‘I love her shoes,’ I shouted to Lexi.
‘I love her,’ shouted Milo with a huge smile on his face.
I sipped my drink as I watched the way she moved, she was so confident. The men were going crazy for her as she stripped down to her tiny knickers and started on the pole. I put my drink on my knee and watched with my ajar as she continued her routine. I’d love to give pole dancing a go, it looked great. She was amazingly flexible and so sexy, in the way all her movements were perfectly in time with the music. She knew exactly what she was doing to illicit the best reaction from the crowd of men lusting after her. I jolted as she caught my eye and smiled and winked at me. It was all over in about six minutes and I gave Milo £10 to pass to her, which he was thrilled to do. I jumped when someone sat next to me and turned to see the guy who’d winked at me.
‘Hi, I’m Adam,’ he held out his hand and gave me a flash of teeth that were slightly too white for my liking.
‘Mia,’ I replied as I shook it.
‘You’re a new dancer? I’ve not seen you before.’
‘Me? God no, I don’t ... I mean I’m not ...’ He thought I was a one of the dancers? I felt kind of flattered given how attractive the ones I’d seen were.
‘You should, you’ve the body and the looks.’ I recognised the look of lust on his face as he scanned me, I’d seen it on Gabe often enough.
‘Ermmm thanks,’ I said blushing.
‘So can I get you a drink Mia?’
‘Thanks, that’s really kind but I’m good.’ I waved my glass at him, which was still, surprisingly, nearly full.
‘How about your number?’
‘Thanks, I’m really very flattered, but I’m seeing someone and very happy.’
‘This guy?’ he nodded over at Milo who was deep in conversation with Lexi.
‘No, he’s just a friend.’
‘So where’s your boyfriend?’ he asked. I eyed the guy suspiciously, he was persistent and I needed to get him to back off.
‘He’s joining us here shortly and he’s quite the jealous type, so I’m afraid it may be better if you weren’t sitting here with me when he comes,’ I lied, then nodded at his hand. ‘Plus I can see the dent in your finger where you’ve removed your wedding ring and married guys aren’t my scene.’ He looked down at his left hand and laughed.
‘Never been called out on that before. I like you, you’re sharp.’
‘Deadly as a knife too,’ I gave him an obviously fake smile and took a swig of my drink.
‘Had to give it a shot deadly Mia,’ he smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it and went back to his buddies, who all looked around at me, obviously shocked that he’d not scored. I shook my head and turned to face Lexi.
‘What was that all about?’ she asked.
‘He was hitting on me,’ I shrugged.
‘You’re so not telling Gabe that happened. Being in a strip club and being hit on, he’d go mental.’
‘Christ Mia, doesn’t he know you’re here?’ asked Milo.
‘Not exactly no.’
‘Or with me?’ he gasped.
‘You and Lexi,’ I corrected.
‘God he’s going to kill me.’ Milo frowned as he ran a hand through his hair.
‘Let me deal with him, he’ll be fine,’ I said as I drained my drink and saw Lexi give me the really? look.
‘Same again?’ sighed Milo as he looked at my empty glass.
‘That would be great, thanks Milo,’ I smiled. ‘Here, this round’s on me,’ I passed him some cash. Lexi nodded as well and he headed to the bar.
‘God he really has the hots for you that guy.’
‘O shit is he coming back over again?’ I looked around in the direction of the guy in the suit.
‘Not him, Milo.’
‘O don’t be so ridiculous, you sound just like Gabe,’ I sighed with a shake of my head as I looked back at her.
‘And Gabe would be right. I can’t believe you don’t see it, he’s smitten with you.’
‘I know he finds me attractive and I do him, but that’s it. We’re both in love with other people, we’re just friends. Loads of people have friends with the opposite sex without it being an issue, I don’t know why everyone’s all over me about this.’
‘Fine, whatever, think what you want to think, but I know what I know and so does Gabe and let me tell you he’s going to be so pissed when he finds out.’
‘I told you I’ll handle him, he’ll be fine,’ I said, trying to sound as confident as I could. ‘Anyway, what did you think to the pole dancing?’
‘Very sexy actually,’ she nodded. ‘I’ll be interested to see the next one to see how they can change it up.’
‘Well when we’ve seen that one, I’m thinking of finding out how much a lap dance would cost.’
‘Bloody hell what’s got into you?’ she exclaimed. I laughed as I saw the look of horror on her face.
‘I miss my dancing that’s all Lexi and much as I’d love to give that pole dancing a shot, it’s not like I can install one in my bedroom to surprise him with is it? I’ve picked up some new moves from what I’ve seen already, but a lap dance is going to be more along the lines of what I can do spontaneously for him.’
‘Well no one’s grinding on my lap, I’ll tell you that for free. Bloody hell, I could be at home with six inches of pure black throbbing plastic and I’ve got to sit here and watch half naked bloody women gyrate for you. You so owe me for this.’
‘Hey I got you the vibrator and helped you choose a rabbit, which you’ll get tomorrow. I think you’ve been more than compensated. Anyway, I’ll ask them to do it to Milo.’
‘Great, like the poor guy doesn’t have the horn around you anyway and you want to antagonise him with a lap dance?’ she sighed with a shake of her head.
‘I’m not sure they’d do one for me Lex.’ I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked around ready to give suit guy a mouthful and was surprised to see the brunette pole dancer. She’d pulled her hair up and was in a very short and tightly fitted bodycon dress.
‘Hi, can I join you for a minute,’ she smiled.
‘Sure,’ I said, slightly confused.
‘I’m Cindy,’ she said as she sat next to me.
‘Hi Cindy, I’m Mia,’ I smiled back, wondering why she was here.
‘So what did you think?’
‘You were amazing, you’re so confident up there and it looked really sexy. I actually came as I wanted to pick up a few tips.’
‘O right. Can you already dance?’
‘Yes I’m pretty good, I did dance at school and I’m always pulled up on the podiums at clubs. Do you do lessons?’
‘No, but there there’s a way I can help you out.’
‘How so?’
‘My boss spotted you and wants to know if you’re interested in trying out for him?’
‘What?’ I gasped, surprised as hell.
‘That’s why I came over. You’ve an amazing figure and he noticed that the guys here were busy checking you out. He only asks girls to audition if he thinks they can pull in the money.’
‘O god … I’m really flattered and I mean no disrespect, but I really don’t know if I could do that.’ I had to stifle a laugh as I pictured the look on Gabe’s face if I told him I was going to be a pole or lap dancer. He’d probably freak.
‘Look, here’s our card and I’ve put my number on the back. Just ring me and I can give you some free lessons to learn a routine, the boss doesn’t need to know that you’ve no intention of doing a final audition for him on stage.’
‘But wouldn’t that get you into trouble?’
‘No, I get paid for my hours anyway and a few girls come to practice before they try out and then realise that they can’t take their kit off in front of an audience. It’s a numbers game, the more that try out, the more likely he is to get someone who’ll actually perform.’
‘You’d really do that for me?’
‘Why wouldn’t I?’ she smiled with
another wink, making me blush.
‘I need to have a think about that,’ I said as I fiddled with her card in my hand.
‘No problem. Well I’ll leave you to it then.’
‘Cindy before you go, can I ask if do you do lap dances?’
‘Yes, either over in the lounge area, or you can have a private one, which would cost more.’
‘How much would it be to have one in here?’ She told me and I checked my purse. ‘If I can get my friend to agree to one, would you do it for him?’
‘I’d rather do it on you’ she smiled. I blinked up at her, what the hell was going on? Was she hitting on me as well? ‘Go and find some seats and I’ll be back with you in a minute,’ she confirmed.
‘Ok,’ I said blushing again.
‘You’re on fire tonight’ said Lexi as Cindy left. ‘First Milo, then suit guy, now the stripper’s offering you a lap dance?’
‘You heard that?’
‘I did.’
‘I think she was coming on to me. I’ve never been hit on by a woman before.’
‘Really?’ Lexi said, surprised.
‘Never, why have you?’
‘Yes, Deena at Rowleys tried it on a few times.’
‘She was gay?’ I gasped.
‘Yes,’ Lexi laughed. ‘You really didn’t know?’ I shook my head stunned. We’d shared a dorm with her for two years and I’d been totally oblivious.
‘Did everyone but me know?’
‘I think so, well I have to say that’s given me an ego boost,’ she smiled.
‘What do you mean?’
‘O come on, it’s always you that everyone goes for when we’re out. It’s nice to think she fancied me.’
‘Lexi that’s so not the case,’ I said, surprised at her observation.
‘Please Mia, it’s not like I’m wildly jealous or anything, it’s just sometimes it’s nice to have a bit of attention when we’re together, even if it is from a lesbian.’
‘I had no idea you felt like that Lexi. You’re so stunning, I always feel inadequate next to you.’
‘Really? You do?’ It was her turn to look surprised.
‘Yes, your height, your eyes, and your cheekbones are to die for.’
‘Well so are your legs, big tits and your bum.’
‘O come on loads of girls have big tits and if they don’t then they just go and get them filled, arses too so I hear. You can’t get a face like yours unless you’re born with it Lexi, you’re stunning.’
‘Do you realise how gay the two of us are sounding right now?’ she asked and we burst out laughing.
‘So we’re ok?’ I asked. ‘No deep seated irrational fears about each other’s best bits?’
‘We’re good, I accepted I’m skin and bones a long time ago. So I take it you turned her down?’
‘She didn’t ask me out Lex, although I’m sure she was flirting with me, she came over because her boss wants me to try out as a dancer for the club.’
‘Seriously?’ she exclaimed.
‘I know right? Sssshhhh I’ll talk to you about it after, Milo’s coming back.’
‘Sorry girls, seriously bad timing at the bar,’ he handed us our drinks.
‘No problem, thanks for going. You’d think they’d have waitress service in a place like this. Listen Milo, I’ve another really big favour to ask you,’ I said as I took a swig.
‘Not a male strip club no,’ he said firmly shaking his head. ‘I’m more than happy here. Oiled up men stripping’s really not my scene.’
‘No, we’re staying here,’ I laughed. ‘I’ve just paid the brunette for a lap dance, as I want to see what it’s all about. If you’re not happy having it, she’ll do it on me, but I think that’d be kind of weird.’
‘You’ve seriously just paid for me to get a lap dance?’ He looked totally taken aback.
‘Yes, is that ok?’
‘You ever tell Jenny about this and I’m in such deep shit,’ he warned.
‘I promise she’ll never hear it from me.’
‘Ok I’m man enough to accept the challenge, let’s do this,’ he grinned as he clapped and rubbed his hands together. Lexi shook her head in despair as I stood up and grabbed my drink.
‘Come on then, we have to move over there, she’ll be out in a while.’
I looked around as I walked across to the lounge area and Cindy was right, I may as well have been in just my g-string for the looks I was getting, Lexi too. We sat down and I made sure on was slightly to the side of Milo so I that could see everything. As we waited we all watched a redhead on the main stage until Cindy appeared at our table a few minutes later and smiled at us.
‘So who’s the lucky recipient going to be?’
I pointed to Milo and glugged back my drink as I watched her every move. It only lasted about five minutes and I wondered how much of the money she actually made out of it. Milo looked happier than I’d ever seen him and Lexi just sat open mouthed.
‘Thanks Cindy,’ I handed her a twenty as a tip.
‘I still want you to call me, audition or not,’ she smiled as she shimmied off. I quickly looked to make sure Milo hadn’t heard that, but he was in his own happy little world.
‘Mia I’ve got to tell you, I may be no lesbian, but I’m seriously turned on right now,’ Lexi yelled.
‘Me too,’ I shouted back and we burst out laughing.
‘You ok Milo?’ I asked, touching his shoulder.
‘Absolutely great,’ he grinned, his eyes glazed.
‘Thanks for doing that for me.’
‘Anytime Mia and I mean that most sincerely.’
I laughed and we all moved back to the stage and watched a few more performances enthralled and I passed Milo the money to tip each girl.
‘Right, I’ve seen all I need to and spent a serious amount of money,’ I said. ‘Are we good to go? It’s nearly 11 and I’ve got a boyfriend I need to ring.’
‘If you don’t mind I’m going to stay a bit longer girls.’ I laughed and kissed him on the cheek.
‘Enjoy yourself Milo. See you tomorrow night at student bar party?’
‘Yep see you then.’
Lexi and I headed out and found a few taxis were already waiting outside, so we hopped straight in one and headed home.
‘You eaten Lex?’
‘No. Why what were you going to do?’
‘I want to ring Gabe and may be a while, but I’m wide awake. I was going to nuke my left over Chinese, you can share it if you want?’
‘No thanks, I may just go and have a lie down for a while, then I’ll do some popcorn and see you in the lounge later.
‘A lie down?’ I asked, trying not to smirk. ‘Is that what they call it?’
‘O shut up, you got me the bloody thing and got me all turned on making me watch sexy half naked strippers gyrating,’ she turned on her heel and stalked towards her bedroom.
‘Lex, aren’t you forgetting something?’
‘Great, now I have to ask you to be able to have a bloody orgasm? This is too much.’
I grinned and went into the bedroom and grabbed her a handful and asked her to turn her music up. She went bright red and grabbed them off me. I laughed and closed my door, kicked off my shoes, pulled off my jeans and checked myself in the mirror. I touched up my gloss, ruffled up my hair then adjusted my boobs and pulled my vest top a little lower so my bra was peeking out. I lay on the bed, partly propped up by my pillows and found Gabe’s number and pressed facetime. He answered within a few rings and I smiled to see his handsome face, he looked so happy to see me.
‘Hi baby.’
‘Hey there sexy boy, I’m feeling very hot and incredibly horny and thought we could try out some phone sex. Look I’ve very little on, a tiny g-string and my nipples are already hard just from thinking about you,’ I said as I scanned the phone down my body.
‘Jesus christ Mia,’ I heard him groan. ‘What’s with our timing
this week? I’m sharing a twin room with Doug and he’s now very excited at the prospect of seeing your hard nipples.’
‘Noooo,’ I angled the phone back up to my mortified face.
‘Yes,’ said Gabe and he turned his screen and I saw Doug lying on the next bed over, grinning and waving at me.
‘Hi again Mia.’
‘Shit sorry Doug.’
‘Don’t worry about it, I just wish I had a girlfriend that would give me that sort of call.’
Gabe’s face reappeared smiling, then he frowned. ‘Why do you look extra sexy? You were supposed to be going to the gym with Milo.’
‘I did go to the gym with Milo, then Lexi joined us and we went to a club. I got all horny thinking about coming home, calling you and letting you show me how to have phone sex. I’m really disappointed Gabe,’ I moaned with a sulky pout.
‘I can still hear you Mia,’ shouted Doug in the distance.
‘Milo’s not in your apartment is he?’ asked Gabe, still looking unhappy.
‘No, of course not, we left him in the club as I wanted to come back for this, I was missing you.’
‘Where did you go? Fazeleys is shut on a Thursday night.’
‘Just some club,’ I shrugged praying he wouldn’t push it.
‘Which one?’
‘Does it matter?’
‘Mia, which club?’
‘Promise you won’t shout at me first,’ I asked.
‘Mia where did you go?’ he asked firmly, using his stern face.
‘I’m not telling you if you’re going to get all shouty with me.’
‘Mia. Where did you go?’ he said forcefully, with a creased brow.
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