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Groomed Page 1

by Bethany Leigh

  Table of Contents



  EBook Offer

  What’s Inside

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  Welcome to

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  My Life as a Kinky Sex Slave

  Chapter 21

  Bethany Leigh

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books


  Bethany Leigh

  Blushing Books

  ©2018 by Blushing Books® and Bethany Leigh

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Bethany Leigh


  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-711-0

  Print ISBN: 978-1-61258-659-5

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  What’s Inside

  FREE Books for Amazon Customers



  Welcome to

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  My Life as a Kinky Sex Slave

  Chapter 21


  Bethany Leigh

  EBook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books

  What’s Inside

  Confident she wouldn't find sex-themed board games among the sets of Monopoly and Risk in Myer or Kmart, Charlotte made a beeline for the specialist games store. Bingo! There they were, in the 'adult' section, unfortunately wrapped in plastic, so she couldn't check their contents. Still, there was bound to be a spanking activity in all of them. Charlotte chose Desires because it had candles and wine on the cover. She felt a tad embarrassed being served by a guy about ten years her junior, but there! It was done. She had the game that would launch DD. She drove home on a high.

  Once home, she tore off the plastic, opened the box. She laid the board on the rug, read the activities on the squares.

  Use your tongue on your lover's body part of choice for X minutes.

  Kiss your lover in X different places.

  Massage your lover for X minutes.

  There were no bloody spanking activities! No 'spank your lover X times', not even a 'tie your lover to the bedpost for X minutes'; one of Charlotte's favourite fantasies was being tied to the bed and spanked. Even the board-game manufacturer thought that if Charlotte wanted Connor to spank her, she had to ask for it.

  Share a fantasy with your lover in X minutes.

  Tell your lover something you'd like them to do to you for the next X minutes.

  Charlotte packed up the game. She thought fleetingly about taking it back to the store, exchanging it for a different one, but decided against it. She'd opened it now, and anyway, who was to say the replacement would contain spanking-related activities?

  She'd still get the game out tonight. It was ages since they'd last had sex. Maybe if she drank enough wine she'd pluck up enough courage to ask for a spanking if she landed on 'Tell your lover something you'd like them to do to you for the next X minutes'.

  It was getting late; she needed to hurry to get everything ready before she had to meet the plane. Charlotte shoved the game beneath their bed, popped the roast in the oven, peeled and sliced potatoes, sweet potato and pumpkin. It took a frustrating half an hour to get a fire roaring in the wood heater; something Connor could manage in less than half the time. She drove to the airport and waved to Connor as he walked into Arrivals. He looked tired and burdened, but his face lit up when he caught sight of her.

  He enveloped her in a hug. "I missed you." He kissed her hair.

  She hugged back, squeezing hard. "I missed you too." They left the terminal hand in hand. "I've got a surprise for you back home."

  "What's that then? Geez, it's cold here."

  "I said it's a surprise, so you have to wait. But I've lit the fire, put a roast on."

  "Sounds great."

  "How's Josh?"

  "He's okay."

  Charlotte didn't ask about Deborah. Connor's face had already clouded over again and she guessed the weekend had been unpleasant. Well, tonight, they could make up for being separated all weekend with a beautiful evening of passion. They'd make love in front of a roaring fire. Maybe, just maybe she'd find the courage to tell him about DD.

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  Thanks so much to Libby Campbell for beta-reading Groomed for me and for being so e
nthusiastic about this book from the moment I first mentioned I was writing it. I am deeply grateful.


  February, 2000

  One hour till it was time to meet Ben.

  Half an hour till she had to leave the house.

  Oh, God, should she go or not?

  Charlotte had always hated should-I-shouldn't-I angst. Right now she wished the deadline had already passed. That she was either sailing into the café, scanning the tables for a dark-haired man in a pale blue shirt, or still here, at home, contemplating what might have been.

  She stood in front of the mirror and pulled on her favourite sundress. The mint, pink and white striped frock skimmed her thighs, revealing plenty of bare flesh when she stretched or twirled. Did it make her look spankable? Charlotte thought so, but who knows what men think? Connor was certainly never tempted to toss up the sundress and spank her scarlet, but, like Panda, Gemma and the others said, he just wasn't wired that way.

  Ben was a spanko, and if he was anything like Panda's Hayden or Gemma's Mark, his instinct would be to spank her.

  Charlotte swallowed. Her mouth was dry and her insides fluttery with dread and delight. What would a real spanking from a real spanko feel like?

  She remembered word-for-word Ben's message about meeting up. Like his other messages, like all the great posts on the forum, the words played on a continuous loop in her mind.

  I think we should meet up a few times, get to know one another first, before we decide whether we want to pursue a disciplinary arrangement. So I propose we meet at a café first, for lunch or coffee, whatever you're most comfortable with. If that goes well, we could meet a few more times in public places before finding somewhere we could meet privately, for discipline.

  She'd thought Ben's idea of taking things slowly, playing it safe, a good one. Maybe she should wear something a little less suggestive for their first meeting. She checked the racks of the walk-in wardrobe for about the hundredth time since she and Ben set the date. A knee-length sundress? Full-length skirt with elegant blouse? Shorts? No, not shorts. She might have a cute-as arse, but shorts were too casual, too one of the boys. Charlotte had had enough of being an honorary bloke, at work as well as at home. If she was going to be in a 1950s-style spanking relationship, however platonic, she wanted to look 1950s-style feminine.

  Forty-five minutes till she had to meet Ben.

  Fifteen minutes till she had to leave the house.

  Decide now, Charlotte, or you'll be late.

  Charlotte stepped into a long cream linen skirt, with splits up each side—elegant, but easily manoeuvrable should she and Ben spontaneously decide to accelerate their arrangement. She buttoned the matching shirt, and riffled through her jewellery for accessories. She selected an amber necklace with matching ear-rings. She'd already applied light make-up, there was just her hair to fix. Twist it into a bun or have it loose around her shoulders? What about a pony-tail? Too little-girlish even if the plan was for Ben to spank her? She left it loose. Men liked long hair. Even Connor was magnetised by it, running his fingers through it.

  Well, he was. Before he ruined everything.

  The resentment still burned. It was Connor's fault that Charlotte was spending her day off work doing something so risky as meeting a stranger from cyberspace. Hayden and Mark would spank Panda and Gemma if they even thought about doing something so stupid. But because of Connor, here was Charlotte—age thirty-six for God's sake, 'old enough to know better' didn't begin to describe it—getting dressed up to meet someone who could be an axe murderer.

  Charlotte shut down that nagging fear. Axe murderers don't want to take things slowly. She gave her wavy dark hair a final brush and sprayed perfume behind her ears, at the bottom of her throat, on her wrists and inside her elbows. She hesitated before putting on her wedding and engagement rings. There was no reason not to wear them. This was the start of a potential disciplinary arrangement, not a possible love affair.

  Handbag, car keys. Cardigan in case it turned cold (yeah, right, the forecast was for 34).

  Thirty-five minutes till she had to meet Ben.

  Five minutes till she had to leave the house.

  Just about enough time to quickly check the internet, make sure he hadn't left a message saying he couldn't make it.

  Then, if she was going to keep their date, she'd better head out to her car.

  Welcome to


  Welcome to the Spanking Sheilas forum, a safe space for Aussies who either practise (or are thinking about practising) domestic discipline to hang out. Non-Aussies are welcome, but this forum is really all about building up a local community whereby Aussie spankos can support and encourage each other. We particularly welcome newbies thinking about introducing the domestic discipline lifestyle into their relationship, and you'll find lots of tips on here on how to go about it and make your relationship the most loving, most respectful, most intimate, and—oh, yes; oh, yes, yes, YES—the SEXIEST it's ever been. So don't be shy, check out the threads and jump right on in!

  Happy spanking!



  September, 1999

  Thread: My worst spanking

  Panda: What was the worst spanking you ever got from your husband? The worst spankings (there were several of them but they were all because of the same thing) I ever got from Hayden happened during our first Christmas after we were married. As you know, I was still struggling with bulimia when we married, and Hayden was trying to help me recover in his inimitable way!

  Well, you know what Christmas and the run-up to it is like. All those work functions! Not to mention family dinners. Our calendar was chock-full of parties and dinners, and I was dreading it. The pressure to eat, having to control myself around so much tempting food, all the guilt about whether I was eating too much or too little. Of course, it would have been best to confide in Hayden, tell him I was finding it difficult. But no, of course, like always, I wasn't very good at being sensible.

  I managed the first function (his cricket club barbecue) okayish. I ate more than I was comfortable with, but I didn't starve myself before or after and I didn't purge. But my body felt uncomfortable and when we attended the second party (my work party) I knew I couldn't carry on eating that way till after Christmas. I'd blow up like a balloon!

  So I skipped breakfast and lunch on the day of the work function. And fortunately it was a buffet, so I filled up my plate under Hayden's eagle eye, then circulated, pretending to eat. But when I thought Hayden wasn't looking, I deposited the contents of my plate in a nearby rubbish bin.

  You guessed it. I'd only *thought* Hayden wasn't looking. Turns out he'd been surreptitiously keeping an eye on me, suspecting I might be up to my old tricks.

  He came over to me, touched me lightly on the arm, and said, "I think it's going to be warmer tonight than we expected," which is his code for, "When we get home tonight, I am going to warm your bottom."

  And, boy, did he. As soon as we got back (after midnight), he told me, "Get ready for bed and I'll see you in my office in ten minutes."

  He looked and sounded so stern that I was showered, in my PJs, and in his office in under ten minutes. I didn't want to risk a second spanking for disobedience!

  When I walked into the office, he was sitting in the armchair and holding a wooden ruler in his hand. My insides lurched, and I whispered, "Hayden, I'm so sorry."

  Hayden tapped his knee with the ruler. "We'll discuss your behaviour after you've been punished."

  I draped myself across his lap. He yanked down my pyjama bottoms and positioned me so that my left arm was trapped against his body. He took my free hand and held it against my back, so I couldn't try to protect my bottom and risk getting my hand struck with the ruler. Then he brought the ruler down hard across my bottom.

  He smacked me over and again with the ruler, concentrating on my sit spots. It wasn't long before I started crying, but he must have given me another twenty hard
whacks before he was through.

  When he'd finished, he gently lifted me up and cuddled me on his lap. "You behaved very badly at the party tonight, sweetheart," he said, gently soothing the sore broad stripes on my bottom as he scolded me. "You didn't eat, you threw your food in the bin, and you tried to deceive me instead of telling me you needed help."

  "I know," I said between gulps. "I'm so sorry."

  "The thing is," he continued, "I now feel like I can't trust you at these functions. So I'm going to take some pre-emptive action before every single function we attend, including Christmas dinner. Before we go out I'm going to spank you. But I will only spank one cheek, and as long as you behave yourself and eat sensibly, that'll be the end of it. But if you misbehave, we'll come home and I'll spank the other cheek. But I hope the one very sore buttock will be a reminder to you to behave yourself all evening."

  The tears dripped from my face as I processed the idea of being spanked almost every day between now and Boxing Night. "We have two functions on Christmas Day," I whispered.


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