Baggage & Buttons

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Baggage & Buttons Page 29

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘So do you want to hear more of my ideas for other places we can have sex, or would you prefer I remain quite while you do this?’

  ‘Tell me, you sound even sexier talking about fucking,’ he sighed, as he continued to slide up and down.

  ‘Ok, well I really like the idea of waiting for you in the sauna. It’s really hot and steamy. I’m so excited at the thought of you coming in, with that tiny towel covering your magnificent cock, to fuck me on that hot, hot bench, that I have to undo my towel and lay back and caress my damp body.’

  ‘Hmmmm,’ he sighed.

  ‘I run my hands over my breasts and nipples which swell and push up to meet my touch. One hand moves down to find I’m so wet with excitement …’

  ‘O god, go on tell me more,’ he groaned as he looked down into my eyes.

  ‘I’m so wet for you Gabe, only for you, so wet thinking about what you’ll do to me and how good you’ll make me feel. I play with my clit and it throbs at the thought of your lips on it, your tongue sweeping over it …’

  ‘O fuck,’ he growled as his thrusts between my breasts got faster and faster.

  ‘I lie there coming again and again. I’m coming at the thought of you Gabe.’

  ‘O god baby, don’t stop I’m nearly there.’

  ‘I shudder as I orgasm at the thought of you and you finally arrive to see me lying there, glistening, nipples hard with two of my fingers inside me and I beg you to come and fuck me. You drop your towel, yank my hand away then mount me, forcing your way inside me. You’re so big I scream your name as you fuck me over and over …’

  ‘Fuck, I’m coming, o god Mia … I’m coming.’

  ‘Gabe, come for me, please come for me now,’ I whispered as I touched his abs again.

  ‘Fuck,’ he yelled. I wriggled a bit further down and grasped him with both fists and pulled him into my mouth, seconds later I could feel him emptying himself onto my tongue and down my throat. As he groaned, I swallowed as hard as I could until he was all gone. He rolled onto his back, his breathing deep and heavy. ‘God you’re amazing, come here,’ he half rolled over to me and pulled me to him as he fell back onto his back again. I draped my leg over his and put my arm across his stomach as he kissed my hair.

  ‘Did you enjoy that?’ I asked.

  ‘Christ yes, but the thought of fucking you in the sauna … I promise we’re doing that this weekend.’

  ‘Do you have a key to get into the sports building?’

  ‘I’ve a sauna at home,’ he laughed and kissed my hair again.


  ‘Yes by the pool, a steam room too. You like the idea of that?’

  ‘O yes,’ I nodded vigorously. ‘I’m just gutted that you won’t be here to see the sexy school girl outfit I’m wearing on Friday.’

  ‘God so am I. Don’t keep reminding me, it’d better not be too sexy if you’re going out in it without me. Men can’t take their eyes of you as it is, let alone in that sort of outfit. Bring it with you at the weekend so I don’t miss out.’

  ‘Do you like outfits?’

  ‘Other than you in your Basque last week, I’ve never been with anyone who wore any.’

  ‘You know for someone so sexually experienced, you really haven’t experienced much,’ I happily observed.

  ‘Mia I told you it was mainly one night stands. Even in the few relationships I had, I was more interested in having sex for my benefit and then going home. You on the other hand, I love sex with you,’ he sighed, as his hand ran up and down my back. ‘I love going down on you as well and making you come. I want to feel like all of you is mine.’

  ‘I am all yours Gabe. Who else’s would I be?’ I asked as I looked up at him. He rolled onto his side and looked into my eyes as he cupped my chin.

  ‘No one’s,’ he whispered. ‘I told you, you’re my forever.’

  ‘Your forever?’ I blushed. ‘I like that, when did you tell me that?’

  ‘When you were drunk last Friday.’

  ‘O god sorry, was I really that bad?’

  ‘Yes, you told me a few other places you wanted to do me in.’

  ‘Really? Have we done any of them?’

  ‘One, my car, though you did actually say you wanted to do it on the bonnet and we did it inside, so technically no, we haven’t done any of them.’

  ‘Then we better start making up for it soon and I’d like to set aside some time to discuss what other fantasies you have.’ He smiled at me and I reached up and ran my fingers over his perfectly shaped lips then kissed him ‘Gabe?’


  ‘Please don’t leave me early in the morning, I want you with me until the last minute.’

  ‘I could really do with getting up early and working out.’

  ‘But I’m not going to see you for two nights and you say you always sleep better with me. Surely a good night’s sleep is as important for your body as working out?’

  ‘Stop reminding me that we’re going to be apart for that long. Ok, I’ll stay in bed with you, but I’ve got to be gone by nine, the latest.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I yawned, then nestled my face into his neck and kissed it.

  ‘Come on, let’s go and clean your chest, you’re like a water slide. Then we can go to sleep.’

  I held my hair back as he gently cleaned me down with some wet wipes. We brushed our teeth and I asked him to wait for me in the bedroom while I sorted myself out. I seemed to be bleeding less and wasn’t in as much pain. God I so wanted to be off for the weekend, I was desperate to have sex with him again. I walked back into the bedroom and tuned off the main light and grabbed my phone off the dock and set the alarm for 8 a.m. on vibrate.

  ‘God you’ve no idea how sexy you are do you?’ Gabe said and I looked up to see him studying me with a soft look on his face.

  ‘You’d better remember that when you’re surrounded by all these hot swimming beauties, all trying to get in your pants for the next two nights,’ I said as I climbed back in next to him.

  ‘I don’t care how many try, you’re the only one that’s ever getting in them again Mia. Fuck why did it have to be now? Especially when you’ve got your appointment Friday and the party.’

  ‘I’m going to find it hard anytime you go away Gabe, but just imagine how amazing sex is going to be when we can do it again.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ he sighed.

  ‘Did it hurt earlier? You never said,’ I asked as I shuffled down and rolled onto my side with my back to him.

  ‘No baby, it felt bloody amazing. Thank you,’ he turned off the light and rolled over to spoon behind me and slid an arm under my neck and one over my waist.

  I put my hands over his and stroked each of his fingers. I did trust him to behave while he was away, but I didn’t trust the other women, thank god he didn’t really drink, at least sober he’d have some sort of control. It was Julie I was most worried about. I mean even if he wasn’t that attached to his previous conquests, he’d spent nine months with her, that had to leave some residual feelings no matter what he said. Also she’d made it clear she wasn’t over him by the way she looked at him at the pool last week and I wouldn’t put it past her to make a play for him. There again if I lost him, I don’t think I’d ever get over him. He’d be a seriously tough act to follow and not just the sex, though I was sure he’d ruined that for anyone else if we were to separate, I couldn’t imagine anyone making me feel as good as he did. For the first time ever, I didn’t actually want to imagine being with someone else, I’d never imagined I could ever be so happy with a guy and it made me bite my lip and smile.

  ‘Sleep tight Gabe, I love you,’ I whispered.

  There was no answer, he was already out for the count, I lifted his hand and kissed his fingers and closed my eyes. My dad may hurt me by not making me a priority in his life, but Gabe made me feel like I was the most important thing in his and it meant everything.

  I woke him up at 1 a.m. surprising him with a quick blow job and we fell asleep aga
in, with me clinging tightly to him.


  I felt the phone vibrating under my pillow and silenced it and rolled over to look at Gabe, who was on his back with an arm across his face. I carefully sat up and pulled the duvet back and just looked at him naked, asleep in my bed and shook my head in amazement. I was still stunned that someone this gorgeous was in my bed nearly every night. I lightly ran my finger down his stomach and realised he actually had an eight pack, not a six pack, which was even hotter, he was in seriously sensational shape. I watched intrigued as he started to respond to my touch, even though he was still asleep. I was trying to recall if I’d ever seen him properly soft before, but by the time I’d decided no, he’d already swelled into the solid large erection that I was used to seeing. I suddenly giggled, hoping Lexi wasn’t hiding under the bed with her ruler.

  Gabe’s thighs were parted and I carefully moved down the bed and climbed over to kneel between his legs. I pulled my long hair back, knotting it into a pony tail and leaned forward and ran my tongue up his thick shaft. A low moan escaped his lips and his hips moved upwards, of their own accord. I repeated the motion as I let my fingers gently run over his smooth balls and this time he started to stir and moan a bit louder. I gripped the base of him and took him as far as I could into my mouth and watched as he groaned, took his arm off his face and propped himself up on his elbows to look at me through sleepy eyes.

  ‘God Mia, woken up twice with a blow job, what are you trying to do to me?’

  I smiled as well as I could, given my mouth was so full of him and he reached down with his left hand and ran it lightly down my pony tail, hanging over my shoulder. I watched him put his head back as I continued to move up and down his shaft with my hand and lips, and flicked my tongue over his tip as I reached the top and began my descent again.

  ‘Mia,’ he moaned. I used my other fingers to lightly stroke his balls and perineum and he began to thrust his hips. ‘O baby don’t stop, keep doing what you’re doing.’

  He looked back down into my eyes and I could see from the fire in them that he was totally awake now, the look made me moan. I loved seeing him like this, totally in my control and just desperate to come, desperate to feel that sweet release. I sped up my assault on him and watched as his eyes closed to almost shut, his chest heaving as his breathing got quicker and quicker. He started to groan with every descent I made and I felt his balls tighten and watched as his stomach sucked in and I knew he was on the verge of coming before he even said it.

  ‘God Mia, I’m going to come, you’re so good, I … o fuck I …’ his hips thrust up as his body started to shake. ‘I ... I love you,’ he yelled as I felt his thick hot load hit the roof of my mouth. He stayed hard in my mouth as I continued to swallow, where the hell did it all come from? Lexi was right, it wasn’t the most pleasant of tastes when it lingered on your tongue, but I didn’t actually care. I was the one putting that look of sheer bliss and happiness on his face. I lifted myself off him and lay kisses along his stomach and up his chest and he reached out to guide me up with his hands. I lay into his side, my head on his shoulder as his arm caressed my back and the other reached across to run his fingers over my lips and I kissed them as they brushed past.

  ‘You’re so amazing, I promise to make it up to you,’ he whispered.

  ‘I know you will, but I like making you come Gabe, you look so happy.’

  ‘So do you, that’s why I love doing it to you. Would you like me to now?’

  ‘God so much,’ I sighed. Pleasuring him the last three times had let me with a deep gnawing longing for him. ‘But if you want a shower and breakfast you don’t have time.’ I kissed his chest.

  ‘I don’t want to leave you Mia, I can say I’m sick and not go,’ he groaned, this time it was with frustration not pleasure. I sat up quickly and gave him a look.

  ‘Gabe don’t you dare. Much as I’d love you to stay for me, you promised, we promised that we’d still do the things we loved. You can’t quit just like that and we can’t spend every waking hour together. It’s two days, surely we can make it through two days?’

  ‘I barely made it through one night without you this week,’ he said with a sulky pout.

  ‘Well you’re going to have to suck it up and do it. Plus it’ll do you good to spend some alone time with Doug, he must miss you. Now get that delicious arse of yours into that shower. I’ve mastered the art of scrambled eggs and I’m going to make you breakfast in bed, so move it.’

  ‘You’re so sexy when you’re in control. Lots of eggs for me please.’ He sat up, kissed me and jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I pulled on my long t-shirt and went to the kitchen and washed my hands then knocked on Lexi’s door.

  ‘Lex, it’s half eight and we need to leave in just under an hour. Do you want me to make you some scrambled eggs again?’ I called through her door.

  ‘No thanks I feel really sick this morning. Can I just have a coffee?’

  ‘Sure, coming up. I’ll bring it to you.’

  I made the three of us a coffee and put the butter to melt in the pan while I took our coffees to my room and put one on each bedside table and then went and took Lexi’s into her, she was sitting up in bed.

  ‘Here you go.’

  ‘I’m not even going to ask what you did to him this morning, I was woken up to hear him shouting “I love you” like his world was ending. You ought to record him as your ring tone.’

  ‘Sorry Lex, can’t have him going off for two nights totally unfulfilled can I? Just call me B.J. Wan Kenobi,’ I grinned.

  ‘You learned well my young padawan. Swallow or spit?’

  ‘Swallow of course and quickly, you were right it’s damn salty.’

  ‘You know that’s why I don’t like to swim in the sea.’

  ‘Because I swallow when Gabe comes?’ I looked at her frowning, confused.

  ‘No, because I heard blue whales ejaculate over 400 gallons of sperm each time, that’s probably why the sea’s salty right? I mean who’d want to swim in that? Let’s face it, if some guy tossed off in the local pool no one would get in would they? There’d be a national outcry.’

  ‘Lexi,’ I laughed, wondering where she got these ideas from. ‘You have way too much time on your hands if you’re looking up whale sperm facts, your time would be better spent studying. I’ve got to go, I’m cooking him breakfast.’

  I closed her door behind me and went back in to find the butter sizzling, so quickly cracked four eggs and put two pieces of toast in for him. I plated up, put it on a tray and went back into my room to find him sitting up on the bed, on top of his towel sipping his coffee, with yet another erection that made me clench at the thought of where it would hopefully be going in a few days.

  ‘Cover him up quickly, before I change my mind and call in sick for you,’ I said. He grinned and pulled the towel over his privates, adjusting himself before I put the tray on his lap.

  ‘Wow, these actually look pretty decent.’

  ‘I did four eggs, as you said you need lots of protein.’

  ‘I don’t think even four will replace what I’ve expelled with you last night and this morning. Hmmm you did well, these are really good,’ he nodded as he ate. ‘Aren’t you having any?’

  ‘No, I feel a bit sick worrying about Lexi’s appointment this morning,’ I said as I sat on the bed and picked up my coffee.

  ‘God, it can’t be an easy thing to do. I wish I could be here for you both.’

  ‘Thanks. Can I ring you later?’

  ‘Ummmm,’ he nodded as he swallowed another mouthful. ‘Though I reckon after travelling and eating, it’ll be ten by the time we get to our room. I’ll ring you.’

  ‘No it’s ok, I’ll ring you. Any cut off time?’ I was dreading him asking what I was up to.

  ‘I probably won’t be able to sleep again, so you’re fine up until midnight at least.’

  ‘It’ll be before then. So what about my bangle?’ I smiled, pleased to have got
away without disclosing where I was going and with who. He’d definitely cancel his trip with that knowledge.

  ‘Shit, I need to pick it up on my way in this morning. I need to move.’ He gulped down the rest of his breakfast and coffee and swung out of bed and pulled on some clean boxers and his jeans. I picked up his tray and took his plate and mug back to the kitchen and held onto the sink and shut my eyes. I so wanted to beg him to stay with me and not go, but I knew I couldn’t. When did I become this desperate and needy for a guy? I went and waited by the front door and watched as he came out with his bag.

  ‘Got everything you need?’

  ‘Yes thanks, will you leave English to say goodbye to me?’ he asked as he stroked the side of my face.

  ‘Try and stop me.’ I stood on tiptoes and kissed him and felt his arms go around me and one hand reach under my t-shirt to grip my bottom.

  ‘Fuck,’ he uttered as he put me down and picked up his bag. ‘See you later.’

  I had to close the door. I couldn’t face seeing him walk down the stairs, I felt all emotional, like I was going to cry again. I decided being in love sometimes definitely sucked. I shook it off and went and got myself dressed. I tried on my black skinny jeans and they felt ok, so I pulled on my timberland boots and put on my bra and my grey and black jumper and some mascara.

  ‘Lex are you up and out of bed, we need to leave soon.’ I yelled.

  ‘Yes just getting dressed.’

  I decided to pack my gym bag ready for later and put in my lycra shorts and sports bra and red cropped sleeveless top and my trainers. Remembering that I’d be heading straight out from the gym I threw in a towel, toiletries, makeup and a change of clothes and made sure I’d plenty of cash in my purse. Lexi came in dressed in her ripped jeans and a black slouch jumper and her black biker boots.

  ‘Ok let’s go,’ I said as I grabbed my phone and purse and shoved them in my jeans pockets.

  We’d been walking for about twenty minutes when my phone rang and I answered it as we walked, to find out that my STI test was clear which was a relief.

  ‘Ok?’ asked Lexi.


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