Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 8

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Don’t stop, I’m so turned on Gabe. Will you do it again as hard as you can?’ I begged. He did as he was told and we both groaned in unison this time.

  ‘Damn it Mia, you’re seriously wet. This really turns you on?’

  ‘Yes,’ I sighed happily. ‘Please do it again and don’t hold back,’ I begged. This time, I winced as the stinging sensation spread across my cheeks, while I groaned to realise I was even more desperate for him now, than before. ‘Gabe, you’ve stopped fucking me, please fuck me hard now, I want you so badly.’

  ‘O Mia,’ he sighed, as he pulled out of me and then thrust forcefully back in and set up a fast rhythm that had me whimpering below him. I felt every slap of his balls and palmed the baize trying to hold myself steady as he hammered me again and again. ‘O god baby you feel so good,’ he muttered, as he circled his hips and worked my insides with the precision and expertise of someone who had done this many, many times before, angling himself to hit every pleasurable spot in my body, never just thinking of himself.

  I could feel the perspiration running down my back, I was so hot and my breaths were short and shallow, I knew I was about to come again. He removed his hand from the back of my neck and moved it to my hip to increase his momentum. I tensed as my climax started and screamed his name, my fingers flexing, scrapping at the felt. He knew it was his green light and I heard him mutter ‘Fuck’ as he pushed hard one final time, the force of it making my entire body shudder as we arrived together.

  ‘Wow,’ he sighed. ‘You ok baby?’ He leaned over me and swept my hair out of the way and lay some kisses up the back of my neck.

  ‘Yessss,’ I sighed contentedly. ‘God I missed that, missed you. I could lie here all night like this, just feeling you inside me.’

  ‘Hmmm me too. Please let’s never go without sex for that long again.’ His kisses moved to work their way along my shoulder and I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, dreading reminding him I was due on at the weekend. Much as I didn’t want to go without sex, I wasn’t sure the idea of having it while I was actually bleeding appealed to me.



  ‘Next time I’m bent over like this, can we try anal?’

  ‘God I love how you keep surprising me,’ he whispered in my ear and I giggled happily. I really did want to experience everything with him.

  Eventually he had to come out of me, I knew he did, but it didn’t mean I had to like it. He helped me off the table, turned me around and peppered me with kisses, as I hugged him tightly. He picked up his shirt from the floor and slipped it onto me, shaking his head to see there were only the top couple of buttons left on it. I steadied myself against the table as I recovered from our amazing session and watched him take off his condom, pull on his boxers and collect the rest of our clothes off the floor, carefully folding them on the pool table. He looked at me, all flushed and dishevelled in his shirt, with my stockings and suspenders still intact and shook his head.

  ‘So hot. How did I get so lucky?’

  ‘I wonder the same thing every time I look at you big boy,’ I winked. He laughed and took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

  ‘I need a drink after that and we’ve not had dessert yet,’ he said as he washed his hands.

  ‘What did you get?’

  ‘I made panacotta with fresh raspberries.’

  ‘You made it? You’re too good to be true,’ I said as I leaned on the island, watching him rummage in his large American fridge freezer. ‘You must have some faults Gabe, what are they?’

  ‘Well listening to you and spanking you so hard is probably one of them.’

  ‘I really enjoyed it and I’d like you to do that again.’

  ‘You sure? My palm’s still stinging,’ he looked around at me with a slight frown.

  ‘So is my bottom, but I’m sure Gabe, I loved it.’

  ‘Ok then, as long as you’re happy that’s the main thing. Well I guess my faults are that I used to get into a lot of fights when I was younger, I do my Jiu Jitsu now to give me an outlet for my anger and it’s taught me some control.’

  ‘Why do you feel so angry?’ I asked and then mentally kicked myself. I knew why, he felt guilty and that manifested as anger. We’d only just been discussing it earlier and I’d pissed him off then, how could I be so stupid bringing it up again. Luckily he ignored the question as he grabbed a spoon from the drawer.

  ‘I guess all my current faults relate to you Mia. You bring out the best and the worst in me. I feel very protective of you and I need to know how you are and where you are all the time, otherwise I worry. I’m also exceptionally possessive when it comes to you too, I’ve never cared so much for another person. I hate the way I see other men looking at you when you’re mine.’

  ‘Who says I’m yours?’ I teased. ‘That’s a little presumptuous when we’ve only been dating for seven days. In fact we’ve not really dated much at all, we just stay in and have sex all the time.’

  ‘You told me I was your boyfriend Mia, so that makes you mine and mine alone,’ he said, flashing me a warning look that was so hot. ‘As to us not going out, you made it clear that you didn’t want that, that it was all about sex. Now that you’ve agreed to be in a proper relationship we’ll do normal things and I’ll take you on dates. So what would you like to do with me for our first official one?’ he asked, as he dipped the spoon into the ramekin pot of his dessert and held it out for me to eat.

  ‘I love animals and the zoo. I’d love to see a real giant panda, they look so cute on the TV,’ I replied with a mouthful of the most delicious, creamy sweet pudding I’d ever eaten. ‘O my god that may just be better than sex Gabe.’ He smiled and took a spoonful for himself.

  ‘Ok, we’ll go to the zoo, are you free to go Saturday?’ he asked as he put another spoonful in my mouth.

  ‘You don’t swim on a Saturday?’ I asked, licking my lips.

  ‘No, I usually have an early run on a Saturday, which I can still fit in. So I’d be good to go by nine. I’ll look into it and find out where the nearest zoo with pandas is for you and I’ll book somewhere nice to take you out to eat in the evening.’ He fed me some more.

  ‘God seriously, this is really good. I’m going to have to go to the gym with you if you keeping feeding me like this.’ He grinned as he scrapped the bottom of the pot.

  ‘I love watching you eat and fuck, you look so happy doing both.’

  ‘Well duhhhh. Sex or food alone are amazing, but mix them together like the other morning and they’re a winning combination,’ I said smiling, remembering the strawberry and ice cubes.

  ‘You liked that did you?’

  ‘I like everything we do together,’ I replied blushing, which made him smile even more.

  ‘Me too. So it’s nine thirty. What would you like us to do together now?’

  ‘I’d love to take that unfinished champagne upstairs, have another bath with you to relax after that amazing session on the pool table, then snuggle in your huge bed and watch some TV.’

  ‘Deal.’ He lifted me up into his arms again, he made it look so easy and it made me feel so good. I kissed him and grabbed the champagne bottle as he carried me up to his bedroom suite and through to the bathroom. We spent over forty minutes in there, taking turns to swig from the bottle as we sat at either end of the bath, with our legs between each other’s. We chatted and laughed about nothing in particular and he had to keep draining and re-running the water to keep it hot and he’d make me blush every now and again, with the way he would look at me, all tenderly.

  I asked him about the house. They’d only been here ten years, so I worked out that this wasn’t the house his mother had her fall in and I was relieved. To have had to run up and down those stairs everyday would’ve been horrendous for him and his dad. He got out first and wrapped a pale grey towel around himself. I lay back and admired him, biting my lip as I smiled and he caught me staring and smiled back.

  ‘Now that’s the look I get on my f
ace when I see you half dressed. Lie there and relax, I’ll be back in a while.’

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘I can’t tell you that, it would ruin the surprise.’

  ‘What surprise?’

  ‘It’s our one week anniversary.’

  ‘Well I know that, but you’ve already given me flowers, cooked a lovely meal for me and played a very saucy game of pool.’

  ‘The flowers were an apology, not a gift. I’ve got something else for you.’ He blew me a kiss before leaving and pulling the door behind him. I felt really bad that I’d not got anything for him to open. I’d never been in a relationship where I’d ever wanted to celebrate anything, I wasn’t even aware that people celebrated things like their first week together. I hoped that the surprise I was getting done for him tomorrow would make up for it. I lay back and closed my eyes and must’ve drifted off, as I was startled when Gabe planted a kiss on my lips, and I looked up to find him still wrapped his towel.

  ‘That’s a seriously sexy look on you,’ I smiled, hoping I could rip the towel off any second and take advantage of what perfection lay beneath, again.

  ‘Thank you.’ He pulled me up and helped me over the edge before throwing another fresh grey towel around me and using the edges to pull me into him. I tilted my head back, looking up to study his face, he was so handsome, in fact I’d go so far as to say beautiful. With that bone structure, he really should be a model, he was the whole package, my whole package. I make a little throaty groan as I saw the way he looked down at me, it sent a surge of lust through my core. I nipped at his jawline with my teeth and he chuckled, released me, secured the towel around my chest and took my hand and led me out of the bathroom.

  As he opened the door to the bedroom I gasped, he’d closed his white shutters and set up little tea lights on the windowsills, bedside tables, the TV unit and oriental chest. There were so many that the room had a beautiful soft glow. There was a square flat box wrapped in purple wrapping paper sitting in the middle of his bed.

  ‘God Gabe, it looks so beautiful,’ I smiled, touched at the effort he’d gone to. ‘You did all that for me? For one week together?’

  ‘It’s been the best week of my life, excepting that little blip yesterday. I wanted you to know that, I want you to know how special you are to me.’

  ‘I do know that, you tell me every day Gabe and I adore you for being so romantic.’ I linked my fingers with his and squeezed.

  ‘You adore me?’ he exclaimed, with mock horror on his face. ‘Haven’t you just crossed a line with one of your sex no strings rules?’

  ‘For you it seems I’m prepared to break many of my rules. In fact, as a present to you, I’m going to drop my all of my rules, except the one about no sex with anyone but me. Is that ok?’

  ‘That’s an amazing present, are you sure?’

  ‘Yes I’m sure.’

  ‘Then that makes me even happier.’ He cupped my face and kissed me.

  ‘I’m glad, I like seeing you happy too Gabe. I can’t believe you’ve done all this for me.’

  ‘I’ve never done this for anyone Mia, I’ve never wanted to, but you seem to bring out a romantic side in me that I didn’t know I had.’

  ‘It’s a lovely side of you Gabe.’ I smiled and reached up and stroked his cheek. I felt touched that I was the first girl he’d done anything like this for. The thought of him being like this, loving and romantic with another woman, would just be too painful to handle. The sex side was bad enough. I had to keep telling myself that they were all one night stands that he didn’t desire, kiss, lick, or gently touch. That he hadn’t learnt how to make a woman orgasm so well by practising on them until he got it right. In my mind they had to be just meaningless vessels to empty himself into the once, before he discarded them. Even though I knew I was lying to myself, it was the only way I could deal.

  ‘I just want to make you happy,’ he whispered squeezing my hand even harder bringing me back to the now.

  ‘You do Gabe, more than anyone has, I promise.’ I watched his face light up at my declaration and I had to break away from his gaze and drop my head, it was too intense.

  ‘Do you want to see what’s in the box?’

  ‘It’s too much already and I’ve nothing to give you,’ I mumbled. He pulled me into him and tilted my head up and kissed me softly.

  ‘You’ve already given me so much Mia, so much more than you promised at the start and just to see you smiling like this, well it gives me everything that I need.’ He led me to the bed, picked me up far too easily and sat me down in the middle of it, before climbing up next to me. He reached for the box and handed it to me. ‘Open it.’

  ‘Gabe, seriously, I don’t need a gift.’

  ‘Do as you’re told for once Mia, to please me, I want you to have it.’

  I carefully unwrapped the paper and found a wide shallow gold box inside. I opened it looking at him and he just smiled happily back at me. Inside was a black suede bag and when I reached into it, I pulled out a heavy solid silver hammered halo bangle.

  ‘Gabe it’s beautiful,’ I gasped. I adored silver jewellery.

  ‘I had it engraved for you on the inside,’ he said with a nod of his head. I tilted it to find four dates engraved in small font, the day I now knew he first saw me, the day I agreed to go out with him, the day we first kissed and had sex and a final one.

  ‘I know why you chose the first three and I know what we did on the fourth, I’m just not sure why you picked it?’

  ‘For two reasons, it was the day I told you about my mum and you were so sweet to me, it really meant a lot.’

  ‘It meant a lot to me too.’ I reached out and stroked his lower lip and he kissed my finger. ‘What was the other reason, the handcuffs?’

  ‘Noooo,’ he laughed. ‘God I was so bloody mad with you at the time. I prefer you wearing them, but the part where you ordered me about was quite a turn on, it’s never happened before, I’m not used to that.’

  ‘You didn’t choose it for me helping you to pee?’ I asked, as I registered what he’d just said, about not being used to being bossed around and enjoying it. That was definitely filed away in my sexual to do list.

  ‘No,’ he laughed again. ‘I’d like to think I can be a little more romantic than that. It’s the first time I’ve ever made love to a girl, instead of just fucking, I thought it warranted being remembered.’ I smiled at him, pleased to hear that and I swore he actually went a little pink for once.

  ‘Gabe I love it, I really do. I can’t believe you went to all this effort.’

  ‘There’s room for me to add more dates as they occur and anything that makes you smile like that is so worth the effort.’

  I slipped it onto my right wrist and spun it, admiring it and then pushed him onto his back and jumped on him.

  ‘Gabe Austin you’re so getting laid again.’

  ‘I thought you just wanted to snuggle and watch TV and now you want me for my gifts and my body?’ he teased.

  ‘I’ll always want you for your body Gabe. Your gifts are just an added generous and very romantic bonus.’ I leaned in and kissed him and he rolled me back onto my back and undid my towel, exposing my body, which was already primed for him.

  He put on yet another condom and moved back in to kiss me gently, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He made love to me again, like he had that other night, our eyes locked, fingers entwined above my head, the sound of our breathing and sighing filling the room and I cried again when we both came. With my legs still wrapped around his waist, he lifted me, pulled back the duvet and gently placed me into his bed. I let go of him and he covered me back up.

  ‘I need some water, can I get you anything baby?’

  ‘Do you have any juice, I feel a bit shaky.’

  ‘Is everything ok?’

  ‘I think it’s a combination of too many orgasms, too much excitement and the fact that my tummy’s aching again. I’m due on soon,’ I said with a heavy sigh, tryin
g to break it gently to him.

  ‘You didn’t tell me how you got on at the doctors this morning, what’s going on?’

  ‘They’re sending me for a scan to see if anything’s wrong.’ I couldn’t tell him yet what they’d actually said, he looked so happy right now and I knew he’d just worry. He leaned over and gently stroked my face.

  ‘Then I’m going to get you some apple juice, some chocolate and a hot water bottle and we’re going to curl up together and relax.’

  ‘You’re a wonderful boyfriend Gabe Austin,’ I whispered. He smiled and went to his wardrobe and came out wearing a pair of dark grey boxers and he had a plain grey t-shirt in his hands, which he held out for me to take.

  ‘Here put this on and I’ll be back in a while.’

  ‘I don’t need a t-shirt, you know I like sleeping naked.’

  ‘I’d be happier if you wore it. I don’t want the hot water bottle next to your soft skin,’ he said with a frown.

  ‘Ok, I’ll do as I’m told.’

  ‘That’ll be a first,’ he said with a raise of his eyebrows as he disappeared.

  I heard him run down the stairs and propped myself on my elbows and looked around his room again. It was so masculine, but with a softness to it that I really liked. The candles were still flickering and I studied the two pictures opposite me again. The one of us holding hands was so lovely. You couldn’t see our eyes, as we were staring at our fingers interlocked, but the smiles on our faces were so sweet, we looked just like two teenagers with serious crushes. I’d have to ask him for a copy of it.

  I looked back over at the picture of me alone, it fascinated me. How often did you see a picture of yourself looking like that? Looking like you’d seen something you knew you had to have and your whole body was turned on it an instant. The lust in my eyes as I stared was intense. I could only imagine what that did to Gabe, lying here looking at it, knowing he was the object of my desire. I was so annoyed that I couldn’t remember seeing him, let alone being at that bar. I’d gotten so drunk at home, before we even went out, but I remembered the next morning vividly, I’d been throwing up most of the day.


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