Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 10

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘You feel so good,’ I groaned. His attentions were liquefying my insides, I was going to come fast if he carried on.

  ‘Fingers or cock?’

  ‘Both, everything,’ I replied as I tried a gentle roll of my hips and moaned, this time with pleasure. I did it again and Gabe responded by licking up my spine, to the bottom of my neck, which made me shiver.

  ‘That’s it baby, roll your hips for me, that’s it faster,’ he ordered, as he released my clit and gripped both of my breasts and gently squeezed.

  ‘O god, that feels so good now,’ I moaned as I moved up and down, around and around and heard him groan with pleasure, which only spurred me onto a glorious climax on as he kneaded my breasts. There was absolutely no tension in me now and I heard him groan again and fall back onto the bed.

  ‘Fuck Mia, you feel so good, lean back for me, but it’s going to hit your g-spot.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me that before?’ I groaned. I leaned backwards, supporting myself on my hands, either side of his chest. He grabbed my bottom, lifting me slightly off him. I had to help hold myself up in a crab position, shit this was better than the gym any day, plus cheaper and more fun.

  ‘I’m going to thrust really hard now Mia, you tell me if it’s too much,’ he growled in a low tone, sex dripping from his voice box. I’d had my orgasms and enjoyment, now he needed it and I had a feeling I was in for a rough ride. Just like that he raised himself up into me, then down until he was almost out and then back, again and again, until he was going so quickly I couldn’t keep rhythm with him. I just had to hold myself up as he pumped into me over and over, until I started to scream and my arms and thighs started to tremble and he started to grunt. He suddenly pulled all the way out, flipped me over onto my front, lifted my bottom into the air and slammed into me again.

  ‘GABE, shit,’ I wailed, as I pushed myself up onto my trembling arms, he was taking no prisoners with this session. His hand clasped me around the throat, keeping my head tilted right back as he pounded me from behind. It felt so erotic, to be restrained like that, to know that he was giving me everything he had. I knew he’d realised it may be the last time we could have sex for a while, so he was making it count. One of his fingers reached up from under my jaw and caressed my lips and I licked and sucked it hard.

  ‘Shit, shit, SHIT … I’m coming,’ he yelled. The anguish in his voice combined with his relentless fucking of me, was too much and my second orgasm hit me like sledgehammer. I screamed and collapsed onto the bed below, flashing lights blurring my vision, blood pounding in my ears as I felt him follow me down, as he came again and again, throbbing inside me. ‘You really have no idea how good you are do you?’ he eventually sighed in my ear, after we’d both caught our breath and calmed down. He kissed the back of my neck making all my hairs stand on end. I twisted my head around and lay my right cheek on the pillow and gulped in some cool air and saw his lips approach mine and he laid a big kiss on me.

  ‘Hmmm, I’d like to say the same to you Gabe, but I think you actually told me how good you were, before we even had sex.’

  ‘You called me cocky and arrogant,’ he murmured as his lips grazed mine again.

  ‘You were, sometimes still are, but you were also right.’

  ‘No I wasn’t,’ he replied with a firm shake of his head.

  ‘O please, modesty doesn’t become you,’ I smiled.

  ‘I’m not being modest, I said I was good and I could produce plenty of testaments to back up my claim, but you and me together Mia, we’re not good, we’re fucking sensational.’ I shook my head in despair. How could he go from heart swooning romance to complete chauvinistic arrogance in the space of a few hours? I felt him tense up on top of me. ‘Mia?’

  ‘What?’ I groaned.

  ‘You don’t think we’re sensational?’

  ‘Hard to say as I’ve nothing to compare it to,’ I sighed as I felt my body shutting down, pleasantly exhausted.

  ‘You’re seriously telling me that you’re not sure if that was amazing?’

  ‘Mr cocky doubting himself now is he?’ I smiled.

  ‘I think seven orgasms for you today more than backs up my claim Mia,’ he snapped, sounding more than a little irritated. I suppressed a giggle, I knew he’d be an easy target when it came to his prowess and I was teasing him, but seriously, he counted how many orgasms he gave me each day? What was that all about? ‘Mia?’

  ‘Hmmm,’ I sighed as I felt my eyelids starting to droop. He was arrogant, but also dead on. Seriously sensational orgasms like that really took it out of me and after only a few hours’ sleep last night, I was ready to switch off.

  ‘O my god,’ he uttered. ‘Now you’re falling asleep? While I’m still inside you?’

  ‘I made myself wait until you’d finished, don’t I get any credit?’ I mumbled in a daze.

  ‘You’d better be fucking teasing me Mia, I’m going to the bathroom and when I get back we’re discussing this, in detail,’ he hissed. I felt him pull out of me and jump up.

  ‘Hmmm,’ I sighed in response. I watched him, with one eye open, as he strode naked to his bathroom. Hmmm was definitely the word, he was delicious. I smiled to myself. He was funny, cocky one minute then completely doubting himself the next. How could he possibly question the fact that he was amazing in bed? Or that I wasn’t blown away by the way he made me feel? Then I felt bad, I didn’t like him highlighting my inexperience and given how awesome he really did make me feel during sex, I really shouldn’t tease him.

  I decided to force myself to stay awake and apologise and reassure him when he got back into bed, but it was a promise I couldn’t keep as sleep caught up with me.


  I opened my eyes to find I was warm and toasty, no longer lying face down on top of the duvet, but on my side under it. I must’ve fallen asleep and he’d picked me up and put me back under, without even waking me. I rolled over to see he wasn’t in the bed with me, but there was a note for me on his pillow.

  6 a.m. I’ve gone for a swim. Be back by 8 when we’ll be talking

  I looked at his clock, it was 7.35. I rolled over onto my back and sighed, I had pissed him off with my teasing last night. He hadn’t even put a kiss on the end of his note. He’d left me a glass of water by the bedside and after having a drink I sat up and rubbed my eyes and realised I’d fallen asleep with my eye makeup on and without brushing my teeth and shuddered in horror. I climbed out of bed and saw he’d put me some fresh towels out so I grabbed them, along with my bag and headed to his bathroom and sorted myself out.

  I peeked out of one of the windows, it’d been dark when I came in last night, now I could see the most perfectly manicured lawn edged by white and red rose bushes. The entire garden was surrounded by the old high brick wall and at the very back of the garden was what looked like a large orangery and as I peered closer, I realised that it contained a swimming pool. I could see Gabe powering his way up and down the lengths, I’d no idea he had a pool, I assumed he’d gone to use the Uni one.

  I was baffled by the number of dials his shower had and screeched with laughter as I turned it on and was blasted back against the tiles by some powerful wall mounted sprays. I giggled as I tried to work out the combinations and finally found a nice hot overhead power shower and enjoyed the feeling of the warmth covering me. My stomach was quite sore, so I leaned back on the wall and let the hot water ease the tension before washing my hair. Once done, I padded back into the bedroom with roughly dried hair and a towel around me and climbed up onto the bed to apply my mascara and a generous layer of moisturiser, then sent a text to Lexi.

  Hey, hope I’m not waking you up with this, just wanted to see how you’re doing this morning? x

  ‘You’re awake.’

  ‘Shit, you made me jump,’ I exclaimed as I looked up at him standing there, leaning on the doorframe, in a white towel, still damp and delectable. I quickly got up and ran to him and threw my arms around his waist and hugged him. ‘I’m so sor
ry, I was teasing you last night. I love our sex life, you’re incredible in bed, out of bed and everywhere we do it. You must realise that, you make me come so hard and so often.’

  He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. ‘I hardly slept all night Mia worrying that you weren’t happy.’

  ‘How can you think that?’ I asked, looking up at him astonished.

  ‘I seem to constantly doubt myself with you, I’m not the person I was when I’m with you and it completely throws me and makes me question myself. Other than wanting to make women come to boost my ego, and to make sure word got out that I was a fantastic lay to help me play the field, I’ve never cared about giving orgasms for their enjoyment, it was all about me.’ I just looked up at him open mouthed in amazement. He really took the cockiness to a whole new level sometimes. Yet he’d been awake all night thinking he hadn’t satisfied me? He was a real contradiction that was going to take some serious unravelling.

  ‘Well then I’m lucky that you care about me and my orgasms so much. Stop doubting yourself and I’ll stop teasing you. I’ll have to make you a “Fantastic Lay” crown to wear.’ I was pleased to see that got a smile out of him. ‘How was your swim?’

  ‘Good, though I’m feeling strangely tired and sluggish.’

  ‘Well lack of sleep aside, you did make me come seven times in one day and we did have sex three times last night.

  ‘Hmmm we did didn’t we,’ he smiled proudly and chuckled this time.

  ‘You look so gorgeous with your damp hair.’

  ‘You looked so gorgeous sitting in my bed. It’s an image I’ve thought about ever since I first saw you,’ he said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

  ‘I’m so sorry I fell asleep on you last night, but you orgasmed me into unconsciousness.’ That earned me an even bigger smile. I’d always thought Gabe was so confident, but it seemed some of it was just a front, I needed to work on boosting his ego more often.

  ‘You’ve no idea how lovely it was to come back into my room and see you lying there, fast asleep and naked, even though I was mad with you.’

  ‘I can’t believe you managed to put me into the bed without waking me.’

  ‘You really were spark out. I even pulled you into my arms and you didn’t wake up. I just lay watching you sleeping for ages, you’re so beautiful Mia.’

  ‘You’re not so bad yourself,’ I smiled, feeling myself blushing again. Was I ever going to get over that and accept a compliment from him without getting embarrassed? ‘I hope you don’t mind, I took a shower.’

  ‘I do mind, I would’ve loved to have joined you in it,’ he said with a sexy smile.

  ‘Then it’s good I was in and out quickly, you need a break from me.’

  ‘I’ll never need a break from you.’

  ‘How did I get so lucky to spot your bottom across a lecture hall and have you like me back?’ I asked and he laughed and dipped his head and kissed me.

  ‘So are you ready for some breakfast? I’ll bring it to you in bed.’

  ‘Gabe, you’ve hardly slept the last two days and you have lectures all morning. Why don’t you get back to bed and have a sleep. I don’t need anything. I can ring for a taxi and get out of your hair.’

  ‘I love you being in my hair, besides I don’t sleep well unless you’re with me.’ It wasn’t the first time he’d mentioned that, I wondered if his issues with his mum affected him that badly that they caused him insomnia. I wasn’t going to bring it up again, he’d made it clear last night he wasn’t ready to open up about her again.

  ‘Then I’ll stay with you so you can sleep for a while, as long as I’m back home by nine thirty. I’ve already arranged to do something to do with Lexi.’

  ‘No, I’ll be fine. Come on you need something to eat, if you won’t eat in bed then let’s go downstairs.’

  ‘Like this?’

  ‘It’s a private walled garden, no one will see you but me.’ He grabbed my hand and led me down and sat me back up on the island as he whisked up a batch of scrambled eggs and put some toast in.

  ‘You like your eggs,’ I observed.

  ‘I do, they’re full of protein and slow release. Speaking of liking things, that conversation you and Lexi were having outside of English yesterday.’

  ‘The Doug one?’

  ‘Yes. Does she really like him that much?’

  ‘As much as I’ve seen Lexi like a guy why?’

  ‘Like I said yesterday, Doug really likes her too. I’m just worried about her situation, if it’s bad timing to be setting them up?’

  ‘Are you really ok talking about this?’ I asked, concerned.

  ‘Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?’ he said, looking around at me surprised.

  ‘Your past. You lost a brother or sister,’ I whispered, dreading upsetting him again.

  ‘So she’s thinking of having an abortion then?’ he asked as he turned away and continued stirring.

  ‘Gabe, I’m not very comfortable having this conversation, I feel like I’ll hurt or betray you or Lexi if we carry on.’

  ‘Mia, I believe that children deserve to be brought up in a two parent home, having been conceived by parents who wanted them and will love them. I won’t judge Lexi if she makes the brave decision to have an abortion because she can’t offer that life to a child yet.’

  I slipped off the island and put my arms around him and tiptoed up to kiss the back of his neck. ‘You’re so amazing Gabe Austin.’

  ‘If she’s going to take that route, I see no reason why we shouldn’t invite them out with us. We could do a foursome on Saturday for the zoo. I want it to just be the two of us in the evening though, a formal date night ok?’

  ‘Well I don’t think Lexi will agree to come if she thinks we’re plotting.’ I knew her too well, she’d definitely say no if I suggested it now. I hopped up onto the island bar stool and tried to think how we could handle it.

  ‘Why don’t you just invite her on the zoo trip, you don’t need to mention Doug. I’ll pick the two of you up and then we can swing by and pick Doug up after. That way it’s done before she can object.’

  ‘Gabe you’re a genius, but I better warn you now, she’ll be really pissed that we’ve deceived her.’

  ‘We’ll deal with that if it happens,’ he smiled. ‘Here eat up.’

  I ate quickly, all that sex had made me extra hungry.

  Gabe dressed in his workout clothes for his sports class and sat on his bed, watching me, as I pulled on my fresh change of underwear, then put on my heels and packed up my toiletries in my bag.

  ‘Right I’m ready to go.’

  ‘You’re not stepping foot outside wearing just that,’ he said firmly, fixing me with a disapproving scowl.

  ‘Well no of course not, I’m going to put on my mac again or the taxi driver may just have a heart attack.’

  ‘I’m not letting you go back in a taxi, even if you are covered in that coat.’

  ‘Gabe,’ I sighed. ‘I came here like that. It’s not like he’ll know I have virtually nothing on underneath.’

  ‘I’ll know Mia, so I’ll drive you. We have time, if we leave now.’

  ‘Gabe you’re being ridiculous.’

  ‘Well it’s either in my car or you’re not leaving Mia.’ He used his don’t fuck with me voice. He was even more sexy when he was so authoritative.

  ‘Fine then, but you need to stop worrying so much.’

  ‘If you did as I asked I wouldn’t have to,’ he said, as he picked up my bag and opened the bedroom door for me. ‘Come on then.’

  He locked up and then opened his car door for me and I lowered myself in, admiring the smooth leather interior and chrome highlights. He climbed behind the wheel, turned the key and the engine purred to life. He looked at me and smiled and I put my hand on his thigh. As he drove towards the gates, he pressed a button and they magically opened and he roared out of the drive. I looked at him and felt my stomach flip again. As if he weren’t sexy enough as it was, Gabe all confident and in
charge, behind the wheel of a car was just awesome. I just enjoyed watching him drive, saying nothing and every now and again he would look over at me and smile. He pulled up on the street outside my front door and left the indicator on and the engine running.

  ‘So, am I seeing you after your girls’ evening with Lexi?’

  ‘You learned my schedules fast stalker,’ I teased. ‘I assumed we’d be having the night off. Don’t you have practice and what about your boys’ night out with Doug?’

  ‘I don’t want the night off Mia. I’ll go to practice, have a few drinks with Doug and meet you somewhere later. Are you going to Fazeleys again?’

  ‘I don’t know. Let me check what our plans are and I’ll text you later.’

  ‘Call me, before six.’

  ‘God its déjà vu of last week bossy pants.’

  ‘Go or I’ll be late. The thought of you in just your bra and knickers under that coat has made me hard.’

  ‘You could skip a class and come to bed with me,’ I said with a smile and a hopeful face.

  ‘Don’t tempt me, I’m behind with my studies as it is without skipping more lectures. Go. See you later baby.’ He leaned over and kissed me and I put my hand behind his head to make it last a bit longer before breaking away and sighing.

  ‘Thanks for an amazing evening and my new favourite bracelet, I love it.’

  ‘I love you, now go, please.’

  I climbed out and he passed me my bag, blew me a kiss, revved up his engine and pulled off as I waved him goodbye. I rummaged for my key and made my way upstairs, 15 minutes earlier than planned.

  ‘Lexi,’ I’m back, Are you up and ready?’

  ‘Yes, how was last night?’ she called back from her room.

  ‘Tell you on the way, I need to change and have a quick coffee. You didn’t reply to my text, you ok?’

  ‘Yeah good as I can be. I was sick again this morning, but I feel ok now. Shout me when you’re ready.’

  I grabbed my coffee and gulped it down as I put on a very low cut pair of knickers, my loose hipster yoga pants, trainers and a sweatshirt and met Lexi in the hall.


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