Alex said, blocking me from his grandfather’s view. It was obvious that he was hiding something.

  “Alexander, it’s fifty degrees out here. What kind of ungrateful grandson are you to leave an old man outside in the cold? Move aside and let me in. I need to talk with you,” Dr. Collins grumbled, brushing past him. With a sigh, Alex opened the door farther to let him in.

  “Oh good, you have dinner cooking. I’m starved and the old fart’s place is having creamed chicken. Everything is creamed and mashed for people without teeth. Oh. You have a visitor,” he mumbled, barely acknowledging me as he headed into the kitchen. I looked at Alex, puzzled. He just shrugged his shoulders in response.

  Dr. Collins brought his plate over to the love seat and began eating without a word. Alex nervously drank his wine and waited for his grandfather to finish his meal. I was eager to get back to where we left off.

  “You’re Norah Connors’s girl right? How’s Micki doing?” he asked, not looking up from his food. “Alex, get me a soda will you?”

  “Um, yes. I’m Norah’s daughter. Micki is doing well. Thank you,” I stammered, not sure of what else to say. Alex and I watched his grandfather eat in awkward silence. It was obvious that Dr. Collins took his sweet time and enjoyed the inconvenience that he was bestowing on his grandson.

  “I have to say boy, this isn’t half bad. Course, not as good as Lenny’s cooking, but it should do for you while you’re up this way,” Dr. Collins said, patting his bulging stomach and leaning back in the chair.

  Knowing that Alex had a great relationship with his grandfather and feeling good about where I stood with him, I piped up. “Who’s Lenny?” I figured Lenny was a cousin, since Alex had told me he was an only child.

  “Alex’s wife, of course,” Dr. Collins said innocently. My heart dropped into my stomach. Married? Oh my God, Alex is married? What the hell? My eyes narrowed as I turned to gape at him. Alex buried his head into his hands. I glanced at Dr. Collins. That was not an innocent comment. Dr. Collins knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Oh. That’s right. Your wife,” I said slowly. I debated throwing my now-cold dinner at his head, but decided against it. I simply picked up my plate and carried it into the kitchen, with Alex following my every step.

  “Megan. Wait! Don’t go,” he whispered, desperation flooding his voice. I ignored him. Too many curses and insults swirled in my head. I couldn’t speak. I was in shock.

  “Megan, I’m so sorry. Please let me explain,” he pleaded. I flew around and poked him in the chest.

  “Married? You’re fucking married? Are you kidding me? When were you going to tell me? Were you just going to go back to North Carolina and not say anything?” I sputtered.

  “Megan, it was never brought up,” he said weakly.

  “Never brought up? You wanted to get me in bed the first time you came over! It should have been brought up then! I guess kissing another woman is okay as long as you don’t bring up your wife!” I spat out. It infuriated me that he was making excuses. What possible excuse could he come up with that would remotely make any sense?

  “You would have never told me and would have just kept leading me on. I can’t believe I fell for your scam! Is this why Shane got upset? Did he know that you were married?” I demanded. He said nothing, which confirmed my suspicions. I shook my head and tried to rein in my fury. “You son of a bitch. He was right. You’re nothing but a lowlife asshole. I can’t believe I trusted you. Go to hell. You don’t deserve me and I sure as hell don’t need a jackass like you. And for that matter, neither does your wife,” I said venomously. I squelched the urge to hit him and instead simply turned my back and walked over to Dr. Collins. I wasn’t sure if he had heard our exchange, but I didn’t care. His grandson was a bastard, and I wasn’t going to listen to his excuses.

  “Dr. Collins. It’s been really enlightening talking to you today. Thank you. Enjoy your retirement,” I said as I pulled on my jacket and scarf. I ignored Alex’s pleading stares as I walked over to the door. Before I closed it behind me, I heard Dr. Collins tell Alex, “You done screwed up, boy.”

  I pulled away from the house, my tires spinning on the gravel driveway.

  * * *

  I was halfway down Central Avenue before the hot angry tears started rolling. I brushed them away furiously. I refused to cry over this bastard, but my emotions had other ideas. As if on autopilot, my car went directly to the Davidsonville Deli. I came out with a carton of Ben and Jerry’s and two freshly baked peanut butter cookies. I drove home, let Penny out, and curled up on the couch with my ice cream in hand, only getting up to let her back in. Stupid Alex. I wasn’t sure if I should be angrier at him or myself. The late night calls, the fact that he rarely brought up his home life, the odd times he was “out of town.” All these things were signs and I just ignored them. Guys just suck, I thought, as I spooned the
last of the Chubby Hubby ice cream into my mouth.

  And now, because of Alex, I barely saw Shane anymore. We hadn’t spoken much lately, only exchanging texts about bills and Penny. The incident between him and Alex had cooled our friendship. Shane rarely came home before the sun came up and, by the time I got home from work, he was gone again. I missed having him around, but I suppose it was for the best. I had been trying to get over him and for the most part I thought I had. Those feelings never truly went away. Alex was a good distraction and it proved that I could move on from Shane.

  Speak of the devil. The familiar roar of Shane’s motorcycle broke the silence. I don’t want to deal with anyone right now. I’d rather be left alone in my misery. Apparently, Shane wasn’t in the mood to be social either; he just walked through the door and up the stairs with a grunt of hello. I rolled my eyes. He probably had a fight with Allison or something. I hadn’t seen her around, but then again, I hadn’t been paying attention. I checked my watch. Only eight thirty. I figured I might as well go to bed; I had already disgusted myself by eating an entire container of ice cream.

  I let Penny out one last time and, as I waited for her to do her business, I checked my Blackberry. One missed text from Jen inviting me out to our favorite tavern in Edgewater. I thought about telling her no, then shook my head. Why sit here at home and wallow in self-pity? I was better than that. I wasn’t going to let some loser bring me down. Cheering myself on, I let Penny inside and headed up the stairs.

  I passed by Shane’s room. What the hell, I thought. I’ll bring him along. He probably needed to let loose as well. I knocked on his door. He answered me with his phone against his ear and a little gasp escaped. I was completely awestruck. Shane still had on his dirty shop jeans but they hung low on his hips. His chest was completely bare. Absolutely hot. I struggled to remember the reason why I was at his door in the first place.

  “Hang on,” he mouthed to me and then turned around and sat on his bed. I didn’t dare move from the door frame. I waited until he had finished his conversation.

  “What’s up, stranger?” he asked, as he squeezed me tightly. My mind stopped functioning and my body warmed at his touch. Good lord, get a grip.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while. Just checking in with my roommate,” I joked. I pulled myself out of his embrace reluctantly. Rebound or not, I knew this was a path I shouldn’t go down again.

  “Yeah, I know. Work has been hell,” Shane replied, running his hands through his short hair.

  “Same here. It’s been a hellish week. I need to let loose. Jen and the rest of the crew are meeting up at Double J’s later. You and Allison should join us.”

  “Um. I’ll think about it. I’ll probably come by later. There are a few things I need to do tonight. But Allison won’t be there. We aren’t together anymore, or whatever you call it,” he said. Shane didn’t look too upset about the breakup. I guess he was telling the truth when he said that they were just having fun together.

  “Oh yeah? What happened?” I asked, then hurriedly corrected myself. “You don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business.”

  Shane shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. We just, you know, decided to go our separate ways. We’re still cool though.”

  I nodded nonchalantly. “Yeah, Alex and I split too. Apparently, he’s married. You were right. He was playing me,” I blurted out. Shane looked away and I realized he had been holding back. “You knew.”

  Shane shrugged. “I didn’t know he was married, but I knew he was with someone else. The day I left for Trenton, I was behind him at Starbucks. He was talking to someone on his phone, and he mentioned something about being in love for the last four years and how he wished she could be here with him. I didn’t realize it was him until he came over. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to be right.”

  I was stunned. Shane knew all this time and had kept it from me. I didn’t know if I should be angry or not. Would I have believed him, I wondered. Just like you believed Shane when he told you Alex was a player? the sensible voice in my head said. Probably not.

  “Don’t sweat it. I’ve learned my lesson to go with my gut instinct more often,” I joked weakly.

  Shane lightly punched my arm. “Did you at least kick his ass?”

  “I thought about it, but didn’t. I wish I had,” I replied. I checked my watch and realized the time. “So about tonight, I’m planning on drinking so I’ll call a cab around ten or so. Let me know if you’re going to come with me.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  I turned around and headed to my room. I quickly showered and pulled on my sexiest panties and bra. Who knew? I might decide to bring someone home. Penny’s tail thumped as I looked through my closet. I needed to look good, feel confident. I decided on a low-cut, navy blue wrap shirt and my favorite dancing jeans. After drying my hair and running a flat iron through it, I called for a cab and applied my makeup while I waited. I knew Shane had already left. He didn’t tell me he was leaving, but a quick check of his room confirmed it. I had no clue where he went off to and pushed aside a pang of disappointment. Shane didn’t need to be at the bar for me to have a good time. No more relationships. No more talk of Mr. Right, or sulking and whining. Only thing to do was to have fun with my friends.

  * * *

  I got to the bar a little before ten thirty. Jen, along with the rest of my friends, had commandeered a corner booth.

  “Hey, everyone!” The chorus of hellos could barely be heard over the din of the music. The bass rattled my bones and the music beckoned me to the dance floor.

  “Drinks are on the house, Megs,” called Josh. Since he was the club’s co-owner, our group received special perks.

  I gave him a thumb up sign. Thank God I took a taxi. Free drinks were dangerous. I headed for Jason, my favorite bartender, Josh’s brother, and the other co-owner of Double J’s.

  “Hey, girl! Haven’t seen you in forever,” he said with a big grin. He reached across the bar to give me a big hug. Jason and I have been good friends since high school. It was easy for me to be friends with him; there was never any drama between us. “What’s your poison tonight?”

  “Hi J, I’ll take the usual,” I said, giving him a big smile. I felt confident. I was going to forget that Alex was a lying, stupid man-whore. I was going to enjoy flirting and being single and I wasn’t going to let a loser like Alex ruin my fun.

  “So how’s it going?” he asked as he handed me my beer.

  “It’s going good. How are you? This place is crazy! How are you handling the bar and baseball? I haven’t talked to you in a while,” I said, pushing closer to the bar so he could hear me.

  “I’m constantly running. But things are going great. Josh and I are a pretty good team. And baseball is going great. Spring training is in full swing right now. I’m pitching really well,” he said, completely ignoring the guy next to me who jockeyed for Jason’s attention. Not only was Jason running the bar, he was also in a minor league baseball team.

  “That’s great!” I exclaimed.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks, if you’re not going to order, can you move that fine behind?” said the guy next to me. Though he looked vaguely familiar, I couldn’t place him. I rolled my eyes. Black hair, tanned, brown eyes, dressed in a plaid button-down shirt and jeans. I knew him from somewhere. But where?

  “Yeah, sure buddy. J, I’ll see you in a bit,” I said with a grin. I took my drink back to the table and settled in next to Jen. We chatted for a few minutes, but the music called my name. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

  We danced for what seemed like forever. I danced with the girls and several different guys. They were all cute, but no one had the moves to match mine. There was a saying that what a guy does on the dance floor reflects his bedroom skills. I wasn’t looking for a booty call, but it had been a long time.

  I started to get hot. The dance floor was becoming too crowded, so I pulled my hair up into a messy knot and yelled to Jen, �
�I’m getting a drink.” I walked toward the main bar, but more people came over as a ballad came on. Finally, I was able to get in front of the crowd and grabbed the attention of the other bartender, Fallon.

  “Hey, Megan!” she said, her long black hair hanging loosely over her strapless shirt. She reached across the bar to give me an awkward kiss on the cheek. Fallon was Jen’s college roommate and we’d been friends ever since. “I didn’t realize you’d be here tonight,” she said, passing out drinks.

  “Yeah, there’s a big group of us. We’re with Josh.”

  “Ah, that’s right. Awesome. It’s nuts in here tonight. The winter freeze is over and people are getting out.”

  “Seriously, sweet cheeks, why is it that you’re always chatting up the bartenders when a man is trying to get his drink,” said a vaguely familiar voice from behind me. It was the guy from before and my brain finally clicked on his name.

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re Dominic, right?” I knew I remembered him. He ran with a bad crowd from high school. Apparently, even ten years later, he still hadn’t grown up.

  “Yeah, baby. I knew you’d remember me at some point. I didn’t forget you,” he said in a surly tone. He was obviously drunk and tried to run his hand down my arm. I pulled away.

  “Yeah. Well, nice talking to you.” I turned my back to him and waited for Fallon to get my drink.

  “Don’t turn away,” he said, touching my arm “You’re here, I’m here; let’s dance for a while and see how well you remember me.”

  I yanked my arm back. “No thanks. And don’t touch me. I’m here with someone, not you.”

  Dominic grabbed my arm roughly. His brown eyes blazed. I could tell he was not used to hearing the word no. “You don’t need to act like that. Come on baby. Let’s dance.”

  I could see Fallon wave to someone, but I couldn’t see who. God, I didn’t want to cause a scene and cause security to come over. I didn’t need anyone to fight my battles, I could fight them myself. I looked down at his sleazy hand on my arm and balled up my fists.


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